Empty Promises (Fragile Love...

By Kiki_KillSwitch

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Now that Brody and Briley are older, they’ve realized how much they dearly need each other. Through thick and... More

Empty Promises (Fragile Love Sequel)
Chapter Two - Stupid Guy, Nice Body
Chapter Four - Outburst
Chapter Five - Faithful
Chapter Six - Roller Coaster

Chapter Three - Classes

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By Kiki_KillSwitch

Briley’s POV

Brody and I stayed in our bedroom for the rest of the day, just cuddling and talking about random things. You would think after all this time we wouldn’t have anything to talk about but that’s not the case; we always find something to talk about, whether it is about music or completely random things like popsicles. When Brody finally got me to wake up, at seven might I add, he and I went to go to our first class, which we had with Ryan; yeah Brody and I have almost all the same classes together, it’s epic. Of course, he had to be a bum and take two stupid classes I didn’t even know existed so I’m alone in two of mine.

For that he didn’t get a five minute goodbye kiss when we had to part ways for our second class, it was only like…three. I’m so badass I know.

So after that amazing public display of affection that no one seemed to care about, I was off to my literature class; at least I think it was literature. Something to do with that anyways, I didn’t really pay attention to what I signed up for to be honest. Yup, I’m going to fail big time. Well this class anyways, the others I’ll pass no problem; I really can’t fail because that’d be mean since Brody’s parents are paying for me. As I was talking to myself in my head, I bumped into something and fell flat on my ass. What the hell! I have to stop zoning out jeeze… I looked up to see what I bumped into, I swear if it was a door or a wall I’ll run away and hide under a rock.

Oh crap. I gulped and realized what, or in this case who, I bumped into. Tyler. No wonder it felt like hitting a damn wall! I found myself staring at his chest, it was covered by a light grey slightly v-neck sweater. And must I say, he looked damn sexy…err…that’s just an observation…I don't…yeah. “Sorry Briley, didn’t see you there. Here let me help you up.” He smiled his model like smile, and held out his big hand; ohh his hands are big. I facepalmed myself, really Briley? Really? Ugh. I reached out and grabbed it and he lifted me like I was a feather; I can’t lie to myself and say that his touch didn’t send shivers through my body, cause it did. I gazed into his amazingly mesmerizing eyes and almost melted. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?” I pulled myself away from his eyes and looked down, shaking my head. No he didn’t hurt me physically, just you know, mentally because I can’t get over how freaking hot he is! He handed me my binder and I blushed; well, the way I’m acting I’m going to grow boobs and my dick will fall off. Man up Briley! But I’m not really a man…whoa. Did I just pun myself? Kinda… 

“Is this your class too?” I asked, luckily not sounding like I had a mouth full of pudding. Ha, I feel proud of myself; I didn’t look like a complete retard. He nodded giving me an easy smile and motioned me to follow him, I did and tried not to look at his ass. It pains me to say I couldn’t help myself, he was wearing dark denim straight leg jeans, and his ass just looked so perfect. Why am I staring at his ass? It’s not like I’d get any, I’m always bottom.

I face palmed myself for a second time. Think of Brody, think of how sexy he is, how he looks in the shower or right after sex. Wait, I don’t want to give myself a boner. That would be bad. Really freaking bad. Okay. Think of sluts, as always. I followed Tyler to an isle of seats until he sat down, with a gulp I sat next to him not meaning to breathe in his scent. He smelled like old spice, I couldn’t help but take in more of the delicious smell; I have a thing for old spice, sue me if it’s a bad thing.

Thankfully the teacher, or professor or whatever walked in before Tyler could talk to me and started her lesson. I was actually really intrigued with her lesson, so I didn’t even glance at Tyler through the whole thing. Maybe this means I’m already getting over his hotness. When the class was over I snuck a peak at him, yeah no. Sigh. Alright, maybe I’ll just become his friend then I’ll get over him. “Pretty cool class hey?” I smiled shyly at him as we stood up.

“Yeah it is, I didn’t think you’d be one for literature.” Oh god he’s looking me in the eyes, look away Briley! I looked away with a smile and a blush.

“Neither did I really. So uh, what's your next class?” I looked back up at him through my bangs, am I flirting? Nah, I’m just being shy.

“Football actually, if you can call that a class.” He smirked with a chuckle. So he plays football, in a way that makes him hotter. Fuck! I’m really turning into a freaking girl!

“Oh…well uh…I’ll see you later then. Have fun.” He nodded and I walked, almost ran, away to my next class. Zoey’s in this class with Brody and I, I believe; meaning I’ll be able to get Tyler off my mind. I think this class had to do with cultures and beliefs, something I was fairly interested it when we learned about some shit in socials back in high school.

I walked down the hall until I spotted Zoey; though she’s small she stood out wearing a panda dress. A freaking panda dress really? I ran up to her, wrapping my arms around her in a hug from behind; lifting her up and swinging her around in a circle. She screamed at first then ended with a fit of the giggles. “Briley, you scared the shit out of me!” She playfully punched my arm when I started to giggle with her. “So how were your first two classes?” She asked conversationally as we walked together to where the class was supposed to be. Should I tell her about Tyler? What would she think if I was crushing on someone when I’m with her brother? It’s not bad, it’s just a crush I still love Brody with all my heart.

“Good, yours?” I decided to just avoid Tyler for the time being, a better time will come up. She grinned and told me how she and Katrina outsmarted their music teacher; they were talking about modern music and got him to finally agree that Justin Beiber was a flash in the pan and a complete imbecile. Apparently he enjoyed the fuckers music, that is until Zo and Kat made him so embarrassed he had to run out of the room. It’s harsh, but funny if you ask me. We were laughing on our way into the classroom; Brody was waiting in there for us so when I saw him I jumped on him; kissing him like I haven’t seen him in years.

“You guys are so cute.” Zoey gushed, I smiled against Brody’s perfect lips then pulled back to look into his beautiful green eyes. Maybe I’m just confused, I love Brody and when I see him I completely forget about Tyler. Maybe he’s cast a spell on me, maybe he’s a wizard!

That’s should be in the book of Briley’s stupid moments, right below the time I called Brody a sexy turtle.

Throughout class Zoey and I bugged the teacher and Brody, we kept poking Brody but he just ignored it and we asked stupid questions most of the time. The teacher didn’t seem to mind, obviously has had his share of retarded students before. When it was over Zoey decided to text Ryan and Katrina to meet up with us for lunch, no one else was in college with us unfortunately. Elexis wanted to spend her time with Steven, Dylan wasn’t into the ‘college scene’ as he says but we don’t know why, and Emma just plain didn’t need to go. She doesn’t need to get a job or anything now since she has a huge trust fund that’ll be hers in a few years. Don’t ask me, she’s just weird. I would’ve still gone to college even with that; only if Brody went that is.

“So who are you bunked up with?” Zoey asked Ryan as she sat down with her chai tea and sandwich, we were outside the café since it was a nice day; I was sitting next to Brody and Zoey while Katrina and Ryan were in front of us. Ryan flipped his shaggy brown hair out of the way of his brown eyes and shrugged.

“Just two guys who are more interested in girls and parties than anything.”

“Aren’t you interested in girls and parties too?” Katrina asked with a small giggle, Ryan rolled his eyes and told her it wasn’t the point. Even though I miss everyone else, I like having just a few friends here. If we were all here I’m sure it’d be way too crowded; I get to see most of them on the weekend anyways when they come to see us.

“We’re bunked up with a homophobe and an idiot.” Brody spoke up, with his mouthful of his sandwich. Has he no manners? Everyone looked at us in slight shock; they thought we would be alone as well.

“But…” Zoey started but Brody cut her off.

“Yeah I know, we thought we wouldn’t have any either but they showed up.” I was going to tell everyone that Tyler was in fact, not an idiot but I kept my mouth shut. I don’t want them getting ideas, and I don’t want Brody to get mad or something. Not like he would but still. “Gabriel and Tyler.” He added.

“Gabriel? Is he tall and like…freaky looking?” Ryan asked and Brody nodded. “Shit, that guy’s creepy. I don’t trust him; he looks like a serial killer.”

“Tell me about it…” I mumbled, remembering the sneer he gave me yesterday; he may just kill me in my sleep. No, Brody wouldn’t let that happen. What if he kills Brody? I’d go fucking ninja on him and kick his ass before he could get his hands on my man. What if Tyler’s his toadie? I wouldn’t be able to keep my mind on Gabriel and Brody. Why am I thinking this?

“I’m sure he’s fine.” Zoey broke my thoughts and rolled her eyes. Yeah, right. You’ve never seen him Zoey, you have no idea. Course you have a thing for ‘bad boys’ so you might jump him.


Okay well I have to admit he isn’t ugly, like at all, but he’s just…I don’t know. I know I can’t say anything since I barely know him but first impressions make a huge impact… “You haven’t met him.” Brody sighed and picked at our salad we were going to share, which I’m pretty sure he didn’t want to eat. “Oh well, we can’t really do anything about it. We should head to class Briley.” I knew he wasn’t going to eat it! Rolling my eyes I got up and said goodbye to everyone before we walked off, hand in hand.

He’s right, we can’t do anything about having an asshole and a sexy beast for roommates; we just have to get used to it. Hopefully I can…


I think Briley’s going a little insane don’t you? XD

So far what do you guys think of Tyler? How about Gabriel? (Even though I haven’t said that much about him yet xD) I myself don’t even know what to think yet as weird as that sounds ahaha.

._. My dad’s been home for four hours and I haven’t even seen him, he hasn’t even said hi. What did I do?! T-T XD

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