Does It Ever Really Completel...

By MeromeIsFriend

10.1K 382 277

Read to find out. (Trigger warning: If you get triggered by suicide, death, and self harm, then I would go to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12


251 9 7
By MeromeIsFriend

So as you people can see I haven't updated you on the sequel and that is because I don't think I'm going to write it. I started writing this when I was at a really low point in my life and writing was the thing that made me happy, but now I've kinda grown away from Merome. Yes I still ship it but not nearly as much as I did when I started this. I'm sorry.

You people are probably disappointed and I am too, but I'm still struggling with stuff and I think that if I write more things about suicide and self harm then I might start thinking about all that stuff again. I really don't want to go down hill again. I just recently got out of a psychiatric hospital. I've been in and out of it for the past two years, and I just don't want to go down that road again. I'm trying my best to recover right now.

So I guess I'll explain what happened after Mitch woke up.

Mitch started feeling more hopeless and detached from the world and to him it seemed that Jerome was his lifeline. The only thing keeping him sane. Jerome started to feel afraid because of his feelings but non the less he still comforted the broken benja. Jerome never told him how he was feeling because he didn't want it to be the reason he went over the deep end again. Mitch started going to see a good therapist that he sees every other week and he prescribed him with antidepressants that they slowly upped the dose of.

4 months later and Jerome knew that there would always be those homophobic bastards in the background judging them, but he felt happy so he ignored them and went on his days recording and hanging with the benja.

Mitch was slowly beginnging to feeling happier and he was back to recording on his usual schedule. He's 3 months clean from cutting and purging. He's gained some weight back too. He still has the thoughts almost always lingering in the back of his mind. He learned other coping skills. Mostly distractions, like playing games that he knew would make his rage, cuddling up to Jerome as they watch The Hunger Games for the millionth time, or even just simply recording could get his mind to steer away from the bad thoughts.  Jerome and him were going on dates every other Saturday and they loved it.

A year after that Jerome was planning to propose to Mitch. He decided to book a reservation for two weeks in advance at the the fanciest restaurant he knew of. He was so proud of how Mitch was doing and he wanted to start his life with him. Mitch did have a couple relapses but Jerome was always there to pick him up before he fell back too deep. He was now only seeing his therapist once a month and he was okay with that.

Two weeks later and Mitch was 90% sure that Jerome had something big planned for their date. They both got ready and put on there best suits. Jerome was getting anxious as they sat and waited for their food to arrive. Jerome thought it would be best to propose during dessert. They ate their dinner while they kept a small conversation. Not long after there dessert was being placed in front of them on fancy plates. Jerome started talking "I'm so proud of you for everything. We've come a long from being those scared kids and I don't know where I'd be right now it I wasn't with you. I'm so glad you survived your... your s-suicide attempt. I don't know what I would've done without you here." He got down on one knee. "I want to start my life with you!" Mitch's eyes were watering as it clicked and he realized what his boyfriend was doing. Jerome reached into his pocket and grabbed a little black box and continued his speech. "What I'm trying to say is Mitchell Donnell-Ralph Hughes will you marry me?" Jerome slowly opened the little black to reveal a silver ring with a line of gold going around the middle. On the inner part of it was something engraved in it. 'Keep smiling and forever be happy' Mitch smiled as a slow stream of tears rolled down his red flushed cheeks. "Yes! Yes! Oh my god yes! I could never say no to you!" People were clapping and whistling while Jerome slipped the ring onto his now fiance's finger. Mitch quickly pulled him up and into a soft and passionate kiss. "I love you!" Jerome said as he pulled away from the kiss. "I love you too, Biggums!" Mitch said filled with joy as the hugged one another.

They decided it was getting late and they should head home soon. They asked for the check and Jerome insisted he would pay. The waiter congratulated them as they left to their care. Let's just say that night they had some real "fun."

Six months later they had they wedding and all of Team Crafted came plus more. They adopted a 7 year old girl not long after the wedding. He name was Lillian. She was so happy to be adopted by a family that loved and took care of he,  because her other experiences with families were nowhere near as nice as them.

Another year after that they were happily married with their amazing daughter and still continuing their careers as YouTubers.


I hope you all liked this. I know it's not as good as I hoped. I hoped I would've made the sequel but I couldn't. So I hope this makes up for it. I'm sorry it took me soooosososo long to do. I hope you guys can forgive me. I hope to be getting back to writing but it will probably not be Merome.

I'd like to thank you all for all of the support you've shown for this book. I never thought I'd even come close to getting this many views and votes, but look here we are with almost 6K reads and just about 300 votes. It seems crazy to me just thinking about it. So yeah as I was saying, thank you all for taking time out of your day or night to read my story. There are thousands or even millions of other stories/books out there that you could've read, and out of all of them you chose to read mine. That makes me so happy! Okay, I'm gonna wrap this up. Thanks again to all of you wonderful people who read, voted, or commented on this. I hope to seem some of you in other books I have planned for the future. Until then I guess this is goodbye my peoples.

Shush. I'm not crying my eyes are just sweating 😢😧😭

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