Sukor : My Idea Box

By maithu_

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Hey People, I think most of the people here know me. So straight to the point. This book is to discuss about... More

CAY = BIL-SIL Realtionship
Talk with Flechazo
What about MP?
Play with Baby!
New story: Orenda?
Possession: Word or Emotion?
Gossip with the singer!
Open Ground!
Walk with Mr. Cute
Question about title
Chat with Sweeto!
New Concept
Play with The Player
Write with me
Mature Contents
Stories & Titles
A New Award
Readers and Me
Phone call with Mr. Lust
Select Title
Let's get Enchanted
Advance Wishes
A word with you
Letter to Miss. to Mrs. Luck!

You & Me

46 6 4
By maithu_

Yo ppl!

How are you all?
I'm doing great with all the support I get!

It's nice to see you all with a simple chat session!
May be we can exchange not only one or two questions but more if you are all ready!

The only rule here is when we ask a question, we have to answer to it in the same post!
Like that we get to know each other!
And if possible answer to others' questions too!

We can continue this until we all get bored!
What say?

Let me start!
>> What do you like the most in this world? And what you hate?

I like my family the most. 
I know it's sounds cliche but my family composes not only of my parents and sisters but all the people I like even if it's through net. Like you all!
So I resume that as my family. My support system who supports everything I do!
It's the best a person can ask and I'm with that. So super happy.

I don't really hate things.
I just dislike few things.
Like I don't like curd but I have to take it.
Like I don't like people who are biased with gender or people who can't respect others. But I can't hate them as it will make myself differentiate between people, so what I do is to give them a piece of my mind whenever possible!
A few more thinks that I don't like with different level of dislikes.

>> With whom do you want to chat in future and if possible why?

I wish to chat with Flechazo Chakor! That's it for now.

Need a small help buddies!
Can you tell a combination of a girl name from Suraj and Chakor? Please!

That's all buddies!
Waiting for your answers and your questions with the answer!
See you Buddies!


Hi!! maithili,

Thanks for the chat session.
I like reading novels, fan fiction, crime investigation sagas.
I dislike stereotypical mindset. Especially those having no logic at all and just followed blindly.
I want to chat with Suraj from TTW.
Suggested Name :CHARSU 


Thanks a lot dear for sharing those names and your likes!
It's great to know you like a lot to read and meet I love it!
It's one of my nowadays hobbies!
I can understand what you call by stereotypical mindset ppl.
They are just not easy to live with.

For sure we will chat with him one day!
Do you want to ask me or anybody anything here?
Catch you!


Hi sis..

I like to eat ice cream sitting alone in a closed house while watching my fav movie when it rains..
I love to read fictions..and atmost i luv to read ur stories..
I luv my family members i want all to be with me everytime..
I hate the people who will talk at my back..
I hate the people who treats me and others very low..
I want to chat with suraj from cay..


Hey dear!
It's cute the ice cream and movie with rain idea.
Thanks for melting my hear even more than before!
Me too hate those type of people!
Family is the best a person can ask for in mostly everyone's life.
So I wish it stays like that.
For sure we will chat with the arrogant Man but only after the story ends!
Thanks a lot for the suggestions dear!
No questions for me or anybody?

See you!


Ofcourse qs is there sis..
This qs s for everyone..

>>what s the biggest treasure u got in ur life?

My answer is
My mom and dad s the biggest treasure got in my life..tis s usual everyone s having tis golden treasure..
One of the golden treasure i got in my life is my frnds..they r everything to me..i just luv them a lot..i know tat they also luv me a lot..

This qs s only for u sis..
>>how do u get these many ideas of writing diff diff stories?

I am waiting to talk with my cutie pie from CAY!



>> What s the biggest treasure u got in ur life?

As you said: The first treasure that comes in the list our parents!
I feel really lucky to have my parents!
Especially in the case of my studies!
They were never against my wish when I wanted to go to an another city for my higher studies.
So lucky me!

The next treasure I will say is my two little sisters!
They aren't little little, only 4 and 7 years difference between us.
I love them a lot and they love me more than what I do!
It's like I'm the first person in their list when it comes to share anything so same goes for me.

Then it's my studies and whatever experience I got through it!
I was studying in Mulhouse a city in France border near Switzerland.
I learnt few things on my own and a lot more to learn in future.

I will go on with my list, so I stop here.

>> How do u get these many ideas of writing diff diff stories?

I love reading since when I was small!
But left that passion of mine when started higher studies.
When I began my internship of 6 months last year, I began to read books again.
Then there was Udaan and Sukor!
The couple who got me after RishBala from Madhubala!
I just put myself in their place when I write!
What comes first in my mind I write it!
As most of the time, my 1st choice is best than anything else.

Inspiration from stories I read and what I can imagine and what I crossed are what I write!
A lot of things happens around us!
A lot of people are around us!
With that I imagine and write!

More than everything, the support I get from all my Sisters and reader pushes me forward!

Thank u dear!


It seems to be an interesting chat session Maithili...

So,what do I like the most?

The answer is MY WORLD...ok lemme explain,my family,my relations,my friends,my preferences in everything,and all the little,big things in my life matters to be more than myself..but everything in this life,comes with terms and condition.I always tend to look for solace.Something,in your life can provide you happiness,but not peace.Whereas something can not give you happiness,but provide an inner peace..that is what I am in a constant search of..!!!.
But all the thing make me happy,never gave me solace..
So I have an imaginary illusionary world created for myself,the moment something goes wrong in my real world,I immediately switch it off from the real world,and go to MY WORLD,where everything proceeds as per my wish.
So,I like MY WORLD the most.

So,what do I dislike the most?
The fact that each and every thing in life comes with terms and conditions...people even love you until the time when you are according to them...the moment one becomes self,it only inviites non-acceptance from entire sources.
This strange rules of living life is disliked the most by me..

The names-
Sorry dear,I tried but couldn't figure out any names...


Love your world!
I do have a small world of dreams and fairy world where I go whenever I feel sad or not interested in anything!
It helps me to imagine a lot!
And I love that world!

You dislike is the worst part of the men's life!
We want to mould anything and everything according to our wish to be liked!
Else it's a non existent article!

No pbms for the names dear!
Thanks yaar!


The biggest treasure I got in my life...???

The holy book,"Quran"...actually in my opinion,the book is the biggest treasure by the almighty to mankind.
No matter,how worse things are going in my life,the moment I recite the holy book,I always end up getting the answers my inner self was seeking at that moment...
The book is actually a treasure house of living life and enjoy God's gift to the fullest..


I read 'Bhagavad-Gita' and 'Ramayana' just 2/3 years before!
I have read few extracts of Bible when I was in India and here in class but never the holy book 'Quran'.
I hope one day I can read it!


Ok my questions and these are for everyone...

1.what is your biggest fear or insecurity in life?
2.what does your soul yearns for?
3.what is the fact in your life that you can never compromise on?
4.describe your ideal partner that your heart is seeking for?
5.Name any on character from any movie or tv show,that you think describes you the most fully or partially?


Interesting questions buddy!

1.what is your biggest fear or insecurity in life?

To be hated or avoided by someone I don't want to be.
In a way, it's like I don't want to loose that person!

2.what does your soul yearns for?

For love without anything in return.
No rules, nothing, not give and take policy but just love! Care!

3.what is the fact in your life that you can never compromise on?

2 things!
Family! I can never compromise on anything related to my family.
The second one is, whatever I start I need to finish it! It's like an obsession! (Irony of the world: I didn't finish TTW simple story LOL)

4.describe your ideal partner that your heart is seeking for?

To be true, all my heart ask for a to get a person who sees my world as it is and don't judge it! Let me be as I'm and mould me, for sure few things will be changing but it must be naturally. And if the person expects something from me, I expect the same. Like considering both the families as each others, no rules,...

5.Name any on character from any movie or tv show,that you think describes you the most fully or partially?

In that case I would name every characters with something in common! LOL
So going for Udaan!
I would say I'm a mix of Chakor when it comes to a lot of things but I'm sometimes selfish, so 5% of Imli, and 10% of Suraj for decision making but for me it's the best way as I think quick and get to the point, so it helps me.

By the dear, where are your answers?


Those are some deep questions. 

- My biggest fear is being lonely when I'm older, some times life makes even the closest people grow apart, and it's difficult to live without a support system, people who genuinely care for you and support you. 

- My soul yearns for peace of mind and contentment, if you're not satisfied with your lot in life no amount of money, fame or success can change that.

- I can not compromise with my integrity and independence, I don't like being told what to do and I can't do something that goes against my principles.

- My ideal partner is caring, kind who respects me and my loved ones, and he shouldn't be patronizing. The most important thing is to feel that he's the right one, he can be perfect but without this connection things won't work out.

- The closest character to my heart is Anne Elliot, the heroine of Jane Austen's novel Persuasion, we're different in most things, I'm not as gentle or dutiful or patient as she was, but her introspection and inner voice resonated with me from the first time I read the novel. Although I first read it when I was 18 and she was a 28 year old, I felt a connection with her character.


1.My biggest fear in my life is getting old becoz if i get old my parents also become i had a fear of loosing them..

2. My soul yearns for love from everyone..tat means u all people..

3. I don't know wat to say for tis qs..

4. I need partner who understands me very well and respect my parents like his parents..i want him to love me more than anything...

5. I prefer kushi from ippknd..i m a funny person like i won't show my hatered towards anyone..whatever the suituation will be..i won't show tat to anyone..


Hi  maithu

I'm sorry I'm late for this but we had visitors.

- I like my family the most, especially my younger brothers, they are my best friends too.
- I hate two faced people and insincere people who will act friendly to achieve their goals and then show their true colors. 
-I'd like to chat with Suraj from COY, I want to understand how he thinks because so far he's an enigma.
- I couldn't come up with names but I like the names chasur and suracha.


I have only cousins but they treat me like their sister and I love them.

Yeah! I know how it feels to deal it those kind of two faced ppl!
I feel pathetic! How can they be like this!

For sure a chat with Suraj if CAY! After The end only!

No pbm dear!
I think I will use few of these names in my future work!

Thanks a lot!


My biggest treasure in life is my family, they are there for me when I'm happy and when I'm sad, they understand when I'm cranky and advise me when I'm wrong, i can't live without them.


Tats true dr..our family is our biggest treasure..


Few more simple questions! 

>> Describe Udaan in Wattpad in 1 word according to you?(Tell the first word which comes in mind)
>> Tell the one thing you like and one thing you dislike in my writings!
>> One or two places you would like to visit!
>> Your favourite colour!

My answers:

- Udaan = Family
- Like the flow. Dislike the suspense! (I'm the 1st reader of my stories so I judge it as well!)
- I want to do a world tour but I don't know if it's possible, so Australia and Egypt!
- Green

Thanks a lot for participating!

Waiting for your answers!


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