Lost Mate

By DarkFaab

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My name is Angel, but I don't feel like one. It is impossible for me to be one. As a matter of fact I am the... More



1K 54 6
By DarkFaab

He brings me inside of the pack house and up the stairs to his or our room. He tells Theo to make sure no one bothers us. He kind of pushes me into the bathroom without really saying a word. I guess he can't take one of his new warrior's smell on me and I don't blame him. I take a hot, steamy, full off soap shower and try to rub every other scent that isn't mine off of me.

It is when I get out of the shower that I can hear him curse loudly and growl, hitting the walls of the room. I shiver in fear and dry my hair.

'You better don't come near me little brother, because I will rip your fucking head off! Stay away from here and let everyone else stay away too. You know how much strength I am using right now, not to come and kill you this instant?'

I listen in shock as I realize that I didn't bring any underwear or cloths into the bathroom. I wrapped myself in my towel and slowly and fearfully walk towards the door. I open it slowly and peep out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He is standing on the balcony, breathing heavy and uneasy. He is full of anger at the moment and it will be smart to just leave him alone.

I slowly make my way towards the walk-in closet when he suddenly pulls me towards him and I end up hard in his chest.

He looks me in the eyes, but I look away in shame. How could I have let something like that happen?

'Look at me,' he says lowly and somewhat without anger.

I look into his eyes and I am lost again. Like I always am when I look into his eyes. He is so damn delicious and  perfect. Is it even possible for anyone to be this damn perfect.

'I am not angry at you, I am angry at him. He told me the truth though. He didn't lie about it and as much as I want to kill him, I have to understand him or at least try. Something's is going on. Right now, I just want to comfort you, because you must have been in shock and you must be tired. We won't go back there in a long time. Let's both rest.'

I nod and make my way to our bed. I lay down and wait for the bed to dip in next to me, but it doesn't. Trying to fight my sleep I sit up only to fall back down and be consumed by darkness. This darkness is good though. It is refreshing and soft and welcoming.


Happily I danced home to "what's lovemgot to do with it". It was loud in my ears and went through my hole being. Who would thought that a song like that would mean something to a small girl like me.

When I got home it was quiet. Top quiet. I made my way to the livingroom only to find no one there. I went to the kitchen and no one was there. So I ran up the stairs and knocked on my their bedroom door, no answer. I walked to my room and just when I wanted to close the door my father appeared. He had this angry look on his face, but he was still smiling.

'Office,' he said and my hole body started to shiver. Office, only me at one thing... I did something wrong and I am going to pay for it.

I walked in afraid of what was to come.

'Who is Jasper?,' he asked.

'A friend from school,' it was the truth, but not the hole truth and he knew.

'Is there something you are not telling me?'

'He is a boy?'

'Anything else?'

'He is human?'

'Yes, that is it. Do you know how dangerous it is to have a human boy as your friend? Or any human for that matter! They can be hunters! They could try to kill us all.  Do you understand?'

'Yes father.'

'You will be punished today and you will never speak to him again.'

I went on my hands and knees like a dog and waited for the whip to hit my skin, but it never came. All I heard wasmy mother scream "no" and then a great tud. He pushed her down and she hit her head hard on the ground. He turned to her and start whipping her and all I did was watch in fear.

'Never. Do. That. Again. You useless female!'

My mom screamed out of pain and I closed my eyes tight and covered my ears. I cried while he whipped her to death.

'Look what you made me do!,' he told me angry.

I crawled over to her, but he hit me in my face and I blacked out.


I wake up breathing heavy and drenched in sweat. I look around to see that my mate isn't here. Since the place where he is suppose to lay down is cold I suggest he never slept next to me. I don't remember his arms around me so I guess that  he left after I fell asleep.

I get up and go wash my face.

Like in a dream I make my way towards the bedroom door and walk over to the piano. It is still dark out and I have no idea why I am in the need to play the piano, but still.

I play a play of Mozart that doesn't seem to end. I can hear males and females whisper annoyed, but they must be downstairs. At the moment I don't care. I don't care if they will hate me, but I just need to play my heart and soul out. I need to calm down before I will be able to sleep again.

I hate it when I dream that.
The last time I dreamed it was a week before my father almost killed me and let me into...

No, not him. I do not want to think about him.

I sigh heavily before stopping the play somewhere in the middle.
I look at the piano and let the tears fall down on my legs and hands.

Slowly I place my hands on the piano again when it suddenly starts to rain outside. I look at the window and at the Moon which is shining bright.

I play the melody two times before singing along.

'When you smile, I smile too. You can take away my tears with your smile. Spread out your wings and fly my baby. Spread out your wings and fly away. Spread out your wings and fly my angel. Fly away from here,' I sing while subbing and crying.

'When you smile, I smile too. You can take away my pain with your smile. Spread out your wings and fly, my baby. Spread out your wings and fly away. Spread out your wings and fly my angel. Fly away from here.'

It's like the Moon shines brighter when I sing this. It is like he Moon's hand reaches out to me and touches my head and I almost faint and fall backwards, before I fall into two strong arms.

With my eyes closed and a bright light shining down on me, at least it feels like that. I hear hisvoice and many others.

'Angel, wake up! Please! Wake up! Where did you hear that song? How do you know that song? Angel, pleased wake up!'

I try to open my eyes, but before I can darkness consumes me and nothing is all I see, hear and feel.


I stand in a white room. It seems like a room, but it has no door and no windows. It is more like a endless tunnel. Only white is all I see.

'Angel,' a voice whispers.

I look around, but no one is there.

'Angel, listen closely...'

I look around again. I know this voice. My mother. But where is she? I would love to see her one last time.

'Your father needs to die. He is the evil on this planet. He will cause war to rise up between packs, but he wants you dead first. He wants to end your life. Only you can save the world from war and great loss. Only you can end all of this. You need to take his life. The Moon chose you to end the great evil. Use wisdom and fight even if it causes you your last breath. Now go!'


Slowly I open my eyes to find myself in bed again. I have a light headache and it is hard to remember what is real and what was a dream. The door opens slowly and Nala walks in with some food. When she sees I am awake she bows her head and walks over to me.

'I will call the Alpha and Theo,' she says and I nod slowly before taking the food out of her hands. She sort of runs away and I start eating. Not long after the door bursts open and Luke and Theo stand in the room. I look at them in confusion and they smile a bit, but they look confused.

'What is wrong?,' I ask after I swallowed my last piece of bread.

'How are you feeling?,' Luke asks first, but I swear that it is not the question he wants to ask.

'I am okay. I have a headache, but I am okay.'

'Do you remember what happened yesterday?,' Theo asks now.

'I remember, but I can't remember if the piano playing was a dream or not. I also remember my mom warning me about my father. Clearly my father wants war between all packs, but not before I am death. She said I have to kill him to prevent war and great loss.'

'Your eyes are more pink,' Luke says suddenly.

'She had an encounter with the goddess again. I guess that the goddess used your mom to warn you,' Nala now says and i nod slowly.

'But the son you were singing... How do you know that song?,' Luke asks and they are waiting for my answer.

'What is going on?,' I ask.

'Someone all off us used to know, used to sing that song to the Alpha when he was small and also to the pups. All of us know the song,' Theo says.

'I don't understand,' I say and I really have no idea what theyare trying to say. Maybe my mom didn't make up this song! Maybe she was one of those pups. 'Do you think my mother was a pack member of this pack?'

'Yes, we do or of Marcus' pack. They also know the song. It is amazing. You were suppose to be part of this pack and here you are,' Nala says with a smile.

Happiness overwhelms me. For the first time it feels like I am truly home. I can't describe the joy.

Luke hugs me and I smile.

'Who is the lady who sang the song?'

'She disappeared about twenty years ago,' Theo says and all three of them seem uneasy and it is so sad to see that it amazes me that I am not crying... Yet.

'I am so sorry, but I am so happy at the same time. I am home. All these years I thought I would never belong anywhere and then... I belong here.'

'Come on, I want to show you something, my Luna.'

'Show me what?'

' I will show you the room we have especially for that girl if she would ever return. We know it probably won't happen, but it is just our dream,' he says.

He pulls me up from the bed and we sort of run down the stairs. He stand infront of a door and smiles at me before opening it.

I walk inside and then he turn on the light with a big smile.

My smile fades and tears fill my eyes as I look at all the pictures on the wall.

'Angel! Angel! Are you okay? Why are you crying?'

I don't answer him or better yet. I can't answer him.

I just stand there in the middle of the bedroom crying my eyes out not knowing what to say or how to react.

And I am done.

Just so you know I am having a very bad day.
My phone is broken, my tablet has a crack in the middle and this black spot... In the middle making it hard to type the words right, because I can't see them.

Also it seems that chapter four of this book is not after chapter three somehow. It jumps from three to five and four is somewhere after nine which I can't fix, because it simply doesn't want to.

So please understand if there are a lot of errors. I can't read it, because of the crack and I really really wanted to update.

If my brother is a sweetheart I can borrow his tablet to write, because he doesn't use it.

That is if he is a sweety ahhah.

I will try my best to update very soon.

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