bittybones fanfic cherry and...

By toothlesslover098

55K 1.4K 559

Cover does not I repeat DOES NOT belong to me it belongs to it's rightful owner I'm not saying anything els... More

Bittybones sum-up
Chapter 1
Bitty shop
Chapter 3
Little house and cooking
Thank you ^^
Chapter 5
Lexi and blindberry
Chapter 6
Jordie ref
Lexi's visit
Chapter 8 (not canon)
Chapter 8 (real chapter)
Have you seen him?
Chapter 10
Chapter 11/THANK YOU
Chapter 12
I'm WHAT?!
Chapter 14
Heat That's not good
A/N Sorry
Ready for Halloween
Making Costumes
1K YAY!!!!!!!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Marissa's Visit
A/N Shipping??
Chapter 20
A little something for KimahriRae
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
I have told a lie (kind of cannon)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
A/N I'm Upset
Chapter 27
Chapter 29(NOT CANNON)
I haz found cute picture
Chapter 29(real)
3K woo!!!!
A/N New story
Another Update
Happy Birthday mom
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
AE Know who you are
Chapter 37
A/N Another Question
Savage love
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
AE (Alternate ending)
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Hot Husband

Chapter 58

296 6 8
By toothlesslover098

Hey everyone this chapter is going to be real important not because of the chapter itself but because I've been thinking of really hard about this and I want to stop the story here and continue it to a new story with Jordie , pap, and the bitties. Because I just think this is getting to be a real long story without an end and I just wanted to tell you guys that so you know and I'll post when book 2 of this will come out it'll have the same cover of this story just don't get confused with them. But I'm keeping my promise with  Q&A when this hits 10k so if you still have questions for me feel free to ask and I'm answer them in the Q&A.


After the panel pap just decided to take everyone home it was obvious that Jordie was real tried from all of it and the bitties didn't like being touched all the time by the fans. So he picked her up with the bitties in her arms teleporting her home back in the house he placed her on their bed and laid down next to her.

"Kind of fun this weekend huh"

"Yeah I guess so to bad I have to go back to work tomorrow"

Pap rolled over and started rubbing her stomach "does your stomach still hurt?"

"No I feel fine now honey"

"Well if it still hurts tomorrow tell me babe, and you don't have to go to work tomorrow I'll help take care of you"

"Thanks pap"

"No prob now get some sleep"


Jordie left for work walking into the café she didn't expect to see her old co-worker friend! She smiled giving them a big hug "Hey I didn't except to see you here" Jordie said cheerfully "Yeah I transferred here so I could work with you I missed seeing my friend" they replied.

They looked down noticing Jordie's maid outfit "Woah the boss has you were that?" they questioned "sadly yes your lucky you get to where one that isn't so revealing to wear"

*This is the one the co-worker is wearing*

"JORDIE!!!!" a voice called running over and hugging her was the boss lady "How's my favorite money maker" squeezing her "oh hi boss" she replied. Her boss set her down and spoke to the co-worker about how good Jordie brought in customers giving Jordie a chance to walk away and give out orders.

Taking a lady's order she then started feeling sick and ran to the nearest trash can throwing up. The co-worker came up to her "Jordie are you alright?" they asked "Yeah I'm fine just a little sick is all" she replied then started throwing up again "if your sick just go and sit down for a bit I'll get you some water"

"Thank you" Jordie then went and sat down at one of the tables her co-worker came back with some water giving it to her Jordie took a sip while the co-worker sat down across from her.

"I hope your not sick or anything Jordie"

"I hope not either" she then gasped "D-do you think I-I'm pregnant"

"It depends have you had sex with pap?"

"Yeah and I did take one and it said negative"

"Well you should do another the test just in case it was wrong"

Jordie sighed "alright... think you get buy me one on your break and I'll take it on mine"

"Sure anything for a friend Jordie"


Her co-work got the pregnancy test for her called clear blue that would always show if you were pregnant or not. Jordie took the test and going back to her job while she waited for the result to come.

After she finished work Jordie took a look at the pregnancy test and sure enough it said that she was indeed pregnant.

She started to cry her friend noticing came over "what's wrong Jordie?" they asked Jordie turned and showed the positive test.

"Oh Jordie...."

"What am I going to tell pap he'll be upset at me. Because he seemed so worried last time he asked me if I was" she cried into her friend's shoulder

"Now, now it's okay Jordie I'm sure it'll be alright pregnant or not he'll love you" they assured

Jordie  sniffed "thank you" she breathed in and out "I'll do it"

To be continued in the next story.... 


Hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter of bittybones and hope you will stay for when book 2 will come out for it.

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