Jealousy - the race and the r...

By smileyallora

125K 4.9K 214

How things would have been if Shivaay had believed Anika and sent Tia immediately out of his life. What if th... More

How and why??
2)Too many surprises
4) Where is Anika?
5) The Twist of tales
6) First phase of intimacy?
7) Reality slaps hard!!
8) She is MY...????
9) His?
10) Hurt !!!
11) Will he succeed?
12)Limits ...??
13) Game of beasts
14) Obros
15) Jealous Anika
16)Threshold reached?
17)Billi :)
18) Team AniOmRu wins
19)Anishivomru -the new family
20) shivika - next level
22)shower it up
23)Shivika - bliss
24)Trouble in paradise?
25) Misunderstood
27)But why...shivaay?
28)The proposal
29)But ;)
30)Romantic singh oberoi
32)Insecure Anika
33)bhabhi-devar day out :)
34)I trust MY shivaay
35)Return of shivaay
37)I'll be there for you..
38)Our family
39)The great gesture
40)Mission shivika by oberois
41)Engaged or newly wed?
43)Hidden games
44)family vs family

3)The race begins

4.7K 178 19
By smileyallora

Anika's head started spiralling on what she had just heard from him. "An year? With him? A week more with him and i will lose to my attraction" screamed her brain.

"You are kidding right? You can't be serious? How is it even possible?" asked a quivering Anika.

"I don't kid when it comes to business Anika. Am your boss and you are my employee atleast for an year, imagining u can even pay such a hefty amount. Am not sure how attentive u were during orientation so let me explain important aspects ... as per your job description u have to schedule all my meetings and activities with utmost care... make note of what i say and carry out... must do as i say only.. u are supposed to accompany me to all the business meetings I attend wherever it is. Since sahil is studying in a boarding school now dont say him as an excuse. In case of his holidays, I wouldn't mind if sahil accompanies u in our ... i mean in my travel. Else he can also be in Oberoi Mansion. I am sure rudra and prinku will take good care of him. U must be available only to me... i mean u have to be available for me to contact u anytime i feel like instructing u... Am i clear??" said shivaay to a shell shocked Anika.

"Its going to be torture, Cold blooded torture to be with him ,listen to him, to do as he says, to see him with other nkk ladies and to keep reminded every second that i don't have any of those with me and i can never have him ... 24*7. Why am i feeling pained without any fault of mine" screamed Anika's heart within her.

"U just can't dictate my life like this. Why are u literally forcing me like this? What wrong did i do? I thought we have become more friendlier with each other and have started understanding each other now after all these days. But u keep proving me that u will never ever change. U are still the same zaalim oberoi whose glass i broke. Its all my fault sir. Yes . Now that u are totally dictating me in my life i have to call u as sir only. Not billuji or... the way u have been screaming asking me to call u. Wait.. Why should i even call u sir? U would add another clause in your contract that i must not call this or that, and if i did must pay u another crore. Don't worry... i would do all u said but u would never hear another word from me. " said Anika and stormed from there with tear brimming eyes.

It took shivaay a few minutes to realise what had happened. He realised he had hit the wrong note. He never wanted to dictate her. All he wanted was to spend some time with her. But hard headed that she is , she had been literally shutting off all doors for him and left him helpless. Its the only way he could think if to make her stay with him especially now that Akash was hovering around. Shivaay followed Anika saying "Anika listen to me". But Anika didn't even turn her head around. Tired of it, shivaay dragged her by wrist with full force back to his room.

"Jhansi ki rani... listen to me ... first look at me" said shivaay with anika inside his office room. But anika turned her face to the other direction and was fidgeting to realise her wrist from his clutch. He pinned her against the wall and lifted her face. Stubborn minded that she is , she still choose to look in some other direction. "I am not dictating u anika. Notes taking , travelling with me and all are a part of the job profile. Contract is rigid i know but its for your good. Trust me. I will never hurt u. Just look at me. Talk to me... " said shivaay and after a pause said "Please".

Anika looked into his face on hearing his please. Shivaay's heart had a temporary relief when she looked back at his face. She was shocked that shivaay actually mentioned the please to her. In order for her to look at him and to talk to him. More than the words, she saw anxiety in his eyes looking at her eyes. While for a minute her heart did melt, she just didn't want to let it go this time so easily as if she did , she will fall head over heels for him and will ultimately get her heart broken. She realised how close they were against the wall and pinched him in his fore arm. Shivaay flinched in pain and broke off with his eye contact with her.

She took her note pad and wrote a note to him which read "Talk to me only for official reasons" handed it over to him and left.

Shivaay felt absolutely helpless. He really wanted her to be all "Anika" and blabber with him. He wanted to hear her voice and to receive her stare so badly. Its been just fifteen minutes since she had waged the ignoring war and its already shredding him into pieces. *******

He started to summon her to his room once in every 5 minutes in the guise of dictating notes and tried to make her talk to him.After 5 different failed attempts to make her talk to him, As his 6th attempt, He tried singing "pholoon ka taaro ka" , in a bid to make her laugh and talk to him. As soon as Anika heard him sing she wanted to burst into laughter . But she remembered her anger ,ran out of the room and laughed out loud. Shivaay saw her laughing through his window and smiled that finally she has started reacting to him. Seeing her smile gave him a satisfaction of winning the entire world. He wanted to be the reason why she laughed.He made a call and said "do as i say".

Its been thirty minutes and shivaay hadn't called Anika. Anika started feeling restless. "Whats the bagad billa doing now? Its not like him . He is definitely planning something. What is he gonna do now? " wondered anika to herself. As if on cue, Shivaay called her into the cabin. Anika was shocked on what she saw. Shivaay had cotton candy in his hand extended towards her. "I know u like this and had got this hygenically prepared " said shivaay. Anika was flabbergasted to see him holding it. She melted with the fact that he remembered even small facts like this about her. Her grit with its meeky presence still prevented her from talking to him. Just when she turned to leave, shivaay sprang in front of her with a glass of water.Anika was totally confused seeing him with the glass. He handed it over to her and said " here throw it on me. Not just this if u want i have an entire water bottle. Refill the glass and throw it on me as many times u want. This hotel has 8 swimming pools. Push me repeatedly in those pools as many times u want. I don't care. But please don't stop from talking to me "

Anika was totally bowled over by what she had just heard. She couldn't believe shivaay was so affected by her silence. Her meeky grit vanished into thin air. She took the glass from him and placed on the table. She smiled at him. Shivaay felt so relieved on seeing her smile. "What do u mean by hygenically made?" asked Anika while taking cotton candy in her hand. "I hired a cotton candy wala along with his machine and got this made in this hotel " said shivaay while feeling relieved as he saw her relishing the cotton candy delightfully.

"What? Cotton candy? In a star hotel kitchen? U hired a guy and a machine for a single cotton candy? I can't believe u showed SSO giri even for this " said anika with an 'unbelievable' expression. "Ha... well u didn't talk to me at all.. i didn't know what to do... i was afraid about your hygiene because of cotton candy so what will i do? Whats wrong in this?" asked shivaay defensively. "I didn't talk to u because u kept on forcing me to do what u want.. call what u want... speak what u want... "started anika only to be cut off by shivaay. He said " i don't care what u call me as long as u talk to me. Please don't get too formal to me. I didn't force u for anything else""Please?? Wow its the third time u have said please to me . U really have changed a lot. Anything. Really? Will u be okay if i call u BILLU" said anika stressing on the billu. "Yes " said shivaay. "What if i sing billu billu?" asked anika moving closer. "Fine by me" said shivaay. "Really?" said anika and started singing "billu billu billu billu " dramatically waving hands and coming forward towards him. But accidentally she fell over him on the backside of the chair. Shivaay held Anika by her hand and her waist. Anika's hands were on Shivaay's chest. Shivaay back was hitting against the chair. Shivaay remembered the last two times they had been in the same postion. Once after the cd case and the other during the fruit punch party. He remembered their first ever heart to heart conversation and how she had called his eyes beautiful. Anika looked into his bright blue eyes. She got lost in it.

"Third time... like this.. u know.. but then u had called me shivaay" said shivaay without taking his gaze of her eyes. "Hmmm... i did... " said anika still continuing in the position without batting an eyelid. "And know what i loved the way u had called me shivaay" said shivaay. "Shivaayy... or shivay.. must be shivaay... am i right shivaay?" asked anika. Shivaay was completely surprised and overwhelmed. "U called me shivaay 4 times... do u know that?" asked shivaay while adjusting her hair with one hand. "I know " said anika. "Any version of shivaay is fine. Any name for me from u is fine as long as u talk to me " said shivaay while tightening his grip on her waist. It was as if he feared she might walk out again. "Do u care for me this much shivaay? Why?" asked anika while suddenly they heard a knock on the door. They both realised their awkward situation and tried moving away. But not before Mishra got a glimpse of them in that position. He felt embarrassed to have disturbed his boss and immediately closed the door apologising. "Its ok mishra... she had slipped and i caught... come in" said shivaay involuntarily offering an explanation. "Sir, Mr.Akash chopra had come to meet Miss.Anika sir" said mishra.Shivaay's rage was back its game. "Ask him to meet here " said shivaay and with that mishra left. Akash came in perfectly suited up. "I see Anika is having a busy first day already Mr.Oberoi that u are not ready to leave her free for a minute." said Akash. "Why are u here Akash? Come to the point" said shivaay with a stern voice."I have come to take Anika to meet my mom as she wanted to meet anika" said akash. "Why does Mrs.chopra want to meet Anika?" asked shivaay fearing the worst. "Long story short... Anika had saved my mon and she is now in hospital. She wants to thank her personally. Now if your question and answer session with me is over... i want to take her with me to meet my mom. There is only limited visiting hours in hospital." said Akash in a matter of fact tone infuriating shivaay.

Shivaay looked at anika who looked like she had sympathy for Mrs.Chopra. He remembered their recent conflict of forcing. "Fine. Anika will come to see Mrs.chopra. i also want to meet her to ask about her health. So lets go together " said shivaay. "Just a minute ... excuse me.." said Akash and proceeded outside with his mobile.

"Bhaiyya ... look what this sumo had done to me" said rudra screaming and limping towards shivaay as soon as he entered . "What happened rudra? Are u alright ?"asked shivaay panicking."What happened rudra? I thought u both have left after lunch woth Om"said Anika. While both anika and sumo were busy looking at his leg , rudra signalled shivaay that he is fine and he is acting. Shivaay understood that his brother was enacting an elaborate plan to tease sumo. Rudra continued his acting and screamed " After Om left, sumo made me attend that boring conference and when i was fighting with her, She pushed me from stairs." said rudra .

"Duffer shut up. Stop behaving like a kid. It was an honest mistake . I didn't do it on purpose bade bhaiyya. Rudra is lying" said a worried sumo. "Why are u lying rudra my buddy? And why are u holding your leg?" asked Akash jokingly. Rudra guffawed while sumo was stunned looking at akash. "Am not lying . My leg got hurt. What are u doing here?" asked rudra. "Wow. U both are truely soul brothers i guess. U have repeated the exact question your bhaiyya had asked me. To repeat my answer, i have come for Anika. I have come to take her to meet my mom in hospital." said akash who was interupted by Shivaay's mobile ring."Haa.. yadav. What? How did it happen? Umm yes i am on my way" said shivaay restless. "What happened shivaay? Any emergency?"asked Akash. Shivaay doubted foul play. There was a fire alarm raised from his textile mill and he doubted Akash's hands in it. "Fire in textile mill" said shivaay to the collective shock of the gathering. Akash said "don't worry dude. I think it won't be a big problem. Just go and check immediately . Too bad its in a totally different direction . Don't worry about Anika. I will take care of her"

Shivaay's mind raged. He wanted to rip of Akash's bones but didn't want to make a scene in front of Anika as it will lead to too many questions from her to him. With the highest level of self control he had , shivaay replied " looks like only u both will be going there. Anika can u do me a favour? As u can see rudra is hurt. Do u mind if he comes with u both? U want go to hospital na rudra?" "Haa bhaiyya... my leg is really paining. I need to go to hospital " said rudra. "Haa... yes shivaay... i would take rudra to hospital. Akash ji do u mind. Else we can meet your mom later. As u can see rudra is paining a lot, i need to take him to hospital" said Anika firmly looking at Akash. Akash was stunned for a minute and said "Ofcourse yea... whats there to mind? So u both come, i will go and set the car for travel " and got out of the room while making a call in his mobile.

"Come.." said sumo about to move when rudra said " where are u going? U are not coming with us... isn't it enough u made this.. i know why u want to come... u want to drool over that Akash chopra na?here have this tissue paper to wipe off the drool from your mouth. Don't use me as an excuse for your drool. Go home " while pointing finger . Sumo said " rudra shut up. Stop behaving like a baby. Am not.." only to be cut off by rudra's grunting "hmmm go home". "Duffer do whatever u want" said sumo and left from the place tired of his antics."Shivaay uh..." said rudra winking at shivaay. Anika looked at random places to avoid embarrassment from rudra's mockery. Shivaay hugged rudra. Rudra left the place with Anika. He could see Akash with his car in front of hotel entrance and Anika-Rudra taking the rear seats of the car. His face had an evident rage.Shivaay started his travel towards textile mill along with Mishra. After reaching nearly halfway through the distance, Mishra handed over a call to shivaay. "Sir, fire is true but none of our goods got damaged. Only the garbage which was supposed to be disposed... got burnt in the fire " said jatin to Shivaay. "So u mean... i have travelled 8 kms to just know that only the things which were supposed to be burnt ... got burnt... are u guys mad.." started firing shivaay totally pissed.

Clearly a diversion tactic screamed his mind. He was too furious at akash. Suddenly shivaay's car got punctured. The driver changed the spare wheel and started returning back towards the city. Shivaay had asked him to drive to the xyz hospital where Mrs.chopra was admitted.On the return path, he saw a huge tree fallen on the road barring the path. The way tree has fallen gave shivaay the vibe that this too was Akash's plan to make him slow down. Yes. He was right. Akash on the other hand had got confirmation that the tree has successfully blocked his way. He had a devil's smile on hearing it ."Anika... why are u totally silent? U too rudra... can speak something na?" said akash in an attempt to break the ice. "Uhh nothing like that Akash ji" said Anika who was still worried the face shivaay's face looked when she left the hotel. She just hoped everything is fine for him . While she had an internal battle whether being too much worried for shivaay is right or wrong... the side which cared for him triumphed. She desperately wanted to see smile back on shivaay's face.

"Well... i already wanted to ask u. U were actually supposed to work for pentagon hotels. For me. Why not join now too? I would give u twice the salary and perks Oberois are giving with all the flexibilities u want. " said akash. Rudra was shocked on gearing this. "No Akash ji... its ok i have a con.." said Anika only to be cutoff by Akash. "Contract? Even if its a bond for a crore i don't care. I would pay for u. And don't worry about legalities. We can face it in court. Just say an yes and u can join from this instant. I will do the necessary arrangements. U have saved my mother and u are too good. Atleast this i can do right.." said Akash"Thanks for the offer Akash ji. But its alright. My bond with oberois is not just because of the "bond". They have again and again proved how i am like a family to them. The care they show is unthinkable.I wouldn't ditch them for extra money. Sorry akash ji" said Anika remembering the cute little attempts shivaay made to make her smile. "Well said didi" said rudra highly elated .

Shivaay's face made a transition from grumpy to grinning on hearing Anika's words about Oberois' care and loyalty.Shocked?? How did shivaay know what Anika is talking to Akash?

Here is what happened before a some time...

After sumo left, "Shivaay uh..." said rudra winking at shivaay. Anika looked at random places to avoid embarrassment from rudra's mockery. When Shivaay hugged rudra, He whispered "record what he talks with anika and voice message me in whatsapp " and rudra patted shivaay's back as an yes. Before rudra left with Anika he turned back and gave a thumbs up to shivaay to ensure him that he will take care of it.Back to present...Shivaay felt immensely proud and happy on hearing Anika's refusal to Akash's offer. "Mine" beamed his heart with pride while thinking about her. His mail beeped. More happiness was on queue for shivaay as khannaji had managed to collect all the information about Akash and his meeting with Anika and had mailed him the details.The chopper which had been summoned by shivaay had reached. Shivaay's smile was shortlived as he started reading document sent through the mail . His rage had again regained its position in his face, mind and in his life.What were the contents of the mail?How did Anika know akash's mom?Why did rage take over shivaay again?

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