Unraveling Rosen | ✓

De -chanel

6.8M 222K 104K

"He said he is scared of commitment, but he has tattoos all over his skin." The day Hazel Stevens moves from... Mais

Unraveling Rosen
01 | barre
02 | allegro
03 | ballón
04 | terre
05 | tour
06 | soutenu
07 | sauté
08 | elevé
09 | grand
10 | en arriére
11 | frappé
12 | brisé
13 | en dehors
14 | adagio
15 | en avant
16 | en dedans
17 | fondu
18 | l'aire
19 | devant
20 | center floor
21 | demi
22 | pas de chat
23 | assemblé
24 | beats
25 | derrière
26 | en pointe
27 | sissonne
28 | la seconde
29 | chassé
30 | cou-de-pied
32 | relevé
33 | en croix
34 | arabesque
35 | ballote
36 | developpé
37 | penché
38 | tendu
39 | glissade
40 | pas
Bonus 01 | Christmas

31 | ronde de jambe

97.3K 4K 728
De -chanel

3 1

r o n d e d e j a m b e

A unilateral leg action in which the gesture leg is circled from front to back of the dancer's body, or vice versa. May be performed on the ground (a terre) or in the air (en l'aire)

I haven't seen Rosen in a while again. He occasionally goes out with my mother to organize things for the funeral, but that's it. He hasn't contacted me and Mom says he's just dealing with a lot of stuff, that's why he hasn't called or texted me.

Apparently Sven doesn't even know what has happened. He called me last night and asked why Rosen isn't answering any of his calls and if he did something wrong. It's awful seeing Rosen push away everyone from his life but at the same time I completely understand why he's acting like that. I would probably act the same way if I lost my mother.

"What's happening with Rosen?" Sven asks as I'm on the phone with him again. "I'm supposed to be flying back to Walden today, but Rosen won't even answer my calls. Did I do something? Is he mad at me?"

"No," I reply, shaking my head. "I think it's best if you just come over to my house once you land and I'll explain everything."

"Why can't you explain things right now?" Sven groans. "I honestly can't wait for like another 3 hours. I'm in New York, you know I can't do anything from here. Just tell me so I know what to expect."

"Sven, I think it's best if you wait until you're here. I'm not going to tell you right now. Have a safe flight, alright?"

"But Haze ple–"

"Bye, Sven." I tell him as I end the call. A part of me feels like I should've told Sven what has happened with Faith, but at the same time I didn't want to tell him. What if he freaks out and something happens on the flight? I know technically something won't happen, but still. It's better if he has a relaxing flight here and once he gets here, I can break his heart by delivering the news to him.

After finishing my call with Sven, I head downstairs. Mom is currently home so she's hopefully cooking some lunch because I'm literally starving. When I go downstairs I see both my mom and Isabella sitting on the couch, watching Desperate Housewives.

"Thanks for inviting me to the family TV watching," I chuckle.

"You're welcome to join," Isabella comments.

I plop down on the couch next to them and turn to Mom. "What are we having for lunch?"

Mom chuckles. "I don't know, sweetie. What do you want?"

"I don't know, anything edible works."

Isabella turns to us now. "Can we order pizza?"

I pull my legs up onto the couch and get into a comfortable position, waiting for mom's reply. She doesn't really like ordering pizza. She prefers to cook something healthier, but judging from the fact that she looks extremely tired from everything that's going on, she nods her head.

"Yeah, sure, we can order pizza."

Isabella immediately pulls up a food ordering app on her phone and starts going through the countless numbers of food places until she finally finds a pizza place. Now comes the hard part–deciding what pizza to order. Isabella and I have completely different tastes when it comes to pizza. I swear to god if she picks a pizza that has pineapples on it I will actually cry.

"Is a pepperoni pizza okay?" She asks as she turns to us.

Mom just nods her head. I doubt she really cares what pizza we order. That's how our little family afternoon activities go. We don't do much after that since I'm waiting for Sven to arrive. After that I've planned to go visit Rosen with Sven, in hopes that he'll manage to get Rosen in a better mood.

Not to mention that I'm planning to take my puppy along and force Rosen to come out with us, using the puppy as a reason why he should leave the house. Considering Rosen was the one who got me the puppy in the first place, he can't say no to walking her.

Speaking of the puppy, I still haven't figured out a name for her. I just call her random names that come to my mind, which might be extremely bad for the puppy's mental health since she won't understand what her real name is, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up calling her Luna. That or something like Peanut. Both of those names are super cute in my opinion.

About two hours later Sven arrives at my house, looking completely exhausted. He steps inside the house once I open the door and greets me by giving me a gigantic hug and spinning me around like he always does.

"I missed you so so much," he tells me. "You two need to move to New York as soon as possible or I'm going to have severe withdrawal depression. I can't go another day without seeing you two. There isn't a single girl in Parson's who enjoys rock music as much as you do, my lil Def Leppard chick."

I chuckle at Sven's words. "Well we both got into Juilliard so you'll see us both in August."

"Have you two figured out your living situation? Are you gonna rent a flat or stay in dorms?"

I shrug. "Things have been so difficult recently that Rosen and I haven't even talked about university. But I'm pretty sure that we're going to rent an apartment since that's what our original plan was."

"Well you gotta get an apartment close to me. I need to see you two like every day."

"Aww, Sven," I pinch his cheeks, making Sven swat away my hand like it is a fly. "You're such a cutie."

"Shhh," Sven replies, pushing his finger to my mouth to silence me. "I'm a man and you know that."

I roll my eyes at Sven. "Well alright, Mr. Man, we need to get going now."

"Go where?" Sven asks as he furrows his eyebrows.

I look back at him and chuckle, almost snorting in the process as well. "We're going to see Rosen. He's a complete mess."

"Why?" Sven asks, completely clueless.

"Faith died."

With those words Sven's eyes widen as the two of us leave my house, heading to Rosen's apartment, in hopes that the two of us can somehow make him feel better.


We arrive at Rosen's house about twenty minutes later. Sven's face is completely stern, not a single trace of emotion on his face. I stay quiet as well, occasionally patting my puppy who's happily staring out of the window and she doesn't have a single clue as to what's happening in my world right now.

Sven parks my car on the driveway and we get out, heading upstairs. As we stand behind Rosen's door, Sven knocks in a weird way. I'm guessing Rosen and him have a special way of knocking since that way they know who's behind the door.

"Go away! I'm not home." Rosen responds from the inside, making the two of us chuckle. Sven doesn't care about what Rosen said, he slowly places his hand on the knob of the door and tries to open the door. Just like previously, the door wasn't locked. I'm guessing Rosen keeps in open in case my mom or I come over. It's funny how he says he doesn't want to see anyone yet he keeps his door unlocked.

We enter Rosen's apartment and I see that the place is still completely trashed. Rosen is sitting on the carpet in front of the couch, staring at the TV. The two of us walk closer and I see a video playing on the TV screen. I can clearly understand that he's watching home videos since on the screen I can see a younger version of Rosen playing with a child – who I'm guessing was Rosen's baby brother. There are also two others near them, a man and a woman–most probably Rosen's mother and father. Now I can clearly see that Rosen got his looks from his father since he's like a spitting image of the older man on the video.

Sven sits down next to Rosen. "You alright?" he asks.

Rosen laughs. "Does it look like I'm okay?"

"Nah, not really," Sven chuckles. "Here's the plan for now. You're going to clean yourself up and come outdoors with Hazel and me. Stop sulking in your apartment and try to move on."

Rosen doesn't respond.

"I know losing Faith must've felt horrible, but you really need to get out of this apartment. Hazel even brought her puppy along so you can play with her and maybe that'll take away some of the pain that you're dealing with."

Rosen still doesn't say anything to Sven. Knowing that Rosen's feeling so blue that he doesn't even want to talk to his best friend is kind of heartbreaking. Sven has always been there for Rosen and now he's just pushing him away. If Rosen keeps acting like that then at some point he might not have anyone left in his life.

After literally about half an hour of Sven yelling at Rosen to get his shit together, Rosen finally sighs and agrees to leave the apartment with us. Only for about an hour or so. He says he doesn't want to spend too much time having fun or Faith won't be happy with him in heaven. I'm pretty sure deep down Rosen blames himself for what happened to Faith, even though he didn't do anything. It was cancer, not Rosen.

Sven thought it'd be best if we just went to the local park with my puppy and that way Rosen can get some fresh air and just clear his head. As I anticipated, Rosen doesn't say much at all. He has drawn into his own personal bubble and by the looks of it he's planning to stay there. I guess that's just his coping mechanism and there isn't much I can do.

I just have to wait until things get better and not leave Rosen's side. Thanks to my mother I've also found out that Rosen is the type of person who pushes people away when he's vulnerable, although that's when he needs people by his side the most. I don't even know if he's afraid of being vulnerable in front of me because he's afraid that will clash with his stereotypical boy persona or maybe he's just genuinely afraid of showing emotions in front of people. Whichever the case may be, I'm not going to push Rosen. I'm just going to wait it out and stick by his side.

Arriving at the park I groan when I see Jareth and Everett playing football with a few of their friends. I haven't had an encounter with them for a long time so honestly seeing them makes me just want to puke. I know neither of them are good people so that's exactly why I try to stay away from both of them as much as possible. Considering Everett basically cheated on Imogen and is an actual piece of shit, he just makes my blood boil and I literally have to hold myself back from knocking his teeth in.

I roll my eyes when I see both Everett and Jareth walking towards our way. At this moment I wish that instead of a cute puppy I had an angry dog that bit everyone that I don't like. That would be super handy in this current situation.

"Well, well, if it isn't little Rosen Creed," Jareth snickers. "Haven't seen you around in like two weeks. You look like shit, dude."

Sven glares at Jareth. "Leave us alone."

That just makes both Jareth and Everett laugh. "What're you gonna do about it, Sven? You're gonna make us deaf with your shitty music choices?"

Neither of us say anything to the two idiots. Deep down I know that it's better to just ignore them so that's why I try to keep my tongue behind my teeth in hopes that I won't blurt out anything stupid.

"So, Rosen," Jareth starts, throwing his arm around Rosen's shoulder like they're best friends or something like that. Just by the way Rosen flinched when Jareth touched him I can clearly state that he's feeling rather uncomfortable right now. "Considering how shitty you look and how Hazel here is looking fine as hell do you mind if I take her for a little spin on the Jareth love ride? I mean why should she waste her time with you. You look like you haven't had a shower in like a month and you reek of alcohol. She can do way better."

"I do mind," Rosen replies behind gritted teeth. "You stay away from her."

"Give me one good reason why I should stay away?" Jareth grins. "I mean looks at her. I can just imagine running my hands down her na–"

Jareth doesn't get a chance to even finish his sentence because that's when Rosen smacks Jareth in the face with his elbow, making Jareth's nose bleed instantly. Jareth looks taken aback for a second but then tries to attack Rosen as well.

Rosen just manages to dodge all of Jareth's hits before punching Jareth once again. This time Jareth falls to the ground and Rosen gets on top of his, continuously punching him."

"Rosen, stop!" I interfere. I try to pull Rosen away but Sven grabs my arm before I can touch Rosen.

"You should stay away in case you want to get knocked out as well." Sven comments as he takes steps closer to Rosen. He snakes his arms around Rosen's arms and pulls his arm back, making Rosen flinch in pain because of the position his arm was in.

Everett quickly grabs Jareth before the guys can start attacking each other again. Rosen doesn't have a single cut or bruise on his face but Jareth looks completely beat up, blood dripping out of his nose and mouth. I look at Rosen and almost get sick when I see Jareth's blood on his knuckles.

"Next time I won't stop," Rosen yells once Everett starts dragging Jareth away. "You will end up in a hospital next time."

Hearing those words leaving Rosen's mouth makes me shiver. I never even knew Rosen was this violent. He always seemed very calm and collected when someone was annoying him, but right now I got to see another side of him.

"C'mon, you idiot," Sven says as he releases Rosen from his grip. "You need to get cleaned up before someone sees you like this."

As we head back to Rosen's apartment I realize on small thing. After the incident in the park Rosen didn't look at me once and I can't even tell if it's because he's embarrassed because I saw him like that or if there's another deeper meaning behind that. 

Where you can contact me:

Twitter • aulhoei

Instagram • aulhoei

Email • pretenceonwattpad@gmail.com

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