Love and Basketball {Book 1}

By NikkiJackson5

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#Wattys2014 "I Don't Date Players" What happens when a girl with a past meets a guy with an a million dollar... More

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Love and Basketball
Chapter 1: Speak of the Player
Chapter 2: Captain
Chapter 3: You Can Sing?
Chapter 4:Meet Tyronne
Chapter 5: Get to Know You
Chapter 6: Where are we going?
Chapter 7: Your Not My BOYFRIEND!!!
Chapter 8: To The Beach
Chapter 9: Did You Just Slap Me?
Chapter 10: Flashback
Chapter 11: Thats it
Chapter 12: It's a date
Chapter 13: Your Back, Now Leave
Chapter 14: Why the hell are you here?
Chapter 15: Half Time
Chapter 16: Nia's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 17: Operation Ooh Kill Em
Chapter 18: Keeping up the Reputation
Chapter 19: Time For....BITDMN
Chapter 20: Apologize
Chapter 21: Full Of Revenge
Chapter 22: Feeling The Vibe
Chapter 23: My Boo Thang
Chapter 24: I Want You Back
Chapter 25: Drunk Words Speaks Sober Thoughts
Chapter 27: Oh Happy Day
Authors Note
Chapter 28: Should I Trust You? Or Nah
Chapter 29: Hard Times
Books 2 Read
Chapter 30: Christmas Surprises
Chapter 31: Do It For The Court Part 1 of 2
Chapter 32: Heck Of A Day
Chapter 33: Tell Me Everything
Chapter 34: Street Racing
Chapter 35: Saved by a Miracle
Chapter 36: All Falls Down
Chapter 37: Rescue Me?
Chapter 39: A Night To Remember
Chapter 40: Love Or Basketball
The Players Best Friend

Chapter 26: New Friends, Old Friends

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By NikkiJackson5

2 Days Later

After having the worst hangover in history and Diamond threating to kill me if i danced on another table I decided its safe to say I'm never getting drunk again. I can only remember bits and pieces of what happened. As I was thinking about what happened I bumped into Dustin. I closed my eyes waiting to hit the ground but I never did. I opened my eyes and Dustin was holding me in his arms. I felt butterflies in my stomach while my heart was racing. This is new. I pulled away and sent him a warm smile before going to class.

In Mr. Valence's Class

Teacher: okay class, we are going to start our presentations, who would like to start?

Dustin: me, me, me

Teacher: okay Dustin your group is up first

I grabbed my paper then made my way to the front of the classroom, were Dustin was already there. I shot him and glance and he shot me a wink that made me kinda nervous. What's going on?.

Teacher: Dustin you can start now

Dustin: A lot of people know Nyesha as an amazing basketball player and hard-headed and trust me she is but that's not all there is to her. Over the past few weeks I learned that...

Her favourite colour is: Blue

If she had a billion dollars, what would she do with it: She would pay for her little sisters education

The people she trust the most: Diamond and Chase

Kids: loves 'em

Dream Boyfriend: Jacob Latimore

Religion: 7th Day Adventist

Favourite food: poutine

Her Bucket list:

1. Do something that makes her heart race

2. Get a trophy in basketball

3. Get a tattoo.

4. Carve her name in a tree

5. Kiss someone underwater

6.Have a paint fight

7. Watch the sunset

8. Get a job that has something to do with basketball

9. Kiss someone in the rain

10. Fall in love

11.Kiss someone at midnight on new years eve

12. Have a water balloon fight

So in conclusion Nyesha Jenkins is a girl with a heart of gold

Teacher: good job, Dustin, Nyesha your up

Nyesha: Who is Dustin Watts? Is he Arrogant, Cocky, and persistent? Hell yah, but let me tell you a little more about Dustin.

Dream girlfriend: Meagan good

Favourite food: Tacos

Religion: 7th day Adventist

Love at first sight: yup

If he could tell everyone in the world one thing, he would tell them "He's the smexist man alive"

If he could change his name he would change it to: Dayvon

If he could move he would move to: New York

His bucket list:

1. Get a job

2. Do something that makes his heart race

3. Get a tattoo

4. Make a music video

5.Sing a song with a friend and post it on YouTube

6.Make homemade cookies

7. carve his name in a tree

8. End up kissing someone special on the 4th of July, under the mistletoe, in the rain, on New Year's Eve, and under fireworks

9. break the law

10.Take pictures in the photo booth

11. Get a tattoo

12. Have shopping cart races in Walmart

In conclusion Dustin watts is cocky, arrogant and persistent but he's one of my best friends and I couldn't ask for a better one.

Me and Dustin take a bow and the class claps, I look back at my teacher and he sends me a thumbs up.

A few weeks later... Date: December 18th

Jamari's POV

Me and Anthony were walking to the park when I swear I saw Samantha. No, it couldn't be her, she died giving birth to Anthony. I shook off the thought then brought Anthony to the slide. When I turned around I saw her again, now I was sure it was her and i wasn't losing my mind. I picked up Anthony then walked over to "Samantha"

Me: Samantha?

Samantha: Jamari?

And there it was, the woman I thought was dead this whole time was standing right in front of me.

Jamari: I thought you were dead

Samantha: I can explain

Jamari: what happened at the hospital?, the nurse told me you died

Samantha: ijumpedoutawindow

Jamari: you did what?

Samantha: I jumped out the window okay!!!


Samantha: listen, I know I made some mis-----

Jamari: you left me to take care of a baby, and you knew that I barley bad enough to take of myself

Samantha: I'm sorry okay?

Jamari: so, where were you all these years?

Samantha: I rather not say

Jamari: you don't have a choice

Samantha: Iwasatacrackhouse

Jamari: a what?

Samantha: Crack house

Jamari: so that's why I was losing money out of my bank account, the whole time I thought I was being robbed by a mastermind, turns out my dead ex-girlfriend who just gave birth jumped out a window to smoke crack, was stealing my money, who would've thought

Samantha: I know I did wrong b--

Anthony: Daddy, who's this?

Jamari: this is your......... Real mom

Anthony: is this the one who visited Jesus?

Jamari: yah

Anthony: I'm gonna call you M2

Samantha: okay

Anthony: Daddy, can she come home with us?

Jamari: if it's okay with Samantha

Samantha: it's cool

At School~ Alicia's POV (pronounced: A-lee-ce-a)

(A/N: you never met Alicia before, so don't stress about it)

We were in the Gym practising for the pep rally, when I told the cheer team to take a break. They took five as I went to check my phone for messages.

1 new message from Chris (my boo)

Chris: Just break up with me now and never talk to me again

Alicia: Why, what did I do?

Chris: It's what I did

Alicia: what the hell did you do?

Chris: Uhhh

Alicia: just tell me

Chris: We were all hanging out at the park, when we found a glass bottle, so we decided to play spin the bottle. So we were playing and it didnt land on me intill Candace spinned it. So i kissed her. So you should dump me

Alicia: Do you want me to dump you?

Chris: No, But i dont deserve a girlfriend

Alicia: i guess you dont want me to forgive you

Chris: Dont forgive me

Alicia: So i guess this is it

Chris: yup

I blinked really fast to prevent the tears from spilling out. I ended practise early then drove myself home. As soon as I get home I ran into my room and let all the tears spill out, while they fall down my face I close my eyes and remembered all the memories that me and Chris had, all that down the drain. When I finally finished crying I changed my Instagram bio to: Single, and while I was changing my Facebook status, Mary the hoe of the school, tagged me in a post on Facebook saying: "The girl couldn't keep a man or satisfy his needs" and a bunch of her "minions" commented "Yah,totally,haha good one". But there was one comment that stood out, it was from Nyesha. She wrote "Bitches can say this and that yet they never had a boyfriend yet, Why don't y'all just mind your business and stay out of Alicia's". I called Nyesha on her cell phone, hoping it didn't change and on the third ring she picked up.

Nyesha: Hello?

Alicia: Hey Nyesha, it's me Alicia

Nye: oh hey, what's up

Alicia: im guessing you heard about the break up

Nye: Yah, i heard, sorry about that

Alicia: Its cool, is it okay if i sit at your table this week insted of with the cheerleaders, I really don't feel like hearing there drama

Nye: Yah, it's no problem just meet me at my locker at lunch and we'll walk together

Alicia: Okay, thanks

**The Next Day Lunch**Nyesha's POV

I waited at my locker for Alicia to come. 5 minutes passed. No Alicia. 10 Minutes pass. No Alicia. I got fed up and walked into the cafeteria to see Alicia sitting at the cheerleaders table laughing. No Surpise There. I walked passed the cheerleading table and sat at my usual table.

Diamond: Hey, what took so long?

Nyesha: I was waiting for Alicia but she never showed up

Diamond: Oh, well coach said we have a manditory meeting after we finish eating

Nyesha: well i lost my appetite so we can go now

Diamond: Alright lets go

We threw out our lunches and left the lunchroom. As we walked down the hallway we saw a couple making out beside a locker. Gross. As we got closer i realised the girl was mary and the guy was..........Dustin. Watching him kiss her made my heart sink and made me feel sick. As soon as we walked passed them Dustin pulled away and when he saw me he looked like he just got caught for robbing a bank. Shocked and Scared. I put on a fake smile, waved, then continued to walk to the gym. letting him ponder his thoughts. When we got to the gym, the coach said that we were gonna start basketball up again so we need to practise. So for the rest of the period me and Diamond did lay-ups, Crossovers, Dunks and 3-pointers.

《Bell Rings, Math Class》

Diamond's POV

Nyesha and I walked into the classroom and sat down at our seats. Since the teacher wasn't there i pulled out my cell phone and texted Chase.

Text convo

Diamond: Hey :-)

Chasy: Hey ;-)

Diamond: whatcha doin?

Chasy: Annoying my teacher

Diamond: Leave your teacher alone

Chasy: No, its fun to annoy him

Diamond: Whatever, just don't get into to much trouble

Chasy: awwwwe you care ♥♥♥♥♥

Diamond: Yah right♡♡

Chasy: So Diamond, you wanna go on our first official date?

Diamond: ......Yah sure, When and where?

Chasy: It's a surprise, Just wear comfortable clothes and be ready by 7:30

Diamond: Kk, text you later

Chasy: Text you later babe

Text Convo Over

Teacher: okay students, listen up. Wr have two new students, Devon Daniels and Tyrell Smith.

Devon and Tyrell walk in and all the girls start wispering about them except me, Nyesha. and Nia but Nia looks like she' s gonna slap the one that said Tyrell was hot. (Over protective girlfriend mode O.P.G.M.)

Teacher: Okay students, settle down, So will you guys tell us a little about yourselfs.

Tyrell: I'll go first. So my name is Tyrell Smith, I'm 18 years old. I have a girlfriend named Nia and she sits in the second row third seat, there she is hidding, Hey babe. Anyways I play basketball and i am an only child.

Teacher: Thanks Tyrell, You can sit at the empty desk beside Nia. Mr. Daniels your up

Diamond: There's a rat

All the girls scream and jump up onto the desk except Nyesha and Nia because there sitting at there desking dying of laughter

Teacher: Ms. Brown, where is the rat?

Diamond: its right beside you

Teacher: where beside me?

Diamond: The rat is standing right beside you, its wearing a black OBEY shirt, Blue Jeans, Nike's and a black snapback.

Now Nyesha is on the floor dying while the girls are slowly coming of the desks.

Teacher: Diamond, that wasnt funny, Nyesha get off the floor and Mr.daniels please start

Devon: Okay, My name is Devon Daniels, I'm 18 years old. I am single and ready to mingle (Winks at mary), I play basketball and im an only child.

All the girls start wispering about him because he's single and when i looked at him he was starring at me. I rolled my eyes and mumbled something under my breath

Teacher: DIAMOND BROWN, I HEARD THAT, since you wanna be disruptive go to the Detention centre

I grabbed my bag and books and before i left i turned around and said "Be Careful He May Have An STD" then skipped out the class happily.

As i skipped out of the class i passed by Chase's classroom and heard yelling.






Chase walks out the classroom and when he see's me he shoots me a smile then walks over to me.

Chase: so were you headed?

Diamond: Detention centre

Chase: what did goodie-two shoes do? Forgot your homework?

Diamond: Called the new student a rat, mumbled under my breath that the new student probably has a baby mama, oh and left the classroom saying he had an STD

Chase: I only Dyed a teachers hair blue, im losing my influence

Diamond: Yah and im gaining it

Chase: So what do you have next period?

Diamond: Free

Chase: Me too, Wanna catch a movie?

Diamond: Don't we already have a date at 7:30

Chase: Yah, but thats the hanging out/Formal while this is just, two friendz catching a movie

Diamond: Fine, lets go. I hope you know your a bad influence on me

Chase: yah yah yah

Samantha's POV

I was sitting on Anthony's bed going through the photo album when i came acroos a photo of a girl holding Anthony while my man's arm(Jamari) was around her waist. Oh Hell No. That is my man. On the back it said " Janessa. #1 Mommy in the entire world". we'll see about that. I contined looking through the photo album when i found a photo of her and according to the back of the photo her cousin Nyesha Jenkins. As i was thinking about ways to get Janessa out of Jamari and Anthony's life my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and it said Step-Brother.

Phone Convo

Me: hey step-bro whats up?

Step bro: Nothing just leaving tge hospitial

Me: What happened?

Step Bro: Long Story short, i got cloaked in the head with a gun

Me: well, its a good thing you called Jordan

Jordan: oh now you wanna use my name, what happened to step bro?

Me: Doesn't suit you well, Anyways remember the last time we talked you said you were gonna kidnapp this Nyesha girl

Jordan: yah, and it didn't work but trust me i will get Nyesha

Me: well i need to get rid of Janessa

Jordan: So were gonna have to work together, but in the end Nyesha WILL BE MINE


Jordans back!!!!!!!!!!!

Well That's it y'all. So i said i was gonna do a reader of the week/Month thing And i am gonna do it but i'm gonna change it to every update i do you will get to find out the Reader of the latest update. Also there's going to be a reader for different catagories like.....

1. Voting

2. Commenting

So yah, For the catagorie of Voting Reader of The Latest Update is 《Drumroll》.......... MENABOO. She voted the most so yah she won.


Questions, Comments or Statements

Don't be afraid to ask.

Now i have some Questions for you guys

1. Did you like the chapter?

2. Why do you think Dustin was kissing mary?

3. Any ideas

4. Good update or Nah

5. Do you like the book so far?

6. Any favorite chapters?

7. Any favorite Characters

Well that was my update hope you guys love it and enjoy it.


Well that was my update hope you guys love it and enjoy it. Peace out ♥♡♥~Nikki.J~♡♥♡

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