Who lives to tell the tale? [...

By jxxrinn

2.3K 99 31

[PIRATE AU] The fearsome Captain haunts both land and sea continually invokes fear in the Commodore's mind an... More

Author's Note
Captain Amari


594 25 15
By jxxrinn

You hear loud whispers and booming orders from a man who holds a higher rank to another. Repeating orders from the Captain to him. Your vision is still an utter blur. So it was futile to decipher the features of the two men in front of you.

"But sir she's–" The man's sentence cut off with a hand in front of him.

"A woman and deserves better treatment and well respect!" He scolds, "Captain wants her in his cabin now." Sternly reiterating the order, the higher rank man cocked his hips to the side. Nodding towards the other quarters instead of this dump.

"Yes sir," the crew member replied back meekly and then excuses himself. The room smells awful, floor board was hard and immensely uncomfortable. Mere tiny movements your body jabs you in ache. The footsteps drew near and hoisted you up over his shoulder with ease.

Still in a daze, you noticed him being roughly around your age. He stood there with his arms crossed against his chest and giving a stern look. He tips his hat down to cover half of his face. Careful observation of the man carrying you. You shifted your weight a little much to the man's annoyance. And you feeling stares everywhere as he leads you to the front deck and into the designated quarters. Loud hollers and whistles follows behind.

The man dumps you to the bed unceremoniously. Immediately dismissed by, presumably, the Captain. Who sat on his velvet red chair with his back turned towards you. You squint as the blinding light reflected towards you. The reflection of his golden knife aimed towards you. The knife was not used for original purposes but used to pick dirt under his nails. You groan in a soft manner and collapsed onto the bed to drift off in your sleep; tired.

A fond memory of you leaning over the edge of the ship flashed before your very eyes. Your bright E/C eyes twinkling in amazement because of the incredulous sight before you. The gorgeous blue ocean and the smell of saltwater engulfs your nose. The seagulls circled above you as if calling your name loudly. It was so vivid, the sea breeze sweeping past you. Almost making you topple over the ledge. Your mouth gape in awe at the view. Then, you felt a hand place on your shoulder and the person bent down beside you at the same level. She is also in awe of the ocean too.

She was a beautiful lady wearing a hat and a beautiful cream coloured gown. She had an air of nobility, her fair complexion makes her H/C stand out more.

"The ocean is beautiful mama!" You exclaimed in excitement as you wave to a passing navy ship in enthusiasm. The captain on board notices your enthusiasm and waves back. You giggled and gaze down at the ocean with your reflection.

"It is isn't it?" Your Mother replies in fondness. Then, you recall stories about nasty people living in the seas. Whom plunders treasured goods on noblemen and women's ships. You turned around to face your Mother.

"Papa said there are pirates," you nodded towards the distance, "Is it true mama?" You were a child and everything fascinates you a lot. Your Mother laughs and nodded. Her two hands rubs your shoulder soothingly. She drifts off to indulge a memory of her younger days.

"I used to know a pirate who had a heart of gold ironically," you Mother laughs, "Can you believe it sweetheart?" You were about to reply to your mother.

Until, a strapping young recruit with a bed of dark brown curls. Lacquered in the middle of his forehead saluted to the two of you; interrupting your reply. To your surprise, he was not wearing standard uniform protocol. Your Mother smiles at the boy and they begin to Whisper incoherent sentences to each other.

"Alright, thank you so much Gabriel," She nods to the male and he bows at the two of you.

You fluttered your eyes open. Feeling groggy, you rover your hand around. The soft sheets caresses your fingertips, you gasp and wondered if it was all a dream. You sat up straight and laugh to yourself. Heaving a heavy sigh of relief. The hellish nightmare of getting engaged to the Commodore was a mere dream. You touched your heart to hear it steadied.

You took in a deep breath and you don't remember the distinct smell of saltwater in your room. You took it upon yourself to take further examination. The velvet red chair struck out most. As you remembered, its attention faced you. The same gold knife glimmering under the sunlight. Peeking through the porthole in the quarters. Your dress, it was gone and the airflow restricting corset too. You gathered the sheets to wrap yourself to be modest. All you had are your undergarments. Your heart rate races and you came to panicking.

"Where am I?" You questioned the unfamiliar surroundings in fear. Especially to the man seated not too far from you.

You winced in pain at the searing pain. That pierces the back of your neck; the repercussions of a knockout you suppose. The man did not reply but continuing with his actions, but he was wiping it with a cloth.

"Let me reiterate nicely, where am I kind sir?" You asked again but mixed with anger and annoyance. The man scoffed and tilted his chair a bit to see you wrapped in his sheets. He shrugs.

"Where do you suppose you are?" He shoots you with another question that does not distinctively answer your question. You huffed and puffed. Glancing around your surroundings once more for further inspection. The area made of wood, a large painting of a woman with a baby wrapped in cloth in her arms. And, a chest sealed tight in the middle. Gold and red drapes hung loosely on the ceiling.

The creaking of the wood gave off a large hint about your exact location. Not to mention, the sounds of the waves crashing onto the ship. A ship? You ran to the porthole holding onto the sheets with your dear life and peeked out to only see the endless ocean. No land, no nothing.

"A ship...I'm in a ship-" you repeated with a gasp and tumbled down onto the ground, "You're a pirate!" The man set his knife down. He opens the drawers. In it is where all his prized possessions of trinkets and ladies underwear were. You shuddered in disgust that has got to be the most revolting sight.

"What? Like you never own the Commodore's briefs before." Your eyes bulged out and making you feel flustered at the question. Never in a million years would you take anything from the Commodore even the gorgeous ring. Important question to ponder, how does he know the commodore?

"I demand you to release me!" You threatened and did not budge. The Captain gave you a side eye and scoffs.

"To the ocean? Sure" he replies almost agreeing to the 'request'. He was right, although you would much rather prefer drowning in the ocean and become shark bait. But that's not how you want to end your life, right? You fell silent for a moment, to his amusement, he expected much more of a kick up fuss.

"Being the Commodore's bitch I predicted much more of a reaction," you tensed up at the nickname he gave you.

"Excuse me? I am not the Commodore's bitch!" You argued as you let go of your grip on the sheets and slam your hands down on the wooden desk. The sheets fell to the ground and you bent down to grab it but his boot steps on it. You tugged it but he still wouldn't move. In instinct, you cover your chest.

"Figured since you ran away when he proposed," He laughs at the events of last night as if he was there. You never saw a man that looked out of place or wore obvious pirate gear. So how on earth did he know? "Thought you'll be honoured to marry that hija de puta," he snarls woefully.

Your eyebrows knitted together and took full offence to that. But, your lack of knowledge of Spanish did not help understand the last bit. Your hunch tells you it is most likely a curse.

"Many girls will," You reply in matter-of-fact. Recalling your acquaintances displaying admiration towards you. Because you were about to marry Commodore Morrison. "And I do not" you held your nose up high at the continuation, scrunching.

"Not your type?" He teases with a hidden grin.

"I do not have a type, I marry for love and who the man is inside!"

"Women like you don't get far with those big thoughts. Best you stay small," You slam your fist onto the desk again at the sexist remark. You were about to chew his head off but he stops you.

"And I like women who dreams big" He gestures a big motion of the air.

"Are you sure you're not talking about her bosoms?" You inquired rhetorically with a raise of a brow. He snorts and bit back a laughter from escape.

"Big or small they're still breasts so I still love them regardless" he shrugs once more. Surprised at this reaction, you had no further taunts since it is futile. He looks like the type to...wait, do not stereotype him. Everyone is different. But most of the men you have met so far were all equal. And, it disgusts you as they snaked their hands on your covered rear to give it a grope. The commodore had to settle this, up till this day you still do not know what he meant by that.

"Just because I have ladies underwear-"

"You don't need to explain yourself and your adventures in whorehouses, Captain..." You paused at the lack of knowledge of his name. His door slams open revealing a man about the same age wearing a red bandana on his head.

"Captain Reyes where will we dock?" He turned his attention to you and blushed. You hid yourself behind the desk. "Sir that's the Commodore's future Wife I can't believe you have the audacity to-"

"I did not do anything to her, she was about to die if I had not remove that strangling corset of hers." You still could not see him. Only the back of his head. Possible in aversion of contact with you and maybe he looks atrocious. Combined with this you would most likely would not take him seriously. You snickered but his buttery voice was soothing, it is mere voice right?

The boy sunk, "Oh uh my apologies,"

"Just dock at where Amari is," The boy rubs the back of his neck concerned of his request. "I mean it." He spared no thoughts about it since he is very affirmative about his decisions. The boy nodded he turned his heel to the entrance but stopped.

"I'm sorry darlin' for knocking you out with my revolver last night." He apologises, "By the norm I don't harm women but don't take it to heart 'aight?" The nickname he gave you a very negative memory of last night. You felt your blood boil in your veins and you were about to throw the knife at him but he left in a haste. You glared at the front door.

"How dare you ask a boy like him to knock me out you scoundrel-" You raised your fists in the air to attack the male.

"Woman calm down!" He turned around to grab your wrist and restraint further movements. Gasping softly and gawked at the man. He had tiny scars littered on his face. With thick trimmed facial hair surrounded the mouth area. And, he had the most beautiful deep set brown eyes you ever saw. And his chiselled face filled butterflies in your stomach. Your heart pang at this familiar sight.

"Do I know you?" You blurted not to sound out of place or anything. The Captain raises his brow puzzled and he lets go of his grip.

"Are you trying to woo me, querida?" He teases and sat down on his chair. In a loud manner he props his feet on the desk. Cluttered with maps and a compass. Oh, and his golden knife that looks unused for its usage other than him picking dirt off his nails. A bright red shade painted across your cheeks.

"Never would I woo such an uncouth bastard who keeps ladies' underwear for personal usage!" He rolls his eyes in annoyance and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Why are you so obsessed with me keeping ladies underwear?" He questions, "Perhaps you're jealous I don't keep yours?" His hand reaches forward to your hips to play with the garment. He licks his upper lip hungrily and attempted to pull it down to see more. You slapped his hand away and hopped backwards.

"I would never let men like you to keep my underwear thank you very much!" You averted contact with him and it gratifies him greatly. He returns to the map and stares at it for a while, mumbling something about a dress or something for you.


"It's him!" Commodore Morrison punches the wall harshly until it appeared red and smeared with blood. Heavy pants escapes his mouth and his combed hair now unkempt. Loose strands fell all over his face. The man seated on the chair played with his gun.

"He took her away from me..." he glances at the picture frame of him with another lad who was 2 years older than him. The two of them were grinning, it was one of the rare joyous moments where they marked their friendship. He swiped it away and the picture fell onto the floor with a loud crash. The glass broke and the picture slides out of the confinements. Jack glares down at it and stomps angrily at it. Muttering curses and kicks the paper away.

"Who took who away?" The man asks in a thick French accent to calm him down. Jack clutched his desk as beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead. His blouse unbuttoned was unbuttoned, his jacket strewn at the other end of the room. Everywhere was a huge mess, with bottles of alcohol trashed around. The bottom of his eyes darkened and eyes swollen from lack of sleep. He stayed up all night worrying about you and flew out of his house in rage to find you and the perpetrator. He taps his fingers on the surface with his nails.

"Gabriel Reyes took Y/N L/N away from me" Jack feeling bitter spat out. He was furious, a repeated cycle of the events that happened in the Port. The only port that he spent his childhood at, destroyed in mere seconds because of him and his goons. Jack ran his hand through his blond hair laughing. And downed another bottle of alcohol. He tumbles down his chair feeling tipsy. He hic.

"Always the coward, hiding behind me and take everything from me, isn't he a coward Gerard?" Jack threw the glass bottle onto the wall at another picture of the two of them. The Frenchman shrugged and purses his lips. He fiddled with his moustache. "You and your smug-eating grin bugs me so..."

"I gathered intel he'll be docking at Amari's place," Gerard interrupts to divert to another topic. Jack looks up intrigued.

"I have my ways" he winks at the blond Commodore and gulping at the irrational behaviour of the man. Jack walks towards him with both hands behind his back. Tightening and relaxing his fingers.

"I supposed you're not talking about Jamison Fawkes and Mako Rutledge?" Gerard shrugs once more trying to be vague about the answer. Definitely those two Junkers that causes havoc and part of Captain Reyes's goons.

"I have leverage over them, they work for me, I work for you and they'll get the treasure they've been desperate to look for." Jack sighs in defeat contemplating on his thoughts. Gerard is a cunning man indeed, he steps back to open one of his drawers.

"How much do you need?" He asks and reaches forward to grab a hard covered book with his ranking insignia. Gerard held 5 fingers up.

"Consider that done," He says as he tears the paper, "Pleasure doing business with you, Mr Lacroix." He grabs a quill from the bottle of ink beside it. Proceeding to sign at the bottom of the paper then wrote the amount Gerard Lacroix needed. Then, giving it to him. Gerard dusted his maroon suit and tucked the paper away into his pocket. The two men shook hands.

"Likewise Commodore Morrison." Gerard turned his heel around wanting to leave in a haste. But Jack, pulled him back and drunkenly threatens.

"I want him back alive and my darling back too," He jabs his finger on Gerard's chest, "I'll send him to the gallows myself. You best do your job properly or your Wife would have a terrible time in the cell." Gerard tenses up at the mention of his Wife his features soften and caught off-guard.

"You would not harm Amelie." Gerard croaked.

Jack indeed has complete control on the couple. With Amelie in suspicion of treason a few months back but Jack concocts other plans instead. Knowing full well her Husband was a spy, he threatens the Said woman with much brutal and heavy sentences.

In return he expects to have information about the whereabouts of Gerard. During the capture, his men successfully lands him in severe injuries. Jack inquires about the Captain he detests so much and the country's enemy. Eventually, both their aids with one another ensues a good ending and less heavier sentence for the couple. Gerard hustled his arm away and left with a thunderous slam on the door. Jack laughs to himself and collapsed onto his armchair. 

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