Instagram // Shawn Mendes

By savagejuancock

27.5K 463 61

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Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
part one
part two

Twenty one

683 11 9
By savagejuancock

*three months later*

Shawn and I have been dating for exactly three months today.
He met my dad, my stepmom, my step siblings and my little sister for the first time two weeks ago and they all got on really well.
Dad isn't the intimidating kind of guy, he doesn't believe in trying to scare a guy for no reason.
So since he didn't have a reason to intimidate Shawn as he trusts me to date the 'right' kind of guy, everything went really smoothly.
Dad loves him, my stepmom, Melisa, loves him and my step siblings could care less, they'll only care if he hurts me which won't happen.
I moved to my dads two days ago for the summer, Melony of course came alone.
Since the day with Tamara happened, I've only every asked Shawn what happened between them two or three times.
Every single time he's just told me small things like she had sex with Shawn's friends because Shawn wouldn't.
He told me he'll go into more detail when he's ready so I've come to the conclusion that it's something he'll never really want to talk about. I don't want to push him to tell me.
Tonight we both have the teen choice awards, Shawn has been nominated for the Award for Choice Web Star: Music and I really, really hope he wins. He deserves it.
I'm at dad's and it's 9:30am, my stylists are going to be here in thirty minutes to do my hair and makeup and give me my outfit.
I'm at the kitchen table talking to Melony, Craig and Charlie, waiting for my stylists to get here. I can't wait to go honestly and since Shawn and I get plus ones, I'm bringing Melony and Shawn is bringing Ryan, what a shocker, ha.
Melony and Ryan aren't a thing. At the start Shawn and I expected something to happen between them, but they see each other as best friends only.
"You guys are so lucky you get to do these things." Charlie sighs as he stuffs his face with some of his chocolate chip pancake.
"It's fun I guess. But we do work more than you think for these things." Melony explains and Charlie just shrugs.
We talk for a bit more before the doorbell rings. I squeal from excitement knowing it's my stylists here for Melony and I.
I sprint to the door and open it.
There's eleven people in total, there's four hair stylists, two makeup artists, three designers, my manager and my social media manager.
I greet them all and chat to them. My stepmom is in the kitchen so I decide to introduce them all to her.
"Melissa, here is some of my team. Four hair stylists, Steve, Kevin, Nick and Louise. Two makeup artists, Tia and Marcus. My three amazingly amazing stylists who finalise my outfits etcetera, Karena, Benjamin and Bertram. And here is my manager, Laura and my social media manager, Lucas. We'll be meeting everyone else at the TCA's right Laura?" Everyone greets each other before Laura speaks.
"Yes Lindsay we will and its a pleasure to meet you Melissa thank you for letting us come here to get the two lovely ladies ready. I just have a call to take I'll be outside the house. Now everyone there's no time to waste, hurry!" Laura claps her hands before heading out the front door taking a call.
We all head up to my room and they set everything up which is quite a lot.
After forty minutes of them setting up everything, Melony and I are having our outfits fitted properly.

It's 4 o'clock and we're finally ready. It took a good few hours and our car is here to take us. Shawn and Ryan are already in the car since the four of us are going together.
Melony and I say goodbye to my family before stepping out the door. My team gets into two large SUV's. Melony and I get into the car that Shawn and Ryan are in.
We speed away and Shawn eyes me up and licks his lips. Melony and Ryan are talking about stupid snapchat filters and I tune out since all I can focus on is how good Shawn looks.
He's wearing a dress shirt with a tie and suit pants and he looks really good.
"You look amazing tonight babe." He whispers in my ear and I smile at him.
"Not too bad yourself, Mendes." I wink at him and he chuckles before wrapping his arm around me.
The car pulls up and our driver steps out and opens the door for us.
Melony and Ryan step out first earning some screams as they do have fans. Then I step out getting around the same amount of screams as Melony and Ryan but when Shawn steps out majority of the crowd loses their marbles.
It makes me realise how much Shawn is loved.
Shawn grabs my hand and squeezes is indicating he's nervous. The four of us walk towards the carpet.
Shawn has been doing some interviews and Ryan and Melony are sitting down somewhere since my manager is getting me some interviews too.
Holywire TV spot me and drag me over.
"So here we are with Lindsay Fitzpatrick, mostly known as Lindsay Fitz. How are you feeling Lindsay?" The interviewer asks me and I smile.
"Uhm I'm really excited and nervous I guess." I chuckle, trying to remain as clam as possible. This is my first ever interview.
"Yes it must be really exciting being here. But you've had some more exciting events in your life if I'm correct?" The interviewer says and I honestly don't know what she's on about.
"Uhm I guess I've had exciting events in my life." I laugh and she laughs along.
"So it is true that you and Shawn Mendes are official?" She asks and I feel myself blushing.
"Yes it is we've been together three months today, actually." I feel my cheeks cool down and the interviewer starts babbling on about how cute we are.
"So best of luck tonight Lindsay it was lovely chatting to you." She says goodbye before I walk away to do more interviews.

We have been seated and the award show is just starting.
Shawn and Ryan are seated two rows in front of me and he's beside the Dolan Twins.
Melony and I are beside each other and I'm at the outside seat. Charlie Puth is beside Melony though and I can tell she's freaking out, I would be freaking out too though.
There's so many major celebrities around and it really does make the likes of Melony and I realise how ever so little we really are.
I don't mind though I love that it's possible for me to go to a normal school and still live a sort of normal teenage life rather than being home schooled because of my career.
They are now announcing the winner of the award for choice Webstar: music. I feel my stomach churning from nervousness. I really hope Shawn wins this. He deserves it so much.
"And the winner of the choice webstar music award is....."
Will they just say it already?
"Shawn Mendes!" The two people shout and everyone claps. I jump out of my seat and run down to him and give him a massive hug.
"I knew you'd do it." I whisper to him and he pulls away and smiles at me.
"I love you so much." He tells me and I give him a peck on the lips. "Now get down there and accept your award and give a bombass speech. Don't forget to thank your fans." I tell him and he walks down and many people congratulate him.

The teen choice awards are over and we're just back from the after party. It's 4am. Wow.
We're all in the car and Shawn is asleep on my lap and I'm playing with his hair. The car pulls up and I wake him up since we're at his house. He's so tired he just gets out of the car and Ryan has to help him walk.
The car pulls up at my dad's and Melony and I thank the driver before heading inside.
I don't even get out of my dress I just flop into my bed and black out.

A/n: longer than most chapters I know! A bit boring some parts but yeah haha!

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