The Tenth Dragon: Death Of A...

Da JesseRuiz3

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Jesse Ruiz has had a rough twenty years of life, but as things finally start to settle down for him, he gets... Altro

Chapter 1: The First Torrent
Chapter 2: Flash Flood
Chapter 3: Monster From The Deep
Chapter 4: The Tsunami Rises
Chapter 5: Another Surfer On The Waves
Chapter 6: A Solid Promise
Chapter 7: New Fear Of The Deep
Chapter 8: Introducing a New Star
Chapter 9: The New Ocean
Chapter 10: The Kingdom
Chapter 11: The Once and Never King
Chapter 12: A Whirlpool of Lost Memories
Chapter 13: Sin to Saint
Chapter 15: Dark Dragon In The Light
Chapter 16: A Reunion of Heart and Family
Chapter 17: Sibling Rivalry
Chapter 18: Everything Ends Eventually
Chapter 19: The Power Never Gone
Chapter 20: Start Of Something New
Chapter 21: The Truth Of Life

Chapter 14: Lustful Dragon

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Da JesseRuiz3

Jesse returned to the shop/house late at night and tossed his bags on the ground next to the couch.  He had spent the rest of the day shopping for clothes and other things he thought would be prudent.  Almost all of the money he had gotten was gone.  He was careful to make sure he kept at least four hundred sil on him just in case.  Rachel walked into the room and starred at the bags.

“Did you buy enough clothes?’ she said with a laugh.

“I need to make sure I have enough clothes to get buy.  I don’t know how long I’ll be here or how long I’ll have between mission and finding the dragon gems.  I want to make sure I’m covered.”

“You look pretty covered to me.”

“Ya, but check it out.  This is all for living and stuff, I got a special outfit for missions and stuff.”

Jesse leapt up and grabbed one of the bags.  He pulled out the clothes and laid them out on a chair.  It took him a few minutes to get it all out and set up, when he was done he was beaming with happiness.  Rachel laughed at his pride and looked it up and down.  He had gotten black and gray, camo colored cargo pants with a matching belt.  Boots that looked light but still thick enough to be hard hitting.  A sleeveless, tight fitting, white hoodie and a thick kevlar vest to go over it.  For his hands he had boughten some simple black finger less gloves.  He had also bought some wrist bands, a red bandana, better riding goggles, and shoulder band that had a special pocket for his new zippo lighter.

“This is a lot of stuff.  Kinda heavy don’t you think?” asked Rachel.

“Well I can’t always fight in dragon form, I’ll need to be human when I do a lot of my missions.  This way I can still be protected when I do so.”

For the most part that was his reasoning.  There was also a part of him that wanted to look cool when he went on missions.

“Well now that you have the gear, do you have a plan?”

Jesse looked at the ground and sucked in his lips.

“Okay, well lets think about this.  You have no idea where any of these dragon gems are, or if the other sins know your here.  Besides it’s only been a couple days since your fight with Wrath, your body looks like it still needs at least one more day of healing.  I think we should take some time to form a game plan.”

Although he hated waiting, he knew Rachel was right.

“Wait, I know where one is.  Back up in the mountains where I met Nicholas.  He said there was on in the cave, next to the Tree of Life.  I’m sure if I free that dragon and get a chance to get in contact with that tree.  It’ll help me find the others.”


“I’ll use its roots to get into the Aura channel of the earth, and search for other clusters of Aura.  The gems are made of Gaia’s Aura anyway, they shouldn’t be hard to find.”

“Okay, so what after that?”

“I map out the locations.  And then come back here to prepare, then go out and find them all.”

“Sounds good, except our forgetting about the Sins.  There’s a good chance that they’ll be tracking you.  And if the first gem you found is any indication of what you’ll go through, you’ll need a few days to relax after freeing the dragons.”

“Right.  So I find a gem, come here to relax and do a few jobs, then go back out.  If I run into any Sins, I definitely have to come back and rest.”

“Right, never take any unnecessary risks.  If you need to, come back early and rest.”

“But I’ll never lead them back here.  This place needs to be hidden from them, I don’t want to put you or anyone else in any danger.  I’ll hide out somewhere, then come back as soon as I’m alone.”

“I don’t like it, but I know you won’t change your mind, so I’ll support it.”

They spent the rest of the night discussing and planning options and tactics for Jesse.  After they finished, Rachel cleared a spot in the shop in the back for him to hide his bike between missions.  She volunteered to make some alterations to it to make it more helpful to him and he was more than happy to agree to them.  As she started working on it, Jesse went upstairs to shower and sleep.  Tomorrow he would go back up to the mountains and try to find that dragon gem.

The next morning Jesse woke early and suited up in his mission gear.  Rachel had fallen asleep next to his bike, but from the looks of it, it was by choice.  Jesse chuckled and picked her up, carrying her to bed and tucking her in.  Quietly he closed her door and walked his bike out of the shop.  Once he was a safe distance away, he turned it on and drove off to the mountain.  He kicked the bike into high gear and cleared the distance within a few hours.  As he approached the mountain, a strange feeling hit him.  He stopped at the base and turned the bike off.  There was a terrible feeling in his stomach that made him worried to continue.

“It looks like the Sins have anticipated this move,” said Nicholas appearing behind Jesse.

“How do they know about this place?” asked Jesse, no longer surprised by Nicholas’ ability to show up at random.

“Maybe your girlfriend ratted you out.”

The thought crossed Jesse’s mind, immediately followed by a feeling of rejection and pain.

“No.  She wouldn’t do that, I can trust her.”

The feelings didn’t fade.

“At this point it really doesn’t matter.  There are two of them sitting up there waiting for you.  Sloth and Envy.  Sloth is a cloner, and carries a big ass hammer.  Envy can emulate any power she sees, including your Aura manipulation.”

“I’m not gonna assume your gonna help me with them?”

“Sorry big brother.  I’m not allowed to interfere yet.”

So many questions were going through Jesse’s mind, but he knew that Nicholas wouldn’t tell him.  He might not be as good at looking into Nicholas’ mind and Nicholas was with his, but he understood the feeling.   There was going to be a lot of secrets between them until they actually got a chance to sit and talk.

“I will watch after your bike for you though.”

Nicholas leaned on it and pulled Jesse sword and sheath from the holder on the side.  He looked it over then tossed it to him.  Jesse caught it and strapped it to his back.  He wasn’t sure if the Sin’s could sense Aura so he decided to stay human and continue on foot.

When he reached the edge of the bowl, he laid down and looked over the area.  He saw two blurry figures standing by the edge of the lake; possibly talking.  Suddenly his bike flew over the top of him and Nicholas could be heard shouting with joy and he extended his wings to carry him over the lake.  He landed between the two figures and took off on the dirt.  The two figures shouted and chased after him.  Jesse wasn’t sure what just happened, but he was glad to be able to continue without fighting.  He glided down to the floor and took off for the mouth of the cave.

He didn’t get too far before realizing that he wasn’t alone.  Some how he could sense someone standing behind him.  They had no aura, no real scent, nothing that would give them away; which told Jesse it was a Sin.  Why was he able to sense them now but not before?  His connection with Lust must be helping him as well.  Cautiously he slowed from sprinting, to jogging, to walking, until he was at a full stop.  He stood and waited until the person standing behind him, walked around and stood in front of him.  Jesse could tell it was Sloth from the gigantic hammer strapped to his back.  It was about the same size as him with a huge head.

Sloth was just a little taller than Jesse with a skinny, lanky body.  The clothes he wore were very disturbing.  A skin tight, back half shirt, tight fitting, black shorts that barely rose past is knee, and his hands and feet were taped with black tape.  His hair was long, black, and matted like it hadn’t been washed in a while.  It hung down over his face and hid his facial features until he looked up and swept it to the side.  His eyes glowed yellow and his teeth looked like fangs.

“Sloth, I’m assuming,” said Jesse reaching for his sword.

Sloth took out his hammer and stabbed the handle to the ground.

“If you don’t mind, I’d rather kill you with my bare hands.  My hammer is tired from slaughtering a village earlier.”

Jesse took off his sword and stabbed it into the ground as well.

“Don’t start the fun without me boys!”

A girl wearing clothes the same as Sloth, flew through the air and landed next to him.  Her clothes were green and black, with hair that matched.


“Bingo dragon boy.”

Out of no where Jesse felt uncontrollable rage.  His stomach boiled and turned, making him feel like he was going to throw up fire.  A feeling of helplessness was next and was just as strong.  Jesse fell to his knees as images flashed in his mind.  He saw Azrael on top of Lust, forcing himself on her.  She was crying but wasn’t fighting.  She knew she wouldn’t win the fight.  A whole new rage amassed inside him now.  He screamed with fury and pain as his body forced a shift into his dragon form.

“What the fuck is going on?” asked Envy, fear in her voice.

Jesse felt Lust trying to feel other emotions, trying not to focus on what was happening to her, but it wasn’t working.  She still felt it, still knew it was there, and so did Jesse.  He could feel her every dark hatred, her every pour screaming bloody murder, murderous rage in her now.  She wanted death, blood, pain.  Not just of Azrael, but her own as well.  Jesse felt it all, and so did the dragon inside.  He could hear the dragon roaring in anger, and felt it clawing away at his stomach.  It wanted to satiate the hunger, the thirst.

“Kill him now!” shouted Envy at Sloth

Sloth pulled out his hammer and started walking forward, only to jump back when a wave of Aura was blasted his way.

“What the hell happened?”

“I don’t know, he’s going insane.”

Jesse was loosing control of his own body, the dragon inside now craving blood.  He stood up and looked at Sloth and Envy with pitch black eyes, his silver Aura burning brightly from his body.  Sloth and Envy looked at each other and nodded.  They put their hands together and closed their eyes.  Slowly they spilt and cloned versions of themselves stood next to them, then those clones spilt, then those.  They split over and over and over until Jesse was surrounded by an army of them.

“Kill him!” shouted one of the Envys.

The circle around Jesse closed in as he took off to the group in front of him.  He met them head on, flipping the first one over him and slamming his fist into the next one.  Hammers came down on both sides of him but he caught them easily.  A burst of Aura erupted from both sides and knocked the Sloths wielding them away.  He dropped the hammers and continued his vicious attacked through the army.

He grabbed a clone by the throat and choke slammed them into another one.  Three of them tried to rush him but Jesse was quick with killing hem all.  His movements were like a deadly stream of water, flowing through every enemy.  Slicing open bodies, breaking bones, throwing clones to the side.  His body was getting punished but he never once slowed or faltered.  A clone smashed him in the back with a hammer and knocked him forward.  He rolled on the ground but used the momentum to roll to his feet and spear another clone.  Taking the hammer up in one hand he launched it at his original attacker.  Her roared and stabbed his claws into the cut of two more approachers.  The clones were now trying to pile up on him.  Coming at him two or three at a time.  Jesse turned back and killed every one of them that he got his hands on.  Using fists, claws, fangs, feet, anything he could.  He slammed clones to the ground violently, and ripped their bodies open.  One clones wrapped their arm around his throat, and had it removed for his effort.  Jesse spun around and kicked the clone in the chest, collapsing in his breast plate.

The field was stained in blood and the air filled with the sounds of screaming in pain.  Even though he had already killed so many, there were still hundreds of clones rushing in to kill him.  However the rage inside Jesse never faded away.  The dragon in him continued to call for death and revenge.  It wanted to be baptized in blood and cleaned for what it had to endure.  Jesse fought for control again, but he feared that if he did, he would lose himself to it.  The dragon was stronger than him right now and wasn’t going to back away.  It’s animalistic instincts and urges were raging inside of him, threatening to erase his thoughts.  Jesse watched in horror as his body annihilated clone after clone, being showered in it’s blood.

One clone actually tried to turn and run before Jesse pounced on it and smashed it’s face into the ground.  Another rammed him to the side but was caught and met the same fate as the one before it.  They drew weapons and slung them at him with fury and intensity.  Slashing his body, slamming his bones, causing damage that would cripple anyone else.  For Jesse they only fueled his rage.  He fought harder and was more vicious with every hit he took.  With reckless abandon, he moved past sword, knives, and hammers to brutally attack the wielder.  A sword swung for his head but Jesse caught it in the palm of his hands.  He snapped the blade and drove it into the clones throat.  Two hammers hit him hard on the back and sent him flying into a large group of clones waiting with knives drawn.  Jesse landed in the middle of the circle, and got to one knee.  The clones rushed in and stabbed at him.  He dodged a few and let the other drive into his skin.  Still he fought his way up and threw the clones away from him.  Ripping knives from his body and using them to impale those that stayed close to him.  The clones numbers dwindled and dwindled until there was only a handful left.  Jesse pulled out the last two knives and launched them, quickly killing off two of them.  The last three, one Envy and two Sloths, looked at each other with fear in their eyes.  Before they could decided what to do, Jesse lurched forward and blasted fire from his mouth.  The flames engulfed the three of them as they screamed in agony.  When he stopped, there were two charred bodies writing on the floor.  He walked over and eviscerated the heads with a powerful aura blast.

The battle was over, but Jesse wanted more.  He tilted his head to the air and took a deep breath.  There was another person close to him, and an entire town beyond that person.  With an evil grin, he turned and started toward his new targets.

“Stop!” yelled Lust.

Suddenly she was in front of him, her hands on his chest.  He roared and brought his claw across her face before he knew what he was doing.  Pain surged through him like he had been shot.  Jesse used it as an opening and took control of his body again; shifted back to his human body

“Lust.  I’m so sorry,” he pleaded.  He wanted to check to see if she was okay, but she had turned away so he couldn’t see the scratch.

“No,” her voice cracked, “I’m sorry.  I made you lose control of yourself; I deserve this.”

Jesse could see the tears now dripping from her face, he could feel her overwhelming sadness.  He himself had to fight to not start crying.

“You will never deserve this,” he said taking her face in his hands.

She resisted a little but he was able to lift her head and turn it so he could see the scratches on the side of her face.  Without thinking about it, he gathered some of his aura into his finger tips and reached for the scratches.  Panic and doubt filled him as he got closer.

“Are you sure you want to give me more?  You don’t know what my plans are.  You don’t know if you can trust me,” she said, venom dripping from the last sentence.

“I’m sorry for doubting you.  I know that I can trust you.  I can feel everything you feel.”

“Can you not read my thoughts?”

“No.  Can you read mine?”


“Well then tell me what I’m thinking right now?”

“You’re thinking that you want to give me more of your Aura to heal me and to strengthen our connection.  You’re thinking that there’s something special about me.  And you think that . . . .”

Her face turned bright red.

“Go on,” encouraged Jesse.

“You think . . . that you love me.”

Jesse’s face also went red but he kept his eyes locked on hers.  With a smile he set his hand on her cuts and pushed his Aura into her.  The cuts healed quickly and the blood wiped off on Jesse’s hands.  As he pulled back, he felt and heard a heartbeat coming from her.

“Oh my god what’s that?” asked Lust with a panic.

“It’s your heart, it’s beating.”

“It’s beating really fast.  Look.”

She grabbed his hand and placed it on her chest.  Jesse’s hand turned brighter as he tried to focus on her heart beat.

“I can see your thoughts,” she said with a slight grin.  She slide his hand up to her cheek and placed her hand on his.  Slowly they leaned forward, both their hearts racing.

“Now’s not the time,” said Nicholas appearing next to them.

They both jumped and fell away from each other.  Jesse starred daggers at Nicholas as he got up.  He dusted himself off and helped Lust to her feet.

“You’re looking healthy Lust, a little more color in your face,” said Nicholas.

“You really haven’t changed much Nicholas,” she hissed back.

Jesse looked between the two of them, deeply confused.

“How do you two know each other?” he asked.

They both looked away from each other and Jesse.  He waited but neither of them answered him.

“A conversation for another time big brother.  For now we should get back to our mission.  She probably has to get back.”

“I’m not a prisoner, I’m a . . .  a weapon.  I can come and go as I please.”

Now they starred daggers at each other.  Nicholas broke eye contact first and pushed himself between Jesse and Lust.  He caught Jesse’s arm and pulled him a little to get him to start walking.  Jesse looked back at Lust, she nodded and followed him behind Nicholas.

This entire situation had become deeply confusing to Jesse.  Some how he had take a creation of Azraels, and turned it into a human.  A human with the ability to perform butch alchemy.  A human that he was in love with.  On top of that he had a newly found twin that knew her but wouldn’t tell him how.  It was obvious that he knew a lot more than he was willing to tell.  He knew about Jesse’s past, more than Jesse knew about it.  How had he forgotten about Rachel and his other friends?  What else had he forgotten?  The question suddenly made him feel alone and empty.  So many questions, so many problems, so much that he didn’t remember.  How much of his life was going to be a black hole?  Lust slid her hand into his and squeezed it.  Jesse looked down at their hands, their fingers intertwined, and then up at her.  She smiled at him and pulled him so they were walking shoulder to shoulder.  He watched as she changed her pace so that her steps were perfectly in sync with his.  They both laughed and fell into each other.  Nicholas looked back and shook his head, Jesse could feel an uneasiness coming from him.

Together, the trio walked around the lake and into a very large cave.  More than half of it was submerged in water.  There was only a small pathway on which they could walk, but only in a single file line.  Jesse kept Lust close to him, not that she minded.  He never once had to pull on her, she was always only a footstep behind him.  Nicholas, however, kept his distance from the two, not even looking back to ensure that they were still there.  They walked along the path until they came to a narrow doorway.  The lake continued next to them but the top was blocked off by a wall.  The doorway into the next room was blocked on the other side by an bluish green, dragon gem.  It wasn’t nearly as big as the last one, maybe only twice as tall as Jesse, and just about as wide as the three of them standing side by side.  Jesse swallowed hard and stepped in front of Nicholas.

“Are you sure about this?” asked Nicholas, “Can you control yourself?”

“There shouldn’t be as much Aura in this one, plus I’ll channel it through my body instead of holding it this time.”

He walked up and set his hands on the gem.  Immediately he felt the flow of Aura as it turned and filled his body.  The green electricity came off the gem again and spun around his arms.

“Look out!” he yelled behind him.

Nicholas and Lust walked over and stood in front of him.  Jesse took one arm off the gem and pointed it behind him.  With a loud yell he pushed the Aura from his body, unleashing it in the form of a powerful beam.  It tore across the ground and erupted from the mouth of the cave.  Jesse’s body felt odd taking in Aura from one side and forcing it out of the other.  His arms hurt and his chest was heavy with the flow.  He had just started and he already felt like his body might give out.  The beam erupting from his hand faltered and weakened; the green electricity spreading around the rest of his body.  Jesse screamed and tried to force it out, but he felt too tired.  Lust stepped forward and put her hands on Jesse’s face, forcing him to look at her.  Their eyes locked and Jesse could feel the tendrils twisting around his body.  Slowly the flow became easier and the blast grew strong once again.

When the Aura was almost gone from the gem Jesse stopped the beam and gathered the rest into his fist.  He took his other hand off the gem and took a step back.  Lust and he nodded at each other, then she stepped back.  His fist glowing green with Gaia’s Aura, he punched the gem as hard as he could.  It shattered and exploded in a dazzling light that blinded the trio.  They shielded their eyes and Jesse took a few steps back.  When the light faded the gem was gone.  The trio entered the room to see not a dragon, but a large knight with dragon wings standing in the center of the room.  It was covered head to toe in large medieval armor, complete with a broad sword and a shield that stood as tall as it did.  The eyes peering through the visor were completely dragon.  It stood on two legs like a human, it’s tailed swaying back and forth behind it.

“Mes hermanos, sie reversi,” said Apollyon.

“What the hell did he say?”

“I don’t know.  I heard some Spanish in there though.”

“The first word he said was French though.”

“Which one is it?”

“Ask him.”

Jesse looked at his two companions, then up at the dragon.

“Hi, do you understand me?”

“Bein supuesto tue ich.  Scitis me?”

The trio look around in confusion again.

“Come on Nicholas, you have to know something.”

“Dude, up until a week ago, you and I were the only dragons alive.  I’ve never heard this language before.  Apollyon, we don’t speak your language.  We have no idea . . .”

The sound of a familiar alarm started up and echoed through the tunnels.

“What the fuck is that?” asked Jesse.

“Exodus talked about weapons created by Gaia to stop anyone who tried to free the dragons.  Looks like we just woke one up.”

Images of the giant robot that threatened him when he woke up Nero flashed through his mind.

“Nicholas, I’m going to need you to help me kill this thing.”

“Sorry bro, I can’t.”  He raised his hands like he had shackles, and for a second Jesse thought he saw some.  

“Okay.  Apollyon, will you help me?”

Apollyon raised its hands and emulated Nicholas’ movement.

“Fuck!” yelled Jesse turned back towards the tunnel.

Angrily he looked back at Nicholas and Apollyon and then walked back into the tunnel.  Two more dragons awakened, and neither of them could help me.  If it wasn’t for the fact that he had used some of Gaia’s Aura to heal himself, he would be screwed right now.  He was fighting on his own again, he was getting sick and tired of fighting on his own.  Hell, he might as well travel on his own.  Walk up to Azrael right now and just fight him now since it appeared as though no one was going to help me.

Out of no where Lust caught his hand and stopped him.  She turned him around and walked up so her hands were against his chest.  They stared into each other’s eyes deeply.  Her hands slid up from his chest and cupped his face.

“You’re not alone anymore âme soeur.  I’m here with you and I will fight with you,” she said softly.

She pulled his head down and pressed her lips against his.  Passion and love exploded inside Jesse.  He felt a power similar to the king power he had gotten from Ashley.  Except this one was different, this felt much stronger.  Lust pulled away and took his hand in hers again.

“I love you.  And I won’t let you fight alone anymore,” she said walking past him and gently tugging him towards the cave opening.

With a smile on his face Jesse and Lust walked out of the opening and saw a large metal robot like the one from the kingdom standing on the far side of the bowl.  It had two smaller guns mounted on its shoulders though; locked onto Jesse and Lust.

Still smiling, Jesse and Lust bolted forward, rushing the robot.  The weapon opened fire and started its slow progression towards them.  Jesse jumped from side to side, narrowly avoid the bullets.  He looked over and saw Lust doing the same.  Raising platforms and shields to help her progress.  She looked over at him and stuck out her tongue.  Jesse laughed and rolled underneath another wave of fire.  The weapon now unleashed rockets that came straight at them.  With ease the couple danced them and continued their sprint, running side my side now.

Nicholas, and Apollyon, who had shrunk down to match the size of Nicholas, walked out and watched the excitement.  They both shook their heads as they could hear Jesse and Lust laughing.

“In only a few days those two have gotten this close?  Man if I knew all I had to do was throw some Aura at a chick to get her, I would have done it a long time ago,” said Nicholas.

“It’s more then that Cerulle,” said Exodus appearing from the shadows, “These two have been destined for each other long before Jesse made his choice.”

“Exodus, old friend.  I did not know you were here,” said Apollyon in perfect English.

“I just got here, decided my last trip would be to this tree.  By the way, I enjoyed your performance in there.  Dragons are gifted with speech in all dialects.”

“Nicholas really sold it though.  He’s a good actor.”

“I do what I can.”

The three of them stopped talking and watched the couple continue to dodge their way towards Gaia’s weapon.

“Do you really think she planned for all of this?  Could she possibly have known that this was going to happen?” asked Nicholas.

“It’s hard to say, but she has to have her reasons for keeping you two and the other dragons out of the game.  Jesse is in for hell, and Lust may be what keeps him from loosing himself fully,” responded Exodus.

“What about you?”

“Aura can’t be split between three different people.  Zenkro’s final gift to me will pass along soon, and together they will make the complete dragon.”

Jesse and Lust were now hand and hand as they ran forward.  Lust was keeping pace with him, only falling behind slightly.  Jesse felt more power having her hand in his.  As he pulled farther forward, he spun in front of her and pulled her onto his back.  She wrapped her arms around his neck gently and held on tightly.  He gained speed and dodged bullets and rockets now with greater ease.

“You can do it Jesse.  I love you âme soeur,” she whispered to him.

Jesse’s feet were now moving so fast he felt like they were barely hitting the ground.  Looking down, he saw that they actually weren’t   He took one step and would glide a great distance before need to take another step.  Lust laughed and kissed his cheek.

“You are amazing.”

Her words of motivation and feeling of arms around him, made Jesse laugh.  His wings erupted from his back and after a few more strides; he left the ground completely.  Lust let out a frighten whimper and wrapped her legs around his waist.  Jesse gave her a feeling of reassurance and swerved to avoid another rocket.  Now Lust was laughing as she and him narrowly avoided being blasted.

When they reached the feet of the weapon, Jesse pulled out his sword and slashed deep cuts through its armor.  The weapon tried to swing and move but Jesse continued to glide around it’s body.  He flew over its head and slashed one of the eyes.  It exploded and caused to the weapon to take a step back.  Jesse dove around and underneath the body.  Lust ran her hands along the ground and raised spikes that penetrated the legs, nailing it in place.

“Fly in a circle around it,” she whispered to him.

Jesse nodded and did as he was told, tilting slightly so Lust could run her hand along the ground, digging up dirt as she did so.  After they completed the circle, Jesse flew out of the range and landed.  He let Lust off his back and stood next to her.  She took the dirt and clapped it together with her other hand.  Large spires erupted from the circle and stabbed through various portions of the weapon.  It was stuck in place facing them, it’s guns and rocket launchers damaged by the attack.  Jesse and Lust thought they had won, until the chest opened to reveal a large cannon.  It rotated until it was pointed directly at them.  From off in the distance Jesse could feel a small sized but large portion of Aura flying towards them.  He took Lust’s hand and stabbed his sword into the ground.  Lust, still smiling brought their hands back so she could rest her head on his shoulder.

“He has no idea what’s about to happen,” said Jesse.

“No he doesn’t,” responded Lust.

The cannon blinked a few times, then blasted a huge blue laser at them.  It lit up the air in front of them, but Jesse and Lust continued to stare at it.  The small ball of Aura hit the couple at the same time as the laser.  They were engulfed by the blast and disappeared.

A few second past, then the blast opened at the end to reveal Jesse and Lust still standing, both glowing brightly with the silver Aura.  An invisible bubble formed around them to pushed the blast back.  Their Aura spun around them and formed a cocoon of light.  It continued spinning until the symbol of the diamond with the three dashes appeared on the front.  Wings erupted from the top and shattered the cocoon.  The pieces fell away to reveal the dragon from before, Zenkro’s dragon body, the one Jesse saw when he had looked inside himself.  It dragon let out a screeching roar and locked itself into position.  The Aura gathered in it’s mouth and then exploded in blast.  It broke through the bubble and collided with the blast from the weapon.

The two blasts held at a stalemate for a second, then Jesse’s sword came from Zemkro’s mouth and flew through the dragons beam.  It cut through the weapons blast, creating a path.  The Aura from Zenkro hit the weapon dead set in the chest and tore through it.  When it faded away, there was not only a whole through the weapon, but also through the mountain behind it.  The weapon collapsed and exploded, releasing a burst of green Aura.  Zenkro closed it’s mouth and slowly faded away, Jesse and Lust appearing where it stood.  They looked at each other with smiles still on their face.

“Together, nothing is going to stop us,” said Jesse.

“I’ll be here forever,” said Lust.

They kissed and wrapped their arms around each other.  Jesse could feel his heart beating in time with hers.  He had never felt like this with any other girl, not even Rydar.  Even without the exchange of his Aura, he was sure that there was something special about Lust.  He couldn’t wait to find out what it was.

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