Stockholm Syndrome

By poetryinshambles

525K 12.4K 1.1K

I didn't want to. I wouldn't. I won't. But suddenly I was doing it. I didn't even register my feet hitting th... More

01: Introductions
02: Touch
03: Sight
04: Taste
05: Sound
06: Smell
08: Staring Contest
09: How Long
10: Panic
11:Help-Oh No
12 & 13
14: Deafening Silence
15: All Tied Up
16: But That Is Why You're Here
17: Starbucks
18: Drugs
19: I Hate This Closet
20: How Can You Blame Me?
21: I Really Want to Cuss
22: All This Is Your Fault
23: Touch
24: Sight
25: Taste
26: Sound
27: Smell
28: Anorexia
29: Dad
30: Stockholm Syndrome
31: Anorexic
32:The Talk Without Words
33: Attempt One
34: Attempt Two
35: Attempt Seven
36: I Give Up
37: Submissive
38: Icy Calm
39: Dominance
40: His Offer
41: Deep Breaths, No Thoughts
42: Shower
43: Starbucks
44: House to Home
45: He Knows
46: Kiss
47: Tell Me
48: Sick to my Stomach
49: Touch
50: Sight
51: Taste
52: Sound
53: Smell
54: Midnight Drive
55: Cold Body, Warm Heart
56: He Doesn't Like Me
57: Exhaustion
58: Please Don't Make Me
59: Scared
60: Late Night, Early Morning
61: Sick
62: Twenty Minutes Later
63: Ten Minutes Later
64: Five Minutes Later
65: Lonely
66: Escape the Tension
67: You're Cold
68: It's Still Going to be a Fight
69: Maybe Later
70: Now There' s Blood
71: I Woke Up
Question from the Author

07: Next Time You Make An Escape Plan, Tell Me

12.6K 285 25
By poetryinshambles

07: Next Time You Make An Escape Plan, Tell Me
​I bolted for the door. He had untied my hands about an hour ago. He stayed there and stared at me. No words. As if he expected me to make the first move. Jerk. So after sitting there for an hour, I went with the worst plan I could have thought of. I thought I would hear footsteps crashing behind me as I flung the bedroom door open, but he seemed fine with calmly standing and walking behind me as I bolted. I didn't notice that while I ran though. It took a minute to find my surroundings. Stairs. Go down. My brain instructed me. I slid down, almost falling a few times. I made it to a kitchen and my heart stopped. Another person. He looked up and saw me. But he was as calm as the other one. He walked over to me as I ran to the front door. I was too late in realizing it was locked. I could feel the man's presence behind me and if I moved back a millimeter I would hit his chest. Even if I got the door open, he would have me before I could run. I crumpled. I pressed my back to the door and I crumpled. I didn't bother to put a face to the other man. But I knew he was tall. Again. Luke – I hated giving a monster a name- walked over to us and the other man silently stepped away. What do I do when he picks me up and begins taking me back to the bedroom? I don't kick him in the nuts like what any a TV show or book would expect you to do. I don't fight back. I don't start a battle with him I know is pointless. So what do I do? Guess. Just guess. Ok I'll tell you but it isn't too surprising. I cry. I cry and I scream. I scream to Heaven. I scream to Hell. I scream to Luke. I'm full of pure terror and its coming out in short bursts through my lungs. It's like the scream you let out when someone is tickling you. Except without the joy or joking manner. But zeroing in on the pain. The terror. The shock. The adrenaline. Just no joy. He lays me back on the bed and I quiet down for a moment and realize my eyes are shut. I keep them that way and only open them when he sets me down and my head is towards my lap. I squint open my eyes then.
​​"Next time you make an escape plan, tell me." He instructed. He was taking this situation way too lightly. I looked up. I stared straight into his soul penetrating eyes. And I screamed at him at the top of my lungs. He stared back and seemed to be listening to all the words that wordless cry was throwing at him. And he didn't tell me to stop. And he didn't put the gag back on. He just let me scream.

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