The Raven Girl

By DarkVampNerd

21 1 1

The Raven Girl. The girl who survived the end of the world along with five others. One of them being her long... More

The Raven Girl

21 1 1
By DarkVampNerd

The Raven Girl


Is this some sort of joke? No it can't be.. as i walked quietly and slowly into the street with cars swerved in different directions. and the sky was grey and red flares bombing out of the ground sprinkling into the sky. My knees buckled in fear, i knew it. Knew that i came here for a reason to understand that i couldn't live in fear myself forever.

A person's arm dragged me into the shadows of an dark alley near by.  ''Who- Who are yo-" The person covered my mouth and 'shh'd me. At least somebody was alive... i wouldn't live with the fact that I might be the only living organism in the whole universe.

A growling noise boomed from just around the corner. The shadow stopped until it limped away with the same growling noise. I was shitting my pants by now. "Who are you?" I cocked my eyebrow at the person until i realized that is was a guy.

"Sean, come on let's get moving" he grabbed my hand and led me through the alley into a door creaking and squeaking as if it hadn't been opened in years. He closed it behind him before candle's were lit in every direction of the room. It lighted up the whole room showing the other survivors.

Three women and one man. The other guy rolled his eyes, "Sean you could of- wow. Who's this little pretty thing'?" i widened my eyes in surprise. Seriously? Lots of guys had tried that before him... But something made me suspicious. How did they survive the nuclear blast? But how did i?

I can't just expect things to turn up until i know what is going on. "Sean.. who- or w-what are those things out there?" i trembled with my words. Sean pierced his eyes through mine. I think he was deciding whether to tell me.

He sighed deep before sitting down on the old couch. "Zombies. This world has somehow been invaded. No one knows what they are.. or what they could do. But all we know is that they... want to destroy our unknown planet to them." how did he know all this? I can't keep asking questions.. they'll get suspicious of me.

They can not know me. No one can, because i might of been one of them. It still doesn't explain why I'm human although.

But i can see everything correctly though. I have these powers.. of changing form of sorts. Why am i like this? I may think that was the last thing i had of myself. ''-and as I was saying. They'll destroy us, it's like they want something. They wouldn't come here for war without an explanation." Sean continued.

"Sean.." he looked over at me with his truthful eyes. Although mine aren't. "I think" i paused. "That they came for me." one of the woman gasped. And furrowed her eyebrows together. She said, "Why would they want you?"

I said, "Good question. I can not tell you, but to show you." they stared back at me like I was crazy or something.

I thought of awhile back a couple days before this happened when me and father were camping out in the woods. I asked him if i could walk around for a bit. He said okay, just to come back before dark. As i was walking around maybe i've been to far off campsite and almost been killed by a bear.

The bear had a fuzzy coat of brown fur and a black sleet nose. It growled as if it hadn't been eating in years. My eyes began to have tears pop out, i called for help. Nobody heard me, maybe they were all sleeping.. I looked up checking if the moon was up. It was.

Bears.. i've always loved them until now. A gun shot noise made the bear run off in the opposite direction. I hadn't been that scared until now.

My vision suddenly became more darker seeing as it was really bright in here. I grown a couple feet and fur spreaded out of my skin with tingles. Everybody moved a couples paces back even Sean. He probably thinks of me as a freak now... I'm so stupid.

Sean's guy friend said, "What the hell? You weren't Lieing, Sean. dude she can help us," Sean stared hopefully back up at me. His gleaming smile made my heart pump so loud you could hear it. Sean and his friend walked to a corner and whispered at each other for a couple minutes.

The women stared at me with jealousy as Sean keeps looking my way. I blushed but as a bear... i don't think you can. But one woman made me think i've seen her before. That was before i noticed that it was my sister Kailey.

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