Death Note X Reader

Random_Fate द्वारा

3.3K 40 11

Compilation of one-shot death note stories. अधिक

~2~ Reader x L.lawliet part 2A- (Bad ending) The genius couple's deaths
~3~ Reader x L. lawliet part 2B- (good ending) The genius couple's happy ending
~4~ Amane Misa x Sadist!! reader
Hey ya readers!
~5~ Amane Misa, the part I can't lose in my world (Sequel to the sadist)
~6~Matsuda x reader

~1~ Reader x Ryuzaki(L. Lawliet) part 1 [Death Note] The Genius couple

1.1K 14 6
Random_Fate द्वारा

**This story was far from when Ray Penbar and his fiancée were killed by Kira... no this was far from that...go figure.**

You're a kid genius, probably graduated at such a young age that's why many are jealous and proud of you. Still you remained humble that's why most of them likes a lot about you. Luckily enough, your father is a cop and your mother is a chef. But in exchange you are alone at home most of the time.

There was an event that occurred, people dying strange like a God among people is judging them. Since you have a long history of helping the police in their investigations, you were asked if you want to participate in the Kira investigation. You didn't hesitated, even if it means you might die along the way.

You ride your scooter and took your father to the police station where he works. When you got to your destination, you parked your scooter and entered the police station with your father.

"Are you sure, (Y/N)?" Asked by your father, utterly concerned about you, the two of you were closer than your mother does, and so you spend your free time helping your dad catch bad guys.
"Why not, besides I'll be safe with you father. We also have Yagami-san with us." You gazed at mister Yagami Suichiro who beamed at you, "This is a secret investigation, it might take all your free time." Matsuda whined but he never meant that you shouldn't join. You gave him a smile and he scratched his head smiling at you.

Your father's always been proud of you, he believes that all you do will be a complete success. That's your source of confidence and strength. Your father ride your scooter and pointed which direction you'll go, Matsuda was behind the two of you, he was in his police car. They took you on a big hotel, probably the great hotel you've ever been to, sparkling lights and expensive things are dancing in your eyes when you entered, as you scanned the whole place, your (e/c) eyes are smiling at the great view you won't forget. "Such luxury." You muttered to yourself, you entered a big room with everyone, only to be pranked by a boy around your age, "BANG!" He said childishly, pointing his finger at you. The boy's skin was pale but his skin was more white than yours, his eyes have heavy black bugs and his horrifying black eyes. But you thought that his black hair was a little "cool". You snickered and gave him a frowning face. People around you laughed, but you smiled as soon as your father laughed at you. The boy took a sit, in a weird stance, folding his legs as he sit and placing his thumb on his lips. You described him as a "frog".

"Who's this girl?" The boy asked everyone around you, you folded your arms in annoyance. You never even thought of having friends with this weird guy. "I'm Akiya (L/N)"  you gave a fake name, you just thought it would be better not to say your real name. Your father knows but you winked at him and he decided to go along. Nobody knows your real name except your father. "She was the daughter of mister  (L/N). She decided to join the investigation." Matsuda explained everything to the guy who asked just a few seconds ago. "I'm Ryuzaki." He said to you, giving a hand. But you didn't grab it, and so he put it down. "You sure she can help?" He scoffed, but you kept controlling your temper. The only flaw about you is that you're a short-tempered girl, you sometimes end up smashing someone's face a few times. "She's a genius Ryuzaki, she graduated at the age of 17." Mogi said, which made you lose your growing anger. "...Yes, and I might be of help to you." You added, smiling at Ryuzaki. He gave you a weird look and scanned your bag. "Hey!" You shrieked, Ryuuzaki grabbed your phone out of your precious bag. "Phones not allowed." He declared, you rolled your (e/c) eyes, while Ryuzaki smirked at your reaction. "Fill me in, please." You said politely, He gladly explained it all to you. "Well, we suspect Mister Yagami's son, Yagami Light there's 5 percent-- no 1 percent that he was Kira." Yagami Light was your classmate on your highschool days, the two of you got along well since the two of you are smart ass--genius.

"What do you want me to do?" You asked half-heartedly, Light was one of your best friends and you didn't like the idea of him being suspected. You might even had a crush on him, and now he was a suspicious person thanks to Ryuzaki. "You're going to watch him when he's outside of their house, no need to spy him inside since we installed cameras and bugs there." "Great, just great." You complained, to make things worse he even made you a look-out, the worst is your spying your best friend. "Have a problem with that?" Ryuzaki asked, you're probably going to explode but then you decided to calm yourself. "I thought I'd play a role like helping you solve hard stuffs." You said but well he didn't mind. Your father pat your shoulder since he noticed your going to burst out. "Sheesh, how lame." You whined but you were forced to do as he said.

You exited the hotel, wore your (h/c) helmet and rode your scooter. You stopped at the university that Ryuzaki told you to. You scanned the whole place and finally saw Yagami Light. He was surprised to see you, since you don't have business with your previous school anymore.    "(Y/N)? Why're you here?" He casually asked. Your brain is still processing at the time, thinking a great excuse. "J-Just here to see you and ride with... you to your home." You stuttered, you felt guilty lying at your best friend. "That's all you've come here for?" He chuckled, amused why the hell would you bother riding home with him. What's more, you don't visit often so Yagami really got fishy, you noticed he was suspiciously smirking. You took your helmet and wore it while your extra helmet was worn by Light, he landed his hands on your shoulders which made you blushed a little, but then you didn't mind. After that, you pulled down the handle of your scooter, accelerating it.

**Light POV**

My head's processing at the time she told me she's here to see and ride me home, sure it's a friendly offer from a best friend but I just thought (Y/N) must joined the investigation and was here as a look-out. Great move, Ryuuga... even use my best friend to get the best of me.

But I don't care if she's my best friend. I can use her as a pawn someday... maybe Ryuuga will fall in his own traps. I'll play along like I don't know why she was actually here. I never thought (y/n) will lower her guard like that, how foolish...

"(Y/N), I think I'll be okay on my own now." I proclaimed, We were near my house that time now, she stopped at the side then she beamed at me. "I see, then take care." She said, I have no proof she really joined the Kira investigation, but it just flickered in my thoughts. But if she really was, why did she accepted when I said I'll go on my own? I gave her helmet back and bail out of the scooter. "You see I just have so much free time today so I thought I should visit my best friend." She said whilst hanging the extra helmet, That even made it lesser, I guess she wasn't in that Kira investigation, but I won't lower my guard... "Oh is that so?" I said out of nothing. "Yes, I'll visit you the day after tomorrow too since I'm free on that day." She declared. Maybe she won't be in that, since I know she has affections for me then I can use that as an advantage. "Good thing you don't know Ryuuga..." I muttered to myself as I leave her alone and go home on my own.

**(3rd) person POV**

"Oh crap." You said as you sighed. He noticed that you're here for something other than visiting him, so you decided not to go home with him today. "What a bad move..." you muttered to yourself, Yagami Light was a genius too.  He might even cleanst the suspicion on him. "But I'm not going to give up!" You declared and yelled those words in your head. Yagami Light might be your former crush "I shouldn't let him make an advantage using my feelings" you thought. Yeah, you can guess what he was planning since there's a lot of possibility. You're even thinking he might kill you too if he was Kira, but the best friend thing makes him clean. "Ryuzaki will mock me... Light said Ryuuga... and all of that was a fake name... I wonder what's his real name?" you were wondering. That Ryuzaki don't believe any of you completely at all.

You drove back at the same hotel and parked your precious scooter. You approached the Kira investigation team and told them all. "First try then you failed already?" Ryuzaki scoffed at you, this time you unleashed your anger. "So what?! It's just my first, and by the way he was getting suspicious so I decided to call the day off." He put his thumb in his mouth like a child would. "You mean he noticed? Are you really a genius?" He's the first person to ever doubted you. "He's a genius too, you know. It's not my fault right?" Your father was on your side, Ryuzaki was convinced but he don't think much of you, now. "But maybe I can help solve puzzles." You gladly suggested, he looks like he was against it. "You know your the first person to have doubted me." you scoffed at him but he said: "I feel honoured." He was mocking you! "Fine...then I'll do things myself!" you declared out of anger and exited the room. Your father rushed to chase you, trying to calm you down. "(Y/N), show that Ryuzaki what you can do, walking out will only make you seem weak." Here goes your  father's elderly wisdom again which ticks your smart brain. "It's okay father, I'm not going to bail out anyway, never. I'll just observe Light-kun if he's really Kira." You said to him, he just smiled and entered the  room you just exited. You departed the hotel, drove your    (s/c) scooter and go to Yagami Light's house. Of course not in their front gate but from afar. You pulled out the key and parked it somewhere safe. From afar you kept watching their house. Meanwhile, Light exited their house. Great... how about you show your true colors now, best friend! You chuckled as you said that in your head.

As you observe him everything seems normal, until you see him grab something from his pocket. It looks like an ordinary note so you didn't mind much. As you observe him further more from afar you noticed he never talked in a while. "Does he knows I'm watching him? Or did someone informed him? Maybe the term someone wasn't right, maybe it's something ?...", you became suspicious of Light too. You grabbed your miniTV, watched the news there but there's no news that some bad guy died so you didn't became suspicious of Light that much.

You observed him until he got home, but then you can't get any information. "Maybe it's better to call it a day." You departed.

The next day, and the next, and the next, and the next you kept watching him like a stalker would, and you feel bad now. You also observed a couple of times that Light talks alone, but not to himself but to something invisible. "As I thought so" you said, declaring victory. But it's not over yet. Further more, there's one time that Yagami Light wrote in a note that looks ordinary. After a while you looked at your miniTV, someone died.

You started to think that the weapon Kira used can be manipulated, the time of death can be decided. Your only evidence is the note, your heart races everytime you spy on Light-kun since if he was really is Kira he'll dispose of you now or he'll kill you anytime. But it's only a conclusion, and for someone like you, you always find ways to prove that your conclusions are true so you didn't believe it that much, not until you try it yourself. Not until you find evidence to satisy yourself.

You explained everything to Ryuzaki. "So you kept doing that behind our backs even though I thought you quit the investigation team." Ryuzaki said as he eat imported chocolates displayed in his shiny and silver trimmed table.
Matsuda praised you and the others did too. "I'll never quit unless I catch Kira." You declared, Ryuzaki smiled, it seems his respect of you rised a little.  "So you're saying he talks with something invisible... it can't be." "What is it?" you were baffled. "Shinigami." He stated. "Oh right, there's a note that says L do you know Shinigami eat apples?." You remembered, Ryuzaki nodded. But then again, you thought Shinigami would not exist. "Can I know your real name?" Everyone stared at Ryuzaki. "Probably no, no one should know." He stated, you gave up that you'll ever know his name. "If a Shinigami possesses Yagami-kun... then there might be a possibility that he was actually Kira?" You proclaimed. Mr. Yagami was against the thought that Light was Kira but he go along. He was probably sad that Light is under suspicion, but he was an honest police officer. "There's 30% that there's a Shinigami..." Ryuzaki said as he trembles. You laughed at the fact that he was so afraid of Shinigami. He smirked and you snickered. "How about we ask Light about this?" You suggested, Ryuzaki looks like he agrees. "Good thinking, Akiya." He said and he asked Yagami-san to let Light come in here. Matsuda don't get it, but the others are curious how Yagami will act.

The next day, Yagami came. He has a serious look on his face. Ryuzaki asked him about it. "Light-kun, do you think Shinigami exists?" You observed every reaction Yagami made. He looked surprised like you thought he would. He tried to calm down. "No, Shinigami probably doesn't exist." He said normally. "I see, further more what would you say about the fact that Akiya saw you talking to someone other than yourself?" Light smirked. "Who's Akiya?" He changed the topic. "You don't have to know, just answer my questions." There's this strong feeling that Light is Kira...

"(Y/N)? Do you think I'm Kira?" Yagami asked you, not answering Ryuzaki again. "37 percent yes." You declared. Light glared at everyone including you. "Now that you didn't answered it, the suspicion about you goes higher... from 1 percent to 40 percent thanks to Akiya." Ryuzaki looked at you and Yagami knew you were Akiya. "So (Y/N) was Akiya? Why are you spying me?" Everyone was surprised to know it's a fake name. "Oh sorry, my name was never Akiya. But if I die then someone is to blame, since only who were in this investigation team knows my real name, if I die someone among you is Kira." You proclaimed. Light clicked his tongue. While Ryuzaki smiled at you. "You were actually a genius..." he reassured himself. "Here's another question--" Ryuzaki was interrupted by Yagami. "Aren't you suspicious as well? What if you were Kira!" He shrieked.  "Light-kun is not being reasonable..." Matsuda proclaimed, which made everyone aware. "Okay, if I talk to myself does that means I'm crazy like Kira?!" Light was agitated. "...but you seem talking not to yourself but to something invisible." You said, Light was sweating.

Watari informed Ryuzaki that a news from Kira is being held. Ryuzaki asked Matsuda to guard Yagami Light. You turned on the TV and changed the channel to SakuraTV. There was a "Kira" word on the black background, someone is talking but it's a fake voice obviously.

The Kira that was on TV first made sure his viewers will believe him by killing someone on a different channel. You switched between different channels to see couple of dead people. Then Kira asked a question, if the police will cooperate with him by saying yes and showing L's face or they won't cooperate, it'll be decided after two days.

The program kept going, meanwhile Ryuzaki was on his usual position, he didn't looked that terrified like everyone around you does. "That wasn't the real Kira I know." He declared which piqued the interest of everyone. "Why do you say so, Ryuzaki?" Matsuda asked. Aizawa and the others kept waiting for his response. "Kira won't try to convince everyone that he was Kira, and further more...--" he trailed off, then a news flashed that a police trying to stop the program died, Ryuzaki was frustrated. "How can that be? Kira can't kill without seeing the face and the name of a person..." you came to the conclusion that there was a second Kira. "T-This program must be stopped!" You shrieked.  "I'll stop them." Your father suggested but you are against it, there's a high chance your father will die. "I'll just wear a mask, that way I can ensure my safety so you don't have to worry." Your father reassured you, You calmed down, Ryuzaki turned at you "I never thought (Y/N) will panic like this." You chuckled. "I'm just worried about my dad, my mother will probably kill me when something bad happens to the man he loves." you said, Ryuzaki gave your father a mask to ensure his safety. "If your father won't die then it's true that the second Kira just need a face." Ryuzaki added. You thought about it and was bothered a little, he was betting your dad's life but you remained calm. "Take care, Dad." You said as he departs and disappears in your sight. "I'll go too." Mister Yagami suggested, Ryuzaki nodded and gave him a mask too. "Take care Yagami-san." You said politely. "Don't worry (Y/N), we'll come back safe." Yagami-san ensured you, you nodded as he go chase your father.

"(Y/N), your father's one of the best I doubt he'll die just because of Kira." Ryuzaki comforted you, but it doesn't help much, yes you know your father's one of the best but you still worry. You love your father so much that it bothers you. But you thought that if you worry much then you don't believe him enough so you sighed and calmed down. Matsuda pat your shoulder "It's okay, (Y/N)." You gave him a smile.  "There's probably a second Kira I'm sure of it." Light stated "...and you're suspected of being the original Kira." You said to him, Light looked calm at all... "(Y/N), we might as well try to interrogate Yagami-kun or maybe we should plan something." "Wouldn't it be bad if the suspect knows what we'll do?" You exclaimed, Ryuzaki pulled you into a room.

"What's in your mind? Any genius plan?" Ryuzaki asked like he was teasing you. You sighed, and you groaned "We should interrogate him like... maybe we should you  know, make him slip words accidentally. We should also keep watch Yagami Light, wouldn't that ruin his privacy?" "He's a suspect, and so we should find proof whether he really was Kira, Light-kun have the same personality as Kira. Kira is childish and hates losing, and anyway Light-kun will be benefited if he prove himself innocent." You stretched your arms and yawned. "Wait, I'm going to see how father's doing..." you stated, Ryuzaki nodded. The two of you came out of the room, You watched the news and it seems no police officers died. "That's a relief..." you exhaled, and you turned to see how Yagami Light was doing.

He was looking straight on the floor, you thought he was plotting something but because you hate being judgmental you dropped the thought. "He was probably down that he was suspected as Kira..." you mumbled to yourself, and decided to continue watching SakuraTV.

The program had stopped, which declares that your father is successful. You yelled "Oh yeah! My father's the best!" and you raised your arm. Matsuda came praising your father too. " Mister (L/N) and Mister Yagami Suichiro are great!" He exclaimed, the two of you laughed. Ryuzaki smiled, while Yagami looked serious. "So we won't be saying yes, right?" Mogi asked, Ukita replied "Like hell we would!" "Even if we answer yes, I'm sure he'll still kill me." Ryuzaki added, which seems true.

Your father came with Yagami-san, they have the video clips. "L, here." Ryuzaki scanned the video clips, and hold it weirdly. "Let's watch it." He said.

It seems that there's no difference at all, whether you answer yes or no. "We'll be showing the video clip that must be watched if we answer no." Ryuzaki said, no one objected. You also received a written diary and it mentions a restaurant in Aoyama. "Yagami-kun, can you observe the area and go there?" Ryuzaki said as he winked at you, you get what he plans. "Matsuda should come." You added, Matsuda was baffled until you whisper on his ears. "You should keep watching Light when he goes there." Matsuda agreed. Mogi and Aizawa nodded at each other.

Yagami Light was quiet this time. You had already thought that you'd watch him from a distance, you were really persistent but it turns great.

"Light, we apologize for all this but we will only be satisfied if you prove yourself innocent."

The video clip was played in public. In says that "I'm disappointed with you--" that's what the second Kira said in the clip. As you watch it you were annoyed. "The second Kira was an idiot and a little bit unchallenging than the Kira I know... he was boring..." You said, Ryuzaki chuckled. "Me too." He said, the both of you smiled at each other.


The next day, You keep watching Light-kun from a distance, you heard Matsuda pretended to be Light's cousin.

You keep looking but nothing seems odd, Yagami didn't make contact with anyone. You kept spying them until Yagami came home, a girl approached him the girl was familiar and it seems you've seen her a few times.

Until you recognized who she was. "Amane Misa?" You mumbled to yourself, she's a model and she's your idol and it really shocked you to see that Yagami knew someone such as her. "That jerk didn't even told me about her! I want an autograph!" you whined. But of course you still watched them to fulfill your duty. "Hm... nothing seems strange, they're not suspicious."  You said. She was with his room, you started thinking bad but you dropped it off since it was disgusting. You continued to go back to the Hotel. But you were a little suspicious why Amane Misa was with Yagami, what's her business with him, they don't date each other and it looks like they just know each other today so you even thought that she might be the second Kira but because unsure, you don't want to think ahead. You wanted to hear Ryuzaki's thought about it, first. You go back to his hotel, your father was there who was about to go home. "(Y/N)?" He said as he noticed you going back to Ryuzaki's room. "I'll stay here father, I'll come home later." You said to him, your father winked at you. "Why don't you stay here for the night, of course when Ryuzaki permitted you." You frowned. "Parents don't want their children stay far away from them and now your pushing me away?" You said like joking. Your father laughed. "I just noticed something between you and L." He said, you blushed and stuttered. "W-W-What-Whaaat is that?!" You yelled, your father laughed again. "Never mind, I'll go home now okay?" He said happily as he departed.

You go to Ryuzaki's room, Matsuda and Mogi were still there chatting with Ryuzaki. Matsuda greeted you warmly, and you greeted him back. "Hello, Matsuda, Hello Mogi-san... hello, Ryuzaki..." you greeted them one by one, after that you explained everything to everyone with you in that room.  "Why's she with him?" Ryuzaki was confused, and so are you. "That's why I'm asking you, I thought she must be connected to him in some way... also I didn't saw Yagami meet with some guy like the second Kira." Ryuzaki smirked, his eyes widened. "She might be the second Kira... well I think I'll go in that university, thanks Akiya--no I mean (Y/N)." You laughed at him and he snickered. "If she can see the name just by seeing your face, you should be careful... Ryuzaki-- no, it's L." You said worriedly, L smiled at you and he go to his luxurious kitchen. Matsuda and Mogi kept listening to both of you and Ryuzaki. You followed him, and asked if you can have some sweets. "No." He said, he's a little selfish and that was childish. L's personality and Kira's are the same. They are both childish and they both hate losing.

"Share some you sweeth tooth, you'll end up having cavities." You scoffed, Ryuzaki said "AhhHHH, (Y/N) said I'll have cavities..." he said in a high to low voice, really like a child.

You never thought you'll be this close to L, at first you never thought you want to be friends with him but now you do. "Hey, L can I be your friend?" You asked. "Hmm... sure. Then you're my very first friend..." he said to you with a cute look, you gave him a friendly hug. "I might fall in love too, you know." He said to you, which made you lose your grip and blush. "Stop the silly ideas!" You yelled at him, pointing your fingers in his pale face. "I'm feeling something here." Mogi says as he whispered on Matsuda's ears. You looked straight at Ryuzaki's black eyes, his big eyebags that was the center of attraction. "You don't sleep that much, do you?" He grumbled after you questioned him. "Yes, because I just find it hard to sleep since I got a lot of work to do." You looked worried, and frowned at him. "It's bad for your health." You whined, but he responded with his usual straight face.

"(Y/N)-chan, maybe you can look for details more about Amane Misa? Why don't you watch her instead of Yagami. Matsuda can take care of him." Matsuda smiled and was happy he has something to do. You gave Ryuzaki a weird look. "Hmm... but she's my idol, I mean it feels bad to spy on her but... okay, okay! I'll just do it..." you whined, Ryuzaki beamed at you and pat your shoulder and gave you a "goodluck".

Ryuzaki told you that he located her house, he gave you a binocular to help spying. "You're really serious... L." You chuckled, now you have binoculars. Matsuda was laughing "you two were cute together, what's more you're both genius." He complimented the two of you like a couple, you blushed and just turned your eyes at the binoculars. You tried using it, you look on the scope and you see Ryuzaki look far, you switched between scopes and now you can see Ryuzaki's buggy eyes so large, you laughed so loud, Ryuzaki grabbed the binocular. You shrieked, then he decided to look on the scope of the binocular. "Your lips... it's glistening and it's beautiful." He told you, you pouted. "Yes, I know that's why people becomes crazy and wants to carry me when I was a baby." You chuckled as you say that to him, your not boasting you were just you know, proving what he said :-D "(Y/N), we'll go home now." Mogi said as he drag Matsuda out of the room. "What's wrong--" Matsuda's voice slowly disappeared as they depart out of the room. You yelled "goodbye!" Before they were out of sight.

"Funny, (Y/N)." He scoffed, you pinched his cheeks but he didn't react, his face was still the same before you pestered him. "I guess it's good bye now, Ryuzaki. I'll go home then do our plans tomorrow." You said, Ryuzaki turned to you and he clicked his tongue. "How about you sleep here? I have many rooms that are empty... well you can pick whatever you like and it's yours." He offered.

Really?!" Your eyes widened expressing happiness. "Yes... Watari can guide you." Watari nodded and says he will escort you to the halls with so many rooms. You giggled, and hurried to go there with Watari. "She's cute..." L complimented you but you were too far to hear it.

"Miss (Y/N) or Akiya, you can pick what room you desire. You can take a look inside, I'll just wait here for your answer." You hugged mister Watari  "thank you!" you said politely as you enter the first room.

As you scanned the whole room with your sparkling (e/c) eyes, you jumped in the big, fluffy and comfortable bed. The mattress was coloured white with coffee colored stripes, with floral designs and shapes, it was a luxurious bed fit for a princess...or prince. You looked at the expensive-looking lamp, next you gazed at the closet that was coloured brown with gold trimmings. You touched it, it was smooth and it has multiple drawers. You opened to see it was empty, still it was spacious than your closet at home. But the drawers have many mattress with different colors. Pink, violet, red, blue-- all colors are there, each mattress has unique designs. "Wow, I can put my mother's and my dress here altogether without having a hard time." You thought, it was an amazing clothe organizer.

Next you took a look at the comfort room, it has an expensive-look it was so clean than the walls of your bathroom in your own home. The bathtub was very white and that it seems like it was cleaner than the royal plate you saw on TV. You see the sink, it was great and the toilet- it was so clean that it looks brand new. (Well certainly nobody used it yet) You exited the bathroom and noticed that , the room has a flat-screen TV. It was 32 inches, it was more great than your TV at home. "Woah... is Ryuzaki a billionaire? Did he won a lotto where did he got all this?" Your eyes are already full of great view. You also opened the back door where there was a terrace. In there you can see buildings and lights dancing in front of you, you loved this room so much. You remembered being hostile to Ryuzaki first because he was annoying to you and weird. "Oh.. I'm so sorry to him." You sighed.

You go back where Watari was and said you'll be picking this one. "There's also a desktop there, you can use it. Ryuzaki said that's yours now too." You jumped in joy and ran to Ryuzaki. You yelled his name and hugged him. "Thank you so much! Never thought you're a rich kid- well I wouldn't wonder anymore since you're a genius like me...and I'm sorry for being a bad girl at first." You said happily. He smiled. "Don't mention it, (Y/N). I actually liked that side of you." You blushed again , you seem to blush often than before knowing Ryuzaki. "I'll sleep now" you said like singing. Watari gave you the keys. You entered your room and locked the door. Then jumped in your precious bed. You grabbed your phone out of your bag. (L already gave it back but I didn't mentioned it...) You saw it was already 9:24 PM, it's still early but you decided to call it a day. You yawned and get the nearest pillow you can reach. It was so fluffy that you fell asleep very fast, you slept peacefully as you slowly drifts into unconsciousness...


Hey readers, it wasn't THE END yet, yes the story was so long so there's a part 2. It just so great that I have many ideas for this Death Note reader x L. Lawliet. 😀😆  Shinigamireader! I hope you don't mind me calling you that, I'm used to calling my readers "Shinigamireader" but not in a bad way okay,  it's just I'm a huge fan of Death note and so I end up calling you Shinigamireader.

But if you hate it, then say it so I won't call you that anymore. Thanks for reading this very long chapter!!


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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲/𝐧'𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭-𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬/𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢�...
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Evelyn Claire Bennett never thought this would happen to her. Not in a million years. How could something that was meant to be temporary have a las...