Two Man's War

By unicorn1379

362 54 6

"You don't know how strong you are, until strength is the only choice you have."~Google In the world of bombs... More

Terrorists' War
The real enemy: Lies
Delivering the message
Fight for Rights
This is war
How to know when you're fired
Alive and...well?
What war truly is
Don't do eveyrthing you're told
A hero means pain
Chapter 11
Inhale confidence, exhale doubt
One step closer
Caught in pursuit
War is pain
Planes, planes, and more planes
The race of life
The worry fight
One victory, one defeat
Two places at once
Fellow Wattpaders!


11 2 0
By unicorn1379

((Above is a picture of Zane and Tom's room. It is later in the chapter. Enjoy!))

Chief's POV
After setting down the phone, I was in utter disbelief. I didn't know what to do. Zane had hung up on me and told me Tom and him were both captured. I don't even know if they are alive anymore. I don't know where they are.
I walked back into my office and shut the door. There were still the two guards in my room. They could sense that I was frustrated because of how I was acting.

Control room

One of the phones at a desk began to ring once the chief walked out of the room. A worker answered it.

"Commander? We need to know if you have seen anything at all. Anything that could indicate a place." The worker spoke into the phone.

"Umm, we shot a few terrorists and none of my men were hurt. We found a map of a place that looks to be like the terrorist's base." The commander replied.

"Where did you find the map?"

"A few miles east of our camp. It looked to be like hills up ahead."

"Okay, thank you. Over and out." The lady speaking to the commander said while putting down her phone.

Back to present time- Chief's office
"Sir," one of the guards began. "Permission to speak?" He asked.

"Yes, yes. What is it?" I replied back to him.

"The workers called the commander after you went in here. We found out some information that could lead us to where Zane and Tom were taken to.
However, you still would not be able to fly over there. You would have to send the commander's group over to get Zane and Tom so your planes aren't shot down."

"Okay." The guard told me the information given by the commander. The best we were able to do was find where the shot terrorist was on a map. All we knew was that the camp was somewhere within a few miles of the dead bodies. However, that still left us with a large area of land with many possible locations to the base.

Austin's POV
The next day, everyone mostly took a rest day. The days were getting colder and we had extra watchmen looking out for terrorists. We had cooked the deer the commander's group shot and ate it. Different groups were sent out searching but everyone came up empty handed.

My symptoms hadn't gone away. I was still coughing frequently but had rarely coughed up blood. That was all I had so far. Every other symptom seemed to have gone away.

The commander walked over to me and sat besides me.

"You feeling better?" He asked.

"Yeah, thanks." I replied.

"Yesterday, our group didn't end up empty handed. We had shot and killed some terrorists and one of them had a map. We think it is a map of their base. I already told mostly everyone here separately because I didn't feel like screaming anymore. Plus, I wanted to check in with them. But this map doesn't tell us where it is located or anything so it is mostly useless. I decided to keep it anyways."

"Wow, okay." I didn't know what to say to that.

"Yeah, I know. It's a lot to take in. I hope it can somehow lead us to Zane and Tom." The commander replied.

Suddenly, I felt a strong cough coming. I coughed hard and went onto my hands and knees like a dog. Once the coughing stopped, I looked at the ground below me. There was a puddle of blood, more than before. I sat back down besides the commander who looked at me worriedly.

"Have you been coughing like that?" He asked. I shook my head now. He took one last worried look at me and said, "Get some rest."

Just then, his Walkie began to beep signaling that someone was trying to call him. It was one of the last Walkie's left. He spoke into it.

After a few minutes, he closed it. He turned to me with a pale face.

"They have been captured." He said. My heart stopped.

Zane's POV
The terrorist decided to work us as slaves. We had to chop wood. However, if we chopped too little wood by the end of the day, they said they would punish us somehow. We were shoved, kicked, and patted down. I don't know how, but I managed to keep by Walkie. I don't know how they didn't find it, but I'm glad they didn't. Sadly, they took our guns. But I knew they would.

By the end of the day, Tom and I were drenched in sweat in our heavy uniforms. I'm glad they didn't make us change, though. When it was time to sleep, the terrorist, or boss, decided that both of us had chopped enough wood. He sent us to our filthy room.

Our room had many piles of hay that was filled with bugs. That was our beds. No water was available to clean ourselves and they only fed us a piece of bread and a few droplets of water. I'm not sure why the boss didn't decide to kill us, but maybe he needs us to make a shelter in case Americans come to find us. Whatever the wood was going to be used for, I was almost sure that it was for building a shelter in case they are raided.
That night I had barely slept an hour, even though I was so exhausted. I just kept trying to keep bugs away from me. However, it was nearly impossible to do so.

I could tell Tom wasn't asleep either because he also kept shifting around.
"I thought about escaping." Tom began in a light whisper. "But I estimated at least 100 people around here and I don't think we can kill 100 heavily armed people."

"Yeah. I was thinking about calling the chief but what would I tell him? To hurry? He doesn't know where we are." I replied in a low tone. Tom didn't say anything. So I continued to whisper. "Hey, Tom?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"I have a plan to try and take a gun. Maybe, if I can get it, I could get more than one. We could get out of here."

"We don't know where they hide their guns at." When he said that, I knew he was right. That option was out.

I stayed up the rest of the night thinking about ways to escape, but every way was found to be impossible. So I began to think about my family. Man, I missed them so much. I had one wife and two daughters. They must be so worried. But I made it a goal to see them again alive. I made another goal that was a higher priority than my own. That was getting Tom back safely before me and to protect him. That is exactly what I will do. Fight.

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