Serendipity (joshler)

By hollow_trees

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?•Finding something good without looking•? More

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154 4 16
By hollow_trees

Tyler walked into the hotel room his dad was staying at. He got a call saying that Chris had to talk to him. Tyler knocked on the door and waited for an answer. The door opened and Tyler immediately hugged Chris.

Chris smiled, "hey, T-bird. How was your day at school?" Tyler felt his stomach erupt with joy. He remembered when he used to come home everyday and his dad would ask him how his fat was.

Tyler grinned, "it was good. My friend Pete accidentally got a fry stuck in his nose and he had to go to the nurse. And josh bought me this really cool notebook to write all my poems and drawings in."

Chris smiled, "you like poems?"

Tyler nodded as they sat down on the couch, "ya. It's really a coping mechanism when I'm sad or something. Josh has really helped when it comes to that."

Chris pinched the latex rubber-band around Tyler's wrist, "what's this for?"

•trigger warning- mentions of self-harm•

Tyler shrugged, "uh, its kinda hard to talk about."

Chris smiled soothingly, "it's fine, you don't have to."

Tyler gulped, "no, I-it's ok. Josh said it's good to talk." Chris nodded and Tyler pulled up the sleeve of his sweater all the way. Chris frowned at the marks in Tyler's wrist. Tyler shrugged, "I was having a rough time ever since the...the accident. Thats when it first started. It was worse after-well...after you left."

Chris frowned but Tyler grabbed his hand soothingly, "its fine, dad. It's not your fault. Well, whenever josh found out, he helped me get through it. He had gone through one thing like this and he said that he used a rubber-band too. Whenever I have an urge to cut, I just snap this a few time and it goes away."

Chris smiled sadly, "I'm glad your doing better."

Tyler smiled, "me too."

Chris sighed, "Tyler, I need to talk to you. It's important."

Tyler nodded, "ya, is everything ok?"

Chris nodded, "ya. I- how would you like to live with me in Michigan?"

Tyler's smiled dropped, "w-what?"

Chris smiled, "ya. It's wonderful up there. I have this girlfriend who is absolutely wonderful and so kind. She has a five year old who I feel like you would really get along with. The neighbors are so nice up there and the school district is very kind. I know it's-"

"dad. I- what about my friends. What about josh."

Chris sighed, "ya, I knew you would ask about them. I mean, you can face time then. We can always visit them over spring break and summer. We can make it work."

Tyler's eyes began to water, "but...but i need josh. I love him."

Chris's face softens, "you do?"

Tyler nodded, "ya, a-and he loves me."

Chris looked at the ground in thought. He then looked back at Tyler, "I understand, Tyler. But I want you to think about it. I want you to be sure, ok?"

Tyler nodded, "ya, I'll think about it."

Chris smiled and hugged Tyler, "thank you."

Tyler pulled away, "would Madison be coming with us?"

Chris nodded, "of course she would. I want both of you guys to live with me."

Tyler was silent before nodding again, "ok, I'll think about. Just give me a week or two. Ok?"

Chris nodded, "of course. Thank you, Tyler."

Tyler stood up, "I gotta go. Ryan and I are gonna have a movie night."

Chris stood up, "you have fun."

Tyler smiled, "thank you. I'll see you later, dad."

Tyler walked out of the hotel room and made his way back down to the lobby. He constantly had to wipe his eyes to stop the tears from coming down. Tyler wanted to live with his dad, but he didn't want to lose josh. Why can't he just have both?

Tyler let out a sigh as he walked out of the building, pulling out his phone to call Ryan. "Hey, Ryan. I'm ready."

"Ok, I'll be there soon."

"Ok, bye."

Tyler hung up and sat on the bench outside of the building. He watched the leaves fall from the trees. The cold wind caused his cheeks and nose to become a rosy color and he hugged himself. His yellow hoodie wasn't giving quite enough insolation. The conversation kept replaying in his head, causing his eyes to water again.

Ryan's car pulled up and Tyler quickly got in. He sighed at the heat of the car hit him. Ryan smiled, "hey, Tyler."

Tyler gulped, choking the tears back, "hey."

He forced a smile but Ryan saw right through it, "what happened?"

Tyler shook his head, "can we just get to Taco Bell first?"

Ryan nodded, "ya. Josh was wondering if he could tag along with Hayley."

Tyler nodded, "ya, sure."

Ryan smiled, "cool." Ryan began driving and Tyler decided to tell him now while Josh wasn't around.

"My dad wants me to move to Michigan with him."

Ryan nearly slammed on his breaks and Tyler let out a yelp of surprise. Luckily, there wasn't a car right behind them. Ryan blushed when someone honked at him and he began driving again. "He wants you to move to Michigan?"

Tyler nodded, looking out the window, "I don't want to lose my dad again, but I don't want to lose any of you guys either. Especially you and josh."

Ryan nodded and bit his lip, "I...I really don't know. I don't want to lose you either, but I don't want to force you into choosing your decision. I think you should talk about it with josh."

Tyler shook his head, "I don't want to upset him. Just- can you just keep this between us two? Don't tell anyone else?"

Ryan sighed, "ok, Tyler. Just know that we're going to support your answer no matter what."

Tyler smiled sadly, "thanks, Ryan. Your a great friend."

Ryan smiled back playfully, "I know."

They parked in front of the Taco Bell and got out. Ryan wrapped his arm around the slightly taller boy's shoulder and Tyler smiled down at him. They walked walked in and spotted josh and Hayley talking to each other. Ryan called out for them and they both turned to look at them.

Josh grinned and stood up. He pulled Tyler into a hug and Tyler willed himself not to burst into tears. He smiled weakly, "hey, josh."

Josh leaned down to kiss Tyler, "hey, baby."

Hayley came up, "do I get a kiss too?" Tyler chuckled and both josh and him kissed her cheeks. She grinned, "much better. Ryan, my man. What's up?"

Ryan shrugged, "eh, just another dreadful day."

She laughed, "relatable."

Josh sat back down and Tyler sat next to him. Tyler scooted as close as he could, not wanting to be away from josh. Josh smiled lightly, "you ok?"

Tyler nodded, laying his head on Josh's shoulder, "I just wanna be close to you."

Josh wrapped an arm around Tyler to pulled him closer and Hayley cooed, "jeez, you guys make me wanna go straight. But I'm too gay."

Ryan tilted his head in thought, "have you guys ever realized that every single one of our friends are gay?"

(A/N: oh no, he's on to us. ABORT. ABORT.)

Tyler shrugged, "huh, I never really thought about that."

Josh snorted, "it's like there's some kind of force that just kinda brought us all together."

(A/N: when your trying so hard not to break the fourth wall.)

Tyler shrugged, "oh well, I'm hungry. Josh, come order with me." Josh smiled as Tyler tugged him out of the booth.

Ew, my throat is all scratchy and red and t really hurts. I sound absolutely horrible and when I called my dad, he kept making fun of me. Lol. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Don't you just love drama. Have a nice day/night. Don't get sick like me. Ok, bye.


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