One unfortunate meeting

By Remy_The_Artist

4K 147 42

Based on FallenHeroX's ask the USA's Civil war fanfiction. Alfred and Charlie go to the store because they ra... More

More chaos, it's a World Meeting


1K 37 11
By Remy_The_Artist

Germany gets up from his chair and says "America he isn't a country or in allowed in the world meeting he can't be here!"
"Yet prussia is sitting in the corner and sealand is bothering mor and far...." Alfred deadpans. Suddenly in all his prussian glory prussia laughs and says" He's got you there bruder! Kesesesesese!". Which causes havoc in the room. While everyone is yelling at each other Charlie asks Canada to shut them up. "Uhh I don't really know Charlie..." Canada responds. "Just do it!" Charlie says. "...Fine.....ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE YOU IMBECILES!!!!....sorry..." Canada yells. That shut everyone up quickly. Everyone looks at Canada in surprise and Cuba suddenly stands up and shoves Canada. "WE SHOULD SHUT UP?! WE ARE IMBECILES?! LOOK AT YOUR SELF AMERICA!!! EVERYONE HATES YOU BECAUSE YOU NEVER SHUT UP! BECAUSE YOU ARE THE BIGGEST IDIOT EVER!!!!" Cuba yells at Canada. At this Alfred and Canada get hurt by this. Canada because he was mistook for America again and Alfred because of the things Cuba said. Charlie picks up Cuba by the collar and shoves him into the nearest wall. "Listen up, One that over th'er is Canada my older bubba! So get it right! And two, Never Insult Union unless ya' wanna get yer ass kicked!" He says in a deadly voice. "..." America stays silent not really knowing that his younger bubba would ever stand up for him. Confederatcy looks back at his bubbas making sure there not crying or anything. He looks at Canada and sees he's fine just shocked, when he looks at America Charlie sees the shock, confusion, and pain written all over his face. America immediately puts on a big grin noticing people looking at him. 'Imma have ta talk to Alfred later about this mask or whatever...' Charlie thinks to himself. Charlie then looks back at Cuba and sees Cuba snarling at him and punches Charlie in the face,...well almost. When Charlie opens his eyes (He was scared leave him alone guys) he sees a hand grabbing Cuba's hand. He turns and sees his slightly older bubba (America) looking at- no glaring at Cuba with his infamous death glare, which has scared even Russia by the way. Charlie then realises that he's still holding on to Cuba and lets him go. With America punches him in the face but before Cuba can fall he grabs Cuba's wrist and yanks him up with a great amount of force, which almost pulls Cuba's hand off but instead it is just severely broken. "I think you should leave Cuba" America says in a "sweet" voice which has a slight southern accent to it. 'When America gets pissed off, and I mean like legitimately pissed, he has a slight southern accent. Why?, because both him and Confederatcy make America (but since we only see Union attend he has the title of America) they share some characteristics, the southern accent being one of many they share.' Confederatcy thinks to the readers.

Meanwhile the author is desperately trying to fix the fourth wall "Shit! Why Charlie?!,Why?!"-

While Charlie is off in dreamland thinking about whatever it is he is thinking about,Germany says "I think ve should all introduce our selves to uhh Confederacy? Right?". Charlie nods. "Zhe awesome me shall go first! I am zhe awesome Prussia! So your bruder is my, almost as awesome as me,friend! Hmmm. You are awesome too for now!" Charlie just looks at the prussia confused but says "Howdy prussia....". And that's how the meeting started,which was surprisingly calm and civilized. ....What happened in the actual part of the meeting though was chaotic.

A/N: Nehehe! (Ish my "evil" laugh don't judge!) Anyways so this one was a longer chapter then the first on surprisingly! Im not good at long chapters! Sorry! Anyways love you all (platonicly of course) and thanks for the support!
Word count: 656 words!
Quote of the day:
" If every pork chop were perfect-"
"WE WOULDN'T HAVE HOT DOGS!!!" -Steven Universe Ep1

Swedish :
Mor- mommy/mom
Far- Father/Dad/Daddy

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