shugo chara

By KamisamaKissFreak

1.5K 58 22

Ikuto comes back and pays a sleeping amu a visit. Amu doesn't know ikuto came back. When she wakes up she goe... More

shugo chara

1.5K 58 22
By KamisamaKissFreak

Ikuto pov

I slide the door open and creep in. I sneak over to her bed. I smile at her while I watch her sleep ever so delicately. She was cute. It had been 7 years since I'd last seen her. Yoru pops out and hops on my shoulder.

Ikuto- what you doing here?

I keep my voice low so I don't wake up the sleeping Amu.

Yoru- I want to see her too, I remember when I sent her a picture of you sleeping shirtless, hahaha good times.

I raise my eyebrows he really did that, I can't believe him. Then her alarm goes off and I sneak back out her room out her glass sliding doors. I will see you soon Amu. I say silently.

Amu's pov

As I woke up to the sound of drunken love coming from my alarm clock, I sheepishly stretch and scramble out of bed. I look in my closet for something to wear and as I walk by my mirror I glance at my self. My pink hair was knotted and ratted. I sigh and dare to look at the rest of me. I was wearing my black and red checkered flannel pajama pants with a black t-shirt that had a cat on it. The shirt was wrinkled and had been rolled up which now showed half of my stomach. I get on a pair of jeans that had holes in them, they had them on them when I bought them. Next I throw on a white tanktop and a blue and white sweater. I brush out my messy hair. I stare out my doors and watch the white snowflakes flutter down to the barren ground. When was he coming back, Ikuto where are you, why haven't you came back yet, have you found your dad yet, was everything okay, was HE okay? I sigh and push the questions away deep down inside of me. But no matter how far I push them they always find a way to come back into my mind. I go into my kitchen and eat some breakfast which consists of a granola bar and an Apple. Once finished I grab my plush fuzzy black coat. It was one with the buttons and a string you tied in front to keep it on even though it had button I just tied it and headed out the door. Today though it was really gloomy and it was starting to snow I felt like going on a walk.

Ikuto's pov

I Watch Amu walk out of her house listening to her iPod. I smile, she looked cute, and those jeans really showed her curves. Well in the back area anyways. Yoru comes over to me.

Yoru- where's her charas?

I shrug,

Me- I see Miki in the window up there.

I flit my eyes up there and motion with my head. Yoru smiles,

Yoru- well see ya later.

He flies away. I smirk and shake my head, he was hopelessly in love with Miki. I look back over at Amu. She was coming my way! I hide and she walks on by. It looked as though she were saying something but there were no words coming out. I shrug and continue to "stalk" her.

Amu's pov

I was listening to the way by Ariana Grande on my iPod. I mouth the words and kind of dance a bit. I make motions with my hands. I turn down an old alley. I sing allowed. The song changed to come on by Ke$ha. I saunter down the alley. I sang every word fairly loud but nobody could really hear me. The song changed to I kissed a girl. I sang that aloud too. I acted as if I was in a movie scene or something. I walk out of the alleyway. I act normal. I past a boy with purple short shaggy hair. He winks at me. I blush and giggle. He smirks and we continue to walk on our ways. I walk past an ice cream shop. I stop. My mouth waters.

Me- yum.

I walk in an order a chocolate ice cream cone. I like it. I giggle, I was eating ice cream in winter. All the sudden someone touches my shoulder. I jump and turn around. A blonde haired boy laughs. I frown and pull out one ear bud.

Me- tadase.

Tadase- hi Amu, what you doing eating ice cream in winter!

He says laughing and shaking his head. I scowl at him

Me- what do you want?

I ask sourly. He frowns

Tadase- Amu I was just wondering how your doing after our break up, were still friends, right?

I take one last lick of my ice cream and get a devious idea. I smirk.

Ikuto's pov

Did I just hear right, Amu and tadase broke up. I would of thought they'd still be dating. Well at least that opens up more chances for me. I smile, and by the looks she gave him she totally hated him, I wonder why though? Ah oh well. I see her smirk as she licks her ice cream. I smirk, she looked cute when she smirked. All the sudden she shoves the ice cream in his face

Amu- you want to know how I'm doing, there you have it

She stompped off. She wipes her hands and does a little "hmp" as she walks away. I can't help but laugh. Man did tadase have it in. I cover my mouth so I don't give away my current position. Maybe I'll visit this cute Amu tonight, she's proven to have changed in some areas, her body being one of the changes, her personality being another. I smirk and continue to follow her.

Amu's pov

I smile at my actions of sticking my ice cream in tadase's face. I put my ear buds back and I giggle. He deserved it, he fricken cheated on me. Well not technically cheated, but the day he broke up with me he had kissed another girl. He said He need some space. I was completely angry with him. Then he came back to me as though nothing had happened which pissed me off more. I walk back home. I plop on my bed. It was only 11 in the morning. I sigh. What am I going to do now. That's when I notice miki was in a deep daze. I flick her.

Miki- hey! Amu-chan

I smirk

Me- what we're you thinking about?

She goes wide eyed,


She protests, obviously she was hiding somethin from me. I narrow my eyes at her and an evil aura comes off me. She gulps. I smirk

Me- Miki! Tell me.

I demand in an evil voice. She flinched and flies for cover. I chase after her.

Me- get over here!

Finally I catch her. I "torture" her, which really I just interrogated her.

Miki- I was thinking about Yoru!

She finally gives in. I smirk but what she says processes. She saw YORU? How can the be....that would mean....IKUTO IS BACK?! my eyes widen. I jump up off the floor.

Me- eeehhhh!

I scream. I let her go and hold my head. This didn't make any sense. Ikuto would of dropped by and said hi first thing when he came back, right? Unless he forgot about me! No that's impossible if he forgot me Yoru wouldn't have came to see Miki. Wait why was she so dreamy about Yoru? Unless she liked him. I smirk

Me-Miki loves Yoru!

I shout around my room. All my charas stop and Miki blushes

Miki- Amu your mean!

She blushes more. I giggle and lean back only to run into someone. I freeze, I thought I was alone? I turn around and see Ikuto. I stare at him dumbfounded.

Me- huh!?

Ikuto smirks

Ikuto- Yo Amu, who loves Yoru again?

I blush.

Me- huh?!

I was too star struck to comprehend his words. He smirked at me.

Ikuto- Amu, where's my welcome back hug and kiss.

He teased. I turn red all over.


I shout. He looks at me with surprise. I look at the ground embarrassed. I hug him

Me- I missed you so much.

I mutter. He smirks and hugs me back. I pull away.

Ikutos pov

I have to admit Amu's confession that she missed me so much had caught me off guard. I was a little shocked but I quickly smirked and hugged her back. She pulled away and blushed. I smirk remembering her little show outside. She blushes more as I smirk.

Me- now where's my kiss?

I tease. She blushes

Amu- I won't kiss you!

She yells a bit turning beat red. I chuckle. She still looked cute when she got angry.

Me- ah but Amu don't you miss me?

I tease her more.

Amu- yes but I'm not going to kiss you because of it!

She whines. She closes Her eyes and crosses her arms and turns away from me. I smirk

Me- well why not, you don't like tadase any more, right.

She blushes

Amu- how did you know?

She uncrosses her arms and looks at me with curiosity. I smirk

Me- hmmmm......let's just say I followed around a pink haired cutey today.

I tease. She blushes

Amu- you followed me! Baka! Baka! Baka!

She shouted as she hit my chest repeatedly.

Amu's pov

As I hit Ikuto on his chest he just stood there. Not even flinching. I stop and pant. I wore myself out and he didn't even seem bothered by my punches. He smirks at my tiredness.

Ikuto- finished now?

He asks. I blush.

Me- how much did you... ummm see?

I ask embarrassed. He chuckles

Ikuto- since you walked out of this place.

He said shrugging his shoulder. My mouth drops. That means he saw me dance and sing. I blush.


I scream as I again hit him on the chest. All the sudden Ikuto grabbed my wrists and pulled them down gently. I stop yelling Baka and look at him. What was he doing?

Ikuto- yes I saw your horrible dancing, and herd your horrible singing.

I glare at him, and try and rip my wrists out of his hands but it only made me come closer to him. He smirked at me.

Me- let go of me you pervert!

Ikuto- na, I like when we're close.

I blush. He was teasing me, stupid Ikuto.

Me- Ikuto! Stop!

I shout. I pull on my arms trying to break free. No such success. He smirks and leans in closer.

Ikuto- you know you like it.

He says smirking. I blush. Ugh stop blushing stupid Amu!

Me- no I don't!

I protest. He chuckles.

Ikuto- seriously your to easy to tease.

He lets go of my wrist. I turned red.

Me- Ikuto you idiot!

I pound on his chest for the third time. I suddenly stop we were standing on the balcony and it looks like we had an audience. Ikuto must of notice my silence. He looked over the railing of balcony and smirked.

Ikuto- some thing wrong Amu?

He teases. I blush and look back at him.

Me- yes there Er um.....there's people staring at us!

I shout and glare at the people the scatter around and leave. I hmp and look at Ikuto. He was smirking me. I blush

Me- What?

I ask. He smirks,

Ikuto- what's the matter Amu shy of showing people out special connection?

I blush.

Me- shut up you pervert.

I grab his hand and pull him into the house.

Ikuto- oh getting bold are we?

I blush

Me- shut up.

He chuckles

I glance at the time, 2 o'clock. Hmp still bored. Well maybe I could hang out with Ikuto. I smile but then I frown.

Ikuto- some thing Amu-koi?

I blush

Me- I am not Amu-koi!

He wraps his arms around me. I blush and look up at him.

Me- what are you doing?

I ask. He chuckles.

Ikuto- making my Amu feel better, she looked happy then sad.

I blush and turn red like a basket of tomatoes.

Me- let go of me!

Ikuto- not until you tell me what's brining a frown to your face.

I blush more, I swear my cheeks have never been this red.

Me- fine.....I wasted my ice cream on tadase.

I sigh. Ikuto doesn't let go. I stand there and give up on trying to get out of his really strong, warm body. I lean into him. He was really warm. I huddle into him. He felt so good. I-I-I mean he was warming me up. Since we were standing outside on the balcony I had got cold.

Ikuto- Amu?

Me- Shhh.

He chuckles.

Ikuto- what are you doing?

I blush and tuck my arms in between our chests.

Me- your really warm.

He smirks. He tries to pull away but I grab his shirt.

Me- no your warming me up.

He laughs.

Ikuto- you've never let me be so close to you, are you okay?

I blush.

Me- I'm fine, I just got cold when we were outside.

I come closer to him since he had moved away a little bit.

Ikuto smirked. My nose touches his neck.

Ikuto- Amu, your nose is cold.

He whispers to me. I smirk

Me- warm it up.

He chuckles,

Ikuto- Amu your so sly.

I blush. He wraps his arms around me I let out a small "aw" as my body starts to heat up. I hear him chuckle. I blush

Me- don't tell anybody about this!

I command. He rubs the small of my back and instantly melt into his arms. He laughs.

Ikuto- it seems your not as guarded as you use to be.

I mumble my response.

Me- you pervert.

Then bam I'm out cold. When I wake up I'm in my bed covered up. I look around, where did Ikuto go, was it all just a dream? I pull the covers off only to reveal Ikuto laying in bed with me. I blush. So he didn't leave me. I lay beside him and smile. He looked cute. Wait what I saying! Ugh there's no dying it I was falling in love with Ikuto. Speak him I stare at him.He looked so helpless when he slept like that. I close my eyes and giggle the smile on my face grows bigger. I make a kissing face and lean toward him ready to kiss hiss cheek when I herd him call my name.

Ikuto- Amu?

Ikuto's pov

I opened my eyes to see Amu giggling and smiling. She had her eyes closed though. All the sudden she was coming at me. She looked like she was going to kiss me!

Me- Amu?

I ask in confusion. Her eyes dart open and her face goes blank. She blushes. I smirk at her.

Me- were you going to kiss me?

I ask already knowing the answer. She blushes.

Amu- no, I-I-I was j-j-just ummm.....*sigh*

I smirked,

Me- so you do love me

I tease. Her eyes widen. But then she narrows her eyes at me.

Amu- is it that easy to see?

She asked in a whiney and innocent voice. I smirk but her word process. Did she just basically confess? I eye her.

Me- so you admit you love me.

I tease more. She blushes

Amu- shut up that's not-

She stopped suddenly. She looked deep in thought. What was thinking, why was she thinking this over, what was she going say? She looked at me she blushed but she smiled.

Amu- Ikuto, I love you!

A small blush tinted my cheeks. She loves me? All the sudden she was on me. She kissed my cheek.

Me- Amu?

I mutter shocked. She sits up on me.

Amu- Ikuto, you don't love me?

Tears blurred her beautiful golden orbs. I smirk

Me- I love you Amu.

She looks at me. She smiles.

Amu- really!

I nod. She leans down on me again and kisses me. I kiss her back. I switch out positions making her go underneath me. I as on top of her now. I smirked and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around me. I smirked again and stayed hovering over her kissing every inch of her body. Amu was finally mine. No one was going to make her away. She loved me and I intend to keep her mine.

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