Reset Your Mind ✓

By luckyLakiforever

590 76 30

Have you lost all hope? Do you want to change the world? Do you want to change yourself? If so, then this is... More

Author's note
Bonds and Life
I am who I am, aren't I?
Friendship (part 1)
Friendship (part 2)
Hatred and Love
Love me, Love me not
Apology Accepted


44 6 0
By luckyLakiforever

This chapter is dedicated to all the people who are afraid of something.

"Fear is not evil. It tells you what your weakness is." - Gildarts (Fairy Tail)

We are all afraid of something. I am not talking about natural disasters or about the world's end which are the typical things everyone is afraid of. I am talking about our personal fears. Can we overcome our fears? Yes, we can. But that's not the question. The question is whether you WANT to overcome your fears.

Do you want to overcome your fears? Have you ever tried overcoming your fears? If you haven't tried, now is your chance. Now take your time and concentrate hard. Use your imagination and see yourself facing your fears. Then see yourself living your life normally, like you don't even know the meaning of fear. Don't you wish that your imagination is real? How easy life would be for all of us if we could just throw away our fears. But that's the thing. If you REALLY want to get rid of your fears, you could get rid of them. You just have to stop thinking that it's impossible.

Like you, I too have my own fears. In the process of trying to overcome them, I have figured out three steps to overcome one's fears.

1. Courage

No matter what kind of fears you have, always keep in your mind that you are NOT a coward. People may say that you are a coward but remember that those people also have their own fears. It's just that their fears are different from yours so they don't know or try to understand how afraid you are. So don't label yourself as a coward because you are not one.

Courage is the first step towards overcoming your fears. Ask someone you trust for advice on overcoming your type of fear. It could be your parents, friends, or someone professional. Don't hesitate to tell your fears to them. You might hesitate to tell them in fear that they will judge you and see you as a coward. But I am sure that once you gather up all your courage and tell them your fears, they will try their best to help you. After all, you do trust them. If you don't feel comfortable in talking about your fears to them, seek online help. You can search about your fears and ways to overcome them. You can also try to find people who have the same fears as you and ask them for advice.

Now comes the hard part. After you gather up all the information you need to overcome your fears, you have to face your fears. To do this, you must definitely have courage. I can guess what some of you are thinking right now. You must be thinking about how weak you are; how you don't even have an ounce of courage. Or maybe you are scolding me right now because it's easy for me to tell you to face your fears while you are the one who has to do it. Trust me, it's not easy for me to tell this. It is not even easy for me to write this chapter because this chapter reminds me of my own fears. But this is one of the reasons why I am writing this chapter; to face my own fears. I am writing this chapter for all of us, including myself.

I know that most of you don't even like being reminded of your fears, but you have to accept the fact that you are afraid. Denial won't do you any good. When you are facing your fears, don't pretend like you are fine. Don't pretend like you aren't afraid of your fears. My biggest advice for you in this chapter is this: don't face your fears while you are in denial of them. It will cause you to panic afterwards and to build doubt in yourself. I tell this from my own experience.

Never think that you are weak. Your courage is buried deep inside you; too deep for you to see that it's buried. That's why you don't even know that you have courage inside you. You just have to see beyond what you see and dig it all up.

2. Determination

Your determination depends on the size of your desire to overcome your fears. Determination is not about you deciding that you have to face your fears; that's courage. Determination is about you not giving up on facing your fears no matter how many times you fail. You have to keep in your mind that having enough courage to face your fears doesn't mean that you will overcome them immediately. You might fail in your first attempt and the next attempt and so on. But don't be discouraged because failure is to be expected. Facing your fears is hard enough; overcoming them is unimaginable. But you will overcome them one day if you keep on trying without giving up or loosing hope. For that, you must have determination; the determination to face your failures while facing your fears.

3. Time

Give yourself some time. Don't blame yourself if it seems like you aren't even getting closer to overcoming your fears. Just keep on trying. You must be patient. Like I said before, overcoming your fears can't be done immediately. It takes time and you must be willing enough to give yourself some time without being impatient or start thinking about quitting.

Don't fear your fears. They aren't meant to be feared; they are meant to challenge yourself and to measure your courage, determination, patience, bravery and endurance. Fear shows your weaknesses. But it also shows your inner strength. So have faith in yourself. If you haven't tried overcoming your fears, start it now. It's never too late to defeat your fears no matter how much time you have had them. If you have tried overcoming your fears but has given up, start doing it again. You can do it. I believe in you. So you just have to start believing yourself. Imagine yourself kicking the asses of all your fears! ( This statement is, as you can see, my worse attempt at bringing humour in to a serious talk.)  So just give yourself a chance. I am sure that your fears will also give you a chance to kick them out.

Don't fear your fears. What you should fear is fear itself.


A/N: Hey, guys! I hope you picked up something useful  from this chapter to help you overcome your fears. That was, after all, my intention; to help you to get rid of your fears. I used to be afraid of heights. I even had dreams of me, falling down from cliffs!!! But now, I am not as much as afraid as I used to be. I can even climb a small ladder without panicking! But that is not my only fear. I have a fear for needles. I am talking about the type of needles that is used to inject something in to your body or to draw out blood; not the type of needles that is used to sew clothes. I have had this fear my whole life but I didn't know about it until last year.

I had this unusual "sneezing issue" and I often had a running nose so the doctors needed a sample of my blood to do some tests on it. The last time I had been injected, I was still a kid so while I was giving my hand to the nurse, I was telling myself that I am not afraid of a small needle and the reason that I have had made such a fuss about needles in the past was because I was just a kid and kids always made a fuss about things they didn't like.

I have never been so mistaken in my entire life.

I gritted my teeth when the needle was injected in to my arm and tried to distract myself from the uncomfortable feeling I was getting as my blood was drawn out. I kept telling myself that the misery would end up soon. Alas, it didn't. The nurse informed me that for some reason, blood can't be drawn out from my arm. So she decided to inject the needle in to my other arm. I seriously think that someone up there really hates me. After like an eternity, it was all over. But when I tried to stand up, I felt faint so the nurse led me to a seat. And then every wall and barrier inside me broke and I began to cry. It's just too bad that I came to the hospital with my parents. I won't even try to imagine what the nurses and the people who saw an eighteen year old girl crying ​infront of her parents might have thought about.

I am still trying to understand what happened to me that day. I guess I panicked or something. But I am very proud of myself for not panicking WHILE the blood was drawn out or it would have been a big problem. That day, I realised that I was afraid of needles. And hopefully, I would stay healthy forever so that I could avoid needles. But the person who is up there might have other plans for me. Anyway, I wish I wasn't in denial while I was facing​ my fear. So I kindly warn you again: don't face your fears while you are in denial of them. I wish you luck and  I hope you will be able to kick out all your fears.
Don't forget to vote, comment and share!!! Have a nice day!!!😊

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