A New Love

By BriannaWhitlock

249K 7.2K 563

A year after the Cullens left Bella realizes that she doesn't love Edward, she loves Jasper. She can't get hi... More

A New Love
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 16

8.4K 295 53
By BriannaWhitlock

Chapter 16

Ella POV

I lead all the Cullen's and Whitlock's after Mommy. She went to Grandpa Aro while I went around the castle and introduced everyone. I kept eyeing the Cullen's suspiciously. Mommy had said bad thing about most of them, but there were good things to.
I like Jasper the most, I think Bella really like's him to. It was just the way she looked at him, and vise versa. I had never really had a dad.
Sure I had the masters as Grandfathers and their wives as grandmothers, and the guards were just cousins and Aunts and Uncles. So see, no dad.

I really hated Edward and Alice. Me and Mommy would come up with mean names for them every night before I fell asleep. I can't believe they would do such a thing to Momma. Then there was Carlisle and Esme, 'the good parents'. Pffff, ya right.
They aren't even leaders of the coven they say they are in. PixieStick and Freakward just rule them all. I can't wait till their all gone-the Cullen's. The Whitlock's would be staying a bit longer, so I heard.

I giggle quietly as the Cullen's talked with a few of the new guards. I really liked them a lot, especially Jasper. I could see the way Mommy and Jasper looked at each other.
I can't wait to talk to her before bed tonight. Just think, Mommy and Daddy Whitlock. I like it.

I giggle once more and proceeded to lead everyone to the throne room where Mommy and the Uncles were.

The doors automatically opened and we all walked in. Momma leaned back up and straightened her posture, her face emotionless. I frowned slightly and I could feel the fear slowly leaking into my body.
Momma only got that serious and emotionless posture whenever something bad was happening/going to happen, or it was a serious event.

I swallowed thickly and broke from the group to stand next to my Mom. She glanced once my way before turning her attention toward the Cullen's and Whitlock's.

"I hope you have enjoyed your stay here, but I'm afraid we're going to have to cut the pleasantries short." Aro spoke up. The Cullen's frowned and got confused looks on their faces.

I got that bad gut feeling. I really hated it. It was like a gift, it related to Peters in a way. When something bad was going to happen I got a bad feeling, when we weren't sure if something was right, my gut told my stuff.
Not literally, I just felt it. It's kinda hard to explain. We think I got the gift because Momma was a vampire who turned herself human and since she had powers, I got a gift.

Cool huh?

"Something else has come up and not only do we need your help with Victoria, but with this other thing." Caius spoke up this time.

"It will not be announced until after Victoria is dealt with, so don't ask!" My Mom snapped this time.

I had a feeling night time talk tonight is going to be a short, tense one.

The Cullen's and Whitlock's looked between each other in confusion. Edward and Alice looked really ticked and the 'coven leaders' didn't look to thrilled either.
Well, a boo-hoho and go whine somewhere else. Freaking freaks. I swear, they need to jump off a cliff into a fiery pit of lava and die in a hole.

I have a bad attitude like my Mom.

Mommy picked me up and started to move away from the Masters and toward the doors. She gave a sly look at the Whitlock's and after a moment they nodded. She gave a quick nod and hurried out the door and down the hall.

She must have done some thought talking or something.

Of course I knew all about the vampires, it was kinda hard to hide it. I found out only just a year ago, before I turned three. I was smarter than most kids my age so it wasn't hard to understand.
I wanted to be just like my Mom when I became 18 and was turned a vampire. I couldn't even think about about killing humans.

Some of the guards laughed at me being just like Momma when I first woke up.

"She's a shield which helps her with control." Some would say.

"She's a special one, haven't seen one like her in hundreds of years." Others would say.

I would just nod and blush slightly in embarrassment, making them laugh harder.

Mom opened my bedroom door and walked in, shutting it behind her. She threw me jokingly on the bed making us both laugh and grabbed my Pj's. I undressed and she helped me slip into my Pj's.

I hopped into bed and pulled the covers up. Momma laid down onto top of the sheets and gave a small smile. I smiled back and thought of something I wanted to ask to be clear.

"What is it Ella?" Momma asks stroking my cheek worriedly. I looked up into her eyes and could see her expression had turned very concerned.

The world could coming to an end, but my Mom would always have attention on me.

"Is that him? Dad?" I ask her quietly, looking down at me hands, but of course she heard me.

Mom takes my small, warm hands, in her slightly larger, cold hands. She closes her eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath that I knew she didn't really need.
She opened her eyes and looked down at me, venom was swelled slightly in her eyes. She lightly squeezed my hands and blinked away the tears and smiled.

"Yes honey. I'm absolutely sure it was him. I just never wanted to admit it." Momma says looking at me. I hold her gaze for a moment before resting my head on her stomach.

My worst nightmare had come true. I was just like Mommy, I had know it was probably a hundred precent true. Edward Anthony Mason Cullen, the moronic freak, was my father.

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