
By perpetualblah

63.1K 1.8K 896

Riley moves to London and Lucas & Maya become bestfriends after she lost her best friend and he lost his girl... More

Authors note
1st chapter of sequel is up!!


3K 98 95
By perpetualblah

(Kinda mature chapter. Kinda not. Just a warning)

The next morning Maya woke up early and got dressed. She went to the kitchen and heard a knock on her door. She opened it.

Lucas grabbed her face and pulled her in. They placed their lips together.

Lucas pulled back.

"Maya. I want you. Not Riley not anyone else. You" he said.

She smiled and kissed him.

Maya sat up in bed. That was a weird dream. She got up to go get a glass of water and then went back to bed.

The next day Farkle, Riley, Maya, and Lucas all went to Rileys to hang out.

They were sitting in her room.

"Guys. Let's do something fun. How about a game?" Maya said.

"Candy land? Or monopoly?" Riley smiled.

"Not those kind of games. Truth or Dare where you have to be completely honest" Maya said.

"I'm so in" Lucas said.

"Me too" Farkle said.

"I don't know. It seems like this could cause a problem" Riley said.

"Come on riles. It won't cause any problems. What's said is said and it stays between everyone in the group"

"Fine. I'm in" Riley said.

"Great! Who wants to go first?" Maya asked.

"I'll go" Lucas said.

"Farkle truth or dare"


"If you had to choose between Riley and Maya who would you pick?"

"I already told you all. I could never pick. I have everything figured out through science except why I could never choose between them" Farkle said.

Maya smiled and her and Riley hugged him.

"Ok Farkle your turn"

"Lucas truth or dare"

"I'm gonna start with truth" he said.

Farkle smiled and looked over at Riley and Maya.

"Have you ever fantasized about anyone in this room and if you have who"

"I don't know if I should answer that-" Lucas said.

Maya stopped him. "No no no no. You have too. It's the game we are playing. Follow the rules" she laughed.

"Ok yes and the person was Maya" he said.

Riley laughed and then covered her mouth when Maya shot her a glare.

"Me huckleberry? What were we doing?" She asked.

"Not your turn Maya" Lucas shrugged.

"Riley can go now"

"Maya truth or dare"


"Is it true you've kissed Brady Smith?" Riley asked.

Maya froze. That's the one thing she never told Lucas.

"Brady Smith?" Maya asked.

"You know. The pitcher for the baseball team. Running back for the football team. Forward guard for the basketball team..."

"Oh yeah maybe once" Maya shrugged.

"You never told me that" Lucas said.

"Well it wasn't a big deal" Maya said.

"Ok Riley truth or dare"


"Did you have any boyfriends in London?"

Riley smiled. "No. But there was a guy I was really close to" she said.

"My turn. Maya truth or dare"


"Why didn't you tell me you kissed Brady. I thought we told each other everything"

"Lucas it wasn't a big deal. Not every kiss means something" Maya said.

"Lucas truth or dare" Farkle said.


"I dare you to kiss Maya"

"Farkle.." Maya said.

"You said it yourself Maya. Not every kiss means something"

They looked over at Riley and she smiled a small smile.

"You have to do it" Farkle said. "It's the rules"

Lucas got up and Maya stood up.

"How long" Lucas asked.

Farkle shrugged.

Maya stood on her tippy toes. Lucas grabbed her face and placed her lips on his. They moved in sync for about 11 seconds until Maya pulled away.

They sat back down and Maya looked over at Riley who was playing with her fingers.

"Your turn riles" Maya said.

"Ok but first can i go to the bathroom real quick?" She smiled.

"Sure" Maya said.

She left and Maya slapped Farkles arm.

"Why'd you do that"

"I gave the dare for Lucas to kiss you. I didn't say it had to be on the lips. I didn't say you had to makeout. That was you two" Farkle said.

"We didn't makeout.." Maya said.

"A kiss over 8 seconds is a making out"

"How long was ours"

"Longer than 8 seconds"

Maya looked over at Lucas and he smiled. She smiled back.

Riley came back in.

"Ok Farkle truth or dare" she said sitting down on the floor next to Maya.


"When you and Maya went out did you ever kiss"

"No we only went out twice-"

"Not this last time. The first time"

"Oh. Then yes"

"Maya's turn" Farkle said.

"Riley. Truth or dare"


Maya smiled over at Farkle.

"I dare you to kiss Farkle on the lips" Maya said.

"Really Maya?" Farkle said.

" not every kiss means something" she shrugged.

Riley got up and so did Farkle. They kissed for two seconds and then sat down.

"Truth or dare Farkle" Lucas said


"Have you ever went to second base with anyone"

"That's a little personal"

"You asked me about my sexual fantasies with Maya. There's no going back now" Lucas shrugged.

"Yea I have" Farkle said changing the question.

"Rileys turn" Maya interrupted

"Ok Lucas truth or dare"


"When's the last time you had a fantasy about Maya"

"Uhh I don't remember" Lucas said.

"Ok just say long time ago or not a long time ago"

"Not a long time ago" Lucas said.

"Less than a month ago?" Riley asked.

Lucas looked over at Maya who looked amused.

"Yes" he said quietly.

"What was that?" Maya laughed. "You didn't say it loud enough"

"Yes. The last one was less than a month ago"

"Last one? So there's more?" Farkle asked.

"Ok. You guys are so going out of the rules. We have been playing this way to long. I gotta get home"

Maya stood up. "Me too"

Maya hugged Riley. "Bye honey"

Lucas gave Riley a quick peck on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow" he said.

They walked out together.

"Awe so sweet you fantasize about me" Maya teased.

"Yeah well I don't try to"

"I'm touched" Maya smiled.

"Y'all are never gonna let me live it down"

"Sorry babe." Maya said. "It's gold though"

"Well do you fantasize about anyone"

"Only Steph Curry" Maya laughed. (By the way can we take a minute to just appreciate steph curry cause dang. He's fine)

Lucas nodded.

"What do we do in your fantasys" Maya asked.

"Sit and have tea" he said sarcastically.


"No. Their called sexual fantasys for a reason"

"Well can you just tell me one of them. Like explain one"



"That's not something you talk about"

"Fine. I'll respect your privacy"

"Good. Thanks"

"But if it involves me I have a right to know"

"Drop it!" Lucas said.

"Ok. Consider it dropped."



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