Lost Mate

By DarkFaab

33.4K 1.6K 190

My name is Angel, but I don't feel like one. It is impossible for me to be one. As a matter of fact I am the... More



995 56 7
By DarkFaab

'You okay?,' Maria asks.

'Yes, I am sorry. I dozed off again didn't I?'

She nods and looks at me a bit concerned.

'I can't help it. Every second I think he is in danger. I miss him. I know it has only been two days, but it is hard,' I sigh.

'I know that it's hard. I don't mind you dozing off at all, but i do want your opinion on this dress. Doesn't it look too... I don't know...'

I get up from my seat and walk over to Maria in the perfect creme wedding my dress that shows her form in every way possible.

'Do you feel like a princess?,' I ask her, thinking about my mother. She won't be here with me when it is my day. Where is Maria's mother anyway? And Rosemary and Tiffany? They were all suppose to be here.

'I feel like a freaking queen,' she says with tears of joy.

'Then this is the right dress,' I tell her.

She gives me a hug, before leaving the room with the female of the store to take off the dress. I smile until I can't see her anymore. One day I will be in her shoes and I love the fact that it will be Luke. Oh... I can't believe that I am already thinking about marriage. It's just... Wow. I love him. Yes, I love him and I need to tell him. Not over the phone. I will tell him in person.

'Are we late?,' Maria's mother asks with an arrogant tone. It is clear she isn't a fan. Behind her is Tiffany who looks sad.

'Yes, very... She already has her dress.'

'You said ten!,' her mother yells.

'Yes, ten! It is already eleven thirty!,' I say angry.

'Who do you think you are? Waltzing in he place as if you own it?'

'Mother! How dare you talk to a future Luna like that! It is your fault you missed it and not hers! Stop balming others for your imperfections!,' Maria says angry passing her mom towards the cashier to pay for her wedding dress.

'This is all your fault! Ever since you came along, she thinks she is the boss of everything,' her mother says pointing a finger to me.

'No mom, this all started when you started gossiping with that stupid sour neighbor of yours! Luna has nothing to do with this! This all you... You're just so, so grumpy. All the time.'

Her mom looks at her in shock.

'You should be happy for me. Happy for Nala, but all you do is be jealous of your own daughters! Why? Because we start off better then you? Look at yourself now mom! Don't compare your past with our now. You are stronger than you have ever been. You are an amazing woman, an amazing mom. Why ruin that with rude behavior and why do you hate Luna Angel so much?'

'I don't hate her. She just remind me of her.'

Tiffany and Maria look at Maria's mom and then they look at me not saying a word.

'Let's go eat something, my treat,' her mom says.

Now I am more confused then ever.


I know that I have felt this before, but for some reason this time it is worse. I miss him, more then I ever did. I am not marked yet, but we have gotten closer in the days we spend together. Even the days I was still "asleep" or in a coma whatever it was.

The Moon is shining bright even though it isn't a full moon. I look at it and wonder how he is doing even though we just spoke. He said he was going to train with Theo and he would go rest after that, but just know he is lying about the resting part. He isn't going to rest one bit. He is worries about me. And I am worried about him.

What am I even doing here?

I know they want to help me, but it isn't working out. I won Brandon today like the last time, luckily I didn't start sitting on him and hitting him. I have learned my lesson. Instead I tried to keep calm and just fight him. It worked, but... All of it isn't bringing my wolf any closer to home. I still can't feel her.

Staying here hurts no matter what. I miss him too much.

Me: I want to go home, Luke. I miss you too much. I want to go home with you after the wedding.

I sigh and place my phone on the balcony edge. I told my arms and rest my head on it bending down.

'Hey, Luna,' a weary voice says.

My face turns red knowing I must have given him a great view of my butt. I stand straight and look at him.

'Are you okay?,' I ask when I see that it looks like he just cried.

'Yes and no. My mate called. She said she needed more time, but i know better. She isn't coming back and I deserve it,' Marcus says and I freeze on spot.

Not coming back? A Luna?

'How did you come up with that?,' I try to joke.

'I didn't fight here. I told her to take all the time she needs...' He takes a few steps toward until he reaches the edge standing next to me starring at the sky.

'But i think that is kind of you,' I try now and he turns to face me.

'How is it possible?,' he asks.

'Possible? How is what possible?'

'You look so much like her. You even have or had her green eyes. The only difference is the hairstyle. You look so much like her,' he says and then repeats.

'Like who?,' I ask a bit confused.

'The female I was in love with. I can't help it. You look like her, you talk like her, you fight like her, you aren't afraid of anything like her. That day you held my throat and it made me happy. It made me think of the times I used to fight with her.'

'You must have been close,' I say with a smile picturing Marcus laugh. Coming to think of it I have never seen him smile... Not really.

'Family,' he whispers.

Silence falls between him as we both look at the leafs of the trees flooding in the wind. We sigh at the same time causing us to chuckle. Our chuckle turns into laughter and I feel good for a slight second.

It is when he touches my hand and holds it tight that I look at him with a slight blush.

'I am happy that I met you. I am happy that you're my brother's mate, but... I...'

He looks down before he looks up at me again. Before I know it he presses his pink, hot, soft lips on mine and for a second I want to loose myself in the kiss, but it's like deep inside of me I feel this is wrong.

So I don't give in, I stand still in shock, push him away, hit him in the face and stare at him in shock. My phone clatters from the edge on the hard ground downstairs.

'I am sorry,' he says with tears in his eyes.

'You shouldn't have done that! You know it is wrong?,' I tell him and I run. I run as hard as I can, away from him.

I run down the stairs, through the door and into the woods. I run as hard as I can and I don't look back.

I hear a lot of people calling my name.






Maria's mom...


And then... Marcus.

My hole body shivers. What have I done?
I didn't do anything, but how do I tell Luke what happened?

I keep running and running.

I hear paws following me no voices, just howls and paws. Branches breaking under their feet and I know there is only one way to make them loose my scent.

I run to the lake I hear a bit further up and jump into it without thinking. I start swimming to the other side not giving up.

I can hear bones breaking on the side and I hear people calling my name again. People jumping in the water, swimming behind me. I keep swimming with one thing in mind. I need to leave... Now!

I reach the other side and see Brandon and Liam swimming behind me.

'Wait! Come back!,' Marcus yells, but I turn around and run into the woods, not knowing where I am going.

Soon enough I don't hear anyone following me.

I am tackled to the ground and a grey wolf jumps on top of me, trying to bite me.

Suddenly he stops and looks me in the eyes. He gets off of me, I hear bones breaking and someone putting on cloths.

'Luna Angel?,' he asks and I recognize him. He is of Luke's pack.

'I remember you, but I don't remember your name,' I say breathing heavily and out of breath while getting up.

'I shall call the Alpha,' he says and I hold his arm telling him no.

I want to see Luke, but right now I don't know how to face him.

'He will have my head if he finds out I found you and didn't say anything!'

'Then let me call him with your phone on unknown.'

He gives me his phone and I call.

'Who is this?,' Luke asks pissed.

'I am fine, just don't look for me. I am fine. One of your warriors found me. I will come home now, but I want to walk home, so... I will be home in about...,' I tell him looking for an answer. The male shows me two to three hours, 'two to three hours.'

'Are you insane? Your father is trying to find you and...'

I can hear Liam and Brandon running and i hang up the phone.

'We need to go. Now! I can't be taken back to Alpha Marcus pack, do you understand? I need to get home to Alpha Luke, but I can't shift.'

'Get on! Luke will kill me, but it's your wish.'

'I will protect you!'

He nods and shift infront of me. I get onto the huge wolf and he starts running. I look back, but don't see a thing. The phone that is in my hands is ringing none stop. And the wolf I am on is running none stop.

I don't know how long it takes and how many trees we jumped over, but i can see an angry Alpha and a lot of other wolves standing infront of the pack house. The male stops far enough to be able to run away if he has too. I get off, give him his phone in his jaw and run towards Luke. His eyes are pitch black because of the smell of the male on me.

'Stop right there!,' he growls, his wolf descending. 'Why did you run?'


'Don't lie to me! Tell me what happened!'

Tears start to roll down my face and my body starts shivering out of fear. He is going to reject me. I am sure of it.


'He kissed me,' I whisper.

'Speak up!!!'

'HE KISSED ME!,' I say and everyone gasps.

'WHO?,' he screams in Alpha voice.

Pups crowl behind their father or mother. Away from the his wrath.
He makes two steps towards me, but stops.

'I won't tell you,' I say.


I look up and see him almost shifting. He wants to rip someone's head off and mine with it.

'If I tell you, you will kill him and he was confused. He is hurting and no one sees it. I didn't expect him to do something so stupid, but he did and i ran. I hit him in his face and ran.'

'Why do you only smell like one of our teenagers then?,' Theo now asks pissed.

'Liam and Brandon followed me through the water and then I bumped into him. He shifted and i went on his back. I ordered him to take me here. He is so afraid, but I told him you wouldn't hurt me because he helped me get away. I am never going back there...'

'Who is it?,' Theo asks.

Suddenly Luke sniffs the air and he growls loudly.

'Marcus,' he screams in full on rage and about fifteen warriors jump on him to calm him down when he yells his brother's name in full rage. 'I will kill him! How dare he touch my mate? How dare he kis her?' he breaks down and i can hear his voice break. This is the first time I ever hear his voice break.

'Why?,' Theo asks for his leader, since that is all that goes through everyone's head.

'I don't really know. We were just talking about Luna Romy coming home and then he trailer off... He said I reminded him of her...'

The silence that fills the air is unbearable.

I guess everyone knows who her is.
Everyone except me.

Hey everyone,

Sorry it took me a few days.
So much happened...

Chapter seventeen is here.

Enjoy and be in shock ha!

Till soon...

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