It's Up To You

By Sskcin

22.4K 845 212

Mid 80s. Lindsey decides to quit the band and Stevie doesn't take it very lightly. More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20

Part 10

1.1K 41 8
By Sskcin

Stevie asked to give her time, so there wasn't really anything else Lindsey could do. Since finding out that Kim had been physically abusing Stevie, Lindsey became extremely protective of her, more so than ever. Every day, when she walked through the door for a recording session, he would carefully observe her, as if checking for marks on her body that weren't supposed to be there. He wanted to get her out of that sham of a marriage as soon as possible, but he saw her point too, why it couldn't be done yet.

"Have you and Lindsey talked by any chance?" Christine asked, when they decided to take a break. 

"What makes you say that?" Stevie answered with a question, sipping tea.

"Well, for one, you two aren't at each other's throats anymore. Lindsey watches you all the time as well."

Nodding her head, Stevie locked eyes with Chris. "We have, thanks to you. He said, you were going to tell him something about me, but I interrupted. It got him worried and he came to see me."

"Oh, thank God!" Christine exclaimed, lighting up a cigarette, offering one to Stevie, who shook her head no. "You're not mad at me though, are you? I was just so scared for you..."

"I'm not mad, not at all. I know I told you not to, but I'm glad you didn't listen to me and approached Lindsey with it. The truth is, I'm scared too, Chris. While Kim hasn't raised his hand against me lately, I'm still afraid, because I never know when he's going to do it."

"You should consider divorce, Stevie, I mean it. This isn't the way to live your life." 

It was still just the two women in the room, but Stevie leaned in a little closer and lowered her voice. "I've been sneaking my things out of the house and bringing them to Lindsey's. I've taken everything important to me already, there's basically my wardrobe left and a few other things."

"Why didn't you say anything? I - we would have helped you get it all at once and you wouldn't have to still be living with that animal!"

"No, Chris, I can't just up and leave, you know that. I have to think about Matthew..." Stevie sighed, sudden sadness in her eyes. "I really don't know what to do about it, how to take him with me. That's the only reason I haven't filed for divorce yet."

"Well, what can I tell you, Stevie." Christine shrugged, stubbing out her cigarette. "You can't... steal the boy, just take him with you and hope Kim doesn't notice. That decision is completely up to the judge."

"I know and that's why I'm terrified of beginning the divorce process... Kim's always been there for Matthew and me? I'm either on the road or in the studio, or in hospital after I overdosed..."

"Don't think like that, Stevie. This is your job, this is exactly how you provide for your child. Sure, you're not home all day every day, but no one can deny that you care for and love that boy immensely."

"I'm just not sure it's enough..." Stevie trailed off, tears welling up in her eyes. 

The men came back, so Christine gave Stevie a friendly hug, smiling, as she whispered that they can talk any time. 

Much later the same day, Stevie had gathered her things and was on her way out. Lindsey rushed to catch up with her, making sure nobody was around, he hugged her from behind, startling her slightly, before surprising her with a kiss.

"We shouldn't be doing that. Yet." Stevie smiled, standing on her tiptoes for another chaste kiss. 

"I just want you with me already, Steph." Lindsey pulled her close, hiding his face in the curve of her neck for a moment, taking in her scent. 

"And I want to be with you, baby, you know that."

"When?" Lindsey backed off, asking carefully.

"As soon as I figure out a way to take Matthew with me."

Sighing, Lindsey just nodded his head. "Do you have a ride home?"

The look in his eyes, made her change her previous plans. It was as if he was begging her to say no, I do not. "If you're offering, then I guess, I do."

They arrived too quickly and Stevie could sense Lindsey's disappointment. Turning her head towards the house, she then turned to Lindsey again, giving him a peck on the lips. "Love you."

"Love you more." He smiled, before letting her go. 

Coming in through the front door, Stevie was instantly met by Kim, who seemed angry. Angry and drunk. She instantly diverted her eyes from his, attempting to move past him, but he grabbed her by the arm, stopping her.

"Why is he bringing you home, huh?"

"E- Everyone had already left and Lindsey off-fered, so..."

"You should have said no!" Kim yelled in her face, without hesitation striking her. 

"Kim, please..." Stevie cried, shielding her face.

Meanwhile, only a couple of minutes away from their house, Lindsey hit the breaks, seeing Stevie had left her bag on the backseat. Turning his car around, Lindsey pulled into the driveway a short while later. Most likely, it wasn't the wisest idea to knock on the door, in case Kim was to open it, but...

No one answered the door, but the lights were on and Lindsey though he heard something crash and shatter, he then definitely heard Kim shouting, then Stevie's high pitched pleas... Lindsey's heartbeat picked up pace and he was instantly boiling mad, twisting the doorknob, letting himself in. He rushed to where the sounds were coming from, the image of Stevie on the floor, her arms above her head, as Kim pinned her down, with his free hand unfastening his belt, causing Lindsey to lose every ability to think clearly.

Kim didn't understand what happened, finding himself gripping his nose, once Lindsey's fist connected with his face. "You piece of shit! Get the hell away from her!"

"What are you doing here?!" Kim screamed, receiving another blow from Lindsey.

Stevie managed to stand up, pulling at Lindsey's shoulders. "Stop! Please! Lindsey, he's not worth it, please!"

"You fucking lowlife!" Lindsey hit Kim again, before allowing Stevie to pull him back. Facing her, without giving her a choice, he said. "Get in my car."


"Get in my car! I'm not leaving you here, Stevie!"

From Lindsey's, Stevie's eyes wandered to Kim's, a... murderous look scaring her to the core. She obeyed, running out of the house and into Lindsey's car. 

Kim yelled after her, knowing she was going to hear him. "You are never going to see Matthew again!"

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