Wolf In Me

By JordynF16

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Victorious fanfic Jade and Tori have a rough and weird kinda friendship but what happens when secrets are rev... More

Chapter 1 - Midnight Run
Chapter 2 - Rag Doll
Chapter 3 - Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?
Chapter 5 - What Is An Alter Ego Anyways?
Chapter 6 - A Clearer Picture
Chapter 7 - The Need To Sleep
Chapter 8 - Smash And Grab
Chapter 9 - Truth And Consequences
Chapter 10 - The Ties That Bind
Chapter 11 - Bad Moon Rising
Chapter 12 - Popping The Clutch
Chapter 13 - On The Hunt
Chapter 14 - That Was Who?
Chapter 15 - The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Played
Chapter 16 - What Has Been And What Could Be
Chapter 17 - Gathering The Troops
Chapter 18 - Walking The Dog
Chapter 19 - Cinderella And Cat
Chapter 20 - All Kinds Of Decisions
Chapter 21 - Things I Have To Do Today
Chapter 22 - In The Thick Of It
Chapter 23 - Hell's Bells
Chapter 24 - Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Chapter 25 - When Can The Healing Start?
Chapter 26 - Alana And Rhian
Chapter 27 - Lots Of Surprises For Everyone
Chapter 28 - Our Life Together
Deleted Chapter - 13A

Chapter 4 - Smelling Her Out

2.2K 68 22
By JordynF16

No One's POV

Tori grinned. "You like me?"

"I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't." Jade said as she got up.

"It doesn't bother you that I'm..."

"Ok, it's a bit strange, I'll admit that I feel something for you. I know that sounds vague but that's my answer." Jade extended a hand and helped Tori up.

Jade actually felt a bit more than that. But she didn't say anything about it, as she thought it was silly. It was that strange kinship and magnetic pull she felt. It was more than attraction, but it was vague and undefined.

"What now, Jade."

"Well for starters, I want to know who my soon to be ex boyfriend was fucking behind my back. You said you can sniff her out. She's probably at lunch along with everyone else."

Tori nodded, looking a bit embarrassed. "Yes."

Jade pointed to the door. "Well then, do your thing."

Tori walked out the door, a strange look of concentration on her face. She stopped and paused in the hallway.

"Faint" She said. Then Tori pointed towards the asphalt café. "That way."

Tori walked to the doors of the café, with Jade next to her. "Normally I don't pay much attention to what I smell. It gets a bit distracting. I shut it out."

"Got it."

They walked outside, to see all the tables at the asphalt café filled with hungry students. Tori paused just at the entrance to the café for several seconds.

Jade noticed that Tori looked a bit distressed. "What's wrong Tori?"

"I'm trying to pick out her smell, amongst all the others. With the overpowering smell of food it's not always easy. My wolf self would pick it up in a second."

"Just take you're time Vega."

For about another minute, Tori stood there, almost like a statue. Occasionally she would tilt her head to one side or the other. Her eyes darted back and forth the entire time.

Suddenly she began to walk to one end of the café. There she slowly began to circle a table with out 7 girls at it. One or two of them gave her an odd look, but the rest ignored her. After her 2nd circuit, she stopped directly behind a girl. She as cute, with a pug nose and had short red hair in a bob haircut. Tori then pointed to her.

"Kate Hammond" Jade hissed. Jade knew she was Becks, chemistry lab partner. As far as Jade knew, they never spoke outside of chemistry class.

Jade stormed right up to the red head and quickly shoved the girls face directly into her refried beans.

"YOU BITCH!" Jade bellowed at the girl, as she grabbed Kate from behind. Jade then dragged the surprised and shocked girl across the cafe to the table where Beck, Andre, Cat and Robbie were sitting.

Jade practically threw Kate at a very surprised Beck, who caught her. "WERE YOU FUCKING HER, BECK?" A furious Jade boomed.

Beck tried to keep his cool, but Kate quickly seemed to panic. "You said she'd never find out" Kate said appearing rather upset. A second later Kate slapped Beck across the face.

Kate then stormed off, as Jade's attention remained focused on Beck.

"Look Babe, I'm..." That's all Beck was able to say, before Jade punched him square in the nose.

Immediately after, Becks nose started to gush blood. Beck at this point, started to run off. Leaving a very shocked, Cat, Andre and Robbie sitting there.

Jade stood there seething for several seconds, just glaring at the Canadian as he ran away. Tori put her hand on her shoulder, seemingly calming her down.

"What Just happened?" Andre asked.

Tori answered. "Jade found out, that Beck's been sleeping with Kate Hammond for the last 2 months. As you may have guessed, they're no longer a couple."

Jade huffed and looked at Tori. "Come on Vega, Let's get some food. I'll skip the dog food jokes for now."

Tori rolled her eyes. "You're so kind Jade." She said sarcastically.

A few minutes later Tori and Jade returned with trays of food.

"So what were you losers talking about, before Beck's unfortunate accident." Jade said with a smirk.

Cat pointed to her nose. "Accident? You hit him in the nose Jade."

"Thank you Mrs. Obvious. Would you care to tell me the sky is blue as well." Jade snapped.

This time Cat pointed up to a cloud filled sky. . "But it's cloudy, so it's white today."

Jade growled at Cat, causing her to recoil in fear.

"Jade, stop that." Tori said, putting her hand on Jade's leg. For an instant, Tori squeezed hard. Jade felt like her leg was suddenly in a vice. The burst of pain the Latina easily inflicted, sobered up Jade very quickly.

Tori hated doing that, but Jade was about to make Cat cry.

Jade quickly apologized. "Sorry Cat. I'm just a bit upset."

"That's Ok Jade."

"Looks like Jade's showing some claw's today." Rex Powers noted.

Jade just smirked and took a bite of salad. "That's Vega's department."

Everyone looked briefly at Tori, who shrugged and started to eat.

The rest of the day went normally, other than the conspicuous absence of Beck. As the day was ending Tori was at her locker. Of all the things that happened today, it was the kiss that she most thought of.

"Jade kissed me" Tori thought happily.

"Jade kissed me knowing that I'm a werewolf." An even happier thought came to Tori's mind.

"VEGA!" Barked Jade who had snuck up to her, causing Tori to drop several books.

Tori frowned and leaned over to pick her books off the floor. "Thanks Jade."

Jade thought for a moment. "Hey, how come you didn't smell me coming?"

"I told you, I don't normally pay attention to what I smell. I kind of shut it all out during the day. I can be snuck up on like everyone else. If I'm not paying attention, to what I smell."

Trina at that moment came around a corner. "Are you finally ready to go Tori? I've been waiting outside for five minutes."

"It's you." Said Trina as she gave a disapproving look to the Jade.

"You can't turn into a wolf, you suck." Jade said with a smirk.

Trina gasped in horror. "You told her!" she said to Tori, before turning to Jade. And I don't suck."

Jade pointed to the door. "Bye older, uglier Vega, shoo. I'm giving Tori a ride home."

Trina huffed and stormed off. "I'm telling mom"

"Must you insult everyone today Jade?"

"Today, Yes. For what it's worth, I want to thank you for your help sniffing out Kate. I probably never would have figured it out." Jade said, as she leaned up against a locker.

Tori smiled. "So where are we going?

"Dinner at Nozu"

"You mean like a real date and not a fake one." Tori said, practically jumping for Joy with excitement.

Jade quickly rolled her eyes, then made half a smile. "Yes, if you want to go out with me."

"Oh god, yes, god yes. That is so great. I've been in lo..." Tori began to say excitedly, before Jade put her hand over Tori's mouth.

"Down girl. A simple yes would suffice."

Tori managed to restrain herself, barely. "Yes."

"Good, now get your purse and we'll get started."

Tori quickly grabbed her purse and shut her locker.

"Where are we going Jade?" Tori asked as they headed to the parking lot.

"Nozu. I have more questions. I kind of want to know what I've gotten myself into. Besides I kind of actually want to spend time with you." Jade said as she took Tori's hand.

"So my first question, Werewolves exist, do vampires exist?"

Tori visibly shuddered at the mention of the word vampires.

"Yes, they do. Few and far between. Don't think Robert Pattinson vampire, think more Christopher Lee vampire. They're cold soulless killers, extremely nasty. They're largely solitary creatures. There's no such thing as vampire clans or councils or vampire bars. They don't like each other's company. Of course all vampires have consorts/slaves from time to time, but when they get tired of them, they get what's called "A vampire divorce".

Jade waited until they got in the car and started to drive before she asked.

"What's a vampire divorce?" Jade asked, not sure if she wanted the answer.

"They get chained to the roof. The sun kills them, the wind and the rain carry away the ashes. Then said vampire, picks out a new consort and the cycle begins again. They are usually extremely intelligent and can be charming, when they need to be." Tori said with trepidation.

"So sunlight kills them?"

"They don't sparkle, they burst into flame. A stake through the heart will do the trick as well. A werewolf can kill one if it removes the head. Something about the magic it has."

"I see. Crosses and garlic?"

"Holy Water, Crosses and holy symbols yes. Garlic for some reason, no. I can't say I'm an expert, I just know what my mom tells me. But I do know and I'll say it again, they are cold soulless killers."

"Very interesting" Jade said. "Any around here?"

Tori paused and seemed to cautiously look around. "As far as I know only, one exists in the L.A. Area. It keeps a very low profile and preys on homeless, runaways, criminals, people who won't be missed. Though occasionally a female college student or young girl will vanish without a trace, but that doesn't happen too often."

What about werewolves?" Jade asked.

"There are more of us. The majority of our number, are good people. There are a few bad apples, though. We have a loose association in the area and occasionally meet to discuss matters. We call it the pack. We don't have an overall werewolf leader, thought I think there used to be one. But that was a long time ago. The pack meets to discuss things like, policing werewolves that get out of hand, or dealing with the occasional vampire. I can't be a full fledged member of the pack until I'm 18."

"Silver bullets, do they kill you?"

Tori nodded. "Yes, one of the few things that can. All those times you pointed scissors at me. Even if you had stuck them in my gut, it wouldn't have killed me. I would have just gotten angry. Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me, when I'm angry."

Jade smiled as she caught the reference. "What, can you turn green too?"

Tori laughed. "Sorry, I couldn't resist that one."

Jade thought for a moment. "All those times I dragged you into the broom closet, you could have stopped me at any time."

"Yes, I could have broken you arm at any time." Tori stated bluntly.

"Why not?"

Tori blushed. "Because I like it when you touch me. Even if it was only grabbing my wrist. After all I'm a girl first, a gay one I mean and a wolf second."

"Won't we make in interesting pair." Jade quipped.

Tori gave Jade a hopeful look. "Are we a pair?"

"Well that's what this date is about, seeing if we can be."

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