And Then I Found You

By englishrose19

118K 5.1K 6.5K

Helena Bonham Carter one of the worlds most famous British actress, finds out yet again her also very famous... More

The Phone Call
A little too much
The Hotel Room
"I'm fine"
A Date?
Take me back
Wrong move
Over again
Let's make it a third
Black & Blue
The Dinner
So Damn Perfect
Not Just Yet
They know
The news
Goodbyes are never easy
Just a case of waiting
Two suprises
The Ring
Good & Bad
Grief of what once was perfect
What could have been
Who told you?
Through strangers eyes
One thing after another
Leave us alone
The Need
Talk to me
Familiar Times
Too much to handle
Our little girl
Moving in
Looking after you
You again
'I love you'
The Plan
No one said it was going to be easy
Geography Project
The Ivy
All a lie
Two parties under one roof
A pigeon amongst the doves
Kiss and make up?
Rose Petals
A kidnapping to remember
Here's my ring
My End of the deal
You don't have to like me
One and Only
I've got you
Never again
Burton and Taylor
Lovers in the backseat
Eyes that burn
If I only knew
Works every time
Never ending circles
Broken Heart
Two little life lines
Just for Now
Self Control
The plague of Love
Treacherous thoughts
Fuel for the flames
The Interview
Bloody wonder
The Pictures
Daddy's Girl
The wind up
The Final Chapter

Hate Desire

939 49 72
By englishrose19


Helena perked up from staring down at Little Rose fast asleep in her arms as they sat together on a rocking chair in the nursery. She couldn't call back in worry that she would wake up Rose and therefore she waited for Nell to come rushing into the nursery with a very grumpy and unhappy look on her sweet little face.

"What is it dear?" she asked frowning when Nell crossed her arms and pouted stubbornly by the doorway of her sister's nursery.

"Billy isn't sharing the remote to the TV! nanny is busy making dinner and I want to watch my program before she calls us into eat" she explained in her whinny voice very much like Helena's when she got upset about something. "It's not fair!" she stomped her foot on the ground in annoyance before throwing her hands to her small hips. The sight of her worked up daughter was kind of adorable in Helena's eyes and for that she could only smile a little at her before chuckling a little.

"It's not funny mum, i'll miss the wildlife show i've waited for" she continued to pout and for that alone Helena couldn't help the giggles as she placed Rose carefully in her cot.

"Darling, if Billy had the remote first you can't..."

"No! I did!" she raised her voice only being shushed abruptly as Helena was worried that Rose would wake. "you both need to learn to share, darling if he's watching something now let him finish it and you can watch your program later alright?" Helena finished still tucking Rose in while Nell huffed by the door.

"But the show will start soon..."

"Then get nanny Anne to show you how to recored it sweetheart...I have to ring a few people now before it gets too late into the evening, Johnny should be home soon so he could help you" with this Nell walked off in a slight strop to which Helena could only roll her eyes. She reminded her so much of herself it was scary.

After about an hour talking to her mother and her agent Helena was finally happy to end her final call before checking on Rose again who still remained sound asleep in her cot. She was so bloody cute she just wanted to reach in and squeeze her. Her brown hair was showing through more now and she was getting bigger by the day. The smile never left Helena's lips as she looked at her little sleeping beauty.

"Stupid! bloody! buggering..." The sudden banging and heavy footsteps coming up the stairs caused Helena to rush out of the nursery where she saw Johnny cursing angrily down the hallway before throwing the door wide open to their bedroom without so much as glancing in her direction. Walking down the hallway Helena reached their bedroom and noticed him throwing down his leather jacket on the bed before letting his body collapse against the soft mattress with his hands covering his face.

"What's happened?"

Removing his hands from his tired face Johnny sat up on the end of the bed slowly and sighed heavily at her question before he found her sitting beside him and running her dainty hand up and down his back soothingly. "Sweetie tell me" she whispered cupping the back of his neck as he finally looked at her.

Her eyes were full of concern and her eyebrows knotted together as he seemed to remain quiet. "Nothing for you to worry about" he said through a small smile as he patted her knee and kissed her cheek.

"Tell me" she pushed her eyes never so serious as they were now.

"It's just work, bad day you could say..." he halfheartedly explained even though things on set were becoming heated. He couldn't tell her he was close to losing his job because of the time he has been having off but then he felt bad for keeping it all to himself and not allowing her to know. He just didn't want her worrying not only that he knew if she found out just how bad things were she would make him go. He couldn't leave her alone yet, she may be better now and even healthier then last week when they had their park date with the children but even so, he knew he should be with her.

"Johnny" Helena sighed placing her head on his shoulder in defeat knowing all to well that it was probably to do with the time off he was having. "You need to be on set more"

"No!" he cut her off sighing again and running a distressed hand through his hair. "It's fine" he mumbled even as it fell on death ears. She knew it wasn't 'fine' how could it be when he came in stressed and upset.

Climbing on the bed behind him Helena kneeled either side of his hips locking him in place as she began massaging his back which brought an instant smile to his face. "Hel as good as this feels you don't have to do this..."

"you have so many knots in your back Johnny, you need to try and relax" now it was her telling him. These last couple of weeks it had been him telling her. Oh how the tables had turned.

"Now just try and relax your muscles for me alright?" she stated really adding pressure with her fingers as they massaged his sore muscles. "Take your shirt off" she instructed to which he simply sighed again before pulling it over his head leaving him bare.

The warmth of her hands against his now exposed skin was not only making him finally relax but was also triggering him to lose his mind. This was the closest contact they had had in about a month now maybe even longer. Her fingers were now softly massaging the knots in his back and he shivered slightly as she trailed her fingers down his spine which made her smirk a little knowingly.

Clearing his throat Johnny turned to look at her "Maybe I should massage your shoulders now?" he mumbled awkwardly switching positions with her and gently running circles in her back with his thumbs before her head slowly tilted back as if she were enjoying the way his hands worked against her also tired muscles. "Mmmm"

"Oh God...that's what I need" she whispered aloud biting her lip as his hands massaged her shoulders "Oooh yes thats it, right there baby..." she moaned in pleasure which instantly made him regret suggesting the idea that this would some how reduce the sexual tension that hung above the pair of them. "Little lower" she continued to bite her lip making it all the more frustrating for him as his hands dropped a little before she let a small moan escape from her lips. Inwardly cursing Johnny clenched his jaw feeling himself getting turned on by her passionate moans. It was just a massage for god sake how did they turn this into something more!

"Right there, Johnny thats it...You can go harder..." she sounded almost breathless and for that he could only breathe through this lips slowly as he tried to ignore her orgasmic moans. "That feels so good...."

Stopping what he was doing Johnny jumped from the bed realising if he didn't end this painful session he was sure to lose his mind. Staring at her confused face he gulped as she began to unfasten the front of her blouse revealing more then what he had intended . "What's wrong?" she asked lifting her gaze from her buttons to his staring ones. Pulling him back down to sit beside her she frowned at him again when he wouldn't look at her and for that alone she could only wonder what on earth had made him jump from her like that.

Watching him run a hand down his face as he breathed slowly through his nose Helena smirked a little before chuckling at him. "I'm changing for bed, what about you? are you tried?" she asked continuing to remove her blouse leaving her in nothing but her laced bra which still left little for the imagination as he glance at her almost hungrily. This was like bloody torture. It was as if she knew what she was doing here, as if she was trying to entice him into spending the night with her. Oh how he wanted to.....

Clearing his throat Johnny opened his mouth to speak only to be cut of as soon as he felt his wife's hands forcefully cup his face while covering his parted lips with her own leaving him in complete shock. Kissing him with so much desire Helena grinned against his lips before pushing herself up into his lap with one swift move before he could even protest. Groaning against her in pleasure Johnny didn't push her away only tightened his grip on her hips as they deepened the kiss.

Wrapping her legs around his middle, the pair of them now were just in the same coloured dark blue jeans with their top half exposed to one another's skin with only the lace of her bra separating the joining of their warm chests. He could feel her dainty hands running down his back as she pushed herself against him even more until he found himself being lowered down onto the mattress with her atop of him like a wild bird devouring her pray.

Breaking away to breathe the pair of them panted but only Helena was the one smiling excitedly as she pushed her hands against his exposed chest to keep him beneath her. "Hellie...." Johnny stated only cutting himself off with a suppressed groan as her hips moved sinfully against his groin leaving him with only the friction of their denim jeans preventing such heat from below their waistbands to which the desire was slowly building.

He gritted his teeth in agony as she toyed with him like this. He looked up seeing her head slowly tilting back and her mouth parted as if she was already losing her mind just with these small yet torturous moves. "Helena" he called on her again only this time she tilted her head back towards him and laid her body back on top of his as she sealed another kiss. Her lips moved in sync with her hips and as much as Johnny needed to push her away he found himself running his large hands up her back just before she pushed one of his hands to her breast almost leading him to touch her.

"Take it off" she purred breaking their kiss still not removing her hand from his that was pushed against her chest. She was quick to return her lips to his neck kissing him all the way up to his jaw before licking and sucking at his earlobe making him groan again beneath her.

"Johnny....take it off..." she sounded in pain as if him not responding to her was irritating her slightly.

He gulped wanting so badly to unhook her bra and lose himself with her between these sheets. But, he couldn't. She was still not ready for such adrenaline in her system, the doctor had been very clear that intercourse would have to wait until he said it was ok. Dr Fields had not yet given them the permission to do this.

Feeling her pushing herself up Johnny watched her unbutton the front of her jeans as she straddled him. "Baby don't" he reached for her hands only to be ignored and batted off when he tried to stop her, stop this again!

"Helena!" he snapped suddenly making her eyes bolt up fast to meet his. "I said don't" he added through serious eyes making her narrow her own on him before seeing her bite her bottom lip as if she were about to cry. Her hormones were all over the place because of these damn tablets she were on and for that Johnny could only try reach out for her. "I'm sorry"

Batting his hand away she quickly moved off him and the bed and rushed into the onsuite bathroom slamming the door behind her.

Gritting his teeth at her childlike ways Johnny too pushed himself from the bed "Helena!" he yelled like an annoyed father as he marched his way over to the bathroom door. "Open this door and stop acting like this!"

"Go away!"

Banging his fist on the door in frustration Johnny tried working on the doorknob "Open the fucking door!" he yelled reaching the end of his tether now. He had been patient with her this whole time but when she would do things like this it really push him to his limits. Did she not think that this was just as hard for him, just as frustrating. They hadn't been intermit in over a month now, he was putting her first before his own needs and yet he was getting the door slammed in his face!

"Helena..." being cut of as soon as she unlocked the door and swung it open Johnny met her tearstained face. Softening his own features and relaxing slightly Johnny stared at her broken hearted face before reaching out to cup her sad face only to be pushed to one side as she walked straight passed him without so much as a word. "Baby I'm sorry" he said catching her wrist in his light grip and pulling her tightly into his warm embrace. The second her head hit his shoulder she was in fits of tears, clinging onto his shirt as if he was all she needed right now. Her heavy cries made her shoulders shake and Johnny was soon shushing her gently and running his hands up and down her back to sooth her.

"Come on" he pulled her shoulders back a little and wiped her tears before lifting her chin up so that he could meet her teary eyes. Smiling sweetly at her he pecked a loving kiss to her lips and pulled her back into his ams. "I know you're frustrated but so am I...I have to put you first baby, trying not to lose my mind whenever you touch or kiss me is the hardest thing I'm having to face, but until we get the ay ok from your doctor we can't do this"

Running her arm around him she planted her face between his neck and let out a shaky breath "I miss you"

"I miss you too but we won't have to feel like this too much longer now ok?" he pulled back her shoulders again and looked at her as she nodded sadly. Smiling a little Johnny pressed his lips to her forehead. He had to admit he did find it adorable just how impatient she was becoming. "Never realised you could become so horny" he whispered making her hit his chest playfully before also smirking at his words.

"It's those tablets" she chuckled through the tears as she looked at him a little brighter now that she was smiling again. "Maybe after you're better we should keep you on them" he winked causing her to smirk and roll her eyes.

Cupping her face in his hands Johnny wiped the last few tears from her cheeks and kissed her again only this time feeling her smile against his lips. "Let's go downstairs"

Letting out a small sigh Helena wiped her face with her hands and walked out of the bedroom hand in hand with her husband. She should have realised that this was probably just as difficult for him and therefore she would try and not persuade him again into sleeping with her. He was waiting for her to become better again and for that alone she felt so close to him so utterly in love with him and his beautiful caring heart.

A/N: Well....what can i say? haha actually let me leave that for you guys what have you got to say? Please let me know your thoughts! I'd like to give a huge shoutout to those people who have been reading a commenting throughout this  whole story I'm so utterly thankful to you guys so THANK YOU! I'd also like to say that my good friend QueenHelenaaa has a sweenett story out that i think you should all go read! it's amazing! Anyways ill shut up now! Thanks for reading <3<3

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