Simmer Down {h.s}

By strangersbutfriends

1K 31 9

People always say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade; this is what happens when you make your drink a... More

Chapter One - Wait What?
Chapter Two- Together
Chapter Three- Kisses
Chapter Four- The Interview
Chapter Five- Crazy Fans
Chapter Six- The New Girl
Chapter Seven- Baby Reveal
Chapter Eight- On Stage

Chapter Nine- To Be or Not To Be

65 2 0
By strangersbutfriends

I see Liam's stares. Of course I see them. I'm pretty sure everyone could see them. But not once did I stare back. NOT ONCE. I ignored him and turned away EVERY TIME.

So why on earth was Harry so mad at me?

"Erin I really think you should take some time and figure out who you want to be with." Harry sighs. I groan and fall back onto the bed in defeat.

"Harry, for the last time, I know who I want to be with. It starts with a Y and ends with an ou. Hint, the answer is you. Harry god damn Styles. And I don't know if you know this but I'm carrying his literal baby, so I'm pretty sure that it's me and him for life."

"Can't you be serious for one minutes Erin?" He demands.

"I'm sorry Harry, but we've been arguing about this for like two hours. I'm pregnant and hungry. At this point it comes down to whether or not you trust me, which you clearly don't, so I'm going to go downstairs and grab some food before you starve me and our helpless, unborn child. You are welcome to join but I highly doubt you will." I snap back. I stand up, which by the way is very hard to accomplish when your stomach is the size of a watermelon and you're already out of breath from yelling at your boyfriend, and grab my purse.

"Seriously?" Harry asks incredulously.

"Yes seriously. Like I said, pregnant and starving." I yell at him as I slam the door to our hotel room shut. I storm off to the elevator and take out my phone. There's about two dozen notifications of people warning me about a video someone had taken of Liam looking at me with adoration and about a million and one articles had already been written about it.

So that's why Harry was so mad...

"So what? It wasn't your fault. I'm tired of him blaming me for things I can't control." I think to myself, angrily. My phone dings with another text.

Louis: Heads up, Harry is pissed at you and Liam.

Erin: I noticed.

I roll my eyes and go out into the lobby where there is a small restaurant. Some people give me a look, obviously recognizing Harry Styles' pregnant, possibly former, girlfriend. I go to the front and order some food, to go. I spend a few minutes scrolling through the articles and take a few pictures with some fans staying in the hotel before they bring me my food. I grab it and, slowly, head back to the room to find it empty. I eat my food sadly and then lay down, letting soft tears hit my pillow. I begin to doze and dream of the morning after Harry and I's first night together.


I wake up covered in a blanket and smile, touching my lips.


And it felt so... right.

But Harry wasn't here.

I shakily stand up. Hangovers were something I was somewhat used to at this point so the migraine I had didn't effect me. I was shaking because I was scared. Scared that Harry regretted us. I start walking to the door to the bedroom and open it. Then I go outside to the kitchen area and see Harry at the kitchen stove cooking something. His hotel room was like an apartment. A full kitchen, a living room, two bathrooms, two bedrooms, a dining room, and a patio with a hot tub.

"Harry?" I say quietly. Harry puts the pan down and freezes. He stands there. I walk up and touch his shoulder, repeating his name. He lets out a sigh of relief and turns around.

"Erin." He says gently as he grabs my waist. He pulls me closer to him and leans down a little so his face is close to mine as his hand caresses my cheek. I let out a shudder.

"Harry." I repeat again, this time slightly sighing.

"If you regret this I understand... I don't want you to fr-" I cut him off by kissing him. I feel his smile on my lips. His hands hold my waist. I pull away after a few seconds.

"Harry." I say again. "Niall... Liam..."

"I know, Erin." He says, putting his forehead on mine. "Let's not think about them right now."

"Okay." I agree. He lifts my chin up and pecks my lips gently.

"I made you breakfast." Harry says, looking down shyly. "It's your favorite. Pancakes."

"Really?" I say excitedly. He nods and smiles, his cute dimples in full view. I grab the plate of pancakes and add butter to them. Harry grabs another plate full of pancakes and adds syrup and we sit down and eat in silence. Harry's eyes don't leave me.

"You're so beautiful." He says  

"Harry." I say, blushing and looking down.

"You are so beautiful." He repeats. I finish the pancakes stand up to wash my plate but the blanket wrapped around me starts to fall. I grab it and look down.

"Maybe I should change." I laugh.

"Maybe you shouldn't." He says back, winking. Harry stands up and walks over to me. I take a step back and he steps towards me. Finally, I end up against the wall. Harry smirks and puts his hands on either side of my head. He leans for kisses me slowly. I pull his shirt over his head. One of Harry's hands goes to the top of the blanket and he pulls it, making it fall off. His arm goes around my waist and he pulls my body against his. He picks me up and then lays me down on the couch.


My mind wanders to another memory


"So that was a lot better than I expected." Harry says as he pulls me into his lap.

"I agree." I say. Harry and I had decided to finally tell the boys we were together after almost a month of us being locked in a hotel room. There was only a handful of cuss words and only about half of the conversation was yelling.

"They will warm up to it, Er." He assures me.

"I don't know about that."

"It was the right thing to do, love. We had to tell them sometime." He points out.

"Yeah... I know." I admit. I look around. Harry had taken me to a beach so that I would relax a little. The sun was setting and it was beautiful. I look at Harry and see him staring at me. His arms tighten around me as I brush his face with my lips. He sighs gently.

"I guess now is probably the best chance to say this."

"Say what?" I ask him. He pauses for a minute, contemplating what he was going to say.

"Erin..... I love you." He says, slowly. I freeze.


"No, it's okay Er. You don't have to say it back. I know its sudden." He tells me a little bit sadly.

"No Ha-"

"Seriously Erin. I understand."

"But Ha-"

"I shouldn't of said th-" I cover his mouth.

"Harry would you shut up for a minute?" I snap. His eyes widen and he nods. I drop my hand from his mouth. "Harry... I love you too." His eyes practically bulge out of his head.

"WAIT SERIOUSLY?!" He yells.

"Yes." I say, laughing. Harry stands up, taking me up with him, and spins me around. He leaves a long kiss on my lips. His hands tangle through my hair as he pulls me as close to him as I can be.

Of course we were so caught up in each other we didn't hear the snap of a branch in the distance.

Or the shutter of a camera.

And in that one beautiful, too short moment, everything was absolutely perfect and nothing could ruin how happy we were.

Not even the fact that our relationship was about to be outed to the media.

Or the fact that fans were going to start verbally and sometimes even physically attacking me.

Or the fact that it was going to take a very long time for the boys to warm up to us together.

Or the fact that I was currently pregnant with his baby and the next day I was about to find out.

I wish that that moment could've lasted forever.

But it didn't take long for that perfect happiness to come crashing down on top of us.


"Erin." A voice calls out for me. I sit up suddenly and feel the tears pouring out of me.

"He's leaving." I sob into Liam as his arms wrap around me.

"Erin." He says wearily.

"He's going to leave me. How the hell am I supposed to do this alone?" I cry in between gasps for air.

"Erin listen to me, he is not going to leave you. That kid loves you. And even if he does you will never be alone. Not for a minute. So please stop crying." Liam begs.

"Liam, I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt anyone." I say, still hysterically crying.

"I know, Er." He tells me, running his hands through my hair. "I'm sorry that I am making this harder for you. I know you are going through a lot right now."

"No Liam. This isn't your fault. It's mine." I tell him.

"Shhh. Erin. No it's not. It's okay." He whispers against my head, trying to calm me down. I try to take deep breaths. It takes about half an hour for me to calm down.

"You really love him, don't you?" Liam asks me.

"I do." I tell him.

"You should go tell him that."

"I tried. He won't listen."

"Erin, go fight for him. He loves you so much. He doesn't want to lose you. But he wants you to be happy and he thinks that you will be happier with me or Niall." He tells me.

"I don't know what else I can do. I love him. I'm going to marry him. I'm having his baby." I say.

"You finally agreed to marry him?" Liam asks, surprised.

"No. But I think it's probably time that I do." I admit. Liam stays quiet and I see the pain in his eyes.

"I think that after the tour I should stay away for awhile." He whispers.

"What? No!" I object.

"Er, I'm in love with you. You know that and Harry knows that and that is not going to change unless you let me move on. You can't have both of us." I sigh.

"I know. I just don't want to drive you away."

"I know Er. But I'll back and come visit you guys and the baby and we can be friends. Real friends for once." He says laughing a little.

"That actually sounds good Liam." I admit. He nods and I lean forward and kiss his cheek.

"Now go fight for him." He says as he gently lets go of me.

"Thank you." I say.

"You're welcome, Shea." He says as he walks out of the room. I take a deep breath and get a text.

Louis: Harry stormed out of the hotel room. I think hes planning on going somewhere. He's running out of the building.

I stand up and hurriedly go out of my room and down the elevator. I practically run out of the lobby and am surprised, but thankful, to see no fans. I see Harry a little bit down the street just as I realize that it is raining.

"Harry!" I yell after him. He doesn't turn around so I follow him.

"Harry please just stop." I scream.

"Why, Erin, you obviously need time to think about who you want to be with. I'm giving you time." He says.

"Harry. Please just stop." He stops. "I don't need time. What I need is you."

"You don't know what you need." He scoffs. "I know you were just talking to him."

"To say goodbye Harry." I tell him. He gives me a weird look. "I told him that I love you and he decided that he was going to leave for awhile after the tour."

"Well how the hell are you supposed to know if you'd rather be with him if he leaves?" He growls.

"I ALREADY KNOW THAT I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH HIM. WOULD YOU PLEASE JUST FUCKING LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE IN YOUR GODDAMN LIFE HARRY?" I scream at him. He looks a little shocked at my language. And he had a good reason to be. I barley ever swear. "It's you. It's been you for about six months. Since that first time it's been you. I love you. I want to marry you, Harry."

"You do?" He asks, obviously calming down.

"Yes I do. The second this kid comes out and I lose the baby fat I want to walk down an aisle in a white dress and marry you. I want to be with you. I want to sit in a weird Hollywood neighborhood and watch our kids play in the backyard of a ridiculously unneeded huge house with you. I want to turn into an old, wrinkly women with you by my side. So give me that ring because I'm not going to let you walk away from me and I'm sure as hell not going to let you walk away from our baby." I yell. I watch his face recover from his shock and he quickly runs over to me. He closes the gap between us, well as best as he could with my watermelon of a belly between us, and crushes his lips against mine. He continues his aggressive, but still unsurprisingly hot, attack on my lips until I'm literally gasping for air and we are literally drenched in rain water.

"I swear to god if you EVER, and I mean EVER, try to leave me like that again I will kick your butt. Got it, Styles?" I say, trying to sound scary despite the almost 6 inch height difference. He just chuckles and kisses me again, this time being a little bit gentler.

"I guess you'll be needing this." He says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box. He opens it and takes out the small, and by small I mean huge, ring out of it. It glitters as the small lamp post light by us hits it. He grabs my hand and puts it on my ring finger. Of course, it fits perfectly.

"So is that where you were going? To sell my wedding ring?" I ask him. He looks at me in shock.

"No! I was going for a walk. I just have kept it in my pocket for awhile." He adds, sheepishly.

"I love you, Harry." I tell him. He smiles.

"I love you too, Mrs. Styles." He winks when he says the name and sounds like he has just tricked me into singing my life over.

"We aren't married yet, Styles. Slow down a little." I laugh.

"But the second that kid comes out and you lose the baby fat." He repeats what I said with a smirk as we walk back into the hotel.

"We'll see." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh come on, you can't resist me, love." He says, back to his cocky self.

"We'll see." I repeat.

And yet again, I wish that this moment could last forever.

But also, yet again, it didn't take long for that perfect happiness to come crashing down on top of us.



This is where the plot starts and I have it all planned out and I've literally been writing all day and its almost 2 a.m. right now and I need to stop. But I've been in such a writing mood and next week I'll be in Florida at Disneyworld and then when I get back cheer starts and I go out of town for cheer camp and then to visit my grandparents and my entire summer is booked starting next week so I think I can stay up all night and write the rest of this book without feeling too guilty.

I'm going to have to write a chapter pretty soon that's going to explain how the writing is going to change and stuff so just a heads up. But I'm really excited because I'm really going to focus more on the guys for awhile.

QOTD: What are you're summer/maybe winter in some countries plans?

AOTD: Like I kind of said I have Cheer for the rest of the summer and a lot of trips and it's going to be a lot of fun.

Don't forget to like this chapter and add this book to your reading list.

Thanks for being amazing


P.S. I know I'm cheesy I've just been in a really good mood so deal with it.

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