Finding a New Beginning(BoyxB...

By CandyHeartPop

737 61 22

The Aminzin disease was mentioned Once in the newspapers,they said it wasn't deadly,but oh were they wrong. E... More

The Beginning of the End:The Aminzin Disease has Spread
A Huge Mistake
Cages Won't Protect Us Now

Don't Ask So Many Questions

70 9 1
By CandyHeartPop

I anxiously open my eyes,believing my ears were playing tricks on me. Finnick Brown's amber eyes stared down at me, his face mixed with astonishment and concern.

"Finnick?!" There was so much going on I couldn't think of anything else to say. A second ago two people were trying to take a bite out of me and now Finnick stood in front of me with a bloody metal bat.

"Wait. Don't get too close Ethan. Did you touch it or did it touch your skin anywhere?" He took a step back,keeping a distance between us.

"Did what touch me? What's going on?! What happened to them,why are they like that?!"

"It's pretty obvious isn't it? They're zombies, well some type of zombie. Did you make contact with their skin?",He eyes me up and down looking nervously at my body.

"No! I only touched their shirt and- and they just touched my clothes too, why is that important. Finnick,what's going on?!"

Before he could answer me,the sound of groans filled the air.

"I'll explain later, for now stand behind me,don't leave my side and whatever you do don't touch or make contact with their skin. Now come on we have to get out of here before-"

The entrance to the classroom was blocked by 3 zombies. They snarled at us, their mouths filled with blood that dripped down their chin along.

"-Before they get here." With a sigh he lifts his bat and turns back to look at me, "Make sure you stay close to me.When I say go,we'll make a run for it ok? Alright suckers, let's get this party shall we? "

With a final snarl the zombies ran towards us. "Batter up!"

A swing of Finnick's bat and it went down, it's head breaking open as it hit the floor. The last two came running towards Finnick and with a hard swing at their legs they both swiftly fell down. Before they stood back up their heads were splattered across the floor.

"Ok let's go! Don't lag behind!"

As we ran out of the classroom I noticed a crowd of zombies had filled in the hallway in front of the school entrance. The undead zombies spotted us and with a blink of an eye they moved towards us.There were about 15 of them of total but fear grew inside me as I noticed more began to appear in the doorways of classrooms.

"Fin-Finnick we have company! "

"Come on really, God fucking dammit! The noise must've gotten their attention. Alright, this way."

We turned right and ran down the hallway I had just carefully made my way across before I entered the classroom. The pack of zombies had grew in size and my heartbeat quicken as my fear of being caught kept crossing my mind. What would happen if I got caught? If they really are some sort of zombie would I really be eaten?

"Finnick you still haven't told me what's going on! Are they really zombies? Maybe they're just sick and don't really want to hurt us."

"Do you really want to stop running and check if they're really zombies? I thought having one of them almost eat you would have made it obvious they're zombies."

"Well I can't exactly think straight if I have no idea what's going on! Last I heard a disease started this so of course I would think they're just sick!"

"This isn't exactly the time to think about what's going on. Instead of thinking about whether or not they pose a legitimate danger to you ,focus on outrunning them.This way Ethan."

Finnick grabbed my arm and pulled me as he turned the corner into the science hallway. "Run faster, there could be some of them still in the classroom."
Maybe he was right but that didn't stop my curiosity and worry about what exactly was chasing us and why we were running from them.

I picked up my speed and turned my head only to be surprised as the zombie hoard continued to run straight instead of turning the corner. "Finnick they aren't behind us anymore!"

"Don't get too excited, we still have to get there safely without getting noticed by more of them." He stopped running and sighed in relief,  "At least we can stop running. For zombies they run pretty slow, I always thought they'd be faster."

"There? What do you mean by that? Aren't we headed outside the school?" The only safe place would be outside the school, now that the crowd had moved from the entry way I should be able to get out safely.

"Why would we go outside the school? Only an idiot would go out there, we're going somewhere safe not somewhere that'll just get us killed the minute we step outside. "

Finnick started to walk upstairs,reluctantly I followed him. I wasn't sure why we couldn't go outside but I didn't think asking for answers right now was the safest thing to do. The safest thing for me to do right now would be to follow the strong built jock carrying a bat who seemed to know exactly what was going on.

"A piece of advice Ethan, Don't ask so many questions when the undead are chasing us. It'll just slow you down and you'll end up as one of them."

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