The Badboy's Hired Wife

By piper_mcc27

1.5K 53 11

Meet Vincent Miers, the only heir to Miers Inc. And arrogant playboy that knows how to deal with every girl o... More

The News

1.5K 53 11
By piper_mcc27

"I don't think I will be able to attend school next year", I say as I hang my head low, not even looking at my friends questioning faces.

"But you're on a scholarship, Iz, and we know you can!", Maddi says assuringly as her hands hold mine. I look at them both, seeing concern fill their eyes.

"Yeah Iz, you can just borrow money from us! On a loan of course.. you know what.. just keep it", Andi says, pulling her wallet out of her purse to get some extra cash that she had. She handed it to me but I shook my head and handed it back to her.

"Girls, its okay. We all know that I'm studying here at NCU because of my scholarship. I don't have anything. Not like the both of you", I say with a sigh.

Andi and Maddi we born into wealthy familys. The richest of them all. So they have money and they have their dream cars and everything they could ever want just handed to them without a care in the world.

"You have us! There's nothing to worry about." Maddi got up from her seat and sat next to me and put her arm around my shoulder. If I didn't have them as best friends, I don't know what I would do.

"Awe, what's wrong wittle girls?"

Just the sound of his voice makes me wanna punch him in the face.

"It's none of your business, idiot", Maddi answered back while going back to her seat. I just stayed in my seat hoping if I thought hard enough they would all just disappear. I have way too many of my own problems without them trying to butt into my life.

"Hey Izzy!", I smiled at Devin as he greeted me. He's the only decent person in that group of boys. The other three were as arrogant as they come.

So its like this, there are five guys in that group. Devin is the nicest one. Zack and Jeffery are the cool ones... if that's what you want to call them.. Justin is only there to get girls, and then there's Vincent. I'm not gonna talk about him.

"So why exactly are you bothering us?", Maddie asked the boys in the nicest tone she could.

"Well first off, my girlfriend is here, so please just shut up!", Jeffery said as he made is way over to Andi. Yeah.. their together.. I don't now what the heck she sees in him but whatever. No matter what we say she loves him to death.

"I'm gonna go and spare myself the dignity of having to watch yall's PDA display, are you coming Maddi?" 

"Nope, unfortunately I have to finish this project all by myself, because stupid over there doesn't wanna help!", She muttered some words under her breath while glaring over at Justin.

"Excuse me?!"

I had no interest in listening to them bicker all day long so I left the cafeteria.

I still had a few minutes before my next class so I headed to my locker to put some books in there just so I don't have to carry them around all day. While I'm walking, I notice there are still some people in the hallway so its not completely silent but better than usual.

I put my things in my locker just as my phone starts to ring. I fumble around trying to put my stuff in my locker and answer my phone before it stops ringing. Unfortunately I am unsuccessful. After I fix all the stuff I just tried to shove in my locker I check my lock screen to see who called. Great, it was my boss. Just great.

A few minutes later as I'm walking down the hall, I get a text message from my boss, thinking nothing of it I open it a read it. As I start to read it I stop in my tracks.

Imessage from: Addison Shepard (Boss Lady)

No need to come into work today. Effective immediately, your fired. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. We know you need the money but we are just not getting enough of the funds from the store that we need. Because of this, we need to let some people go. Again so sorry. 

"Fired!? Great. Now I'm jobless. Kill me please"

I just keep rereading the message over again a couple times to make sure I read it right. When I realize I had, tears start to well up in my eyes and spill out over my rosy checks onto my phone screen.

"What will my parents say? Where am I going to live? I wonder if I can afford a casket..."

I lean against the wall and slowly slide down until my butt hits the floor. I start crying, and at this point I cant stop it.

"How am I going to make enough money to feed myself? Or not end up on the streets in general... Why must my life be so terrible. What did I ever do to the world?"

I didn't grow up like Maddi or Andi so I learned pretty quickly how to manage my money so I could live a decent life. But even then I couldn't pay for collage.

I went to school in a public school, kindergarten through 12th grade. 

I took an entrance exam for NCU and I qualified for their scholarship program. So that is the only reason I'm even in college.

I don't know how many minutes have passed while I've been sitting in the hallway crying like a baby but now there are no people in the hallways at all. Hopefully in their classes. Thank God. Well now I have to go to class and explain to my teacher why I'm late.

Slowly, I try to stand up from my position on the floor but my legs give out from being asleep and I plump back down on the floor.

"Here, let me help you", A hand reached out and stabled me while I got up from the floor. I look up to see who this kind person is and to my surprise its none other than Vincent. Miers.

"Thanks", I try to say, but it comes out as a whisper. I give him a small smile. I look at him, his eyes filled with concern and sadness. A new look for him may I add.

"Are you okay?", He sweetly asks.

"I.. I am", I smile a little bigger hoping that he will believe me.

I didn't notice before, but Vincent has these dreamy green eyes that I could stare at all day long. His hair was dark blonde with light brown shades and his nose was towering in the middle of his face. Oh and his lips, those lips. If those aren't perfect I have no clue as to what is. Wait what? huh?

" Yeah I don't think so. I am walking you to your class. Let's go", He pulls my arms, causing me to stumble but he grabs me up with his muscular arms and wraps his arm around my waist.

"So.. Izzy. Spill it. I'll listen to whatever you have to say", He cheekily said, showing off his white teeth in the process. I've never been this close to a guy before..

"Huh? What?"

"I know something is going on in that pretty little head of yours so please spill it."

Did I hear that correctly? Did I just hear Vincent Miers say... "Please"? Oh my gosh the world must have come to an end.

"Well since I'm feeling nice and only cause you said 'please'", I said and sighed and saw his smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm unemployed as of 30 minutes ago. I'm not sure if I can even come back to school next year. And of course I can't support myself. That's all. Are you happy now?", He stayed quiet like he was thinking of something to say.

I look at him for what seems to be over a minute or so. He was just staring at me the whole time.. it was getting a little creepy. So I just decided to keep on walking. He's nothing. He's a waste of my time. I started to walk off to my class when I felt a hand grab my arm and spin me around.

"What? Do you want to hear the rest of my sad, depressing life?" It's still Vincent. Why can't he just leave me alone? For the most part we have never talked before today and I'm completely fine. Its not like we are friends or anything.

"Work for me", He said, completely ignoring what I said.

"Work for you? As what? your maid to clean your mansion? Who do you think I am? No thanks."

"No", He whispered quietly.

"So as what? Your personal chef? Or masseuse?", I waited for him to answer me but time has been wasted. So I turn around and I'm about to knock on my classroom door when Vincent stops me.

I turn around to see the same smirk from earlier. Oh Great..   

"Be my wife... My Hired Wife"


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