Jennifer Aniston's Daughter

By anistonbullock

8.5K 134 30

I am Brooke Emily Aniston, the daughter of the ever so famous Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux. I love to... More

Jennifer Aniston's Daughter
The Interview Part 1
The Interview Part 2
The Interview Part 3

The Actual Interview

1K 22 2
By anistonbullock

"I know. This is amazing." I say. "This is just...unbelievable." As I finish my sentence, a group of people in front of me and slightly to the left scream, "We love you, Brooke!" I smile and wave to them.

Ellen laughs and says, "I don't know how we're gonna get THIS audience calmed down".

I smile and laugh, not knowing what to say and panicking a little bit.

Ellen could see my nervousness and gave me a look of sympathy.

"So," she begins. "How are you feeling about this new movie you're about to start filming?"

"Well, actually, we started filming Monday and I'm still extremely nervous", I tell her and the audience. "I feel like everyone is expecting me to be as amazing as my mom and dad, but I don't think I can be."

"I'm sure everyone will love you either way".

"Well, thankyou so much!"

The rest of the interview went by quickly and I thanked everyone and walked off stage during a commercial break. I met my mom backstage, where she embraced me in a massive hug. "Honey, you did great!" "Thanks, Mom", I said, forcing a smile that wasn't even the slightest bit genuine. "Are you okay?" "Yeah,I'm fine. I'm just gonna go call Josh". I walked back to my dressing room, where my bag was and pulled out my phone. I had a missed called from Ryan and a voicemail. I clicked on the voicemail to listen to it. "Hey, Brooke! I'm sure you probably didn't answer because you're onstage..or maybe you just can't answer right now..... Anyway, just whenever you get offstage, you should go out and get some air because I'm sure you're relieved that you did well or just relieved it's over. I don't know what you're feeling right now, but either way going out for some air would be helpful...I'm sure. Uh...yeah". I laughed. Really laughed. He is such a crazy kid, but I love him. He's my best friend.

I thought about the voicemail and decided to go outside and get some air before calling Josh. I walked out of the dressing room and headed for the back door. I hesitated before opening the door. I don't know why, I just did. I pushed the door open and saw a kid in a tuxedo, with his back to me. I'm guessing he heard the door shut, because he turned to face me and I saw that it was Ryan. I let out a slight gasp and covered my mouth with my hand, as I noticed he was holding some roses and a giant teddy bear. He dropped the bear and rushed towards me, to give me a huge hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist, mine around his neck and lifted me from the ground, as we made complete circle. My eyes are now full of tears of happiness to see him here. "What are you doing here?", I ask him, still shocked. "I thought you were in New York for the week!" " Well, I was supposed to be, but I couldn't miss your big day! You did amazing! And I had to come take you to a celebration dinner." I smile big as he hands me the roses and picks up the bear. "Thankyou. I gotta get back in. Come on!" We go back in the building arm in arm.


omg late update. sorry, thats why it isnt as good. forgive me

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