By falling_st4rs

8.3K 527 558

For Adele, Raine and Aspen, life has never been great. Daughters of three British Government officials, their... More

one (Adele)
two (Aspen)
three (Raine)
four (Adele)
five (Aspen)
six (Raine)
seven (Adele)
eight (Aspen)
nine (Raine)
ten (Adele)
twelve (Raine)
thirteen (Adele)
fourteen (Aspen)
fifteen (Raine)
sixteen (Adele)
seventeen (Aspen)
eighteen (Raine)
nineteen (Adele)
twenty (Aspen)
twenty one (Raine)
twenty two (Adele)
twenty three (Aspen)
twenty four (Raine)
twenty five (Adele)
twenty six (Aspen)
twenty seven (Raine)
twenty eight (Adele)
twenty nine (Aspen)
thirty (Raine)

eleven (Aspen)

205 13 14
By falling_st4rs

HEY everyone!!! this is the perfectionist and this is chapter eleven, duh!

Anyways, I'm really looking forward to the beautiful comments that we get on each chapter and I can't wait to let you start reading so you can get to that. Thank you to everyone and I love you sosososo much.

The gif on the side is obviously of Aspen when she is in the corridor, you'll know what I'm talking about when you read further on. So I won't keep you guys waiting cos you are probably sighing while reading this and wanting to move on. So I won't hold you back.

Here you go......


Darkness crouches around each corner, creeping up the walls, along the floor. The small room encroaches me, the memory from the party almost nothing. Fragments of music blaring over  mere talking, bodies covered in sweat dancing, and being embraced by Kade or hours on end. The memories being lost with each second that passes by.

Daunting sounds of silence pierce through my mind, ringing in my ears. Together they cause me to lose balance, unravel my focus. Stabbing, jeering pain shoots through my muscles, allowing my head to droop, to fall. I cup my head in my heads, cradled slightly in the dead of the moonlight.

Searing heat runs up my throat, bitter tears streaming down my cheeks, coating everything in a watery veil. Cloaks of sheer water infuse my vision, leak from under my eyelids, dripping across my reddened face.

Voices erupt from the deafening silence, the hallway igniting in expressions. The voices are familiar. Too familiar.

Screams of agony, pleads for help, everything I’d expect myself to do in this situation. An icy shiver runs down my spine, coursing through my frame, shivering my every move. Those voices, those expressions bring fire to my bones, remind me of too many memories.

I clamber around in the dark, towards what I believe is the door, pressing my ear against the grained wood. The voices end abruptly and a gurgling sound follows; deep and long. I don’t know what the sound is but I don’t think it is human. I take the sound out of mind and struggle to hear the rest of the conversation which takes place.

A mumble of noises is all that makes its way through the walls and doors. No resemblance of words at all. Once again, I am comforted, or more likely constricted by the silence. It compresses against me, coming in one ear and out the other.

Suddenly the room is filled with a white glow, pounding into my head, clearing my imagination with certainty. I am aware of everything; the grey tinged in the concrete, the heavy wood door with a scratched silver handle, the walls battered and chipped with paint. Dull, small, and confined is only a few words to describe where I am. But I know all too well it is a lot more dangerous than it looks.

A metal hook is bolted into the walls, a stray piece of rope wrapped around it in a knot; the end of the rope trails along towards me, ending less than a metre away.

What is that for?

Surely it wasn’t for me, surely. 

But if it was, why haven’t they tied me up yet?

What if they come in here now and lock me up?

Don’t think like that. Aspen, don’t you dare.

*          *          *

I scream into the silence, forcing it to end, to go away. At least the darkness doesn’t encroach me anymore. The shriek fills my tonsils with fire, burning until my voice drowns into an airy screech. A dry, parched feeling is all I’m left with. Thirst tears at the end of my mouth, making swallowing harder, courser. But the silence returns ever so forcefully once again.

My voice jumps from my throat, exploding into sounds I’ve never heard before. Sounds of animals, sounds of monsters. It’s hard to tell whether I’m the monster hidden between everything. But I believe I am.

Once more. Just once, I attempt to break the quiet; my voice wretches from my throat. Jolts of forced fear seep through the wail, causing my body to tremble, to quake. But the sound escaping my lips cuts short in a few seconds, drowning away into the stillness. Screaming won’t do any good, not anymore.

Breathless, heartbroken with tears swelling down my cheeks I let all my feelings run wild. I let them stream from my mind, from my heart. Like a flowing river everything begins to buckle, my knees, my arms. My life.


My stronghold. My serenity. My love.

I know the word ‘love’ is very strong but it the way to describe what Kade and I have. The only way.

I swallow, inhale and exhale before a bitter tear finds its way to the corner of my eye, forcing downwards. Tugging on my skin, trailing across my make-up stained face, mixing with my mascara and turning a murky black.


I let the stream travel down my skin, soaking my cheek before moving towards my chin. Allowing the cool, bitter feeling to drown my sorrows. Everything I am, everything I have become drips out my eyelids, through the tears.


Washed away. Not even recalling what made me cry from the beginning.

*         *         *

The wire globe hangs from the thinnest cord strung to the ceiling creating an eerie white light through the otherwise dark room. It sways lightly back and forth forming morphed shadows on each and every wall. It flickers twice like strobe lighting, before cutting short and giving way to the darkness. The room once again is blackened, and I am left with myself and my thoughts; a horrible combination.

The thoughts of Paris, of the holiday I was once on, of the beautiful sunsets draping through the hotel window, of the dinner we shared on the Eiffel tower. Spending all of it with Adele, with Raine, and with Kade.

Where has that gone?

Where has my life gone?

Down the drain; that’s where everything has gone. Washed away with the tears which seep through my eyes.

And I’ll never be able to regain it, unless if I pull off the impossible.


Cool concrete surrounds me, coating the floor that I am sprawled upon. My legs are slumped beside me, hauling the weight of my body. My arms support my stomach which churns faster the more I think, the more I feel. Bracing the sickening vile is easy for the mean time. But before too long it fades to nothing.

Tick. Tock.

Time passes by ever so slowly as I pace back and forth in the very dimed room. Each step only lasts a mere second, dragging into minutes, into hours. I peer continuously at my watch which I left on my arm. Struggling to see the time in the darkness, I simply try to make out the digital number. It gets harder and harder each time I look.

One. Two. Three. Four. Turn.

One. Two. Three. Four. Turn.

That is the exact amount of steps I need to take before hitting into the walls either side. I count them in my head each time, breaking the silence which once threatened me. Instead of screaming into the depths of serenity, I handle myself differently. I’m no longer a monster.

At least for the mean time.

Tick. Tock.

Something triggers briefly in my mind, something important. Everything flashes very quickly; memories, photographs, conversations. I try to grasp them, try to keep them long enough to understand what they mean. But nothing. The memories filter away, faster than when they appeared. Nothing ties together, nothing is comprehensible.

I remember small fractions which lie deeply under my closed eyelids; a brief image of my brother and father when we were a lot younger, a small metallic object around the size of a pin, a deep dark room with closed doors. Somewhat like the room I am in now.

Think Aspen. Think.

Forcing my brain to work over time, processing anything and everything. Then it clicks.

The whole memory comes flashing back, and in the darkness of the room it overwhelms me. I have to steady myself, lifting my arms and bending my knees so I can sit. Bracing myself and focusing on the recollection takes effort and at the moment I am stripped of energy. But still I keep it together, wiping the excess left from the tears.

Sharp pain courses through my bones as everything from that memory comes clear. This is too much to take on, but exactly what I need. The memory is more important than I would’ve ever realised. And I’m so grateful for my father and brother to have done what they did. This is my new life saver.

I fumble around, losing grip of my surroundings .

Aspen, pull it together. Now is the time.

And from this moment I never look back.

My fingers gracefully move to my hair, taking the small black bobby pin and placing it in the palm of my hand. Walking towards the door which I pressed my ear against, I find the lock. I remember my father’s hands holding out the metal hair pin and it being grasped in mine. I breathed deeply while he taught me, bracing for the moment when I might use the skill. But I never thought I would.

Somehow light has seeped underneath the door, through the gap and allows me to see better than just with the dying light bulb which chooses when it’s on or off. I bend the bobby pin in the way I was shown by my father. I remember his large hands looming over mine, helping me with the direction and strength which I didn’t believe I had.

I slide the end of the bobby pin into the lock, slightly using enough pressure to turn it in the latch. The slight trigger is pulled but then a snap follows. A sigh exits my lips before I slam my fists into the floor, annoyed at myself. At least I have a few more bobby pins in my hair – only enough for two more breaks.

My brother was a lot better than me, he was calmer; steadier. He only took three times at best to open the door, whereas I took seven or so. But this time I only have four tries and I’m not liking the odds. Not at all.

Once again, I take out a bobby pin, bend it so it is straight and place it into the lock before taking a breather; deep like I was taught. I allow my hands to stop shaking but once again the pin snaps beneath my fingers, causing my brain to ignite. Flames of stress lick my insides, filtering my bones with anxiety.

Two more tries. Two.

If I break this next one then I’ll only be left with one. And each time another one breaks, my luck runs out more and more. And I can’t waste my last chance like this. By simply being too overwhelmed and shaking with strain.

I should have worn more bobby pins, I should’ve braced myself for a moment like this.

But how could I have known?

This could have happened any day; last month, last week, tomorrow, next week, next month. But why today, of all days, it had to be when I was in the prime of my life, surrounded by everyone who means the most to me. And the thing standing between me and freedom is a locked door and two bobby pins.

I plead in my head, hoping this next one won’t break under the pressure.

In the next moment I hear a click. Not a crack, but a click.

And everything dawns on me, dragging my arms and legs downwards, realising the sheer weight of my body. But I don’t give in to the buckling of my knees and the clenching of my fists, instead I become stronger, louder as the voices in side me stir awake, calling out for me to keep going. And I listen to those voices.

I turn the door handle cautiously, my eyes examining the outside halls, filled with white lights on the ceiling, concrete flooring, and doors lacing each side. At the moment there is no sign of life beyond the room I’m in. And I’m glad.

I look up and down the hall once more, making sure this is real. I have no shoes on, which is a benefit, and take light steps across the cooling concrete floors. There is no natural light, only luminous LED’s filling the gaps between the darkness. Everything is commercialized like the films, walls plastered with peeling paint, stained concrete floors, underground quarters, silence beckoning at every turn.

I almost want to call out but I know I can’t. I know that if I make any sound I will give up my only attempt. So I hold my tongue, forcing to the words to subside; to not slip out of my lips. The burning feeling seels my throat shut, the words creating a fire inside my mouth. Pain consumes me, prodding at everything inside of me.

I swallow, taking the lump in my throat, the burning sensation and the words with it. Breathing takes effort, each breath eating away at my insides, eating away at my strength. Weakness and fatigue come over me, throwing my legs from underneath me. I topple in the halls, crashing onto the floor. A groan seeps through my mouth, threatening to defeat the sickening silence.

And it does.

Worry and doubt flood into my thoughts from this one whimper I’ve exhaled. I have wasted my one and only chance. I stand up faster than I fell, hurrying down the hall, away from my room, towards the unknown.

Turning down another hallway, with more doors on either side, looking exactly like the other. My dress clings to my body, forcing me to take small steps. I look back every few seconds, my hair constantly getting in my eyes. My tear stained face blotted with black trails, and smudged lipstick. But I don’t care. I really don’t.

Forward. Aspen move forward. Get to the girls. Raine and Adele.

Where are the girls? They couldn’t be far. But how can I be sure which room they are kept in. I turn to the closest door and knock on it lightly and an echoing sound follows. I wait a few seconds, my ear against the door, but nothing follows. Then I realise that I don’t know who could be behind any of these doors. Anyone including Nate or the tattooed man, or whoever is the real kidnapper.

I will my legs to move, even though they are held down by hunger and thirst. I will my mind to keep up but struggling thoughts find their way through. I push them aside, forcing me to follow the long white hallways. Then something seeps through the silence; the quiet I once dreaded but now rely upon.

Steps. One after the other, treading aimlessly along the halls. And they aren’t mine.

Adrenaline rushes through my veins, causing me to run towards anything. I have to get out of here. As I run I try to keep quiet, taking shallow breathes. But soon my breathing is heavy and I can’t hold it in. I collapse onto the floor, my knees giving way and my stomach growling in hunger. I hold it before struggling to get up once again.

This time the strain in my muscles dawns over me, my legs weighing heavier than lead. Short fragments of air trickle from my lips, from my lungs. The intense pain and load comes over me, but I heave my body up. I allow my legs to work on leftover adrenaline, each step causing jolts to run through them.

But the footsteps sound closer, drawing nearer with each second, each moment. I can’t quite determine which direction the steps are coming from so I fumble around, having to decide the risk. I turn around, heading in the path I came from, tracing my own steps. Those which I remember.

Sounds, voices, footsteps; all louder. Deafening noises creep around me, threatening me to wretch on the spot, to collapse over myself. They don’t disintegrate into silence; they do the opposite. Growing in size, growing in volume.

I spin my head in circles, back and forth; following my current route and my surroundings. I should really be looking for the girls, turning every handle, calling out their names. But something holds me back. Fear holds me back. If I am heard then we don’t have any chance to survive. No chance to be free.

Arms envelope my body, engulfing my veins with shards of fire; splinters of heat. Causing me to fold inwards, struggling to even open my eyes. My legs fumble around, my footing lost in the struggle. Light blazes through my eyelids forcing them open, and I see someone. A face. A strangely familiar face.

A smile lights up my façade as I stare into their eyes. It seeps through to my eyes. His body softens; his muscles concaving, allowing me to move. I lift my arm from its encased position and aim it straight for his face; it comes in contact swiftly without his recognition. He falters; losing grip and it gives me the chance to escape. My legs spill in front of me, dodging the arm that snatches at me.

His tattooed arm leaches onto mine, pulling me down with the utter pain in my shoulder. It shocks through me like electricity; fast and sharp. Before soon I share the feeling that I know all too well. The feeling of pain, of losing the battle.

And his heavily inked arms clench over mine, my veins pulsing with strained blood flow. Each time I struggle his clasp gets stronger, weighting me down, causing fatigue to crash over me, my legs dropping downwards. My body giving way to his strength.

I’ve lost.


So that's it for chapter eleven!!! I hope you enjoyed it and we can't wait until more of the action comes, I am sure you will love it! Next update in a week, like always :)

 Any questions can be put in the comments and I will gladly answer them. Any feedback, editing, etc can also go below and please hit that little star button to vote. That would create three very happy girls with huge smiles on their faces (us). 

Love you xoxo

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