Pure Heart (watty awards 2012...

By Lhafez98

29.7K 757 588

........"There! Now let me lo-" he stopped. And when I turned to look at him he stared at me with eyes as wi... More

Pure Heart- chapter 1
Chapter 2-
Chapter 3-
Chapter 4
Chapter 5-
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10

chapter 6-

1.6K 47 29
By Lhafez98

Chapter 6-

"***has been removed***

If you want to keep reading it's being sold as an e-book for the kindle on amazon.


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Chapter 6-

"Our track meet is in a week in a half, so I need you guys to start taking practice seriously." Everyone glanced  toward me for some reason, even coach. I shrugged my shoulder in confusion. He shook his head at me dissapointly but I was to busy in my thoughts, that I didn't really want to interpret what he was trying to say---or more like, I didn't care. "Your uniforms are in that box over there. After practice, go give your name to that girl over there." He pointed to a short girl on the other side of the field. "By the way, she'll also give you everything you'll need at the meets. So water and food are going to be given to you at meet, so there's no need for you to get your own. Also no school bags, you're gonna be here setting up." Everyone groaned. Someone shouted "At least we don't have to go to class!" and everyone shook their head in agreement.  But still, setting up the place would be very tiring.  We will have to set up these huge tents for the other teams to sit on, set out a food station for the coaches, and they usually make us walk the course to make sure that it's all good...


I was panting for breath after practice. My heart beat was so fast. I leaned down and rested my hands to my knees, trying to catch some breath. Soon enough though I was back to normal--breathing like a normal person. That was the fastest recovery I think I've ever done! Must be a sign that I'm getting better at this! Right?

 I headed to where the girl is supposed to be, but she wasn't there. At first I was really annoyed, it was already five o'clock, and I wanted to go home. I waited for her; maybe she went to the bathroom I thought. But she didn't come.  It past ten minutes--or at least it feels like ten minutes--and she still wasn't here! I was starting to get impatient.  I was about to turn around and leave, but because there was a tap on my shoulder.

"May I help you?" the deep voice said. My body sivered as I heard the voice, it was so familiar.  The deepness in the voice was so deep yet so high, so scary yet so relaxing, it was all like opposites. Sometimes I wonder how that's possible though.  It's just like when you're falling off the highest peak of a rollar coaster.  In that moment you feel extrememly nervous or scared and at the same time you feel the opposite--enegetic, excited! That's how I felt right now.

The man cleared his throught and asked me the question again.

 Suddenly I realized who it was. The way he just cleared his throat, Noah does that before he starts talking to me It's Noah I thought. But anyone can clear their throat. But no, I think that it is Noah, even though I usually feel Noah, and I don't right now, I think it's him.  I'm kind of convicing myself because I really wanted to see him.  It's been a while.  I smiled thinking of Noah's beautiful face.

 He tapped my shoulder and I spun my head around. I gave a long and tired sigh. The excitement in me fell. "My name is Casey. Casey M. Perugy. "I said gloomy. Why did my heart feel sad all of a sudden? Because he wasn't Noah. He was some random guy I had no interest in. I huffed and puffed furiously, as I waited for the guy to get my uniform.

"Medium, correct?"

"Yup." I replied giving a last puff.

I held up my uniform out in front of me as I walked back home. I think I should have ordered large shorts, because the medium reached my upper thigh. Too short for me.

"I think they look good on you." said a voice out of nowhere. I jumped back startled as I stared shocked at Noah. His face was right next to mine and rested on my shoulder.

"What are you doing here?!"I yelled wide eyed. He was right on top of me. I moved away from him. He tilted his head in confusion. "I...I mean where did you come from?" I smiled politely. He snickered. He must have noticed my change in attitude. Suddenly he took my shirt and held it up in the air. Then he placed it on top of me. He started nodding his head.

"So, where did you come from?" I asked.

"I come from here, I'm a New Yorker." He replied. Really? I thought sarcastically. Wow, what an idiot.

"No, like where were you going? You don't usually walk around here, right?" I sighed.

"Oh! I was on my way to..." he paused for a second looked around then pointed to the grocery over at the end of the block.

"Mmhm. You're not a good liar."

"Oh really? Always thought I was an awesome one." He said lightly, but from the look on his face I could tell he knew something I didn't. But when the grocery store came he didn't go in, he kept walking next to me.

"I thought-"I tried saying.

"I'll walk you home." he said. "And that's what I'm going to do; I wouldn't be a proper gentleman if I didn't."

"Uh? Ok?" I replied more like a question. We walked and then I stopped at the red light. Noah kept going. I took his hand, and pulled him back. If he walked out like that he'd get hurt.

He turned and looked at me. He tugged on my hand to come with him. I looked to my right and there was a huge pickup truck driving toward us.

"N-n-no. I don't think-"

"C'mon" he whined. "It'll be fun; I know you'll love it. And I've done it a million times." I looked back at the truck; it had stopped at a red light before this one. It was safe. I looked up at him, feeling like I can trust him. So, I ran but when our eyes met, I stopped. Right in the middle of the street. I knew a vision was coming because I was getting dizzy. But before I was in another one of those visions I gazed at his lips. He smiled and he started running. To the other side. Without me.

I was sprawled on couch when I opened my eyes. Was I in a vision, or is this real?

"Who are you? You're not the Noah I know!" I heard a male's voice yell. Definatly not Noah. I ran to the kitchen. There, Noah stood. He held a guy up from the throat up against the wall. I crouched behind the door, scared. "You're right. I'm not." Noah said as he smiled an evil smile. I knew what would happen though; he'd be stabbed in the heart like all those girls in the other visions.

"I love my life!" the boy yelled. My heart ached for him; there was no way to escape the tormenting death lying ahead. I can't handle this anymore! I can't! My head screamed for help.

"I can't!" I yelled out. I ran full speed at Noah. I expected him to fall, but I went straight through him. He continued to walking toward the knife on the table, as if nothing happened. He raised the knife and when he was ready to strike I screamed out no. Then the vision shattered to a million pieces without me seeing the man die, and was back into my lifeless body that stood in the middle of the street.

The truck was at full speed a couple of feet away. Would I make it to the other side where Noah stood and watched? I looked over at him. I was a goner. Tears rolled down my cheek, my heart fell to the ground. I'd die, without telling Noah how I felt. But what happened next, happened so fast. I watched Noah signal me to run to him, and I don't think I remember telling my body to move, but somehow it did. Then Noah moved closer and I jumped in his arms. Laying my head on his shoulder I listened to the screech of the tires, followed by a lot of cursing. When I looked to the driver, he stuck out the finger and said "Watch where you're going, you little brat!" then after he was done with letting his feelings out he finally left.

I breathed hard, adrenaline still pumping through my body. He combed my hair with his fingers.

"What happened? You stopped in the middle of the road, and I don't know just stood. I thought you were going t-t-to die." he said shaking. He looked down at his shoes. Was he embarrassed? Did he just admit to liking me, or afraid for me? My heart softened. I held his hand forgetting that I was about to get run over by a truck.

"I thought I was going to die too." The thought made me sick. "I thought that that would be the last time I'd see you." Tears rolled down my cheeks. "I thought my life would end, just when I was starting to like it." I looked up into his eyes not knowing what to expect. I don't want a vision now; I want to see his eyes for real, once at least. And surprisingly, I saw no visions. But I felt like I had used all my energy not to do so and my legs couldn't hold me up any longer. My head bobbed from one side to another and I slowly fell into a deep sleep, watching his eyes as I did. A long rest waits ahead.

I woke up safe and sound in my bed all tucked up. My shoes and coat were off and I had a fresh pair of clothes prepared for me on my drawer. My keys were hung on a key hook. I don't remember coming back home. The last thing I can remember is me and Noah together, on the curb. Oh. Then I fell asleep. Then he must've brought me home. But who prepared my clothes? My mom never does that. Unless he went through my things! Oh my! Did he see my under garments?! My cheeks flushed red from the thought. But then I remembered him, scared for me. I saw the moment over and over in my head, when he lowered his head. And his beautiful eyes. There was a slight chance he did like me, and I had to find out.

In practice there were only a couple of people running. I ran but today I was really out of it. All I could think of was Noah.

"Keep it going Casey, you doing good." Coach yelled. I gave him a confused look, and then looked at my legs. They were running faster than they ever did before. And I'm not one bit tired. I kept the pace for another 5 laps. Then Coach called me in. My legs hurt a tolerable pain; I was so surprised that I just did something like this. Coach patted my back.

"Is it me, or are you not one bit tired?" I shrugged.

"Big race comin' up, gotta work hard." I said.

"Well, you kept that pace for practically the whole time. I think I might put you in distance. What you think?"

"Whatever's best, Coach." I said, bored.

"Ok, I'll have to time you next practice. Now go back and cool down and I'll see you soon." he said.

It's been a couple of days, since the truck moment with Noah. This morning was a weekend and boy was I glad. I didn't want to learn another day. The teachers are all so boring all of a sudden and I could sleep in their class. Of course I couldn't sleep in class. Isn't it weird when the good student does something bad ONCE, teachers go all bogus and crazy. But when a bad kid does something, they don't make a big deal out of it. So I can't just close my eyes for a second without being yelled at by the teacher.

I begged my mom to make the grounded thing less, because she was torturing me.

"You won't run away like you did before?" she had asked.

"No Ma, I will not run away. And I am very sorry. And anyway, I have to get a grip on myself now." I said. She believed me. And the thing was, I didn't have a grip. I still wanted to find Mr. Strange and show him what I've got. I gotta get Mish's revenge. But Mr. Strange just hasn't been showing up. Since the day I met Noah in the hospital, he has disappeared. But I had an interesting day to come, and I wasn't going to let my thinking get to me. I just want to live like any girl, like the girl I was before, like Casey. I miss her. Maybe today she'll come back out. Maybe

I was going to meet Noah at the corner of my street and we'd go to the park. I couldn't tell Ma, because she'd grown a grudge against him. She said he was strange and uncomfortable. But, I can't stay away. I'm like a magnet, gotta stick on to another. And anyway, he invited me. I flashed back to Friday after school.

The sun was hot on my skin, and the way the flowers smiled at me made it feel like summer. I was getting ready to ride the train, when Noah walked up to me. As he walked I noticed his hair was messy and all over the place. It's usually gelled to the right, I thought. Well, it made him look cuter than ever.

"Like the look, fits you good." I said. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Thanks, hoped you'd like It." he look at the floor than stared up at my with what you could say, puppy eyes. Ooh. So adorable! I just want to pull on those cheeks! I smiled to the ground and as if it was a reaction pulled my hair behind my ear with my fingers.

"So, uh, I was thinking" he said. "That maybe you wanted to hang out tomorrow?" My heart leaped right out of my chest and my face lightened.

"Of course I would!" I blurted, and my hands automatically clasped over my mouth. I sounded so desperate! "I mean ya, I'd love to Noah." I said embarrassed. "Where are we going to go?"

"Oh, I haven't thought of that yet. But where do you want to go?" he said.

"Anywhere, wherever you want to go." I replied.

"Anywhere, where do you want to go?"

"Where do you?" I sighed. When I realized he'd never give in I said "Meet me at the corner of my block at two o'clock, and we'll go to the park?" I suggested.

"Sounds good. See you then." And just like that he left, the moment was gone, and I stood there alone.

I was so excited I got so dressed up, and put on a little makeup. By the way I never put on makeup; it just shows that this was something really big to me. When I was at the corner it was five minutes after two. I waited, and waited, and waited. Had he set me up? But then at two twenty I saw a figure running toward me. As it got closer I was able to make out the features and I realized it was him, Noah. He was panting.

"Sorry I'm so late! I was sleeping, and woke up at one something and I came here as fast as I could." he said catching his breath.

"Oh it's okay. I only waited for a little while." I lied. I let him relax then we started walking to the park. When we reached the open field we laid on the grass next to each other.

The breeze was cool as it ran past me. The sun was up high in the sky with the flying birds.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" My head suddenly flips toward him. He keeps looking up.

"Ya." I said. He took my hand.

"You're different than other girls I met, Casey. There's something that just pulls me to you. I have no Idea what it is though." My eyes widened. He had the same affect on me too!

"I have the same feeling! I'm just pulled to you too!" And I squeezed his hand. He turned to his side and leaned on his elbow. Amazing, I thought.

"Was it cuz of my good looks?" he flipped his hair. "Or my perfect, good in shape body?" he said while extending his arm out for a hug. I pushed him away.

"You narcissist!" I yelled at him laughing. He still tried giving me a bear hug but I kept fighting back. When I finally gave up he held me close.

"I don't know what that means, but I'm taking it as a complement." he said in my ear. I snorted. He tossed me around in his arms. We hear an ice cream truck pass by. He turns and smiles at me and I smile back, then we both dash out where we came from. Toward the truck.

" Thanks" I say as the driver handed us the cones. We both started licking away. In no time I had ice cream all over my mouth. When I least expected it, Noah pulled out a cell phone and I heard a clicking sound. He had taken a picture of me. I struggled to get the phone from him. Every time he saw the picture he'd start to laugh. When he finally decided to show it to me, I started laughing too. Because I wasn't disgusting, I was cute, just like a little child. So I didn't delete the photo.

"I'm putting it as my wallpaper." he laughed. I folded my arms.

"Fine, but no one's allowed to see it other us." he nodded his head. We finished our ice cream.

"Are you hungry, cuz I'm starving." he said. I looked down at my stomach. It growled.

"Actually I am." I replied. He took my hand and jumped off the ledge we were sitting on.

"Let me take you somewhere you'll love." And with that he got me. I was heads over heels for him, and I let him take me.

We walked for around half an hour before we were in front of a medium sized house, surrounded by nothing. Only trees.

"Uh, where are we?" I asked him confused. I thought we'd go to like a McDonald or something.

"Oh, sorry. This is my home." he pointed toward the house. He didn't sense the confusion in me.

"Not to be rude, but, what are we doing at your house Noah?"

"I make a killer turkey, or grilled chicken sandwich. Your choice. You like subs, don't you?" I do in fact like sandwiches but, it didn't feel right to enter his home. He tilted his head.

"I do." I said hurriedly. And just like that we entered his home.

To my surprise it wasn't dirty or messy or anything. It wasn't clean either but it was ok.

"Sit down here." he pointed to the big black, leather couch. "So turkey or chicken?"

"Grilled chicken, thanks." I wheeled in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He stood wide eyed. Then he gave me a big and goofy smile, as if dazed by what I've just done. I smiled back and sat down on the couch. There was something uncomfortable under me. I waited for him to leave and looked down at where I sat. Potato chip bag. Ugh. Guys. I thought. Later, I started looking around his house. I really wanted to see his room. What color was it? What stuff does he have in there? As I walked around I opened the door to a room. It had boxes, closed boxes. It was empty other than that. I wanted to see what they carried but I had to see his room first. I walked toward a door slightly open. When I pushed it, I looked into a massive room that had so many art stands. The thingy you paint on. Have no idea what you call them. I walked up to the biggest canvas. When I turned to see it, I caught my breath. The picture was of me. Me! Sitting on the grass reading my book. The day I ran from home, and then I got grounded. He was that boy painting. Why would he paint me, does he really like me that much? I touched the art piece.

"You never asked to come in here." I jumped. Noah leaned his elbow on the door way and stood there looking at me. I scratched my head.

"Well, ya I know. But I was interested in seeing uh, your room. Sorry." I said embarrassed. He walked over to where I was.

"Checking to see my underwear? Eh?" he joked. I sighed, letting him know I didn't want to have this conversation.

"It's not done yet. "He said touching the black and white background. It was beautiful like that. He didn't need to do anything.

"What?! It's awesome like that. When you leave the background as it is, it makes the girl pop out. I mean it brings her out." I said. I waited a little, taking in the picture. "It's me?"

"Yes, the day you were at the park. I thought you'd noticed me, cuz you looked my way. I was wrong though."

"I did see a guy painting, but I didn't expect it to be you." I claimed. I looked around the rest of the room. From bowls of fruit with oranges, and apples, to abstract and people. Me. He had another sketch of me on a smaller canvas walking down the block of my house.

"Was this the day when I almost got run over by the truck." I asked.

"Ya, you really had me." he said. "You were really pretty too, adorable." he whispered.

"What?" I pretended not to hear.

"Uh, nothing." he said. "You like em'?"

"I love them, they're so beautiful. Did you switch my face, because I never looked this cute in my life." I said jumping in his arms.

"No, that's how you always look, cute and innocent." he patted my head. My cheeks flushed. "Let's go out to the kitchen, your sandwich is ready." And I was carried out of his room and into the kitchen.

He sat me on a chair where I started on munching on my sandwich.

"Mmm...you're right. You do make a killer sandwich." I said amazed.

"I make a killer everything." For some reason that statement bothered me. When I looked at Noah, he had a sharp knife in his hand, facing toward the sink. I started feeling uneasy. He's just washing it I tried telling myself. But, my mind kept playing my dream. The one where he killed me.

He started turning around. The knife was still in his hands. I looked down at my sandwich sickly. I sensed him behind me. This was the end of me if I didn't do something now! I turned around and he had the blade an inch away from me. Then he turned to the left, spun the knife in his hands a couple of times, and then looked at me, eyebrow raised.

"What ya think?"My mouth fell open.

"About you trying to kill me!?" I rose up from my seat and prepared to dash to the front door. He acted confused.

"What are you talking about? I was playing pirate." he said defensively. Pirate?

"You serious? Pirate? You've got to be kidding me." I said holding back a laugh.

"What!? A boy can play. I bet you kiss your teddy bear everyday at night!" he shouted.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"No! Stop it you murderer!" I said.

"Ay, that's what a pirate likes to hear, Matey." he said. I took a pillow off the couch and threw it at him. My alarm went a little down, but still my conscience told me to run.

He threw the knife in the sink then chased after me with the pillow. I screamed, he yelled, I fell, and he fell. It was like the perfect movie seen. When he finally caught me we both flopped down on the couch. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. I looked into his deep eyes. I felt them try consuming me into another vision. I say blurry. Stuck between real and fake. I just wanted to be with Noah, I want to be in the real world. He's nothing to be scared of, they're just things that come up, images my mind makes. They want me to stay away. They're just like my mom, and I do not want to be like her. And I was in Noah's arms, tired but still awake. Finally the images trying to push into my head left, and they left exhausted.

It was already six o'clock when I decided to leave his house.

"Are you sure? We could spend the night together." he smiled a bad boy smile.

"Sure." I said sarcastically. "My mom would definitely let me sleep over at a guy's house."

He laughed, and I think I had an idea of what he was thinking. Guys, I thought. So nasty. I grabbed the door knob but Noah grabbed my hand.

"Ima miss you." he said.

"Relax, it's not like it's gonna be the last time we ever meet again." I laughed. He looked at his shoes. "Is something wrong?" He shook his head no. I let it go.

"Well, there's the track meet this Tuesday. Maybe you'd want to go?" I asked.


I shook my head yes.

"I can't make it." he said. My heart sank.

"It's fine." I said pressing my lips together. He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, next time don't put on makeup. You look better without it."


Count down to the track meet. Two more days. I'm so nervous! I'm scared I won't be able to please Coach. People say I'm the best, you've got nothing to be scared of. But if I don't keep my title, people will think I got worse. Also it's huge stress, you'd only know if you were one of the best.


Today was the day! Yay? I didn't know how to feel. Excited? Scared? Something else? I looked over to my competitors. Some had visible muscle, which scared me a little. As the other participants past me, they'd give me a head to toe look. The girls stared especially on my big arms for a long time before they continued to the toes.

Once in a while I'd look to the bleachers and search for Noah. Even though he had told me he wouldn't be able to make it, I still hoped he would. My eyes skimmed over the large crowd. No Noah, no narcissist Noah. I need nice Noah. Why couldn't he come? Why? I folded my arms over my chest. A couple of minutes later, I let it go. He just couldn't make it, I thought.

"You're in the long distance Casey. 1600 meter." Coach yelled at me right before I went up to the block. Four laps I thought. He came running to catch me before I started. "Quick fast legs. I want you to keep that pace you had in practice. If you can do faster, do so. But only a little faster because the last lap, I want you to be a bullet. You have to run as fast as you can, everything depends on it. Make your school proud." He whispered. He started to walk away but suddenly turned back around. He shot his hand up in the air, did a one two three count on his fingers then the whole cheerleading squad blew my ears out.

It was the most amazing thing I've ever heard. I didn't realize I was smiling a big one, with my teeth sticking out. And I didn't notice the tear fall down my cheek.

"Go Casey!" they yelled. With their pompoms high in the air, they did a leap then threw them into the air. Coach gave me a last look. He punched his hand as if ready to beat up someone.

"Good luck." He mouthed. That was the last thing I heard before the sound of the gun rung in my ears.

I decided to have a big lead. So I sprinted the first two laps. On the third lap my breath started getting shorter. I looked down at the red track beneath me. I watch it pass. I tried focusing my mind on my legs. High knees and big steps.

I had the urge to look at my competitors. I wanted to know where they were. Far behind? Near? But I heard Coach's voice in my head say "Don't ever look back. Always look ahead." But my urge won over me. I sneaked a peak. Far behind. Good. When I passed my school's bleacher, I heard screams. They're all rooting for me. I must make my school proud!

My last lap, I ran my butt off. When I looked at my feet, they looked as if they were a blur. I finished half the lap faster than finished any of the past full laps. I wasn't one bit tired. As I neared the end my eye caught on a dark figure next to me on the football field. My eyes did a double take before noticing who it was. My mind blanked and I bulged forward in a throwing up motion. I felt sick.

My mind didn't know what to do, keep running, or leap on him and kill him. But I kept running, but my eyes staying fixed on him. He had the same clothes he always wore. My mind kept saying Mish Mish. Mish Mish. He was all I could think about. I looked at the finish line and then to Mr. Strange. He held his hand out to me. My mind only focused on him and I forgot I was even running. But suddenly my eyes widened and my legs did something funny. Then I was facing the ground, laying on the track motionless.

I tried standing up. But once I do my left leg abandons me and I fall. It's broken. My eyes stayed fixed on the finish line. I tried getting up again but no, it didn't work.

"Get up! Finish!" people shrieked. The crowd was crazy. They were mad. But what could I do? I tried everything.

"Go! Go! Go!" cried a desperate male voice. I didn't have the energy to see who it was. I started getting up fighting the pain. I started hopping on my right foot. But every little while my left leg would ache so hard I would scream.

I looked behind me. A girl was catching up to me, she was getting so close. Only a little more I said as I got up. You can do this! You can! But I was sprawled on the floor again. Then the girl ran, and I don't know how, stepped on my ankle. I let out a shriek.

"That's for beating me all those years!" she yelled back. Was I that hated? Then it wouldn't hurt to be hated a little more. My leg felt glued to the ground, my breath still short, and my heart ached.

What could I do with my life now? My dog's dead. My boyfriend Marcie's now.  

My best friend is my enemy. My mom thinks I'm crazy. And my love to running----gone. Tears fell as the rest of the girls finished the race. I looked at the first place winner. The hater. But she was so happy, and I couldn't help feel like that, that would've been me. I heard the crowd go crazy, fighting, talking, it was a mess. I cried in my hands and as I wiped one of my never ending tears, I looked up at Mr. Strange. He stood there, still with his hand stretched out. My mind blew and I gave him the finger before I finally closed my eyes.

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