His Personal Assistant √

By imkhaleesi

405K 15K 587

Kandell Anderson can not keep her job with her past hunting her. She had just recently worked at a coffee sh... More

1//M A N S I O N
2//B R O K E
3//R U D E
4//B E L O N G
5//A S S
6//Y O U
7//U N E X P E C T E D
8//S H O P P I N G
9//D O N E
10//U N B E L I E V A B L E
11//V I E W
12//S I G H T S E E I N G
13//W E A V S
14//L O O K S
16//D I S T U R B A N C E S
17//L O V E
18//G E T - T O G E T H E R
19//F I R S T
20//K I S S E D
21//O F F I C I A L
22//H E A R T
23//: E P I L O G
Authors Note

15//W E I R D

13.1K 547 16
By imkhaleesi

'Kendall Anderson'

I felt a hand on my cheek, playing with my heir it feels so good but who is it, opening my eyes slowly. My eyes come in contract with those beautiful eyes again that makes my cheeks heat up and being butterflies to my stomach.

"Good morning Mr.Knight"

I say with a smile on my face, looking at him head to toe to notice his wearing a black two piece suit. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, we are going back home. I came to wake you up, the plane is leaving in two hours, get ready" Finally letting go of my cheeks he gives me a small kiss of the forehand and leaves the room. I head to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Drying my hair and body. I head to the closet to find that my clothes have been picked in my suitcase, I will ask questions.

I pick out a maroon umbrella dress with black heels, putting my hair in a massy ban. I looking at myself on a full length mirror, I look pretty good

Axel, John and I got in jet and after a few minutes the jet had took off and John went where? I don't know, I am guessing where the two flight attendants are.

After a few hours, the jet decreased and we come to a stop, the ride back to what I am guessing is the office building, and my guess was right the car stops in front of the entrance doors -where by the way if someone else even tries to put they car it is like WWIII-

"I will be right back, do not go anywhere" with a smick on his face he turns around and walk to the elevators with John besides him. I have noticed that everywhere Axel is, John is not far behind. I guess that how having a bodyguard or being a bodyguard works, I wonder if John has a family or not

"Kendall Andersen, where have you been?" I am snapped back to reality by that very formally voice, as I turn around a big smile creeps its way on to my face.

With his duty blond hair and blue eyes, looks like he has not changed a bite. I missed him so much, his my life saver, his my Yin to my Yeng

Chris Anderson

The love of my life, my world, my smile keeper is back and I hope for good this time. "Chris, baby how are you?" Giving him a bare hug he returns it with a bone crushing hug. "I missed you so much dall" Chris has been out of the country for some time now -four weeks- he went to France for his coking school thing , I wish he took me with him

"You have a lot of explaining to do when we get home, like when you started working here and how!, where you were! And most of all, why that bîtch has an attitude" pointing to the respected from last time. When he gets all secret and business like, just know the is no way out

Axel comes out of the elevator with John and as soon as he sees me his face lights up but when he sees Chris his whole express changes from light to cold, dark, heavy.

"Mr. Knight can I go home and come back to work tomorrow, I am really tried. I just need some sleep" with a straight expression pointed on his face he nods mabolling something along the lines of "I bet you really need same sleep"

"Thank you" I grab Chris's hand before he could say anything to blow up Axel. We walk out of the building and I have the feeling someone is glaring at me, I think I know who it is. Amanda, the lady on the front desk, don't I loathe her

Chris pulls me to what I a. guessing is his car, a white Audi A7. Love it. "I went to April's house but she said you moved out, so where you staying now?" With a smile on face still not believing his here. I give him the GPS directions and in under 20 minutes we had reached my apartment

× × ×

"Wow I wish I was you, I'd be able to look at him all the time I want and never get bored" slapping his head to woke him up from dreamland. "So have you tried anything yet, you know have you felt him yet, hold him, make lo-"

Slipping his head again. "No I did not, because I am professional somebody, his my boss and I am his employee. Nothing more" as soon as I finish with my protest my door bell rings.

"I am coming" I stand up to open the door, and in front of my eyes stands April with the biggest smile on her face, I am afraid it will creek . A long scream is head from behind me, and out of no way I am pushed aside by Chris so he could hug April

"So how is Mr. Axel Knight doing, did he give you something to remember him by" April and Chris have the same minds, and if you have not guessed it or you want confirmation, then yes Chris is gay. "You guys; come on. How many times do I have to tell you, we did nothing because his my boss and I am his employee, nothing else, besides it was a business trip"

After awhile April went back to her apartment which is four blocks away and Chris said he had a dinner with his new boyfriend

Checking my phone as I get in my bed, seeing I have six missed calls, five from Axel and one from dad. I think I should call my dad first, after about four rings he finally picks up his phone, With heavy breathing he answers" Hi baby, why you calling?" Did I here that correctly

"You called me, so I thought I should call you back seems like a good idea, you know".

"That's great baby but I will call you back tomorrow, I am kind of busy at the moment" before I could even say goodnight he had already hanged up. Will that was rude but anyways. I called Axel to find out what he wanted now, after two rings he picks up his phone

"Mr. Knight, you wanted something" I hope it is not about me still moving out to a new office building, "No I.... just wanted to know if you reached home safely or not" aww that is just too cute. "Yes Sir I have reached home safely, thank you for the worry" hearing him say umh on the other line

"While goodnight Sir, I will see you tomorrow at work" do not say anything about me going to a new office building. "Goodnight Kendall"

"Goodnight Mr. Knight" as soon I say that I hung up. That was weird but cute, I actually loved hearing him say goodnight to me. With him in my mind I let the darkness overtake me

× × ×




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