The Rose and The Tulip


19 1 0

Detective Patrick, having just gotten off of work, goes to the nearby cafe and starts to relax. Soon after h... More

Chapter One

16 1 0

Detective Patrick has been a detective for 10 years. After working in the police force for 5 years and showing amazing talent and skill he got to detective. Tonight ,after finishing the mountain of paperwork that was placed on his desk by the commissioner, he left to go to the nearby cafe. He left around 9 P.M. After the short drive from the station, he parked his car in the parking lot and walked in. He looks around and sees how the place is normally. Not exactly packed, but not too dead. He spots a table near the front of the stage, where the band was playing, and sat down.

When he sat down and watched the band play he went into a trance. Every note hit brought Patrick into the music. He could feel himself riding the waves of sounds. It spoke to him. It let him know that there are some messed up things in the world but music will always be there. He didn't hear the barista say "What would you like sir?" until the second time she said it.

Hearing her voice took him from his trance. He shook his head a bit and blinked his eyes. He chuckles. "I'm sorry. The music just brought me in. After a long day at work, this is definitely something you'd want to hear."

The barista smiles. "It's fine. I sometimes I just find myself swaying to the beat while I'm waiting to serve another patron. "

Patrick smiles, leans forward in his chair and puts his arms on the table.

"I'll have a coffee with too sugars then."

"Sure thing."

She walked away and Patrick scanned the room . They were just ordinary people to any normal person but to Patrick, he knows that each and every person in this room has a life just as complicated or intricate as his. Everyone has their issues. He has seen this happen too often. He spots the barista walking back towards him and he sits up straight.

"Here you go." She says as she places the cup down. "Enjoy."

Patrick nods and says "Thank you." and turns back to the band. While they played he pulled a flask out from his winter coat, unscrewed the top, and poured a little bit into the coffee. Irish coffee was the way he liked it. After he put the flask back in it's pocket and took a sip, he looked up to the skylight the cafe had. The situation was perfect. The moon was full, low light, small chatter going on under the jazz music being played. It felt like all was right in the world. This place was a safe haven. At least for now.

As he drank his coffee his partner, James, walks in. He worked with Patrick for a while and knew that he enjoyed coming here. As soon as he's done with work, he comes straight here. James looks around the place and spots him near the front, then he proceeds to walk towards him.

"Patrick." He says as he pulls out a chair.

"James." Patrick replies setting down his cup.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your break but we have a situation."

The grandfather clock sitting in the corner of the cafe chimed. It was 10 P.M. "Great timing to bring something up." Patrick says looking at the clock.

"We can't relax too long. Especially in this city." James sits down. "We got a call about a body found in the alley next to Couninington Road. I came here to get you so we can head there."

"Is the coroner there yet?" Patrick asks getting up and pulling out his wallet.

"Yeah they got there and now they're waiting on us."

"Then let's head there. " Patrick places down 5 dollars as a tip, puts on his fedora, and starts walking towards the door. "You're driving."

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