TF2 Mercs & Child reader

By Emilythedog661

78.4K 1.3K 921

You are a 5 year old child that was hired by miss pauling to show the mercs on how to look after a child sinc... More

Part 1 - Meeting the Team
Part 2 - First day
Part 3 - Bonding with Scout and Soldier
Part 5 - Bonding with Medic and Sniper
Part 6 - Bonding with Heavy and Spy
Part 7 - Team Bonding
Part 8 - The Present
Part 9 - Cooking Time
Part 10 - Nightmares and Tickles
Part 11 - Day out
Part 12 - Beach Day
Part 13 - Finding a Puppy
Part 14 - Puppy Time and New Family
Part 15 - Never Forget, Never Forgive
Part 16 - Playing Pranks
Part 17 - Hot Summer Day
Part 18 - The Rescue
Part 19 - Photoshoot
Part 20 - Miss Pauling's Visit
Part 21 - Baby Photos
Part 22 - Farm trip and Kitten
Part 23 - Playground and Redesign
Part 24 - Birthday
Part 25 - Sick Day
Part 26 - Swimming
Part 27 - Helping Out
Part 28 - Fireworks
Part 29 - Fort
Part 30 - Dress up and Dancing
Part 31 - Picnic Time
Part 32 - Playing Doctor
Part 33 - Making Marshmallow Sandwiches
Part 34 - Cat Time
Part 35 - Going to the Zoo
Part 36 - Daddy Time
Part 37 - Blanket
Part 38 - Mommy Time
Part 39 - Miss Pauling Returns
Part 40 - Birthday Party
Part 41 - Ghosts and Imagination
Part 42 - Preparing For School
Part 43 - Back at School Again
Part 44 - Day with Pyro
Part 45 - Miss Pauling's News
Part 46 - School's New Kid
Part 47 - School Pet
Part 48 - Tea Party with Spy
Part 49 - First kiss
Part 50 - Preparing for Halloween
Part 51 - Halloween
Part 52 - Gender of Twins
Part 53 - Arty Time
Part 54 - Magic Tricks
Part 55 - Nightmares Do Come True
Part 56 - Rest up
Part 57 - Shopping Trip
Part 58 - Christmas Decorations
Part 59 - Present for Henry
Part 60 - Christmas Day
Part 61 - New Years Eve
Part 62 - Replacement?
Part 63 - Valentine's Day
Part 64 - Easter Time
Part 65 - The Birth
Part 66 - Meeting the Cousins
Part 67 - Brother?!
Part 68 - Rescuing My Brother!
Part 69 - First day with your Brother
Part 70 - Tea Time for Merasmus
Part 71 - The Buff Australian, The Purple Lady and The Green Girl
Part 72 - Doing Homework witn the Grandparents

Part 4 - Bonding with Pyro and Engineer

3.5K 59 24
By Emilythedog661

The next morning, you get woken up by knocking on your door so you get up and went to the door to check who it was, you open the door and it was pyro and engie, pyro mumbled something but you didn't know what he said
"he said are u ready to play" engie translated
"i should be when i'm washed and dressed" you reply
"ok we will be waiting downstairs when your ready, darling, come along now pyro" engie said, him and pyro went off, you shut the door and prepare yourself for your shower which you never used on your own before but you remember what your mother taught you on how to use the shower before you left, you turn it on and wait till it got a little warmer and then you have the shower
after your shower, you get out and start choosing your clothes, after you got dressed you take your teddy since you forgot to take him with you yesterday and go downstairs to meet with pyro and engie, when you get there pyro looks at you, claps happily and invite you over to sit with him and you see engie on the couch
"hello, darling, pyro want to draw picture with you, do you mind" engie said as you put your teddy on the couch with engie then sat on the floor with pyro
"no it's ok, i like drawing anyway" you reply, you grab a pencil and you and pyro start drawing
after a while, you and pyro drew many pictures, one of them that pyro drew was you with the mercs, there was you in the middle with pyro to your left and scout to the right, on pyro's side was demo, heavy and spy, on scout side was sniper, medic, soldier and engineer, you drew a lot of things like animals, your teddy and a attempts on the mercs which you managed to draw all 9 of them pretty well, while you were doing that engie was on the couch playing his guitar and humming to himself and as he was finishing playing a song, spy came in and joined engineer on the couch, spy then notice your teddy, he picks it up and looks at it and you notice
"his/her name is (your teddie's name), they have been with me since i was a baby" you say to spy, spy looks back at the teddy and smiled before putting it back where it was
"i have a teddy you know, his name it teddy rooseebelt" engie said as he went to his pocket and take out his teddy, you get up from your spot, take the teddy out of engie's hands and look at it, you smile and put his teddy next to yours
"they are friends now" you say as you put the teddy down, which made engie smile
"hes never had a friend before" engie said "he always preferred being in my pocket"
"well he has a friend now and they are going to be best buddies" you say as you sat back down with pyro again, engie chuckled and then went back to playing his guitar, spy decided since last time you said to him that his cigarette looked like a stick on fire, he'll put a tooth pick in his mouth instade when he's around you, he didn't mind it he was perfering it over his cigarettes
more time passes, you and pyro drew so many pics, pyro grabbed all the pics you and he drew except one and took them to his room, the one pic he didn't take was the group pic he drew, you look at the pic and decided to keep it for a memory of your time here, you give it to your teddy and you decide you were hungry so you go into the kitchen, when you got there, demo was in there making a snack
"hello lassie, what are you up to" demo said as he was done making the snack
"i was looking for something to eat" you say
"aye, i can grab you a packet of crisps" he said going over to the cupboard where the crisps/chips are being held "do you want salt and vinegar or cheese and onion" he ask
"umm... cheese and onion please" you say and demo handed you the packet "thanks" and you head off back into the living room to carry on drawing while eating your snack.
after a while longer it was dinner time and it was spy turn to cook, he made bass and you help spy take the food in which you love doing, everyone love the food and as you were eating, medic asks you something
"hey liebste, i need to do a check up on you tomorrow so in the morning i'll come and collect you and take you to my check up room, then i will do a check up"
"ok but i'm not sick or anything" you say
"he's going to check if your not getting sick" sniper said
"ja, you might not know if you are sick till the last minute" medic said
"ok" you say as you finished the last bit of fish you can eat, you then leave and head off to bed, as you were heading to bed, sniper stops you
"hey sweetheart, after the check up, do you want to spend time with me" he said
"ok but what will we do" you ask
"we can watch the world go by and chat" he said
"ok" you say
"i'll meet you in medic's check up room when you are done" sniper said and he walks off with a smile on his face
you walk into your room, get dressed into your nightie and head to bed
sniper walks into the living room, walks to the couch and notice your teddy and the picture on the couch
"she must of forgotten then" sniper thought "ill take it to her" and sniper went to your room, when he got there, you were fast asleep, he crept over, put your teddy in your arms, put the picture on the draws, give you a kiss on the forehead and walk to the door
"goodnight sweetheart" he said and shut the door as you were still fast asleep

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