My Sweet Escape

By Kalsman23

295 51 9

Troubled with an unhappy past and the responsibility of being a mom can Kelsie find happiness. What lies ahea... More

2) Friends
3) A New Me
9) Masquerade
11)Monday morning
12) Epilogue

1) Meetings

46 5 0
By Kalsman23

Part 1

"Kelsie" my head snaps up from my doodle of a daisy.

"Yes sir?" The head of our event planning company is staring at me. I'm only filling in for my boss, Scott. He's out for a while and this was an uber important meeting of the department heads.

"We were wondering if your group could pick up the slack of everyone else we just had an important account open yesterday and everyone is busy. I know with Scott out for a few weeks you all don't have much to do. The event is in eight months. It's not a lot of time but I was hoping you could pull it off." I stare at him like he grew another head but then I laugh.

"Sure Mr. Samson. I think we could do it, but I'm not Scott I don't really know certain important protocols."

"Fantastic you'll do great. We all know your the reason his shit gets done anyway. We can help you with any questions you might have but we want you to learn the ropes. If this works out you'll be that floating department head we've been trying to hire for years. This is a charity event as well."

"Oh, um we don't usually handle those. I don't know anything about them."

"Here's my notes on what's worked in the past. And what had potential but didn't go as planned, those might need fresh eyes anyway. And the obvious of what not to do." Sheila states handing me a three ring binder.

"Thanks." I breath out. Wow this is too much. I was just supposed to take notes.

"Now I can rest a little easier thank you so much. They will be in today at 4 to start the ball rolling I'll work with you for the first couple meet and greets and show you how to write up the reports after your meetings to let everyone know your progress. Now one last thing before we move on. If for any reason you get overwhelmed please for the love of gawd let us know. We may have our own shit to worry about but we don't want you to drowned either. If the person you go to first cant help they will help you figure out who'd be free to help."

"Ok." And the meeting moves to other areas and what events are approaching. Once it's dismissed Mr. Samson asks me to stay behind.


"Yes. Let's walk to your department and I can help you explain what's going on I'm sure your still a little flustered. We kind of blind sided you in there."

"Yes you did. And that'd be great thanks." Blind sided is right I'm still having trouble breathing. Before I know it we are in my department and everyone turns to look at us scared. I'm with the big boss I'm sure it doesn't look good.

"Hey guys. Mr. Samson has an announcement and no you all are not getting fired......yet." And everyone laughs knowing I'm just trying to lighten to mood a little.

"Yes, right down to business then. Well we had a very high profile client come in yesterday and request our services. Their event is for a charity and its in eight months. Everyone else is swamped with other events and I know Scott's out but Kelsie here informs me that you all would love to help us out. She's going to be in charge of this one, so listen to her and if there's any problems let us know."

"No offense sir but she's the one that's usually in charge around here anyway. Scott hardly comes out of his office." Brandon speaks from the back of the room. Mr. Samson laughs.

"We are well aware of that thank you. That's a big reason why we are trusting her with this. Kelsie if you need anything, I mean it. Please let me know. I'll see you at 3:45 in conference room C. I like to be in the room before the client. Can't keep them waiting." I nod and he's gone. I turn wide eyed to my co workers.

"Holy shit guys. That came out of left field in there."

"What are you talking about, left field my ass. Brandon is right we follow your orders. I've been here three months and for the whole first month I thought you were my boss." Kathy the newest of my (Scott's) group states.

"Well thanks for the support I have to get to studying charity protocols. I guess just keep doing what ever you were doing and head out about four today. If everyone could be back here at eight in the morning we can discuss my meeting at four. And I'll assign you all shit to do." I go to my desk and set an alarm for lunch then another for 3:30. I open the binder Sheila gave me and read pages and pages of notes. All too soon my lunch alarm goes off.

"Kelsie the girls and I are going to that new vegan place down the block. You coming?" I stare at Kathy for a second. Vegan eww.

"Um thanks but no. I'll probably just get something from the cafeteria downstairs. I've got lots of stuff to look over." And they all leave I look over at Brandon with a disgusted face. "Ewwwww, really?" He laughs and nods.

"You want me to get you a burger and fries from Sal's?" Yes my favorite place to eat.

"Oh gawd yes. That'd be great here take my card and buy yours with it too. Don't go spending to much on it. I didn't get a raise or anything just more responsibilities." He laughs as he takes my card and heads out the doors. Ten minutes later and Sal himself walks in with my Togo box of food.

"Sal, you didn't have to do that."

"Girl your my best customer. Brandon told me what happened this morning and I thought you could use some cheesecake with that burger." He smiles at me. The girls walk back in as he's talking.

"Sal you take such good care of me. Never letting me skip a meal."

"Course not. Not to many girls like you left in this world. Here's your cheeseburger just how you like it girl. I gotta get back. See you tomorrow." And he's gone. Such a sweetie.

"Is that a cow burger?" Kathy asks.

"Um yes. It's delicious too. I usually get the chicken but their burgers are to die for."

"Well someone had to die for that to be your lunch."

"Yup they sure did. And they are the best tasting animal ever." And she sassily goes to the break room to pout. I make notes after notes of the different kinds of charity events that had potential. And how I would take each one. All to soon my alarm goes off and I head upstairs to the conference room. Saying my goodbyes to my coworkers as I slide past them to the elevator.

"Early I see. Good for you." Mr. Samson says just behind me. I smile.

"I made lots of notes about where this could go. I know Scott likes to 'meet' them first but I like to have options available so they don't have to come back in for a second consultation." His smile is brighter then ever.

"Damn fine job so far. Getting a head of the game is always a good idea. By the way I know you don't really handle the client part which is why I'm here but these guys are from some famous band and we need to act professional."

"Ok. Thanks." We aren't waiting much longer and there is a knock on the door.

"Sir, ma'am. The gentlemen from 5 Seconds of Summer are here." Oh gawd I can't breath. Mr. Samson can tell that threw me.

"Give us a minute Daphne. You ok?" I nod.

"Not really but I'll have to be. Ok let's do this." He laughs at me. And he walks to the door.

"Gentlemen. Please come in and make your selves at home. This lovely young lady is Kelsie. She will be helping you out."

Four Hey's came form the group of men that just walked through the door.

"Hey. Ok, so if y'all will take a seat we can get started."

"Y'all? Your certainly not from around here. Where are you from?" Ashton asks. I take a deep breath.

"Kentucky. I've been here closing in on nine years." I smile, I can do this. "Some habits are hard to break. I'd just like to point out this isn't my first event. But it's the first one I'm officially in charge of and its my first charity event. So please bare with me.........." And we are off. We talk about different types of events and they all settle on a masquerade party. It's one that never went over well but it's been tried several times. And I'm surprisingly professional through the whole thing. As they get up to leave I stand at the door and shake each ones hand. Ashton is first.

"Well it was so nice to meat you." As he shakes my hand. One down that wasn't so bad. Michael is next and he rolls his eyes and we both laugh as Ashton bounces out the door.

"Thanks so much your a life saver."

"It's no problem at all."

Luke walks up to me and I strain my neck to look up at him. He laughs and bends to my eye level.

"Thanks." I laugh "Here's some business cards. That's my personal cell on there too so if you guys need anything just let me know."

"Awesome thanks, when can we come back to start planning some more?"

"Well I'll start handing out tasks to my staff in the morning and I can let you know tomorrow after noon when I'll have some possible venues to choose from and after that we can start looking at decorating ideas." He smiles and nods.

Then there's Calum. I lick my lips and he smiles. In my head I'm chanting be cool just be cool, you got through the others this should be only slightly harder. His hand slides in mine and it takes everything in me to stay upright. He smells so good. His hands so freaking soft. But yet I can feel the calluses from his years of playing bass. Fuck me.

"Thanks for all of this. You made us feel so much better going in to this. I don't feel like I have to worry as much. We are in your hands and I've never felt so taken care of." Oh gawd.

"Just doing my job, Calum. But thanks so much it's always nice to be appreciated." Mr. Samson looks at me funny. None of them said their names. Calum bites his lip that was a clear indicator that I knew who they are. "I'll contact y'all when I have some venues to choose from. When we narrow it down we can all go check them out."

"Sounds great I'll tell the others." He squeezes my hand and then he's gone. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Fuck.

"Well that went great. Now here let me show your how to fill out the report."

'Actually sir, um I'm usually the one to fill those out. Scott usually has me sit in the meetings and take notes and then I fill the report and send it to him. I don't know if he even reads them before he forwards them to you." He just shakes his head.

"Alright. Just send me the finished report and then another after your staff meeting. You going to have that now?"

"Oh no I sent them home early. I wasn't sure how long this would take and we could just start the day off with a meeting tomorrow." He smiles at me.

"Well I'll be damned. Scott's been trying to get you a raise for years. Now I see why." And he's gone again. Well that went better then expected. Time to get this in and go get my eight year old daughter, Lex, from her dads.

On my drive to my ex's house here in Los Angles I start to think about how I got to today. When I moved here with my ex husband we were so happy, I was pregnant with Alexus and we were starting a new life together. I had to take an entry level job to make enough money to support his dream to be an actor. Of course eight years later and I've made a big name for my self apparently. It was touch and go for a few years. Dylan never got anywhere with his acting career and he ended up an alcoholic. I think this month makes ten months sober for him. This month also marks three years divorced. I just couldn't handle it anymore and I wasn't gonna let Lex grow up like that anymore. She deserves so much more and I finally realized so did I. After she and I are home we tell each other about our day and she takes a shower and then goes to bed. She has school tomorrow. I watch her sleep after I get things ready for the next day. Ten minutes later I finally go to bed.

The next day at work, I'm going over my meeting with my coworkers and assigning tasks. When everyone starts whispering. And Kathy's eyes widen. I turn and my new clients are standing behind me smiling.

"Well this is a surprise, good morning. What brings you four in so early today?"

"Well we had some ideas about the venue and we hoped we could talk to you about it." Ashton says. I smile

"Of course, we have a small conference room to your left. Give me five minutes to finish handing out their assignments and I'd be happy to hear your ideas." They all smile and walk in there not shutting the door.

"Alright guys. That's everything I have lets get to it." Everyone's smiling and happy. I don't think they've ever been so excited this early in the morning. I'm still laughing at the happy atmosphere in the office as I enter the conference room.

"Alright guys what'cha got for me?"

"Well we where hoping that you could get the Four Seasons to donate the space since it's for charity." Michael reluctantly answers.

"Ok are you set on the Four Seasons or a free venue?" I ask. All the sudden there's loud noises from the other side of the door.

"What the hell?" And I get up and open the door. There standing in my office is Dylan with bottle in hand and barely standing.

"Hey there she is. Kelsie. Ah the love of my life. The one that got away, slipper little minx." And he sways.

"What are you doing? Why are you here?" And I watch him struggle to answer. He starts toward me when security grabs him. I look to Brandon who looks pissed off that he's here. I'm breathing heavy. "Guys Wait please! Dylan why are you here?" He stares at me.

"I was hoping we could start over. I've been hinting toward it. I've been clean for so long and you seemed ready to try again, but then damn it you came over to get Lex last night and you were smiling and happy and I realized you didn't want me back. You've just been humoring me. And so when you left I went to a bar and started drinking and didn't stop." And then security drags him away. Tears are leaking from my eyes someone touches my arm.

"It's not your fault he started drinking again Kels. Please don't be upset." Brandon's one of my few actual friends and he was the only one that knew about my personal life.

"Let's get back to work yea. Sorry about that guys." I say to the room. I turn to the four boys behind me. "Excuse me a minute please I have to make a phone call then we can get back to it." They nod. I go call the school and tell them her dads not allowed to check her out anymore and that I'll be there to get her today. Then I go back to the conference room Brandon stops me just outside the open door.

"You want me and Daphne to come over tonight. We can binge watch Harry Potter and I'll get Sal to make us some junk food." I smile. Him and Daphne have been dating for a year now and she's great for him.

"If she's ok with all that, that sounds great. I have ice cream too." He nods and goes to call her and check. As I finish meeting with the boys I can tell they all want to ask questions about what just happened. I watch as Calum loses the battle first.

"So was that your boyfriend?" I smile sadly.

"No that was my ex husband and the father of my eight year old daughter. We've been divorced awhile now. I haven't dated anyone since just after the papers where signed."

"What happened if you don't mind me asking?" Ashton's bubbly personality diminished considerably.

"How much time you got, you want the short story or my life's story?" I laugh awkwardly.

"Well we have time if you don't mind to tell us." Oh.

"Ok so my ex and I are from Kentucky, we are high school sweet hearts and we got married when we were 18 and I was pregnant shortly after. Neither of our families approved of us. Dylan's dream was to become an actor. So when I got pregnant we decided there was nothing keeping us tied down to Kentucky, we moved out here and everything was fine for a year or so. I got an intern job here after Lex was born and he struck out with every audition he had. He started drinking and he didn't stop. Three years ago I finally signed the papers on our divorce and I was making good money here so I got a decent apartment and I've just been working and raising my daughter by my self until a few months ago when he decided to try being sober. Well that's pretty much everything."

They all sit there shocked and finally Michael changes the subject and we talk about the event and I write down a few more options for venues they just remembered. This is gonna be a fun party. When we are through I say good bye to them and get started calling the specific venues they'd asked for. I called and left messages. I didn't think anyone would give me an answer today but the sooner I get the phone calls in the better.

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