Man in the Wall (Who is he?)

By AmberLJConrad

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[Winner of The Fiction Awards 2018 for Best Mystery/Thriller, Best Overall Story and Best Undiscovered] Vivia... More

Chapter 1 - Not like I have a choice
Chapter 2 - Thin line between love & hate
Chapter 3 - Pray for a miracle
Chapter 4 - Mr. Do As I Say
Chapter 5 - No one told me to run
Chapter 6 - Dark, dull and dreary
Chapter 7 - Trembling hands
Chapter 8 - Mind over matter
Chapter 9 - Painfully problematic
Chapter 10 - No one told him to provoke me
Chapter 11 - Leave me the hell alone
Chapter 12 - More pain. More bruises. Great
Chapter 13 - Today is not your day
Chapter 14 - Extremely outraged
Chapter 15 - Tormenting predicaments
Chapter 16 - Stay in your lane
Chapter 17 - Runt of the day
Chapter 18 - Pain and suffering
Chapter 19 - This can't be real
Chapter 20 - Miss Marthis
Chapter 21 - For the last time
Chapter 22 - Eyes that scream murder
Chapter 23 - Let her out
Chapter 24 - Filled with panic
Chapter 25 - Mentally broken
Chapter 26 - Frozen in time
Chapter 27 - She gets to choose
Chapter 28 - Destroy what destroys you
Chapter 29 - Aching liquid of falsehood
Chapter 30 - Endless bullshit
Chapter 31 - I'm sorry
Chapter 32 - Deer caught in headlights
Chapter 34 - An unwanted storm
Chapter 35 - Revenge
Chapter 36 - I'll make sure of it
Chapter 37 - Go ahead
Chapter 38 - They just keep getting worse
Chapter 39 - Cold blood
Chapter 40 - Seeking answers
Chapter 41 - Running out of time
Chapter 42 - Soul torturer
Chapter 43 - Picked the wrong damn punishment
Chapter 44 - Shackles and chains
Chapter 45 - A hot mess
Chapter 46 - Damned, deluded or deranged
Chapter 47 - Be careful princess
Chapter 48 - One condition
Chapter 49 - Answer me
Attention !
Chapter 50 - Fueled with resentment
Chapter 51 - David and Goliath
Chapter 52 - Flip of a switch
Chapter 53 - Opportunity terminated
Chapter 54 - Self-control is key

Chapter 33 - What a surprise

983 197 109
By AmberLJConrad

Peggy's POV:

Steven has got to be the greatest idiot alive.

I cannot fathom the type of mindset he's stuck with let alone the nerve he has. Right after Marcus warns us to keep the rules to ourselves, he has the audacity to go ahead and blab it all to Vivian. The poor child has already gone through so much and he has to go and make it worse.

After escorting Vivian to her room, which I haven't done before with any other of the girls I've had, I make my way to Marcus' office. It's best I get to him before Steven does. Steven knows how to stir the pot in the wrong direction and I cannot have that happening today. 

I pace back and forth in front of his office trying to think of the right words to say. After building up enough courage, I knock and push the door open.

"Sir I need to speak to-"

"Peggy, what a surprise. Just the person I was looking for." the sarcasm etches in Marcus' voice as the door fully opens and I make my way inside. Marcus is currently seated in his 'throne' and spins around to face me. One leg is up and crosses the other while both forearms rest on the provided armrests. His facial expression is unreadable. I don't like this one bit.

"Sir? Is something wrong?"

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me."

He gestures for me to take a seat and I abide. I sit in a rather uncomfortable position and decide to stay this way. To move about now will only create unwanted and awkward tension. Besides, I won't be here for long. I simply need to state my case and leave... should Marcus allow me too of course.

"Sir I need to speak to you about Steven." I pause for any signs of resentment, but he simply gestures for me to continue. "He went against your orders and informed my patient about the rules currently in place. I tried to stop him, but he refused to listen. My patient is traumatized enough as is Sir. However, she's finally starting to cooperate. Steven's only-"

Before I knew it, I was on a ranting rampage. I most likely would have continued if Marcus hadn't interrupted me. Not that I have the authority to call him out on it.

"Where is the girl now?"

That's a rather odd question to ask. Especially since we're talking about Steven's disregard to obey orders. Yet he wants to know of Vivian's whereabouts.

"She's back in her room, Sir."

"And who took her there?"

My eyebrows crease together as to why this suddenly became an important topic. Within a few seconds, my brows shift back to their original places, as it doesn't take me long to realize that Steven got to him first.

"I did... But I can explain why."

"It better be a good explanation, because to my understanding you're the one who brought up the topic of rules to the girl in the first place and escorted her to her room fully aware that you have no right in doing so." 

I was right. Of course Steven had to approach Marcus first. It's tragic that I'm not even surprised by his actions anymore.

"Sir, Viv- my patient began asking me multiple questions, to which I refused to answer. I told her to stop and that there are new rules in place. Not that I planned on elaborating what exactly the new rules are. Steven decided to take care of that against my protest."  I speak rather cautiously and watch as each word rolls off of my tongue. What I say now is crucial to the outcome of many situations that lie ahead.

"I took the girl to her room, regardless of it being Steven's job, because I know he will only pester and abuse her further. Her bruises had yet to fade, nevermind heal and I couldn't risk him adding more or she'll never be finished in time. With collection put on a hold and the current increase in security, you need every girl." I know it's a long shot but I end hoping for a positive outcome, that he sees my point of view in all of this and doesn't simply take Steven's side for the sake of it.

"We." is all Marcus says.

What exactly is that one-word syllable suppose to mean? That doesn't explain to me how he feels or what he thinks of my explanation. 

"Sorry?" I ask rather confused. 

"It's 'we' need every girl. Do not exclude yourself. You get paid too, or do you wish for that to change?" he questions and I can feel the lump forming in the back of my throat.

I cannot possibly lose that money. It's the sole purpose of me working here. My only source of income, yet my only burden. An income I sadly depend on with my life. "No not at all Sir!" I exclaim, nearly leaping out of my seat in the process. 

"Good. So getting back to the topic at hand. What you're saying is that Steven seems to have greater problems than usual and one in particular with your patient?" he asks with a raised brow as if challenging me to back out of my previous statement.

Not that I would have put in so many words, but now that Marcus has, what he's saying makes sense. So I slowly nod my head in agreement. Vivian does for some or other reason seem to get under Steven's skin a lot more than most people. He's never been like this with any other girl in all 2 years of me being here.

I understand that he hasn't faced the position of being a guardian of a nurse or victim before, but that doesn't excuse his behavior. This may be new territory for him and he may feel like he's being used as a babysitter, but he needs to step in it with caution.

"Okay then. I'll have a word with him first thing tomorrow morning. Go and get the girl. Finish what you can for the day and have Frank escort her back to her room."

Why Frank? Doesn't he have his own issues to deal with? I wonder.

"Is Steven not here?"

"He's running a few errands for me."

At first, my eyes grow wide but I quickly shake the thought away remembering that collection has been put to a stop. Only temporarily that is, but it's better than nothing. Now I don't need to worry about any new girls being brought in for a whole 6 months. I decide to remain quiet then slowly rise from the seat that I was glued to longer than I expected to be and straighten out my clothing.

"Since you are heading that way, I need you to call Mike in for me."

Mike? Who on earth is- Oh yes of course, Mike. Goodness, when last have I heard his name... I felt like laughing at the thought. How could I forget him? It's funny how we've been working in the exact same building for just over two years, yet I completely forgot that he even exists.

Kind of reminds me of school. You're in the same building for five years straight, yet wonder who the 'new kid' is at the dance or graduation ceremony. When it turns out that they have actually been around for as long as you have. You just failed to acknowledge their presence in that time.

"Isn't he on duty Sir?"

"Yes, but I have a few things to discuss with him. His post is at room 008."

I nod, indicating that I understand. Then walk to exit the room. Even if the guards are on duty, Marcus has the authority to change the rules and orders as he pleases. The 'Big Guy' and him have some or other great bond happening for them. A bond that came with an endless loop of perks.

"Oh and Peggy," Marcus speaks up. I stop in my tracks at the doorway and spin back around to face him. "We are not going to make a habit out of this. Regardless of your excuses, don't go against the rules again or there'll be severe consequences," he dangerously warns and I gulp away the fear that crept up my throat.

"Yes, Sir." I hastily agree.

"And another thing..." he says with a straight face. I can't help but think; what the hell now? Heaven alone knows what other commentaries he has to make.

"Tell that boyfriend of yours I say hi." he says with a playful smirk as he leans back in his 'throne'. I laugh slightly while shaking my head. At least I know that Marcus and I are still on good terms with each other.

With that, I leave the room without saying another word.

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