[Discontinued] ~ULTRA~ Secret...

By SomeguyBehindAScreen

78.1K 1.7K 2.2K

**A new, updated Story called [Another Story] shall take this stories place. If you want to see what should'v... More

An Update. (Seriously)
'Another Story' Preview
Prologue - The Rise Of Darkness
Arc 1 - Reunions and Meetings of Friends! The Beginning of A New Adventure!
1x1 - Saying Alola To a New Friend!
1x2 - Looking Back While Moving Forward.
1x3 - A Long Awaited Reunion!
1x4 - A Long Way To Go.
1x5 - An Unexpected Meeting!
1x6 - Her Own Way.
1x7 - A Battle of Mega Proportions!
1x8 - The Welcoming Comity!
1x9 - Lost and Found.
1x10 - Nullified Hope.
Chapter 11 - Planning an Adventure!
Akala Island - Part 2
Chapter 12 - Underestimated Strength!
Chapter 13 - Aiding An Assistant!
Chapter 14 - A Fight With Numb-Skulls!
Chapter 15 - All For One, Battle Royal!
Chapter 16 - Alola! Reunions A Plenty!
Chapter 17 - Performing With The Big Kahunas! (Part 1)
Chapter 17 - Performing With The Big Kahunas! (Part 2)
Chapter 18 - A Heated Confrontation!
Chapter 19 - The Evolution Expert?
Chapter 20 - A New Menace!
Chapter 21 - The Challenge Of The Jungle!
Chapter 22 - Preparing A Date?
Chapter 23 - The Battle Of Siblings!
Chapter 24 - A Rocking Rough Battle!
Chapter 25 - A Twisted Mystery.
1x26 - The Opening Act!
1x27 - Flipping The Script!
1x28 - The Big Finale.
1x29 - Part 1 Finale - Dreams of a New Tomorrow.
Nightmares - Prologue
Chapter 30 - Nightmares - Part 5
Chapter 30 - Nightmares - Part 6
Chapter 30 - Nightmares - Part 7
Chapter 30 - Nightmares - Part 8
Chapter 30 - Nightmares - Part 9
Chapter 30 - Nightmares - Part 10
Chapter 31 - Welcome To Paradise!
Arc 2 - Mysteries With No Answers
Chapter 32 - Lillie's New Friend!
Chapter 33 - Seeking Answers To Legends!
Chapter 34 - Busy Bees In Need!
Chapter 35 - Talks Of The Future!
Chapter 35.5
Chapter 37 - A Meeting With Ya' Boi!
2x38 - Corrupted Power.
2x39 - The Darkness Within.
2x40 - In The Dark of The Night
2x41 - An Alolan Tradition!
2x42 - The Darkest Of Days
2x43 - Part 2 Finale - Last Hope
Arc 3 - Nightmares From The Past. Secrets Best Forgotten.
3x44 - Destiny Approaches

Chapter 36 - A Shocking Turn Of Events!

655 15 25
By SomeguyBehindAScreen

The Trial Of Ula' Ula'!

With the morning Alolan sun rising upon the land once more, all was peaceful on top of a certain mountain of Ula' Ula' island.

In the guest room of the trial grounds, slept to young trainers ready for a full day ahead of them.

Today was the day that Ash would take on his next challenge, the first trial of Ula' Ula'.

He was excited for it.

While his dreams were filled with excitement of battle, Serena slept peacefully.

She layed on the bed in the guest room, tucked under the covers cuddled up to the body next to her. She was comfortable, much more then on the couch at Kukui's.

She liked the warmth both the blankets and body heat next to her gave off. She was completly at peace in her sleep.

Soon she started to shift in her sleep, and began to wake up.

She turned over towards the other ocupent of the bed.

"Good morning." She mumbled sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

"Pika Pika." The small rodent replied.

Pikachu being there startled the girl and in her panic she fell off the side of the bed.


She looked down to realized she landed back first onto a sleeping Ash who had been sleeping on the floor.

"Good morning to you too." He mumbled waking up abruptly.

Serena got up in a hurry with red cheeks glowing, "I'm sorry Ash! Pikachu startled me is all. I forgot he was on the bed as well." She explained.

"You forgot? Well who else would be next to you?" Ash asked her as he stood up.

His question only made her cheeks glow an even deeper red.

"Hey, I'm gonna go find the bathroom, I'll be back." Ash said leaving the room. As he left Pikachu erupted into laughter peiceing the situation all together.

"Quiet you. You are just making me feel worse about all of that." Serena said with a pout crossing her arms over her chest standing next to the bed.

Pikachu continued his laughter, and wouldn't stop for a while. Much to her annoyance.


No, you aren't getting Amour moments that easily.

Except for Christmas, you get an easy one then.

But for now, a trial.

Let's do this.


"Right down here is where the Totem stays." Sophcoles Sadi escorting his friends down a hall way towards the trial.

"So you are training to become a Captain as well Sophocles?" Serena asked.

"Yep. You see, normally the Kahunas make decisions based from the Tapus advice, but my Cousin decided he would rather let me take over his position." Sophocles explained.

"That's awesome! I'm sure you'll do great." Ash said to his friend.

"Thanks just. I hope I can meet his expectations. That and find a totem Pokemon." Sophocles said with a sigh.

"What do you mean by that?" Serena asked confused.

"Krzzt- I can answer that! Totem Pokemon have similar cycles as Trial captains. The Totem Ash will be facing today must be retiring along with Molayne." Rotom explained.

"I see. So when you take over, you'll have to set up an entire trial." Ash said.

"That's about it. I'm honestly not sure what to do for it. The only Pokemon I have is Togedemaru, and it isn't quite to Totem level." Sophcoles said with yet another sigh as they continued to walk.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out Sophcoles." Ash said to his classmate and friend.

"I sure hope so." He replied.

Soon they all arrived to a metal door.

"Here it is, the totems chamber." Sophcoles expalined.

"So this is where I'm gonna fight the totem?" Ash asked.

"Yes it is." Another voice walking towards them.

"In here is the totem pokemon. Only the trial goer is allowed to enter, so make any preparations before hand." Molayne explained.

"Got it. Me and my Pokemon are ready!" "Pika!" Pikachu and Ash said confidently.

"Okay then. There are a couple of things you should know-" "I'd rather find out myself. A good trainer can take on any challenge." Ash said cutting him off.

"Very well. I wish you luck. We will be able to see out here from cameras inside the room. We'll be cheering you on." Molayne said to him.

"Got it."

"Good luck Ash." Serena said to the boy.

"Thanks." He replied with a confident smile.

As he entered the room, a chill went up his spine. Not due to nerves however, it was freezing inside.

"Why is it so cold in here?" Ash said while starting to shiver. "Pika Pika." The small Pokemon replied.

With no answer however, the big metal door closed behind them.

"Hello? Totem Pokemon?" Ash called out into the freezing room. "I'm here to challenge you to a battle. Please, accept my challenge." Ash called out while keeping his arms close to his chest, trying to stay warm.


A roar came from one of the many ice mountains that filled the room.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu called out pointing at one of them.

Ash could see what he was pointing at, the totem.

"Sandslash!" The totem cried jumping to their level with a mighty thud.

"It looks just like a Sandslash. This must be it's Alolan form." Ash noted.


"I think it's accepting our challenge Pikachu." Ash said to his faithful partner.


"Okay then, let's do this. Pikachu, Quick Attack!"Ash commanded.


While Ash and Pikachu battled the totem Pokemon, the others spectated from afar from cameras in the room.

"I can see him shivering. How cold is it in there?!" Serena said in concern.

"According to this," Sophcoles said pointing to a monitor, " about 0°."

"What?! He could get sick battling in those conditions!" Serena said in panic.

"Not if he's smart about it." Molayne replied.

"Huh?" Serena asked confused.

"Ash has plenty of options to keep himself warm, and most of his Pokemon should be able to endure the cold as well for what you two told me last night. This will come down to Ash trying to keep up." He expalined.

"That's true, Litten should be able to help him out big time." Sophcoles said.

"I suppose you're right." She said, her nerves calmed a bit.

Please be careful Ash.


"We need a big hit now Pikachu, go in with Iron tail!" Ash called out to his partner, none of his other attacks working.

"Pika!" It cried running towards the Alolan Sandslash.

As he tried to strike it with it's tail, Sandslash countered with claws, sending Pikachu flying.

"Pika!" It cried out landing and sliding on ice towards Ash.

"Pikachu!" Ash said on worry to his partner.

"Pika..." It mumbled trying to stand.

"Take it easy for a moment buddy, you'll get your chance." Ash said softly to his Pokemon.

Ash started to shiver more and more. All of the ice moves the totem had been using had made it feel even colder, his body heat was dropping fast. This was getting dangerous.

"I on- only got one shot-t." He said trying to get his words out with shivers. He hadn't noticed the cold with the adranaline of battle, but it was taking its toll on him now.

"Lit-t-tten. I need you." He said releasing his Pokemon.

"Meowr!" It cried out.

"Lit-tten, I need you to warm me up a bit." Ash asked his partner, shivering.


As it tried to create some fire, someone had another idea.

"Slash!" The totem cried out attacking in haste.

"Meowr!" Litten cried out dodging the attack.

"Look-k-ks like that's no good." Ash said glum, he had more more attempt.

"Litten, we have to try it." He said to his Pokemon.


Ash put his Firium-Z into his Z-Ring and slowly began to do the motions to activate the move.

The totem waiting for an opportunity to strike.

"Infer-no-no..." Ash tried to speak while doing the move.

His body was shutting down, his mind going blank.

Soon enough all he saw was black.


Ash opened his eyes to a ceiling above him, he recognized it as the guest room.

"What happened..." He mumbled.

He went to rub his eyes and his hand brushed against a warm washcloth on his head.

"Pika Pikachu!" His partner said happily seeing his partner awake.

"Hey Pikachu. What happened?" He asked him.

The last thing  Ash remembered was doing his Z-Move, now he was under the covers of the guest bed.

"Ash!" His friend came running in.

"Thank Arceus you are okay. You worried me." Serena said running to his side.

"I'm sorry. And I'm okay, just a little chilly." He replied.

Serena removed the washcloth and tried to feel his temperature.

"You are definitely warmer then before, that's a good sign." She said then taking his hand, still cold and clammy.

"Your hands are still freezing. You really should rest more." She said to the boy, you then shocked her taking her hand in his.

"Ash?" She said cheeks going red.

"Your hand is warm. Sorry if it's not okay." He replied, thinking he did something worng.

"No no. If, if it helps you warm up it's fine." She replied to him. "Just please, try to get some sleep. You need to recover." Serena said to the boy.

"Okay. If you say so." Ash replied, too weak to argue.

Serena smiled at him as he closed his eyes and started to drift asleep. She could feel his hand start to grow warmer in his.

As time passes she let go of his now warmer hand and Ash retreated it under the covers still dreaming.

"Sweet dreams Ash." She said leaving the room with Ash and Pikachu on the bed.

He had scared her bad, she thought she lost him for a moment. A thought she didn't like to have. But he's still there, there with her.

But then a harsh reality entered his mind. How would he react to the knowedge that he lost?

This was his next step towards his goal, and it went as horribly as possible.

She then grew a confident expression. It didn't matter, she would help and support him no matter what.

She would help him like he has so many times before.


Short Chapter, Dumb battle?


This isn't the grand battle you all expected, it was a foolish lost.

Ash ran in not prepared at all.

And failing his first step towards his now acheiveable goal is gonna sting.

This is all nessciary steps for the story.

Next Trial chapter will be much better I promise.

Next time, we meet a new character.

Ya Boi.

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