By WickedEvil234

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"I know what you are. Please don't hurt me." "I'm your best friend. I would never hurt you." "I don't want to... More

One: my life so far
Three: life's a party

Two: The reunion

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By WickedEvil234

The drive to Bloomsburg wasn't that long but it also wasn't that interesting. There was nothing new it was all the same. Just like Bloomsburg.

"Welcome home Natalie." I whispered to myself as I passed the welcome to Bloomsburg population: 14,727 sign.

I stopped at the first diner I saw and sat on a barstool at the counter.
"Hey can I get some service."
"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" I turned to see a girl who looked my age smiling at me.
"Christine! It's always wonderful to see you."
"Come talk to me back here." Said Christine as she beckoned me to the back room.
"It's been along time." I said.
"142 years to be exact."
"Yeah well Bloomsburg isn't really my scene."
"Then why'd you come back. Excuse me for asking."
"Every time you come back something bad happens. You're my friend and I love you. But if anything happens."
"I know. I better leave and not come back."
"You better."
"So what's been going on in this small little town? What have I missed?"
"Not much. Two new fellas who look just like Ryan and Jackson from 1867 moved in last week."
"Are they dopplegangers? Of their ancestors."
"I think so. They seem pretty human to me so..."
"Right. Ok well I'm gonna go get moved in."
"Moved in? I thought you were just visiting?"
"Nope I got evicted. This is the place where a lot of supernatural things are said to happen. Which they do and none of the humans believe it, so I thought this would be the perfect place for me to stay."
"Well don't stay for long. That man that hunted your family is still hunting you and your sister. If you plan to stay awhile lay low on the magic."
"Already noted."
"Good. Now let's get you some coffee."

I drove to where my old house used to be. It still looked the same. I walked inside and I saw all the furniture covered in sheets. But it was still just as beautiful as I remembered.

Two months later-
I walked into the coffee shop one morning before school so I could sit down and work on some sketches. It's nice to find time when I don't have homework or work or worrying about learning new spells. So I ordered a coffee and I sat down and started sketching. Little did I know someone was watching me from across the room. Ryan Lloyd.
"Marcel who's that girl over there?" He asked the guy at the counter who I assumed to be marcel.
"Oh her. She just moved here two months ago. Her name is Natalie. She was named after her ancestor who lived here. The short time she's been here she has already gotten a job, and has straight A's at school." Said Marcel.
"So she's pretty much wonder child from planet mars?" Asked Ryan.
"Yep. And she can sing. She's also great at drawing painting. Art in general."
"She does look like she's one of those artsy types."
I looked up to see the doppelgänger sitting there. The nineteen year old Ryan staring at me from across the room. Then his brother Jackson joined him. Well their parents were right to name them after their ancestors because they are true doppelgängers. They look exactly the same as their ancestors. So I got up and went to talk to them.
"Hi. I noticed that you're staring at me so-"
"Sorry. I'm Ryan Lloyd. This is my brother Jackson."
"I'm Natalie Romano. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too. I heard you're in high school. It's a small town. Jackson goes to Bloomsburg high too."
"Oh well I'll see you around but I'm late for school so I have to leave." I said
"Oh yeah. Speaking of which aren't you late too?" Said Ryan to Jackson.
"I'm going I'm going." Jackson caught up with me down the street.
"Mind if I walk with you?" He asked.
"Oh not at all." I answered.
"I'm sorry if my brother sounded strange earlier."
"He didn't. It just. It felt like I knew him."
"Yeah he had a friend who kinda looked like you."
"Yeah uh he did something to be on the outs with her and he didn't get to fix it before she died."
"What'd he do?"
"He got her daughter taken away from her. Don't get me wrong she was a great mom. But she was about your age. Sixteen actually but he thought she was too young. He promised to protect her daughter and he broke that promise. He feels so guilty. I can tell. Betraying your closest and only friend isn't really something you forget. Or feel to good about."
"How did you feel about her?" I asked.
"I was in love with her. We were in love with each other. After her daughter got taken away she left town and never looked back. Then she got sick and passed away."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm fine. That was a long time ago." Jackson said.
"So since the last time I was here I can tell there's still nothing fun to do. So what can I do to keep from getting bored?" I asked.
"There's open mic night at Christine's diner every Friday and Saturday and I hear you have a pretty amazing voice." He said.
"You know the walk to school is really long."
"Don't change the subject!"
That morning walking to school I laughed. I actually laughed a lot. Which is something I haven't done in a while. We got to school and I gave Jackson my number. It seemed like he was good company to keep.

October 2nd 1867-
"Haha mr. Lloyd. Very funny."
"It was only funny because you fell for it. And please, call me Jackson."
"Ok. Jackson." I said.
"Miss Natalie?"
"I think I'm in love with you." Jackson confessed.
"I think I'm in love with you too. Mr. Jackson."

It was that moment that me and Jackson shared our first kiss. We really were in love.

Present day-
I sat through my calculus class remembering the good old days with Jackson and Ryan. But they were dead. Now they had descendants and the real them was dead. At lunch Jackson was sitting alone. So was I. So he came over and sat with me. Maybe it was because I knew Jackson the first but I could talk to Jackson like we were old friends.
"So Ryan is throwing a party tonight. Wanna come?" Jackson asked.
"I don't know. I mean I don't really-"
"Strict parents huh."
"No parents at all." I said.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine that was a long time ago. I'm on my own now. You know what I think I'll come to this so called party. But it better not be a bunch of grandpas sitting around drinking coffee."
"My brother isn't that much older than me."

When I got home I made myself some dinner and turned on the TV. The news was on. The anchorman looked... sad.
"Four animal attacks in the last month. Three of these four people are now dead."
"What. This is exactly why I left this town. To many vampires."

Someone rang my doorbell and I was pulled out of my daze. I answered the door and there stood Ryan.
"So my brother says you're coming to my party. Just making sure you're not gonna embarrass me."
"Well aren't you rude."
"I'm handsome too."
"Yes I'm coming."
"Good. Don't embarrass me."
"You know. You're a very rude person."
"I have a great sense of humour to." He said smiling at me.
"Well I can't come if you don't let me get ready." I said.
"Right so my brother is the loner type and doesn't know how to ask a girl out on a date so can you like maybe get him out of the house tonight until the party starts?" Ryan asked.
"Because today is his birthday. He knows there's gonna be a party but he doesn't know it's gonna be for him. It's going to be a surprise party. So here's what you're going to do. You will take my brother out for coffee and stall him until seven when the party starts."
"Um... ok."
"Perfect. Buh-bye now." Ryan said.

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