M P 3

By -deanied

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A story in which a girl stores all her messages for a boy in an mp3 story idea: @-eatseokjins The story is pu... More

103 14 14
By -deanied

Yoongi's pov:

Barely entering the room I could sense an unstoppable force of stiffness and uneasiness.

The feeling made me sick to my stomach, and it wasn't that I was mute, but that I chose not to say anything.

As if my being there was the sole reason for this situation and it made me feel like shit.

However, Jin, the very one I saw intently staring at Jimin, was the one who ecstatically greeted me by calling out my name.

"Hey Yoongi!" He excitedly walks up to me with open arms, welcoming me into a hug in which I do not wish to accept.

"Hey," I softly answer back, taking small glances at the boy behind him who seemed to feel out of place.

"What took you guys so long? We thought you wouldn't arrive on time. We were worried that we would have to cancel for today's show." Namjoon tried his best to suppress his scolding tone, while at the same time seeming relieved that we were there.

"It wasn't really our fault," Hoseok abruptly spoke, beginning to explain the event that had caused our belated arrival.

"We were coming in the van and everything was cool, but Jungkook had forgotten his cell phone charger at the dorm so we decided to stop at the nearest gas station to get him a new one."

He pointed to the youngest of the group who was currently dumbfounded by his hyung's actions.

"Wait, it wasn't all my fault! My phone was dying and manager hyung was mad that I wouldn't answer my phone. He was the one who wanted to get me a charger even though I said no!" Jungkook quickly defended, causing Hoseok to rush to his stylist in slight fear.

"Hmm, I see," Namjoon mumbled, sending piercing looks at the boy who hurriedly fixated himself upon the chair--knowing the great amount of scoldings he was going to get back at the dorm.

"Well at least you're here on time to get your makeup and hair done," Jin waved both of the boys off as he lead me to one of the seats, making me feel like a child that was being taken care by his mother.

I slightly bowed my head in gratitude before taking a seat on the chair; which was where I felt the mp3 that pierced the side of my butt.

I managed to pull it out of my pocket before it made a bruise, and I stared at it harshly for what seemed a rough minute or two.

My mind became a blank page trying to find words to fill in the big empty space that often seemed to disappear when I needed them.

I still had no idea who I had said I had given the mp3 to; I mean how could I when I don't even remember saying anything about it?

My brain was still processing the fact that I had been in a state of coma for a whole week; and it still blew my mind about the fact that no one had investigated why I had been in such a state.

Because what kind of people don't question why their friend, who had been in the hospital in an unconscious state for a period of 7 days, wasn't waking up?! I mean it just doesn't add up.

I forced myself back to reality concluding that the person (Hoseok) who was seemingly gazing at me with worrisome eyes, knew something of what had happened back then.

Cleverly however, before I was about to turn and say something, he averted his attention away from me and onto the stylist standing beside him, who was asking on how his day was going.

Which of course, he answered in a pleasant manner.

"Ugh, why is he such an intelligent being? I'm sure he knows something. My exterior powers can sense it," I whisper under my breath, tightening my grip on the mp3 that became alive as I pressed the home button.

Immediately a white screen popped up exposing the same playlist that I had been so deliberately avoiding to listen to ever since I got it, and yet, it managed to last longer with me than I thought; and in a way I was satisfied that it did.

Because in a second strange way, I felt for certain that this inanimate object in my hand held the answers to my past.


(Y/n)'s pov:

The next morning I had awoken with my pillow wet from the tears that had rocked me to sleep the night before.

Some would simply see me as a crybaby who needed to grow a pair and go back to school as if nothing ever happened.

However, in all honesty, how can you do that when high school is as place swarming with beings seeking you out to deteriorate your mood?

Your so called friends weren't really your friends at all, but just people who were prioritizing their image before being an honest and understandable person.

(But not all of them are like that. There is actually people out there below the age of 18 who are mature, and are willing to understand where you're coming from. Whoever you are, bless your heart)

Which in my opinion is making our society as a whole, a lot worse than it should be. Personal image is more important than our own thoughts? Numbers define our importance? Age defines our wisdom? H-how is any of this okay?

But hey, I'm only an 18 year old senior who should know nothing as some adults still think being 'young' means still being numb to real world problems. Some really think this.

Too bad for them, they're really missing out on some great ideas and progressions our youth can bring to the table to better our future. Losers.

"(Y/n)! Aren't you waking up to go to school?" My mom calls out, as the heated argument in my mind comes to an end.

"Ugh," I groan. "Can I just stay home? Or maybe just transfer to a completely different school. Where no one knows me or my face," I silently whisper to myself, digging my face into my pillow.

Allowing myself some more sleep, I hear sudden footsteps approaching my room; and like any other teenager who didn't want to go to school, I quickly began making coughing noises as if I was about to die; along with a slight touch of sniffling.

The door to my room is then carefully opened by a woman in her mid-forties, who is cautious on making any loud noise with her heels as she makes her way towards me.

Although I refused looking at her (knowing if I did I wouldn't be able to lie), I could sense the worried look on her face as she approached the weak me who continued with the unrealistic coughs.

"Oh, honey. Are you not feeling well," my mother asks, feeling my forehead that would definitely tell her I was fine and simply being a lazy human being.

"No," I answer in a soft weak tone. "I feel like throwing up and everything hurts."

I cuddle myself more with the blankets, while my mom runs her tender fingers through my rough hair. "Well, if you feel that bad just stay here for today, okay?"

I internally celebrate my triumph, while on the outside I simply nod my head while softly shaking my body as if I were cold; which seals the deal feeling as my mom plants a kiss on my forehead.

She then fixes her suit, whispering a goodbye as she stands and exits my room; knowing she had to be at an early work meeting she couldn't miss.

I wait until I hear her car pull out of the driveway before taking the blankets off of me, and make my way towards the kitchen to see what I should prepare myself for breakfast.

"Mm, what do I feel like eating?" I ask myself, looking through the kitchen cabinets that were filled with cereals, bread, and other canned food which I desired not to eat.

"Why is it when I want to eat something, I can't find what I actually want to eat in my own kitchen?" I whine, letting out a big yawn and stretching myself out like a cat.

Sighing deeply to the thought of going to the kitchen for practically no reason; I returned to my room throwing myself on the bed--grabbing my phone that had one message notification.

It was of course from Dahyun, the only person who would actually text me to see why I hadn't arrived at school yet.

Dahussss <3:

(Y/n) why aren't you at school yet!? It's barely the second day and you're already skipping?? Are you not coming because of what happened yesterday???!!!

I put the phone aside, leaving my own friend on read as I really did not want to think of anything--literally nothing.

My mind was infested with scenarios, which some I admit were over dramatic, but how can one help it when they're an over thinker in situations like this. Like how?

How could I stop myself from feeling that if I returned, I would be the laughing stock of my entire high school.

That if I appeared in front of Yoongi he would belittle me to the extent of making me wonder why I even existed. Did I really want that to happen with someone I practically loved?

I mean, please name me one person who would be okay with that. Like, please, one person's name is all I'm asking--and yet--I know anyone who is in love with someone would not feel okay about this.

"What kind of person calls themself humane and proceeds to destroy anothers soul?" I sighed deeply, walking to my closet, searching for some clothes that I could wear.

Moping around the house was clearly not going to help me get things off my mind, so maybe if I went out and just did things I enjoyed, it could help me cope with the stress that I had quickly accumulated in the past 14 hours.

That's not even a whole day of returning back to school and I'm already done with it.

"What a great start to a new year school year."


I pushed the door to the store open--the immediate smell of fresh coffee burned through my nostrils which highly satisfied me to my core.

How could one not be satisfied with smelling heavenly strokes of scorching hot coffee at a cafe serving the best latte's in the city.

Yes! This is my cafe. The only one where I can tolerate both the people and coffee. This is my wonderful go-to-escape place that is called, Laze Cafe.

It is equipped with low lighting, which gives it both a creepy, and chill kind of vibe; the interior design of the place has a basement level and a second level floor.

The basement level is mostly used by those who come with their laptops to work in a chill quiet environment; while the second is mainly packed with people who go to hang out with their friends. Either one is pretty cool, but my place is the basement.

I'm pretty sure most of the employees know me as a regular (by that I mean they all know me) because of how much I come to their cafe. I mean it's either that, or how my order manages to remain the same every time I come to just unwind.

"Hey stranger, what are you doing here so early? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Engie, one of the employees asked, following me as I made my way to one of the tables--carrying along side me, my bag that held my laptop, amongst other things.

"Sure, if you expect me to actually want to go to that currently very horrendous place," I answer sarcastically, causing both of us to chuckle.

"I see then, the start of senior year wasn't as thrilling as you thought it be." She smiles at me--allowing herself a seat across from where I am seated. "I don't know, I guess I thought the start of my senior year would be more of a high school musical end you know?"

"For them it all began with a soft wave, and then kapow! It ended with a strong current hitting against the rocks...."

"....almost as if creating the perfect wave along the way."

I proceed to then remain silent--regretting my decision of enrolling into a school system that did anything, but help benefit my financial stability for my future adulting duties.

"What have I been doing with my life?" I murmur, as I look off into the deep, deep distance.

"Hmm, never thought I'd hear a senior student compare High School Musical to the ocean. Kind of makes an odd comparison, don't you think?" Engie looks at me curiously, while I'm still currently sulking in the deep outskirts of my imagination.

"Yo, is anyone in there?" She waves her hand in front of my face, and my semblance remains expressionless--unaffected by her efforts. "Guess I'll just go get your regular then."

She begins standing up when a boy about my age, maybe younger approaches our table. Both of them greet each other in my presence, but I pay no attention to them as I'm consumed with my own thoughts.

"Strange seeing you here. I'm guessing you and your buds having problems again?" Engie questions the unnamed guy, that telling by his deep exhale does not disagree.

"I don't know, maybe. Maybe not." He answers with a stressful tone.

"Well I'm pretty sure you guys will work it out soon. You always do." She pats his shoulder giving him reassurance.

"Hopefully," he sighs.

She lets out a small giggle by the way he answers and then begins to say, "By the way, this is our regular (y/n). She hangs out around here often. I'm pretty sure you'll like her."

She ruffles my hair that I had fixated into a ponytail, and that's when I finally snap out of my trance that I had taken long to recover from.

"My hair," I whine looking up at her as I try to fix it.

"Hey (Y/n), this is my friend Hoseok."

"Hoseok meet (y/n), (y/n) meet Hoseok." She happily introduces both of us, while I'm still slightly struggling in the sideline to fix the mess that is my hair.

"Nice to meet you." I slowly turn my eyes in his direction to greet him-- while this--who I had thought to be an unknown stranger--begins to point his finger directly at me.

"I know you!" He yells loudly.


Hello beauties ❤️❤️, I'm sorry I haven't been too active, I'll try to more to do so in the future!!

I hope you're all doing well, and that life is great!! I've been missing you all so much 😢😢❤️❤️

Don't be afraid to DM me 😍😍❤️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and hopefully there weren't many grammar mistakes. Don't know when I'll post the next chapter, but hopefully it'll be soon.

I love you all!! Be Safe, Be Happy, Be Yourself ♡♡

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