The adventures of an elfling

By lokimercury

162 2 2


The beginning
The Test
Attack of the orcs
The start of a long journey

The Other World

3 0 0
By lokimercury

'Hurry up, Elanor!' Legolas and Lili were a few meters ahead of me and were in no mood of waiting. We had been journeying for 2 days and the 3 of us were eager to find this orb, if it even existed. After all it was just an old tale in an old book.  'Elanor, if we do find the orb, if we do get to the other world, how will we get back?' I thought for a little, how could we get out? I shrugged.
"Honestly, I don't know.'

I was lost in thought. The idea of seeing my mother again seemed so strange. She was dead and had been for 3 years. I missed her but I rarely thought of it.
'I can't wait to see my mother,' Legolas said suddenly. He was smiling, however he seemed absent minded. Something seemed to be missing. 'I can't wait to meet my parents, despite how funny it seems.' This was Lili. She chuckled grinned broadly. 'Doesn't it seem strange to you, that we're on the was to meet our dead parents?' I asked them both. Legolas and Lili nodded. Strange indeed.
We walked for what seemed like hours until we reached a small cave. 'Please, lets rest.' Lili begged, we were all breathless and tired and as Lili said this, Legolas fell to the ground, rolled onto his back and grinned, 'last ones standing do the night work.' Lili and I looked at each other rolling our eyes, both of us smirking. 'I'm hunting'. I said quickly and grabbed my bow. I looked back at Legolas, who had made himself comfortable and was chewing on a piece of lembas. 'Fiiine, I'll get the fire ready.' Lili slumped out of the cave to find wood and I followed with my bow and arrows.

Night had fallen, Lili and I were back in the cave, a warm fire was crackling and the wild boar I killed was roasting above it. It smelled good. All of a sudden a small, white light began to shine in the middle of the cave-
'The orb!' Exclaimed Theoden. I nodded.

Legolas flew to his feet and made his way toward the beautiful light, Lili and I followed. 'Wow!' Lili whispered, 'It's amazing!'
'I want to touch it.' I stated. As I laid my hand on the orb, the cave disappeared, we were on a white beach and 4 figures were walking towards us. 'Mother!' I cried and made a run. ''Mum!' Cried Legolas as he leapt into her arms. The other two stopped in front of Lili. 'Mama? Ada?' They nodded.
'Liliana.' Said her mother, 'we have been expecting you.'

Dun dun dunnnn

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