Trust: The Blood on Our Hands

By EvilRaccoonBabies

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Four girls, four personalities, four points of view, one priority. Trapped in a social collapse and near apoc... More

Trust: The Blood on Our Hands (Pt. 1)
Trust: The Blood on Our Hands (Pt. 2)
Trust: The Blood on Our Hands (Pt. 3)
Trust: The Blood on Our Hands (Pt. 4)
Trust: The Blood on Our Hands (Pt. 6)
Trust: The Blood on Our Hands (Pt. 7)
Trust: The Blood on Our Hands (Pt. 8)
Trust: The Blood on Our Hands (Pt. 9)

Trust: The Blood on Our Hands (Pt. 5)

190 3 4
By EvilRaccoonBabies

---- Okey dokey!!! Here's part 5! Again, it won't be as action packed, but you still should read. It's got a lot of details in it about the characters, so if you wanna get to know them better, then read this chapter!

"G'morning Sunshine!" Violet chirped as she bopped Ivy on the nose.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty," I joined in, "Where's your bed head?" I teased as I ruffled her hair. She groaned.

"Stop it..." she moaned, smacking our hands away, "I'm not feeling good."

"Time of month?"

"Nooo!!! Shut up!!!"


"GOD NOO!!!" Me and Violet chuckled as Ivy glared at us through nearly closed eyes.

"Aww... Lighten up sweetie. Come on," I coddled as I pulled her into my lap.

"Hmph," she grumbled to herself, but didn't pull away. I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Why so pissy?" I pacified, rocking her back and forth. She turned to me and petrified me with her brilliant, emerald green eyes.

"Dream," she said monotonously.

"Dream? A bad dream?" Violet cut in. Ivy shook her head.

"Nope. A good one." We stared at her confused.

"What was it about?"

"Things were normal," she answered sheepishly, "No more Reapers, no more Crazies, no more B.D.M.S..." Me and Violet looked at each other. I too had dreamed that miraculous dream, and then woke up in this hellhole. It's not a good feeling. Being tricked into thinking everything was fine, that it was all worked out. Then reality comes and bites you in the ass. Not enjoyable.

"I know, hun. I dream like that every night," I reassured. It was true. If I ever had a dream, that was the dream I'd dream.

"But you know what?" a voice popped out of no where, startling us, "Eventually, it'll all be like that again. Maybe someday." We turned and saw Belladonna, still laying on the bed, but facing toward us. She was definitely the most optimistic one in the bunch. Although she may not be 100% right on everything, she believes 100% of what she says. I couldn't help but think that way as well.

"Gasp! She's alive!!!" Violet pretended to be in a stupor, "You're alive, you're alive!" she chanted as she wrapped her arms around Belladonna and shook her from side to side.

"Umm..." Bell questioned her with her eyes, "What.. the... fuck?" I stared at those two girls. They were so different, yet so the same. Violet usually didn't joke around and tease often, at least not since the social collapse. Yet she always changed when she was close to B.D. I guess it's because they're cousins. You can tell. The only difference is their hair and eye color. Violet is only an inch or so taller than B.D, despite the fact that she was two years older than B.D. Bell's hair was a chocolate mousse brown that swirled in frizzy ringlets and framed her small face and square chin. Violet had the same curls only longer and heavier, not to mention much darker. She wasn't sure if she was black or brunette, because her mother AND father were brunettes. But the midnight shade of black that hung from her head was hard to deny. Aside from that they didn't appear much different, except for their eye color. Violet's eyes were a deep blue that could hypnotize you. Belladonna's were a subtle grey. Even then they still had the same eyes. Both their eyes could smile, but Violet's eyes hardly ever did. Bella's eyes were almost constantly smiling. I wondered how that little girl did it. To be so happy in a time so sad, she could always make things alighted. That quirky little girl compared so much to that mature, solemn young woman.

Belladonna could always bring out the brightness in Violet, most likely because Belladonna could remind her of a time before the breakdown of civilization. Both had lost their families. Both had found each other. The likely hood of two girls in the same town, in the same situation, in the same FAMILY finding each other is just dumbfounding. I could see why they clung to each other and why they looked at each other so intently with love and compassion. I was happy for the two, but I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. I wish I could have the same relationship with them, or perhaps, maybe Ivy.

"I'm hungry," Ivy grumbled and started to slide out of my grip. I chuckled. Ivy was always a little bratty. Not nasty or preppy, just a little spoiled. She was beautiful though, which is probably why she got away with so much. She had long golden brown twists in her hair which reached down to the small of her back. Her eyes were huge emeralds, yet slightly droopier than most. Most likely from sleep deprivation. She was much more lady-like than the rest of us. Didn't take to killing as much either. Of course, the girl would fight dirty if she had to, but if the situation would let her, she would step away from a scuffle. She was a sweet-heart when she wasn't complaining though. She could make you feel like a million bucks if she wanted to. Which, thankfully, she usually did.

As I look at each of these girls, its hard not to compare oneself to them. I have bright red hair that twists from my head like flames. My eyes are an almost copper color that often change between copper to brown. Ivy, Violet, and Belladonna are particularly small for their age. I, however, won't deny, I am the tallest. I'm taller than most guys I know (or knew.) With my tall stature, muscular build and flaming red hair, I guess you could call me an Amazon. I don't particularly like the name, however. One boy at my school used to tease and say, "Hey Amazon! Where's your bow and arrow!" I would just answer, "Hey wise-ass! Where's your mom and your dentist? 'Cause you'll be callin' both of 'em when I'm done with you!"

"So Zombie, what did you dream about?" Violet guffawed while lying on the bed with an arm wrapped around her cousin. She hesitated, which got our attention. Finally she let out a breath and answered:

"The Scavenger girl." We all stiffened, especially Violet. Belladonna seemed really sensitive about the situation. Apparently, something about this girl stuck with her.

"Honey, you know that wasn't your fault. We all would have done the same thing," I tried to comfort, but I'm guessing it didn't help because she started crying. She's such an emotional person, not a crybaby per say, but she isn't afraid to show how she feels on a subject. I wonder why this upset her so much. I'm guessing guilt. I probably would have felt the same way, but I usually don't care about anything much more than me and my girls.

"We've got to stick up for us and us only," Violet crooned to her as she stoked her hair.

"We can't trust anyone else."

"But," Bella interrupted, "She could've been a good person. She could've belonged to a group like... like us. They're probably m-m-mourning the loss of their g-g-girl right now. Think if that girl was one of... of us!" She was losing her voice and it was shaking uncontrollably.

"She was alone, B.D." I added, "If she belonged to a group, then she'd be with them." Those grey eyes bore into mine, making me pause, "I'd... personally, I'd rather be dead than stuck in a world like this. We probably did her a favor."

"But what if we came to love her like we do each other! What if she was like one of us!"

"And what if she wasn't!" I snapped and Belladonna stayed quiet after that. She just curled into Violet and cried silently. I instantly regretted my reaction. Usually, when I snap, the person I snap at most likely deserved it. But it's different if I hurt one of my girls. We never want to hurt our girls. We call one another "Our girls" because, in essence, we are. We put our lives in one another's hands. We are the only people in this world that we trust.

Trust. Hmm... Isn't that a funny word.

---- So know you know more about the lovely characters! Know I would like you to post a comment on which character you like most so far. I really can't pick and choose ('cause I'm the writer, I shouldn't) but I have a strong connection to Belladonna because she's based off of me. She's not my fav character though. They all are, actually...

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