Serendipity (joshler)

By hollow_trees

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?โ€ขFinding something good without lookingโ€ข? More

Put on all stories


136 5 7
By hollow_trees

I was too excited to post tomorrow so here's another update.

Tyler was laying down on his bed. He was the only one at his house and it was quiet. Tyler hated the quiet. He sat up and walked into the bathroom. Tyler looked at himself on the mirror. He hadn't slept much at Ryan, so he had large bags under his eyes that accounted his black eye. He wore a lose shirt- which was Josh's- and a pair of sweat pants.

Tyler blinked at himself. His face looked so blank with emotion. He was driven out of his thoughts by a knock on the door. Tyler's eyebrows furrowed. Nobody ever knocked. His friend would just shoot him a text. He walks downstairs its caution, scared it might be a murderer.

He frowned as he walked up to the front door, feeling much smaller then usual. He felt like a small child about to open the door. He opened the door and felt all the wind in him get knocked out. He stared at the all too familiar man with shock.

"Tyler?" The man said with a soft smile.

Tyler fell to his knees with a sob. He placed his forehead against the floor and shook his head, "n-no. It can't be real."

The man knelt down, pulling Tyler into a hug, "I'm here, Tyler. I'm really here."

Tyler let out a louder sob, this one of joy, "oh my god, d-Dad! I missed y-you so much!"

Chris let out his own cry, "I missed you, T-bird."

Tyler finally pulled away, " are you here?"

Chris smiled through his tears, "for the past few weeks I've been trying to call your mother. I wanted to check on you guys and when no one would answer...I got worried."

Tyler hugged his dad again, a smile displayed widely on his face, "I-I have so much to tell you." Tyler stood up, pulling his Dad into the living room. They sat down on the couch and Tyler began to talk with excitement.

"Dad, you've missed so much! I have theses amazing friends. There's Pete, Patrick, Dallon, Melanie, Brendon, Hayley, josh, and Ryan. Ryan is my best friend, though. I had a crush on Josh's for the longest time and at the homecoming dance he asked me to dance with him and I obliviously said yes and-"

Chris stopped Tyler with a chuckle, "whoah, whoah. Let's take it slow." Tyler nodded with a gulp. Chris grabbed Tyler's hand, "how are you and Maddy? Is everything ok with your mother?"

Tyler rolled her eyes, "no, she's as drugged as ever and her stupid boyfriend Nate lives here."

Chris frowned, "Nate?"

Tyler nodded, "ya, he's annoying, an alcoholic, smokes way too much, and is always h- ya....that's it."

Chris ran his thumb under Tyler's eye, "Tyler, how'd you get that?"

Tyler chuckled nervously, "oh, it was just an accident. No big deal."

Chris gave Tyler that type of Dad look that every Dad has, "Tyler, tell me who did that."

Tyler gulped, "Nate."

Chris let out a sigh, frowning, "Tyler-"

Tyler smiled softly, "its fine, I'm fine."

Chris shook his head, "no, it's not. Tyler, why didn't you ever tell your mom about this?"

Tyler bit his lip, looking at the floor, "s-she knows. She's usually in the room when it happens."

Tyler slowly looked at his Dad to find a look of hurt. "This is my fault, t-bird."

Tyler quickly shook his head, "no! No, it's not. It's not your fault, Dad."

Chris cupped Tyler cheeks so Tyler would look him right in the eye, "tyler, I want you to know that you are not why I left. You and Maddy were the reasons that made me want to stay."

Tyler gulped, "I-I don't wanna talk about it right now."

Chris sighed and smiled softly, "why don't you tell me more about this josh fella."

Tyler perked up at this, "ok. Well, he won homecoming king, because he's really popular and cute and really nice. When I moved schools he was the first one to talk to me. He's the one who helped me when I was sad and lonely. Anyway, instead of doing the traditional homecoming dance with the queen, he danced with me instead. He asked me on a date the same night and there was no way I was gonna say no."

Chris grinned as he watched styler babble on about josh. "After a while I was getting worried that he was loosing interest cause he still hadn't asked me to be his boyfriend. But he did and I don't think I've ever been that happy when he did. I remember our first kiss was at the ice cream parlor. He smeared ice cream all over my face just as an excuse to kiss me.

"It was really funny, one time he was listing off adjectives that described me and he yelled out that I was a foxy beast. His little brother heard and you should've seen their faces. Jordan looked horrified." Tyler began giggling, but stopped when he noticed the tears gathering in Chris's eyes.

Tyler frowned, "dad? What's wrong?"

Chris let our a breathless laugh as he wiped his eyes, "I just feel like I've missed so much."

Tyler shook his head, "that's not your fault."

Chris hugged Tyler tightly and Tyler gladly hugged chin back. Tyler's phone vibrated and Tyler quickly looked to see who it was. His heart fluttered when he saw Josh's name.

Josh: is it safe for me to come in?

Tyler: ya.

Tyler jumped off the couch, "Dad, josh is here. I want you to meet him!" Chris chuckled as Tyler pulled him to the door. The door opens and josh stood there confused. Tyler grinned, "josh, this is my dad!"

Josh eyes widened, almost dropping the boutique of roses, "o-oh...what?"

Tyler bounced on his toes, "he's here!"

Josh grinned holding out his hand, "h-hi, uh, Mr. Jospeh. M-my names josh. I'm-"

"Tyler's boyfriend."

Josh blushed, "y-ya. I mean yes sir."

Chris smiled, "it's fine, josh, you don't need to call me sir. It's nice to meet you."

Josh gulped, "t-thank you. You too." Josh turned to Tyler, "t-these are for you."

Tyler grabbed them with a blush, "what for?"

Josh blushed, still aware that Tyler's Dad was here. "I-I wanted apologies for yesterday."

Tyler smiled and kissed Josh's cheek, "its fine, josh. I know you were only looking out for me. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that."

Josh's smiled, "how's y-your eye?"

Tyler shrugged, "it's fine."

Chris spoke up, "do you want me to leave you two alone?"

Tyler shook his head with wide eyes, "no! I don't want you to leave."

Josh began walking to the door, "I can leave."

Tyler clutched onto his arm, "I don't want you to leave either. You two are my most favorite boys in the world. My dad and my boyfriend. This is perfect."

Chris and Josh smiled at each other, knowing it's been a while since Tyler has felt this happy.

Don't get too excited. Drama is slowly making its way to town and it's not gonna be a nice visit.

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