โœ“ 1. | BROKE HER โžธ ONCE UPON...

wickedivory รกltal

504K 13.9K 3.7K


o. news
o. disclaimer
o. trailer
o. artwork
o. introduction
o. extended summary
o. epigraph
o. cast list
o. playlist
part one
one ; the princess
two ; rebellious child
three ; the world has collapsed
four ; peaceful
five ; selfish liar
six ; deep breath
seven ; when it burns
eight ; the new brother
nine ; worst grandmother of the year
ten ; stupid message man
part two
part three
thank you.


6.2K 205 77
wickedivory รกltal


Don't Leave


Um, possible trigger warnings in this chapter...I don't know what really would be considered a trigger, but just for a warning!



THE FOREST DIDN'T SEEMED TO HAVE changed since the last time he had set foot on the island. Nothing really did change and he almost laughed because Felix had tied his hands together, leading him back to Pan. Did the second in command really think he was that mentally retarded?

"Feels like just yesterday I welcomed you to Neverland the first time, Baelfire. Gotta say, hoped I'd never see you again," Felix admitted as they walked.

"Then maybe Pan shouldn't have taken my son and my aunt," Neal replied calmly.

"Maybe you should've left well enough alone. "

"I'm gonna get them back."

"You really believe that? You were a lost boy. You know Peter Pan's not be to trifled with. You know how long he's been searching for the heart of the truest believer. Do you really believe he'll just... give him up?" Felix asked.

Neal started to pry the ropes off and was confused as to why Felix hadn't mentioned Melody. He couldn't fathom why the snarky immortal boy would kidnap the sweet yet sassy Melody Mills.

"Why does Pan need Melody? Does she have some magical hair or something that he needs?"

Felix chuckled, not caring that he dodged the question. "You may have grown up, Baelfire, but it would appear you have grown up stupid."

"I have grown up. I don't know if I'm stupid or not, but I do know I know how to tie an overhand knot." Neal swung around and punched Felix in the face. Making him fall to the ground unconscious. "I'm not a boy anymore, Felix. I sure as hell ain't lost." He threw off his jacket and ran off into the woods.


Again with the birds. They wouldn't shut up and Melody banged her head against the pillow. To think she escaped the things! But they were so much more annoying in Neverland than in StoryBrooke that was for sure. She got up and stuck her head out the window.

"Shut up!" she yelled at them.

Pan entered the room just as she did that and he laughed as she looked around to him and glared.

"Well good morning to you too," he laughed.

Melody huffed and flung a piece of hair out of her eyes. "Ridiculous!" She threw up her hands. "This is the second time this has happened. Once in StoryBrooke and now here?!" She jumped on the bed and laid her head face down. "The birds are my enemy."

Pan chuckled and shook his head. "Here." He walked over to the window and waved his hand, making the sound ceased. Melody sighed in relief. "There. Problem solved." He walked back over at sat next to her as the teen sat up, sitting criss-cross. "Have a good rest?"

"I was until those stupid birds started singing at the top of their lungs." She bounced up and smiled at him. "So, what's on the agenda today?"

"Nothing that concerns you."

Melody frowned. "Come on dad. You can't just leave me in here all day long by myself. I want to help save magic."

Pan swallowed down his guilt by smiling. "I know you do. But some things I have to do myself. You can help sometimes."

The teen nodded and got up. "Ok, but I'm going to hold you to that." They were silent before Melody spoke up again. "Dad?" Pan looked at her. "Promise me you won't keep secrets from me." The guilt rose up as he said he promised. Melody smiled. "I'm going to go see what Henry's up to. See you later."

Melody exited the treehouse and ran down to the camp to see Henry sitting alone on one of the logs. She grinned and ran over, plopping down next to him.

"Hey, Henry!"

Henry turned to her and smiled, hugging her. "Hey, Mel."

But neither of them knew that Pan was watching from the treehouse with a worry full expression. How was he going to keep a promise of being the father he used to be when his plan for Henry would cause it to fall into shambles?

Now how was he going to keep his promise of being the father he used to be when his plan with Henry would break it?

"Where have you been?" he asked her curiously.

Melody turned to him from watching the lost boys. "I've been in the treehouse. Sorry I haven't really talked to you."

The weird thing to Henry was that she acted so normal. She acted as if she was content in Neverland. Like she immediately fit into their odd jagged puzzle. However, Henry had never seen her so happy before. She acted just like she used to under the curse. Not care in the world, always happy, full of energy, and ready to take the day head on. And with the boys and Pan, she acted as if they were a part of her family.

"I've seen Pan talking to you a lot," Henry observed, watching as she didn't look over at him.

"Hmm," she acknowledged, not really bothering to elaborate.

"So what's that about?"

Melody looked nervous and her fingers started to tap her knee that was bare. The teen was wearing a black tank top with rolled up green pants and black tennis shoes, her hair pulled into a ponytail. He assumed that she had used it as her sleepwear as - well - she looked like she had just gotten up.

"He just wanted to make sure I was adjusting ok," Melody lied swiftly.

Henry nodded, not confronting her about it. Melody knew best, he didn't doubt that. So he trusted that if she trusted Pan and the lost boys, he would be open-minded. "Well, I've missed you."

Melody turned to him, smiled, and hugged him. "I've missed you too buddy."

Henry smiled and hugged back. Pan watched from the other side of camp still looking worried as can be.


He was definitely screwed.


Emma and Mary Margaret sat side by side by the fire as Emma drew in the sand with a stick, explaining where Pan's camp was relocated.

"This is where they're keeping Henry and Melody. Pan's compound. According to, uh..." Emma trailed off.

"Tinker Bell," Tinker Bell finished.

"Yes, I know. Still weird to say."

"'Tink' is fine."

"Not sure that's any better," Emma admitted. "Anyway, she says that there are sentries positioned across the front, which is why we are gonna come in through the back entrance here. She's gonna talk her way in. Once she makes sure the coast is clear, then we are going to sneak on in."

"You'll still have to deal with any lost boys once you're inside," Tinker Bell reminded.

"I think we can handle a few children with pointy sticks," Regina snapped.

"It's not the sticks you need to worry about. It's the poison they're dipped in."

David and Hook exchanged a look, both thinking about how David was now infected by the said poison.

"Dreamshade. Hook warned us," Mary Margaret pointed out.

"Good. Because one nick, and you'll spend the last of-" Tinker Bell started, only to be cut off by David.

"Poison sticks equal death. We got it. Now when can we put this rescue mission into action?"

"I'm ready to go, just as you tell me the exit plan." Everyone exchanged glances, all not knowing that an exit plan was needed. Tinker Bell noticed and her hope dissolved. "You do have an escape plan, don't you?"

"It's... it's more of a last-minute trip," Mary Margaret told her.

"If you don't have a way off this island, then none of this matters."

"We'll figure it out," Regina said, standing up.

"You'll figure it out? No one comes and goes from this place unless he allows it. This is a waste of time," Tinker Bell realized.

"Hey, when it comes to family, we always find a way," David told.

"You don't get it. Here. Let me show you something. You know what this is?" She brought out an object and Emma looked unimpressed.

"Yeah, a watch," Emma observed.

"I got it from the people who brought your children here for Pan."

Emma got up fast and stood in front of her. "Greg and Tamara? Where are they? Why'd they give you that?" she questioned.

"I got it off the girl's body. Spent half the night cleaning the blood off it. And the other guy... Well, there wasn't enough left of him to find anything useful. This is what Pan does to people he employs. What do you think he's gonna do to you? I'm not sticking my neck on Pan's chopping block without a way off this island. When you figure that out, you know where I live." And with that, the ex-fairy turned and left.

"Where the hell is she going?" Mary Margaret asked incredulously.

"I'll get her, bring her back," David replied, going to leave.

"Don't," Emma stopped, she turned around. "She's right. If there's one thing I've learned, you never break in somewhere unless you know the way out."

"And where'd you get that, in bail bonds person school?" Regina asked.

"Neal taught me that."

"What about you, Hook? You got off this island before," David remembered, turning to him.

Everyone turned to Hook as he spoke.

"Yes, aboard my ship, which would require some form of magic to create a portal, which... I got from Pan in a deal I don't think he's ready to repeat," Hook revealed.

"So no one's ever left the island without Pan's permission," Regina concluded.

"One man." He nodded toward Emma. "Her partner in crime Neal."

"How?" Emma asked.

"Maybe we can find out."


The knife went up in the air only to be caught by her hand. She repeated the motion and Pan tried not to snatch it out of her hands, worried she might cut herself. But he knew he couldn't always baby her, though he wanted to. Melody had to become strong on her own. She had to learn on her own.

Lost boys were dancing around the fire as the two watched on. Melody continued her motion until she stopped. Pan looked to her, expecting to see a bloody hand when really, there wasn't. Her eyes narrowed in concentration and she didn't turn to him.

"Do you hear that?" she asked.

Pan tried to listen but all he heard was the talking and whooping from the lost boys.

"What do you hear?" he asked her.

She stopped for a moment and then looked at him. "It sounds like a shell." His gut fell and he gritted his teeth, knowing what was happening. Though he didn't hear it, he trusted that his daughter wasn't lying. "What are they trying to do?"

"They're calling a squid."


The sound eventually stopped and the two fell back into silence. Melody noticed Henry sitting alone, not getting up to dance. She sighed and Pan followed her look.

"Why don't you just tell him why he's here?" she wondered.

"I did. Sort of. But he just doesn't believe me," Pan told her.

"Go talk to him then."

Pan took her suggestion and got up, walking over to Henry. When he left, a lost boys came up to Melody.

"Melody!" The teen turned to look at him. "Come and dance with us."

She rolled her eyes but got and went over to them. "Fine. But only for a little bit." Meanwhile, Pan talked with Henry.

"Nothing to celebrate?" Pan questioned. Pan chuckled. "Henry, this whole party is to celebrate you and your sister."

"Me and Melody? Why?" Henry asked.

"Because you've come to save magic, of course. Melody is here for another reason but that's not important right now. But I, for one, can't think of a reason more deserving of celebration than saving magic. Just look at them," Pan said, gesturing to the lost boys.

He saw Melody dancing around the fire and smiled. It seemed as though Henry saw her too and frowned.

"I'm not like them. Or you. Neither is Melody," he said, looking back at Pan.

Pan looked back at him with a grin. "Sure you are. You're still a boy and she is still a girl. Maybe a song will get you on your feet." He pulled out a pan flute and blew into it, making beautiful music that all of the lost boys, including Melody, heard, while Henry didn't.

Henry shook his head. "Sorry. I... I don't hear anything."

The immortal boy looked surprised and looked thoughtful. "Interesting. You see, this pipe's enchanted, Henry. It can only be heard by certain children."

"Like who?"

Pan looked over and saw Felix coming through the trees. Melody heard the rustle and also looked at Felix. Felix pushed a lost boy as he made his way toward Pan. He stopped and waited for Pan.

The immortal boy looked at Henry. "You'll find out soon enough, I promise." He got up and went over to Felix, looking pissed. Melody moved away and stood with one of the lost boys, pretending to be invested in their conversation as she listened to Pan's and Felix's conversation. "What? I know that look. What happened?"

"Baelfire. I'm afraid he got away," Felix announced.

Melody felt her breath catch in her throat. She covered her mouth to stifle a gasp. Neal? But Neal was dead. She and Emma both saw him fall through the portal.

"Well, then why didn't you get him back?" Pan asked, still looking rather upset and angry.

"I tried. I followed his trail and found two of our sentries knocked out... by a sleeping spell," Felix explained.

Pan smirked, still slightly angry. "The Dark One. So father and son have been reunited."

"They'll be coming for the boy and Melody." Felix and Pan both looked at Melody, who was standing near Henry but still "talking" with one of the lost boys. "We should move them somewhere safe."

Melody felt tears brimming and she quickly wiped them.

"Now, now, Felix. Where's your sense of adventure? We can't end the party when the real fun is about to begin," Pan smirked.

They looked back at Henry and Melody and the teen struggled so hard to not let the tears fall. She couldn't take it anymore, a tear fell and her heart started to beat harder and harder, making it hard to breathe. Getting up, she ran to the treehouse. Felix had noticed and immediately realized what happened.

"Pan..." Felix trailed off.

Pan saw his daughter run off to the treehouse and cursed. "Damn it." He ran after her and Melody stood in the middle of the room as her breathing increased. "Melody, please let me explain.." Pan trailed off as he ran into the room.

She pulled on her hair lightly and shook her head. "You lied. You lied."


"You lied!" she yelled, turning to him. Tears were streaming down her face fast and her breathing became erratic. "You promised no more secrets. You promised."

Pan saw how her breathing was fast and he quickly came over to her, looking concerned.

"Melody, I need you to calm down, ok? Breathe princess. Breathe."

Melody shook her head. "But you promised," she sobbed.

"Listen to me! You need to calm down."

"How do you expect me to calm down!" she yelled. "You lied." But it was too late. She started to hyperventilate. Melody fell to the floor and Pan held her close as he rubbed his hands up and down her arms, struggling to keep the tears in.

"Melody, princess, it's ok. I'm here. I'm here."

She tried to calm herself but it wasn't working. Nothing was in focus, she could barely even understand what Pan was saying.

"Don-don't leav-leave m-me ple-please," she stuttered as she struggled to keep calm.

"I'm not leaving you ok? I'm right here. I'm right here." Melody wrapped her arms around his bicep as she cried. The world spun and she wanted nothing more than the world to end. "It's ok. It's ok. Just breathe." But it wasn't as easy as he said. She tried to breathe, she tried to calm herself down. The memories that were pushed so deep into her mind came rising back to the surface and she sobbed. A tear hit her shoulder which - oddly - made her stop. The tears slowly went away and her breathing slowed. "Good. Just breathe."

A few tears slipped down her cheek and she pulled away to see tears on Pan's face. The sight made her frown. Why would he be crying?

"Why're you crying?" she asked.

Pan sighed and wiped the tears away, pulling her back to his chest, cradling her.

"Because I was scared," he admitted.


"Because I was afraid that... you'd leave. That my second chance was for nothing."

She wiped her tears away and put her head in the crook of his neck, still shaken up. He really did care. Past mistakes still haunted him and she felt bad that she had blown up on him. Things were different, no doubt. Both of them had changed. Melody had been trying to become stronger, and Pan had been trying to be the way he used to be. It proved difficult for him. He didn't know what to do, how to act around his daughter. He couldn't tell her the truth but at the same time, it ate him alive.

"You promised me no more secrets," she reminded. "And now I find out Neal's alive and you sent Felix to capture him? Why would you promise me something like that if you knew you couldn't keep it?"

"Because I can't lose you. You're the one who believed in me, gave me another chance at being a father. And I can't just lose you now."

They were silent and Melody felt him hug her tighter as if he was afraid she'd disappear. She knew he was desperate to have her back, which told her that he truly did care about her. But then why wouldn't he care about Rumple?

"I still want to keep that second chance and stay with you," she spoke softly.

"And the others will just keep trying to get you and Henry back. We'll never truly be a family again with them trying to take you away. And I refuse to just let them."

"I'm sure they would listen. I'm sure if you convinced them you could come with us back to Storybrooke."

Pan shook his head and Melody moved her head to his shoulder to look at him. But he wasn't looking at her.

"The damage is already done. They wouldn't listen."

They fell back into silence and Melody pursed her lip.

"Come on. The boys are probably wondering where you went."

He nodded and unwrapped his arms from her, letting her get up. Melody got up and followed him out of the treehouse. The boys were still dancing around and Felix sat alone on one of the logs, sharpening a spear. Upon seeing them, he looked up and watched as Pan came and sat by him, Melody sitting at his side.

Felix looked at them questioningly as he saw not only Melody's tear-stained cheeks but Pan's. But neither of them said a word.


The celebration continued on but Melody started to get a bad feeling. Her magic started burning and she felt the atmosphere change, another sign of magic presence (she had read about it). Pan seemed to have noticed although he didn't say anything.

"I'll be right back," Melody told the two before getting up and going into the forest.

Right when she left, the wind blew through the camp, making all of the Lost Boys except for Pan, fall to the ground. Melody ran behind and tree and grabbed the branches, pulling herself up until she was sure she was high enough. The teen had a clear view of the scene and watched as Pan took a deep breath, standing up.

"We have a guest! No doubt someone who knows how much I like guessing games. Who could it be? I guess..." He waved his hand to make the bonfire light up again, showing Gold standing there, face blank. "The Dark One. Come to save Henry and Melody, have you, laddie?" The immortal boy was glad his daughter had gone into the forest, and he knew she was watching the entire thing. But he didn't hold back anything. "How exciting. The Dark One ready to sacrifice his life for his family. Speaking of family..." Pan moved his hand to light up a torch on a tree. "You can come out now, Baelfire."

Neal appeared from the trees and aimed a crossbow at Pan. Melody nearly gasped in disbelief. He really was alive.

"Name's Neal now," Neal corrected.

"New name, but the same old tricks. It's heartwarming to see father and son working together, especially after you abandoned him, Rumple. This is a real family reunion," Pan smirked.

"What are you waiting for?" Gold asked Neal.

"I got this," Neal told him.

Neal shot the arrow and Pan caught it mid-air before it hit him. However, Neal didn't seem at all surprised.

"Clever. But we've been through this before, Baelfire. Have you remembered nothing?" Pan asked, dropping the arrow to the floor.

"I remember plenty," Neal said, removing the crossbow. "That's why I didn't coat the tip."

Pan stood in shock as the squid ink wrapped around him, paralyzing him.

"Grab Henry. I'll find Melody," Gold told Neal.

Melody shrunk into the tree and made sure Gold couldn't see her. She couldn't just go to him with open arms, not after what Pan had revealed. Would her own brother really kill her?

"Well, how about that? I'm impressed. But are you sure you're really saving them, Bae?" Pan asked.

Gold looked around for his sister but found no sight of her. Neal picked Henry up and looked at Pan confusedly.

"What could be worse than leaving them here with you?" he questioned.

"Why don't you ask your father? Sometimes the people we should fear the most are the ones closest to us."

Neal turned to Gold. "W... what's he talking about?"

"Don't listen to him," Gold said, still looking for Melody.

"You mean you haven't told him?" Pan asked, furious that he might just find Melody, who he saw out of the corner of his eye in a nearby tree.

"Told me what?" Neal asked.

"Why, about the prophecy, of course."

"What prophecy? What's he mean?"

Gold looked guilty and turned to his son.

"The prophecy that says you've been tricked. Your father isn't here to rescue your son. He's here to murder him," Pan revealed.

Gold glared and looked around. "Where is Melody?"

Pan glared right back distastefully. "Safe from you."

"Where is she?"

Neal interfered. "Let's go. We can find her later."

Gold didn't look like he was going to budge but knew the squid ink would wear off soon. So he followed Neal into the jungle, leaving Pan and the unconscious Lost Boys.

Melody jumped down from the tree and went to him. "So Rumple is supposed to kill me and now Henry too?"

Pan looked at her though he couldn't move still. "It's complicated." They were quiet and he sighed. "Why didn't you go with them?"

She smiled. "Well, I said I was going to trust you."

He smiled back. "Yeah. Yeah, you did."


The camp was empty when he arrived but he quickly sat Henry down and looked around. Neal bent down by the fire and put his hands over it, realizing that it was warm.

"Emma," he whispered

"You were so close to finding her," someone said. Neal got up and turned around to see Pan, Melody, and the Lost Boys. The girl looked conflicted but stayed by Pan. "You disappoint me. I thought I taught you better. Never break in somewhere unless you know the way out."

"I'll remember that for next time," Neal replied.

"Well, there isn't going to be a next time. But don't blame yourself. Your father could have protected you out here, sure." He pointed to Henry, faking a thoughtful look. "But then who would've protected Henry from him?" Then he dropped his hand and smirked. "Talk about a rock and a hard place."

Felix went and picked Henry up, casting a glance at Melody who was watching Neal.

"I will get my son and my aunt back, no matter what it takes," Neal threatened as he stepped closer to Pan.

Pan looked offended. "You're not getting it. That's not the problem." He pointed to Neal. "You got them." He pointed to himself. "I got them back." He laughed. "It's the game. No, my boy, the real problem for you is that there is no escaping Neverland. No one gets off this island without my permission."

Melody was slightly surprised at how he acted but didn't let it bother her. She had seen Regina act the same way. And now that she thought about it, she hated seen it a lot.

"I've done it before," Neal reminded.

"Did you?" Pan looked Neal up and down, smirking. "Look where you are now. It's like you never left."

Neal looked confused. "You saying you let me go?"

"I'm saying everyone's where I want them."

Henry groaned and they all looked to the boy on Felix's shoulder. Pan looked back at Neal who was looking at his aunt. Melody shook her head, silently telling him not to talk about her.

"Something to chew on. You know where to take him," Pan said.

The lost boys came up from behind him and grabbed Neal.

"No! Henry! Melody!" Neal yelled.

Melody didn't react and put an emotionless mask on her face to not show her sadness and anger.

"Oh, don't worry. It won't be for very long," Pan smirked.

"Henry! I'm alive!" Neal yelled.

"Just until I reset the board. See, the game is about to change."

Pan turned around and stood in front of his daughter as she watched Neal go. Then they were both left alone. Melody looked at him.

"What're going to do with him?" she asked.

He grabbed her hand and led her back to camp.

"Putting him in the cages." She gave him a look but he gave her one back. "You said you wanted to help. Don't get mad if it's something you don't like."

Melody frowned, knowing he was right.


The celebration had continued after that, Henry now being able to hear the music coming from Pan's pipes. Melody had retired for the night and went off to bed. The boys were sent to bed and Pan went to the treehouse.

He set the pipes down on the table and went over to the bed, seeing Melody asleep. Pulling her covers up, she stirred slightly but did not wake up. There were no tears on her cheeks and he sighed in relief, thinking that Melody would be upset with him after what happened.

But she didn't run, that's something that counted.


I'm really anxious to get to the end of this book because it's going to be so good!!!

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