Love At First Klance

By quiznak

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Klance? Bring it. (this is super kinky whoops) More


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By quiznak

I'm alive., kinda

please 🍃 a ⭐️💭

"Iggl wiggle" *scratches your chin*


Keith needed to get out of here A.S.A.P.
He was going to die of embarrassment.
The tanned man, Lance, (a beautiful name too) watched carefully as Keith considered his options.

He could say he had to use the bathroom then leave.
He could say he wasn't feeling so great.

But, if he went to the bathroom, Allura was sure to see him leaving flustered..

It's worth a shot, he decided.

"Hello?" Lance waved his hand in front of Keith's face. "Hellc-"

"Huh?" Keith looked up to the tanned man. "Oh, sorry, um., I need to use the restroom" He mumbled really fast.

Lance could tell he was lying, but he decided to grace this man of a wonderful "of course, sir" he smirked at himself, proud to be able to get another flustered squeak out of the man.

Keith got up from the bed, the blanket falling to the floor. He rushed to pick it up to cover himself. "Sir?" He squeaked.

Lance laughed. (A angelic nose)

Keith just stood there.

Wtf, how can a man be so beautiful.

He wrapped the blanket around himself, and ran out to 'go to the bathroom'.

Allura saw him right away, she smiled first. But, then she just glared as she caught me heading for the door.

Then she said holding her gaze, "get your tiny but adorable ass back in there"

Keith just, "adsgdjndvs"

"You do have a nice ass"

Keith turned around.

"If you turn that fast you might get whiplash" The tanned man, no Lance was a good 12 inches away.

Keith blushed again. He hated blushing, it was so out of his character. "You're a turd"
He blushed to almost a purple shade. It was the best thing he could think up at the moment.

"Hm, turd? You're a funny one aren't ya" Lance laughed to himself and put his hand in Keith's hair making it even floofier.

Meanwhile, Allura was taking a bazillion photos with this evil look on her face, chuckling and mumbling to herself. "hewheWHew"

"Um, I need to go..?" Keith started towards the door.

Lance pulled his 'robe' away from him.
"Store property sweetheart." He winked at Keith who just tried to shrink into a tiny ball and dissolve.

"This is so humiliating" he mumbled.

Lance then did something Keith hadn't expected.

Lance took of his shirt and gave it to Keith.

"Don't want you freezing now so we" Lance had a lil bit of red on his face now. But, he still gave Keith the biggest smile.

Keith looked around, and let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness there where no other customers there. He would have to change his name to Kueef Kocane and move to a different universe.

"eha? thanks Lance" he took the shirt and stood up to put it on. It almost covered his boxers, but not quite. This was a different shirt from the one Keith saw earlier, when did he have time to change? Keith thought to himself.

Lance hiding Keith's clothes behind his back, not giving them to him. This moment was definitely going down in his history books. "I'll be right back" he ran off before anyone could stop him.

Lance went to go put the clothes back, but as he did, something clattered to the floor. A phone. Lance smiled to himself. He picked it up, not crackled. (thank goodness .°(ಗдಗ。)°.)

He pressed the power button. Keith's lock screen was a picture of a motorbike, it was red. He swiped the home screen to find there was no passcode. "That's weird" he mumbled.

Keith's home screen was a picture of a group of children with Keith standing and looking exhausted reaching out towards the screen (stolen phone selfie)  while another guy with greyish black hair made a peace sign.

That was the guy who took the photo. Lance smiled to himself. Then quickly snapped a selfie of himself. (Heh)

He went to Keith's contracts. Noticing that none of the names had emojis. So Lance added his number and name with  👈😘👈. Satisfied, he put the phone back in the pocket and went to join the others.

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