The New Manager (KnB fanfic...

By DBlankN202

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A year has passed since the winter cup, and Seirin Basketball Team is starting a new year, full of pain and s... More

Chapter 1: The New Year
Chapter 2: New Manager
Chapter 3: What The Hell?
Chapter 4: Double Trouble
Chapter 5: Boxed Lunch
Chapter 6: Old Friends
Chapter 7: The Inter-High
Chapter 8: Change
Chapter 9: Stay
Chapter 10: Surprises (Part I)
Chapter 11: Surprises (Part II)
Chapter 13: Study?!

Chapter 12: Unbelievable

1.5K 51 19
By DBlankN202

A/N: OMG I'm so sorry for not updating sooner! I totally forgot about this book until like one day some readers started voting on it and asked for an update....


Also: For this next chapter, I'm just gonna be unreasonable. XD. Realism, Logistics, out you go! Let's go for some craziness, shall we?


(I think this title is quite fitting)

Chapter 12: Unbelievable

"Welp, I totally lied to my brother after being reunited with him after 7 years about me living by myself. I feel horrible," she said as she slumped down into the couch. "Yet satisfyingly proud."

"Senpai, you should take a shower first," she said. But he didn't answer her. "Kuroko-senpai?"

"Why didn't you tell me anything about it?" he asked, as he still stood at the door.


"About your family," he said. "You shouldn't keep things like that all to yourself."

"Well, I do feel better now that I've told you, and seeing onii-chan was pretty surprising. But I'm happy! Because he had been looking for me," she said. "And thank you for coming to help me against Haizaki."

Suddenly, she was wrapped in an embrace. "E-Eh? Kuroko-senpai?"

"Don't keep things like that from me from now on, okay?" he said, tightening the hug. "I don't want you to suffer by yourself."

"Um... okay," she said, turning red as she hugged back. What is happening to her? Why are his words bringing such as effect to her? Why is her heart beating so fast just by being so close to him?

"Also, Ayari-chan?"


"You looked beautiful when you were dancing earlier," he said.

She just melted.


"Kuroko-senpai, you're sleeping in your room today," Ayari said, standing over Kuroko who was about to sleep on the couch. They were going to hit the hay that night.

The two have been fighting every night on who would sleep where, which usually Kuroko won, and Ayari had to sleep in Kuroko's bed, while he slept on the couch.

This time though, she was determined to get him to sleep on his own bed for the first time since she lived with him.

"Ayari-chan, you should have the bed," Kuroko answered.

"No senpai, don't give me that. I feel weird and feel like I owe you when I take the bed, and have you, the owner of this house, sleeping in his couch!" she huffed, before she took his arm and pulled him off the couch.

With much difficulty, she finally pulled him into his room, and then made him sit on his bed.

"There, and you're staying here tonight," she said. "No objections."

She turned off the lights, leaving the night-lamp on, when she felt it was kind of strange how Kuroko wasn't saying anything. She turned to look at him, just in time to feel arms wrapping around her waist, and pulling her down.

"Meep!" she squeaked as Kuroko pulled her down to lie on the bed with him.

"If I'm staying here, then you have to stay here too," he said. "No objections." He said almost teasingly.

"B-But," she started.

"No objections," he repeated, and she turned to look away, her face hot.

"But this is..." Inappropriate.

"If you sleep on the couch tonight, then I'll sleep on the floor of the living room," he said.

"F-Fine," she muttered out. He pulled the covers over them, and she hid half her face with it. "I don't get you Senpai."

"And you probably never will with that dense head of yours," he answered, settling beside her.

"I'm not dense," she retorted.

"Yes you are," he answered.

"No I'm not," she pouted, before yawning.

"Go to sleep," he said. And in a few seconds, she was already asleep. "You are dense."


Ayari woke up to the feeling of something heavy around her waist. She opened her eyes, and found herself staring at something blue. She looked, and saw it was Kuroko's shirt. Somehow throughout the night, he had wrapped his arms around her, and she had snuggled up against him.

The thought made her feel embarrassed, while at the same time giddy.

He looks cute when he's sleeping, she thought. His bed head is funny though.

Just then Nigou barked, and he jumped up onto the bed, and he started licking Ayari's face all over.

"Nigou! Ew..." she shouted.

Kuroko woke up by her shout, and Nigou's barking.

"What's going on?" he asked, yawning. Suddenly Nigou was on him and started licking his face all over. "Nigou, stop." He said once again with a monotone voice. But Nigou didn't stop. He kept on licking Kuroko's face.

Ayari giggled, and quickly grabbed her phone, before taking a picture. She smiled when she checked the photo. Kuroko was holding onto Nigou, while trying to stop him from licking all over his face, and had a bed head. This is going to be her new wallpaper.

Suddenly, Nigou was on her again.

"Ah! Kuroko-senpai! Help!" she yelled as she was spattered with licks all over.

But Kuroko only sat there, smiling as he watched. Obviously, Nigou really likes her. At that current moment, he wished he was number two instead of number one.

Ayari saw his smile, and yelled, "Kuroko-senpai! You're the worst!"


It was now Monday, and the two were rushing towards school. They were late, because Nigou had been keeping them in the bed for nearly 30 minutes. Now, they were running to school.

Nigou was in Kuroko's bag, while Ayari's held the box lunches for that day.

They barely made it on time for the morning assembly. Both ran to their respective lines.

"Oi, Kuroko, you're late," Kagami said.

"Kagami-kun, stop stating the obvious," Kuroko said, catching his breath.

"Why were you and Ayari this late?" Kagami asked, ignoring Kuroko's comment, though it did tick him off.

Kuroko pointed at Nigou. "It's his fault," he answered. He then noticed the buzz that's going around the whole school. "What's going on Kagami-kun?"

"Don't know. There seems to be something about some transfer students," Kagami said. Just then, the principal of the school started speaking on stage.

"Attention students. As some of you may know, every year our school has an exchange programme, some which are overseas. This year, we have hyped it up, and now, students from schools from across the country will come to our school to study for a month to learn how to adapt to changes in their surroundings. These students will be staying with us till the mid-terms are over, which means, their exams will be taken here. I hope all of you will welcome them with open arms, and allow them to enjoy their stay here," the principal said.

Then the transfer students all stepped up on stage, shocking all of the students, including those of the Seirin Basketball team.

"First up, we have Kise Ryota, Hiragi Daiko and Hiragi Reiko, from Kajio High."

"OMG!! They're so hot!" "Isn't he a model?" whispers...

"Aomine Daiki and Momoi Satsuki, from Touou Academy."

"Ahhh! Girl! Boobs!" "What's up with the tan?"

"Midorima Shintarou, and Takao Kazunari from Shutoku High."

"Whoa, green hair..." "Why is he holding a teapot?"

"Murasakibara Atsushi and Himuro Tatsuya from Yosen High."

"Wahh... so tall!" "He's so tall!" "Another hottie!"

"And finally, Akashi Seijuro from Rakuzan High," the principal ended.

"Scary..." "Yet hot!"

Kagami, and Kuroko were staring at them in shock, as well as the third years and first years. Ayari wasn't actually all that surprised.

"Kiseki?!?" Kagami finally recovered and yelled.

"Bakagami!" Aomine yelled.

"Ahomine!" Kagami countered.


"We're in Kurokochii's school! Yay!"

"I cannot believe this is happening," Midorima said.

"Hahah, this is hilarious," Takao laughed.

"This is definitely awkward," Tatsuya answered.

"Ahem," the principal coughed. "Basketball club. Don't think I haven't forgotten what happened in the beginning of the year, again."

That made the whole school snicker as all the basketball team members looked away.


"WHAT?!?" Kagami yelled.

Not only were they exchange students at the school, they were now all seated in the same class as he was.

"Why the hell am I in this baka's class?" Aomine asked.

"Tets-kun!" Momoi yelled, before jumping onto Kuroko again.

"DIE KUROKO!!!" all the guys in the class thought once again.

"Momoi-chan, please let go of me. I can't breathe," he said.

"Oh! Sorry."

"I cannot believe this is happening," Midorima said again. He looked at the red-head next to him. "You knew about this didn't you Akashi."

"Yes, I heard about it from a teacher," he said.

"I cannot believe they just called us during the weekend and just told us to come to Seirin as an exchange student," Midorima replied.

"Yay! We're in Kurokochii's class! It's just like when we were in Teiko!" Kise said.

"I'm hungry," Murasakibara said.

The whole class was wondering why the exchange students all knew Kuroko ad Kagami. Whispers were going all around, while the group ignored them.

Lessons started, and Kuroko was started to feel nostalgic with everyone in the same class as he was. It really did feel as if they were back in Teiko. This was going to be one interesting month.


Break time came, and the group were headed down to the school cafeteria. Ayari had texted Kuroko that she would meet up with them in the cafeteria.

Everyone had gotten their food, and found a place to sit down. Their group definitely attracted much more attention than usual. Of course, since Kagami had gotten like who knows how much food.

"Eh? Kurokochii, you didn't buy anything?" Kise asked.

"No, I'm waiting for my food," Kuroko answered. Everyone but Kagami looked confused.

"I don't get it," Aomine said.

"I have been given very specific orders not to get anything for myself," Kuroko said.

Just then, someone came running into the cafeteria. And two people were chasing after her.

"Ayari!!!!" Daiko and Reiko yelled.

"Senpai!!!" Ayari called as she ran away from them. She reached the table where they were sitting. The box lunch was in her hands.

"We wanna eat your food!" the twins came. But before they could take the box lunch, it was already in Kuroko's hands.

"This is my food. She made it for me," he answered. "You can't have it."

"Whoa! What is up with you Tetsu?" Aomine asked.

"I have never seen Kurochin this protective over his food," Murasakibara said.

"Oh yeah, he really likes her food, and wouldn't share it with anyone," Kagami said, taking a bite into his bread. "He even said he wouldn't pass to me if I took any!"

Momoi was looking at Kuroko was he ate the box lunch that Ayari made. She felt a pang in her chest, and looked down sadly. Aomine saw it once again, but didn't say anything.

"Aw... Ayari! We wanna eat the food you made!" Daiko and Reiko said in unison.

"I faintly remember eating a sandwich that Ayari made when we were kids. It was delicious," Akashi said. "Ayari, make me one too tomorrow. That's an order."

"US TOO!" Daiko and Reiko yelled.

"If I had known all of you were here, I might have made more. But it's not as if I had time this morning," she sighed as she took a seat down. She had been tired from running all around the school trying to get away from her cousins.

"So Ayari, I heard you are in the advanced class," Akashi said.

"I guess. Class was boring as usual," she sighed. "I was so hoping that practice would come early. It'll be much more fun than to listen to sensei droning on and on about something I already know."

"Oh, Kuroko-senpai?"


"You're buying dinner tonight," she said. He nodded.

"Wait, are you two dating?" Kise asked. Everyone was staring at them. Momoi's world was shattering at those words.

Ayari choked on her drink, while Kuroko choked on his food. Takao burst out laughing, while Tatsuya was snickering. Everyone else was looking at them questionably.

"What?" the two asked after they've stopped coughing.

"Well, you two seem pretty close. And Ayari makes box lunches for Kurokochii, and he is buying dinner for you tonight. Aren't you two dating?" Kise asked.

"Yeah Ayari, you seem-," Daiko said.

"Close with Kuroko-kun," Reiko ended.

"We're not dating!" Ayari quickly denied. Takao and Tatsuya were snickering at her reaction. "I'm making lunch for him because he was beyond weak, and needed to eat more! And he's paying for all the food that I eat. It's the deal we made."

"You mean it's the deal that you decided for the both of us," Kuroko said. "And I do not appreciate being called weak."

"But you're following it, aren't you?" she retorted.

"It's only because the food is good," he answered.

"By the way, it does look you've grown taller!" Aomine said.


"Yeah, well, just a bit," Aomine laughed.

"By the way, we'll be joining your basketball club as our temporary club here at our stay in Seirin," Akashi said.



"I cannot believe this is happening," Midorima said for the third time.

The exchange students were looking at the basketball team of Seirin. All facial expressions were indescribable.

"What is happening to the world?" Hyuuga asked.

"I believe that it's coming to an end," Izuki answered.

"They're joining our basketball team?!" Iwazaki asked.

"Yes, temporarily. We have to join a club here at Seirin as well. So we must join the basketball club for practice," Akashi explained.

Just then Riko whistled. They all looked at her. "Look, I don't care if you are from another school, or you're a Generation of Miracles. As long as you're in our basketball club, I am your coach. So..."

"Get ready for hell," she smirked.

"SHE'S ENJOYING THIS!" the whole Seirin basketball club thought in their heads.

"Why must I even do this?" Aomine groaned. "This is such a pain, having to practice with these guys. It'll probably be child's play. It wouldn't even be called practice."

"Dai-chan!" Momoi exclaimed.

"Who said You COULD COMPLAIN?!" she yelled, throwing Aomine on the floor. Once she was done, Aomine was lying on the floor, and everyone was moving slightly away from the coach.

"Is he dead?" Murasakibara asked.

"Pretty sure he is," Midorima said.

"I'm not you bakas," he said weakly. "I won't die so easily."

"Oh," Midorima and Murasakibara sounded disappointed.

"Alright, now get changed and start doing drills!" Riko whistled.

"Ah... such a pain," Murasakibara said.

"You might not want to say stuff like that, less Coach starts hitting you too," Hyuuga said. "But if you slack off just because you're a genius, then you'll be facing me." He cracked his knuckles, while smiling.

"AHHH! THEY'RE TEAMING UP!" the Seirin team thought.

"Alright let's start the drills before coach and captain start drilling you!" Izuki said. "Ooh! That's good!" He started writing it down in the Joke-book, #228.

"What is wrong with him?!" the exchange students thought.

"Izuki, shut up!" Hyuuga answered.

"BAKAGAMI!!! STOP GOING AT THE STUPID CHALLENGING THING WITH AHOMINE!" Riko yelled, hitting them both in the head.


Over the next week, the Generation of Miracles, Takao, Tatsuya, Daiko and Reiko started to have new found respect for the Seirin team. How do they put up with that scary coach?! And the training was pretty much as brutal as it was in their own individual schools.

"That coach is a good one," Akashi said.

"Oh course she is. She's Riko," Hyuuga answered.

The two managers were watching the team and students practice. Ayari was on her computer, while Momoi had her clipboard.

Both didn't say anything as they sat on the stage, watching the team practice. Both had the same idea. Get as much information as they possibly can.

Momoi was looking Kuroko was he practiced. She was surprised that he was able to keep up with everything perfectly fine, unlike last time in middle school.

She was watching all their plays, and taking down notes.

But then, she was interrupted by the sound of clicking. She turned to see Ayari typing away furiously on her computer, yet both her eyes were on the practice going on.

She was muttering to herself. Momoi could only catch a few words from it. "Kaijo... forms... Kise... Twins... time... strategically... Aomine... misses some.... Kagami... jumps.... three-point.... clutch shooter.... Phantom... Emperor... plan...."

Momoi could practically see the gears in her brain turning at lightning speed as her fingers continued to type everything down on her computer.

She didn't like that Kuroko was so close to this new manager of his. She loved Tetsu. He was hers. But yet... every time she saw them together, Kuroko was different. He felt different. He... looked happy.

She looked back the game.

She definitely did not want to lose to her.


A/N: Ooooh.... What's gonna happen next?! (Personally, I have no idea)

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