UnStoppable [Book 2]

بواسطة Wisegirl502

9.4K 179 519

A new summer begins at Camp Half-Blood without incident. Silena and Derek are going strong as boyfriend and g... المزيد

My Friend Goes Crazy
We're Going to Cause Hell
Bryn Swears Like A Sailor
Curse My Luck
You're Not His Family
I Attempt to Stall Romans
We're Getting A Trial
My Friend Is Flanked
I'm Yelling Timber
What Happens in Vegas
Stays in Vegas
You Almost Caught Bryn Winchester
That Dam Trip
Bat Mobiles Fly
That's Ironic
Separated Again
One Too Many
Here Comes Goodbye
Plot Twist

We Insult the Augur

378 10 18
بواسطة Wisegirl502

Hi y’all!  I’m actually knocking out getting stories updated and I don’t know why… I’ve updated over half in the past week.  Typically it takes me a month or two to do that.  WHAT IS HAPPENING?  I don’t know but I hope you enjoy! :)

Thank you to the following for reviewing!  On Wattpad: DaughterofNyx0008, pandalover2259, MerlinAvatarEragon, KatClaw, Writersmagnet.

On Fanfiction (Really?  Only two reviews on fanfiction? :( This makes me said people): the ice within and commandopengi (who are totally and completely awesome for reviewing!)

Oh, and I might be doing some promo pics for the story on Twitter so follow me: @Wisegirl502 Be on the lookout for them!

Okay, now you may enjoy the story :)

Chapter Quote:

“Insanity runs in my family.  It practically gallops.”

~Cary Grant


Chapter 10: We Insult the Augur


Everyone sort of forgot about Antony dangling from the broken railing in the chaos of chasing after Bryn, Derek, Silena, and Rachel.  When the Romans went back to the Senate House, the annoying praetor had somehow pulled himself up onto the remaining part of the balcony and was just standing up when the twins found him.

“Thanks a lot for helping me,” he growled.

“Any time,” Brady and Bradley replied simultaneously.

“The Greeks need to be captured and imprisoned.  Cora, who shall we send it get them?” Antony demanded.

Cora looked at him calmly. “No one.  We shall see if Miss Winchester holds true to her word and contacts us when she gets back to camp.”

If she gets back to camp,” Bradley mumbled.

“What was that?”

“I said ‘if’ she gets back to camp.  Bryn told us the prophecy of her quest.  It sounds like someone isn’t going to return on the quest.  I don’t know if it’ll be her or not but we need to keep it in our thoughts over this.”

“So she really is on a quest?” Antony mused.

“Yes, you blithering idiot.  If you hadn’t pissed her off, our Senate House might not be destroyed,” Brady snapped.

“All of you stop arguing.  It will get us nowhere.  First thing’s first, we need to get our Senate House rebuilt as soon as possible.  Ana, Prerana, Vanessa!” Cora shouted at the three demigods to get their attention.  The girls came over. “Would you please start getting our top builders situated here so we can understand the extent of the damage and get started on building?”

“Yes ma’am,” Ana replied.  As she left, she smiled at Brady; he returned it.  He had a major crush on her but she didn’t know that.

“Brady, Bradley, did either of you know she was a daughter of Zeus?” Antony asked.

“She told us when we were talking to her,” Bradley answered.

“And you didn’t think to tell me?!”

“Us,” Cora corrected, glaring at her fellow praetor.

“We figured since you have such a great augur abilities, that you heard it over the god chatter and knew about her,” Brady said sarcastically.

“Brady,” Cora warned, although she was hiding a smile that told the younger twin his praetor was trying not to laugh.

“Bryn is famous even among the gods.  A demigod related to four gods is unheard of,” Bradley added.

“Yes, which is why I’m saying she must be eliminated as a threat!” Antony argued.

“What are you suggesting?” The twins questioned, barely restraining their anger.

“That we imprison her at the very least.  She is a danger to our society.  She will corrupt the others into thinking the Greeks actually give a damn about us and they’ll be persuaded into following her, whether she uses her Charmspeaking ability or not.”

“And if she doesn’t allow us to capture and imprison her?” Bradley asked.

“Then what?” Brady inquired.

Antony stared at the twins unwaveringly. “We kill her.”

Brady didn’t know what overcame him, nor what overcame his brother, but the two of them pinned Antony by his shoulders to the wall.

“If you touch her-” Brady began.

“Not only will the Greeks have a fit-” Bradley added.

“But we will too.”

“That girl is part of the Great Prophecy whatever it is.”

“If she dies, then so does our chance of winning this war.”

“Got it?”


The twins let go of Antony and stormed off, listening to him sputtering insults at them.  Overall, the augur knew that he shouldn’t mess with Brady and Bradley, that they could seriously maim or injure him.  The most punishment he ever did was putting them in a solitary confinement bunker or making them clean the entire camp by themselves.  He was too ignorant to know that the twins didn’t need to be right next to each other to communicate.  They could talk through their minds.  It helped them a lot with pranks they pulled on Antony.  The augur never caught on; they doubted he ever would.

However, Antony was the least of their problems.  With what Bryn had told them, all hell was about to break loose and they needed to be ready.  The twins knew that Cora, Ana, Prerana, and Vanessa were on their side, that they supported good relations with the Greeks.  The other campers they didn’t know about and they needed to find out soon.  They had to let Bryn know the verdict so she could create a plan on how to convince Camp Jupiter to cooperate with the Greeks.  Their cooperation was vital.



The next day, Antony ordered Bradley and Brady to aid in the rebuilding of the Senate House as their punishment.  The augur knew the twins sucked at any type of building and thought it would be funny to embarrass them.  Thing was, none of the campers liked Antony so they gave Bradley and Brady all the easy jobs, such as transporting materials from one area to the next, grabbing meals for everyone, etc.  Ana, Prerana, and Vanessa came to help out.  Brady hung around Ana.  Bradley found it hysterical, his brother’s crush, mainly because his brother couldn’t get up the courage to ask her out when she clearly liked him back.

“Bradley, Brady, I need to speak with you two privately,” Cora said from the non-damaged doorway to the Senate House.  The twins glanced at each other warily.  Typically when Cora needed to speak ‘privately’ with someone, they were being punished or banished from something.  The twins followed the praetor to her private study and waited patiently for her to begin.

“Sit down,” she said, waving her hand at the chairs in front of her desk.  They obeyed.  Cora sat in her chair in front of them. “You’re not in trouble for what happened with Antony yesterday with me.  I thought he deserved it, and I thought you two were right.  We need Bryn and the Greeks fighting with us if we are to win this war.  I have a proposition for you two.”

“We’re listening,” Brady said.

“I want you to go back to Lupa for a bit.  Have her train you some more.  Tell her I sent you and what for.  Tell her what occurred here.  She will know of ways to help.  Wait and train there until I or someone else comes to get you.  Understood?”

“Why us though?  Not that we’re complaining,” Bradley said hastily.

“Because we need the wolves on our side.  I, Ana, Prerana, Vanessa, and I’m assuming you two as well, are trying to convince the rest of the campers that we need to cooperate with the Greeks in this upcoming war.  However, Antony has a lot of influence here, whether it’s because someone voted for him out their own volition or because he blackmailed them.  Yes, I’m aware of that and I’m trying to come up with a way to exploit that to get him fired as Praetor.  I need a more sensible person ruling with me.  Anyway, back to the subject.  I’m saying even after we’ve placed the thought of supporting the Greeks into the campers’ heads, Bryn, Derek, Silena, and Luke if he survives, may not be able to convince our camp to support them.  If that is the case, then we will need the wolves.  Lupa is no fool.  She understands the importance of cooperation, especially since wolves run in packs typically and for a wolf pack to be successful in a hunt, they need cooperation.  I’m sending you two because she likes you and will listen to you.  If you can convince her, then she can convince the campers, I’m sure of it.  Are you two willing and able to do this?”

“Yes,” the twins agreed simultaneously and without hesitation.

“Good.  Speak of this to no one.  You leave at midnight.  I’ll have Ana, Prerana, and Vanessa on patrol during the time you’re supposed to leave.  They’ll give you some items for your trip.  Be safe, be careful, don’t get caught, and don’t get killed.  I think you two will be playing a big part in this war if you succeed in convincing Lupa.  Now go.  I don’t want the others getting suspicious.  If they ask, say I was reprimanding you verbally for what you did to Antony yesterday.”

“Yes ma’am.  We won’t fail you,” Bradley said.

“We promise,” Brady told her.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.  You know how seriously gods take promises.”

“We know,” Brady replied.

“And we’re still making it.  We’ll see you… the next time we see you,” Bradley said.

Eíthe oi Theoí na se proséchei.  May the gods watch over you.”


Did you enjoy the different perspective?  I did :)  I like the twins so much haha please review!  I still haven’t decided the fate for a lot of characters (meaning whether they die or not) so if you want your favorite character to live, you better review.  It is not beneath me to kill people off.  You’ve seen that in UnDefined and for any of you who have read my Razgriz Aces stories, you know I can kill people off, and even if I cry while killing them off in my story, I still won’t bring them back.  Now, on that happy note, here’s another friendly reminder to review :)  Love y’all!

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