Vampire Academy Series - Spir...

By Tu_Madre

3.6K 13 8


Vampire Academy Series - Spirit Bound

3.6K 13 8
By Tu_Madre

Omg I had to write about it. I love the 6th book of the Vampire Academy series. Spirit Bound. I Both hated it and thought it was genious. She is one of those authors that write books that are not only interesting at the middle but also at the start and the ending. In Spirit Bounds lots of things happen that makes me hate it. But i will not ruin it for you. The book is great but on my opinion i didn't like it because i love Dimitri. If you have read this please comment and tell me. I would love to hear what you think about it. If you haven't read it read it you'll love it. You'll love the main character and her love Rose And Dimitri.

P.S Dimitri is so Hot wit a capital H

Book Titles all by Rachelle Mead

Vampire Academy - Book 1

Frost Bite - Book 2

Shdows Kiss - Book 3

Blood promise - Book 4

Spirit Bound - Book 5

This one hasn't come out yet

Last Sacrifice - Book 6

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