It's An Instinct {Creepypasta...

By kawaiipockychan

6.8K 298 190

Supposedly, this story is about unlocking the mysteries in a girl's life. Her name is Yuzuki Lloyd. A half-Am... More

It's Time to Leave.
They Were Real?!
I Need To Escape.
Its A New Day.
I Would Like to Call This, Special.


450 28 24
By kawaiipockychan


"When I say it doesn't hurt me, that means I can bear it." -Killua Zoldyck {Hunter X Hunter}


I said. What do they even want from me? They'll ask me some questions for what? I haven't done anything wrong yet though. But anyways, better take the questions then. I mean, how can I know if I don't take the deal? So, yeah. I don't mind with some questions.

"Are you a kidney donor? And do you like cheesecake?" Jack asked all of a sudden. Wow, just seriously.

"Jack!" Ben said.

"Yeah, sorry. Can't be helped." Jack shrugged.

"Ah, it's fine. I'm not a kidney donor and I actually like cheesecake." I answered his question, and he just nodded.

"Okay, are you human?" Ben asked. I gave him a 'are you serious?' look.

"Yes. I am human." I said, holding back a punch. Wait, I'm tied up. Shit.

I sighed internally. I was expecting some serious questions, but I guess they won't take me seriously. I mean, Ben was all serious with all the deal thing. Can't they take me seriously? Am I something that won't take things seriously? I can get serious when I want to. And with Ben making the deal, I had to be serious with it.

I guess it's time to tell them straight at it. I'm not some kind of girl who love to stay here. I mean, I have a dream. I want my future to be a normal human being who wants a happy life. Is that too much to ask? I guess it is.

I just need to face the problems, I guess. After all, it's part of life. And part of being successful.

"Are you a virgi-" Jeff tried to ask, but I cut him off.

"Yes, I am. Now, please everyone. Please take me seriously. If your going to ask me some certain questions, then take me seriously. Because if you don't then this all, is pointless." I told them straight to the point. Can't be helped. I'm just wasting my time for useless questions.

"We actually don't want to spoil what Slendy wants to ask you, but I guess we have no choice." Masky came out all of a sudden, along with Hoody.

"But Masky, Slender might get mad." Hoody said.

Masky sighed. "Can you wait until midnight?"

Stay until midnight huh? I guess Ben's deal was all of a nothing then. And I guess I have no choice but to agree with them. I don't want to blow any secrets all of a sudden too.

"I guess Ben's deal was pointless." I said.

"You taking our request?" Masky asked.

"I never said no anyways. So most likely its a yes." I shrugged.


Midnight, midnight, midnight. It's been 5 hours and I'm still tied up, sitting on the couch doing nothing and I'm hungry. Sally was keeping me company though talking about random stuffs. There were times I don't listen so I just nod at everything that she says.

Masky and Hoody went to another room. Jane and Nina went haunting.

Jeff, Ben and Jack were huddled up in one place. Ben was playing some video games, (which also makes me jealous because I want to play.) while Jeff and Jack would occasionally join him.

And right now its 11:55 p.m.. Five more minutes and I'm free from this! But I could escape it, though I don't want to.

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" I shouted, frustrated. Everyone then stopped with what they're all doing and looked at me. Embarrassing. Maybe I should really learn to keep my mouth shut when I'm not in ease.

"Don't mind me." I said looking away from all of them.

"Sheesh. It's only a matter of time and you'll be free. Probably." Ben mumbled the last word.

"Don't blame us, we're only instructed by Slendy to watch you in case you escape again." Jeff said trying to make Ben turn away from the screen.

"What was all that screaming?" Masky said. They came out from their room, what I assume.

"It was Yuzuki." Jack said.

"What happened?" Hoody asked.

"She's getting insane." Sally giggled.

"No, I'm not. I'm hungry." I stated.

Then a cold breeze came out of nowhere. I guess Slender came back already. Finally. But I got to say, he's on schedule. I mean, its exactly 12:00 midnight. Did he not want me to wait? Well, then again they don't care. Or maybe he wants everything to be all planned. Why am talking to myself anyways?

"What's up Slender?" I said.

"I'm surprised you made her stay." He said.

"It's too tiring to break the rope by yourself. So, yeah, sleep over. Yay." I said in a bored tone.

"Okay. Let's get down to business then." Wow, straight to the point. What I like.

"I need food." I said.

"You need diet." Nina said. Great, the bitch's back.

"Yeah, thanks. I know." I said.

"With that being said. I have a question." Slender stated.

"Well, duh. That's what I stayed here for." I rolled my eyes.

"What's the story of your life?"

That question almost sent me to rage. Nobody has the right to ask me such question. Why do they even want to know? But well, I made a promise. I knew something bad was coming.

"Should I be honest? And tell the whole story?" I asked and he just nodded.


It took me five whole minutes to think. Should I trust them with my past? Well, obviously the answers no. But do I really need to tell them? Yet, if I tell them maybe they would stop bothering me. After all we're just the same.

"It was planned before the day I was born." I started. "But it first happened when I was four years old. As a four year old, I could speak and walk of course. Although I was still a kid so I was still unaware of the world.

As a little toddler I have encountered some 'special training'. Although its more of a torture. Ever since I turned four, my life became the definition of hell. Some were actually related to some of you people's story. Although mine was much more extreme and it involved my mental and physical capabilities.

I was tortured what I would want to call it, each and everyday. Taken away from my dad and mom each and everyday. Although my dad had no idea about it, my mother wanted to keep it a secret. And while I was taken away, my mom didn't have a choice but to feel guilt. I didn't know why she felt guilty. However, I knew I wasn't tortured for no reason.

I was tortured because they wanted me to become stronger. But as I said, I wasn't aware of anything yet. So I just kept listening even though if it would hurt. I was always thinking that it was for my own good or maybe I did something wrong.

As days pass by, I became immune to pain, but it didn't mean it would hurt. I could bear it. But little by little I was getting aware of reality. I would go home everyday crying on my mother's shoulder. It was just a proof of how weak I was.

I was special they said, so they did these things to me. I can't be blamed I agreed to it. They made me agree to do it when I was dazed. I wasn't that stupid to accept things as such, yet I was weak. That's why I got to accept it.

But all my thinking changed after six years.

When I reached ten, I began to question myself. Why was I doing this? When did I agree to do this? All those memories were fresh inside my mind until now.

I got sick of doing all of it. What would I gain from it anyway? So at that time, I thought a plan to escape them all. It was clear, everything was sorted out. But that was when my sister interfered. I hated her. She was the thing I hated the most. She ruined everything.

Since the plan was ruined, I was still doing the same thing everyday. Crying to myself to stop, but can't.

But when I reached fifteen, everything I did stopped. There came that one lucky day. I escaped from it all. Although that's another story." I then sighed.

"Look, I'm being honest here, but there are somethings I couldn't tell you just yet. Because who are you to gain my trust?" I told them directly.

"Indeed you did have a terrible past, but you didn't hold any grudge?" Jeff asked.

"Why should I? What would I gain from it? Nothing." I said.

"Tell us, what were you before?" Slender asked.

"I was a-" Just when I was about to say it, a loud sound rang into the place.

From the window inside the kitchen I saw Jane. She had someone tied up with her. And when she came into view to us, I then saw who she was with. My mother that was tied up and had a cloth inside her mouth.

Blood boiled up to me and I couldn't take it anymore. Nobody, touches my mom. And now this bitch will get it.

"Why who do I have here~?" Jane cooed.

I split the rope tied into my hands to be free. Next, I pulled the rope that ties at my feet. Now it's time you get it.

"NOBODY TOUCHES MY MOM!" I then lunged at her.


A/N: THE TRUTH HAS BEEN ALMOST REVEALED. :O Can you guys find out what she was? If then, I guess I could dedicate the next chapter to the lucky guesser! And lol, don't kill me if I got some of the concepts in Hunter x Hunter. It's just too damn awesome, so PEACE! \\//

Also, I am deeply truly sorry that there's no romance yet. ;u; It needs to bloom, and we need to find out Yuzuki and her family's secret first. ;)

BTW~ I won't be around for a week I guess. I'm going out of the country. I'm going to San Francisco. xD THERE MIGHT BE CREEPYPASTAS HOLY SHI-- haha, am just kidding. But I'll be seriously be going there.

Until then! I'll be writing chapters on our trip! :) So hope for me to come back safely. xD

Thank you for reading~! Vote, Comment, Follow~! <3

BYE~ ILY~ <3



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