The New Maid

By blahblahalef

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Blair Lively is in need of money for her family, and to be a royal maid seems to be the only way. But what ha... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter One

2.9K 35 7
By blahblahalef

Please note that this entire story is fiction. The setting of this story is also fiction, and so are the main characters.

All Rights Reserved.


Chapter One

“You vill not talk to anyone unless you are spoken to, you vill not make eye contact with anyone unless you need to, you vill bow your ‘ead at all times and it vill only rise when it needs to,” Madame Bolrix said with high demand in her voice.

“Yes Madame,” I said in a voice that could be classed as a whisper.


“Yes Madame,” I spoke louder.

“Good, now follow moi and I vill lead you to you rum,” her voice was so heavily accented that I barely understood what she was saying.  She was a beautiful person. She had a slim, slender body and beautiful brown hair that was tied neatly in a bun, she wore her work clothes; a royal blue dress with the crest of the royal family, under her dress she wore black tights that clung to her legs. She wore black heels to add to her already high height.  She had the deepest green eyes that shone like emeralds in the light. Her cheekbones looked as if someone had cut them with such care. Looking at her made me realise how awful I looked compared to her. She was a woman of about thirty, but she could pass as a twenty five year old.

“Once you reach your rum, you vill change out of your common clothes and into your work clothes, your closet has been kitted out with different dresses for different days, royalty does not like the same clothes worn twice,” she said. ‘Jeez’ I thought and widened my eyes, Madame raised her eyebrows and I lowered my gaze.

“Yes Madame,” I said.

“Now, come, you must hurry,” She said and she began walking. We had exited the gigantic kitchen and walked down several huge hallways until we reached the servants’ quarters.

“ ’Zis is where ze butlers sleep, ‘ere the cooks, ‘ere the chauffeurs, and ze day staff ‘ere. Your job is different form ze others, you are ‘ere as the prince’s maid, or special assistant or whatever it is he wants you to be, it does not matter, you vill serve only him, nobody else, you vill do everything he says, you vill stay awake until he has fallen asleep and you vill retreat to your bedroom which is just down ze hall from the prince’s, he may call you in ze middle of the night and you VILL awake to complete your duty, you vill get one day in ze week for your own personal time, but zis day will change accordingly to the prince’s schedule. Do I make myself clear?” she demanded. I nodded and thought to myself ‘I chose this, I chose this for my future, it’s the only way,’

“But, excuse me, Madame, I thought you were showing me my room, you said just now that my bedroom is down the hall from the prince’s, so why have you bought me here?” I asked meekly

“My petite, you must familiarise yourself with ze palace, and zis may be a place you visit often, as I do, and I am the queen’s first hand maid, just as you are for the prince,” she looked at me and slightly smiled.

“I have appointed you for ze job, because you passed all ze tests, also because your eyes tell me zat you really need ze money, am I not right?” she said more quietly, I widened my eyes and stared at her in shock.

“I do, but how?...” I asked.

“My petite, I can see things others cannot, and I know you will be fit for the job as you need the money for whatever it is you need it for, but child, you are young, you should be focusing on your studies no? Vat brings you to France? You are clearly not from ‘ere,” She asked. These questions were not asked during the interview so I was guessing she was covering them here.

“Well, I was actually born in Paris, my mother was French, and my father American, they fell in love but their parents did not approve but they eloped. Then I was born and then we moved to America, for reasons I guess that involve my grandparents. Then in America my little brother was born eight years ago, when I was nine.  At the age of seven, my brother met in an accident, he was run over by a truck while he was playing on his tricycle, so then, he had to over go some pretty big operations and now has a heart condition, my parents were paying for his treatment but  my parents died last year in a car crash,  but for some reason or another I cannot retrieve the money they had left for me and my brother and I have no relatives who can help, so I brought my brother to France, away from the craziness in America, where my grandparents came back to. And then I hoped to get a job and this was the only one that could help me out fast enough, my brother is staying in the hospital at the moment” I said, by the end of which I was in tears.

“Oh, my dear, forgive me, I didn’t mean to ask such a question, forgive me,” the Madame said, her voice had totally softened and she was actually looked sorry, like she cared. I smiled at her.

“It does not matter, you were bound to found out sooner or later, Madame Can I ask for a favour?” I asked

“Yes, vat is it?”

“I need more than one day of personal day a week, I need to visit my brother,”

“Dear, you must ask the prince, he decides zis,” she said, her eyes swimming with pity. I internally groaned, but sucked the facts up. I would do whatever I needed to visit my brother.

“Okay Madame, can I ask that you tell no-one this? I do not want to attract any attention or un- needed pity,”

“Oh, yes,” she said, straightening up, her stern face had returned. I smiled at her and she shot me a quick smile then returning to her stern face.

“Now, follow me, you need to get ready, you vill start at noon, you have four hours to settle and to do whatever you need to,” She demanded

“Yes Madame,”

We walked out of the servants’ quarters and walked deeper into the grand palace. I felt awfully out of place as I wearing a cotton white dress and my denim jacket that didn’t fit the etiquette of the palace, I felt very common. The hallways were grandly decorated with famous paintings, and beautiful bouquets of flowers. My cowboy boots walked on the cream thick carpeted floor. Each door on the hallways were huge, they had big red and blue tied back curtains before each one.

“Zis is the prince’s suite, ‘ere is vhere he spends most of ‘is time,” Madame said, stopping in front of magnificent oak doors, the curtains were tied back and the doors were decorated with  gold designs. It was truly amazing. The doors were huge, so I wondered how it would be inside.

“Come on, you need to go to your room,” Madame ushered, at the end of the hallway there was a huge door, not as big as the prince’s but still huge. It had the same designs as it did on the prince’s and I ran my fingers along it.

“You are so fascinated by the artwork no?” The Madame asked. I smiled at her, still running my fingers along the designs.

“Art is my passion, and this work is truly so beautiful that I cannot explain” I told her. She smiled at me. She then opened the door to reveal a huge room. There was four poster king size bed in the middle. The walls were painted red and blue, the colours of the royal family. There was a huge desk at one side of the room and on the other there were two doors. In between the doors there was a mirror, the frame of the mirror was gold and it had beautiful craftwork. Around the room, there were old paintings. To each side of the bed, there were bed side tables, one had a lamp while the other had an empty photo frame. My eyes widened as I took in the magnificent room.

“This is mine?!” I asked Madame with shock. But the answer did not come from her; it came from a deep male voice.


I turned around to see the most handsome looking man I had ever laid eyes on. He was around two feet taller than me, he had a slender but muscular physique. His face was perfectly chiselled, a good jaw line and amazing cheekbones. His eyes were the colour of grass, vibrant and fresh. His umber coloured hair was perfectly styled to make it look neat and messy at the same time.

“Oh, your majesty,” Madame said and she curtsied. My eyes widened and I followed her actions and curtsied like I had practised. He smiled.

“So, you are the new maid?” he asked. My voice was stuck in my throat, I wanted to answer but I just couldn’t.

“Yes, your majesty, she is YOUR maid,” Madame said.

“Very well, Bolrix,” he spoke.  Hearing his voice was like feeling velvet for the first time. Soft and it sent chills down my back at the same time.

“What is your name?” he asked.

“Blair, Blair Lively, your majesty” I croaked. He nodded.

“Is there a problem with your voice?” he asked, his voice filled with concern. I cleared my throat.

“Urm, no your majesty,” I spoke more loudly and clearly. He smiled.

“I will leave you to settling in then,” he said and turned on his heel and walked out of the room.  I looked at Madame with wide eyes. She grinned at me.

“I felt ze same way when I first laid eyes on ‘im, but over time ‘e ‘as become like my brother rather than anything else,” Madame told me. I smiled at her.

“How come he did not have an accent? Isn’t he French?”

“No, ‘e is, it is just that from a young age ‘e lived in America and England more than he has in France and ‘zerefore he has a England/American accent, it is hard to define it really,”

I ran my eyes around the room again, examining it well.

“Madame, what are those two doors?”  I asked her.

“One it your en-suite bathrum and ze other is the closet.”  I nodded in comprehension.

“I vill come meet you at eleven fifty and you vill begin work,”


And with that the Madame left, leaving me to explore my room.


YAY! New Story! Whatcha think? Let me know! It really helps to know what you guys think when you read this, I also get motivated to write lol.

I watched Titanic in 3D today! OMG, cried sooooo much! Leonardo Dicaprio was mega hot in that don’t you think? Hehe. Has to be my favourite film, even though he dies :(





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