Loves a Fight

By Loonlore

221K 4.9K 1.2K

What would you do if your life turned to complete and utter shit after just one day? Would you breakdown and... More

Chapter I Noels P.O.V
Chapter II Kain P.O.V
Chapter III Noels P.O.V
Chapter IV Kains P.O.V
Chapter V Noel P.O.V
Chapter VI Kain's P.O.V
Chapter VII Noels P.O.V
Chapter VIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter IX Noels P.O.V
Chapter X Noels P.O.V
Chapter XI Adrians P.O.V
Chapter XII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XIV Kians P.O.V
Chapter XV Kains P.O.V
Chapter XVI Kains P.O.V.
Chapter XVII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XVIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XIX Noels P.O.V
Chapter XX Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXI Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXIV Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXV Vincents P.O.V
Chapter XXVI Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXVII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXVIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXIX Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXX Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXXIIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXV Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXXVI Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXVII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXVIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXXIX Noels P.O.V
Chapter XL Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLI Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLIV Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLV Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLVI Dravens P.O.V
Chapter XLVII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLVIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLIX Noels P.O.V
Chapter L Noels P.O.V
Chapter LI Kains P.O.V
Chapter LII Noels P.O.V
Chapter LIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter LIV Kains P.O.V
Chapter LV Kains P.O.V
Chapter LVI Kains P.O.V
Chapter LVII Noels P.O.V
Thank you!?!

Chapter XXXI Joeys P.O.V

2.6K 68 31
By Loonlore

My fists pound against the door.
I need to get out and save her from that monster.

I run back into a corner and charge the door.
My shoulder crashes into the door and I fly backwards.
God damnit!

I lift my foot up and try and shove my foot through the door.
What the fuck are these door made out of?!?

The door flies open when I am almost ramming into it again.
I crash into someone and knock them to the floor.
My hands wrap around there throat as my hand finds my gun.
I lock it back and place it on his forehead.
My vision blinded by purr rage.

My eyes finally focus on the body I hold in place.
The guy that tried to comfort Noel earlier was looking at me questioningly.
I push up off of him and listen to him groan.
Like I give a fuck about him.

Standing I rush to the room Noel was in.
The window is open and the wind blows the curtains.

Running to the window and looking down I see spots where feet landed hard and shoved the grass up.

I turn and see the guy standing from the floor.
I have a few questions for this little shit.

My hand pushes him roughly into a wall while he has his back to me.
He spin and glares at me.
My gun still in hand.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" I ask looking for a tattoo.
The only people who are as crazy as these people are in a gang.
I would know...

"I should be asking you the same thing..." He counters lifting his shirt and revealing a dragon.
I nod in acknowledgement.
I pull my shirt from my shoulder.
The wolf showing through.
His eyes showed recognition.

"Alright so you are a fucking gang..." I groan sliding my gun back in my jeans.
He nods turning to the other guys running up the stairs.
All of them look like shit.

"You all look like shit..." I laugh noticing split lips, black eyes and just all around bruising.
They roll there eyes.

"How come he didn't hurt you?" They ask looking at me confused.
The one I almost shot earlier stepped forward.

"He is in a gang of his own boys..." He says and watches them all nod.
They look at me confused.

"You don't look to be in any gang...." The smaller one says with a smirk.
That pisses me off.
I reach behind my back and pull out my gun.
They all freeze up.

"I'm not here to get your approval. I came back here for the person I haven't stopped thinking about since I left her here years ago...." I slip my gun back where I always keep it and push past all of them.

They follow after me and grab there jackets.
I furrow my brows and watch them.
What the fuck do they think they are doing?
They sure as hell aren't coming with me...

They come closer to the door and I shake my head.

"Where the hell do you guys think you are going?" I ask crossing my arms.
They stop and look at me passively.

"You don't know Kain. If he sees you going anywhere near her now that he knows you are in a gang you will be shot. He will not fuck around when it comes to her. Even though he treats her like shit, he will not let anything happen to her" the one I tackled earlier snaps.
I chuckle.
They have no idea...

"Alright what are your names..." I say walking back into the kitchen.
Her helmet sits on the counter.
Black and dirty.

I turn and see the boys looking at me suspiciously.
I shrug and look at them trying to see why the hell there problem is.

"Im Adrian..." The one who always talks answers looking at the helmet in my hands.
He has dark brown hair and light green eyes.
Not like Noel though.
Hers are forest green.
Dark and looming.

"Blake" the smaller one smiles and sticks his hand out for me to shake.
I ignore his hand and look to the next.

"Luke" this one looks pretty much like a Barbie.
He has brown hair with brown eyes and just seemed like the kind of kid that would play football and drive a BMW.

"Liam" the last one is the only one I could ever see in a gang.
He has dark bags all around his eyes.
His eyes are sharp and empty.
Hair is dirty blond while his eyes are ocean blue.

There is only one more in the gang and he is by far the most intimidating of them all.
Kain was his name.
Pitch black hair.
Steel-grey eyes.
Tattooed from head to toe.
He was definitely the leader of this piss ant gang.

"Well you all know my name..." I say and head for the door.
Liam grabs my arm.

"Where is your gang at before we help you out. If you are to close then you know the deal" he speaks lowly.
He surprises me.
Doesn't look the type to follow all of the rules.

"Don't sorry Blondie. I'm from the other side of the country. West side" I smirk when his eyebrows furrow.

"Let see the tattoo" he demands.
Chuckling I move my shirt from my shoulder and show him my wolf tattoo.
His eyes hold recognition.

"I know about you. So does Kain. If he find out that you are in that gang he will be sure to kill you. Kain doesn't like other people on his turf. I'd keep that covered up until you leave" he says warning me.
Kain seems like a character.

Noel doesn't need to be around someone like him.
He has anger problems and she has had to deal with people like him for too long.
She deserves to be free of control freaks.
That's why she loves me.

I slip past them and leave the home.
There cars are all bright colors and are foreign brands.
I groan at there style.

My car has more than enough badass for all of us.

When I lived here I bought a car that was almost completely covered in rust.
Me and Noel put countless hours into it and even when I left it still was not yet finished.
She would love to see it now.

My GTO is a beast.
Shes got the biggest Corvette engine on the market under the hood.
Nitrogen oxide system with backup turbo.
She is a 6 speed monster.
Turning her over and listening to her roar to life.
I smile and run my hands down the wheel.
Oh how I love this car....

Pulling away from the monster house with no security system.
They must be pretty positive no one will try and kill them in there sleep.

I stop at an intersection and realized I have no idea where she is.
I kind of have a guess, but I don't know for sure.
She jumped from a high ass widow.
Her leg or ankle or whatever is definitely broken.
A hospital stop must have been made.

I head to the only place I think she would go.

Roads and places I haven't been in so long fly past me.
Memories flash through my head as I pass everywhere I went as a kid.
The first place I met Noel.
The time she told me what was happening.
Then the time I left in the night.
I told no one.
I had gotten into some trouble with the wrong people and they wanted me dead.
I knew if they saw me with Noel they would hurt her.
So I left her behind with her father.

Not a day passed where I don't regret leaving her alone to deal with that monster.
I would have nightmares of him killing her, and I would panic all over again.
I never came back though.
Not until now.

The gang I ran gave me power.
I knew now that if I came back I could handle myself.
I could protect Noel finally.
When she showed me what that sorry excuse of a man did.....

I left her alone with that man and that is why he did this.
He knew he wouldn't have to worry about me telling anyone.

The time ticks away as I travel to the place me and Noel would always go when she had had enough of her father.
I would always take her here.

A sign flies by that shows a hospital on the next exit.
Hopefully she actually came this way otherwise we have gone the wrong direction the whole time.

My eyes scan the parking lot for something that screamed Noel.
A black Ducati with red accents caught my eyes.
That's definitely hers.

Now I search for that piss ant man's car.
I look for something expensive and maybe bright?

I see a mat black viper.
That is screaming prick.
That has to be his.
I pull up next to the car and see if he is inside.
All his gang parks around the car.
That confirms that.

The hospital doors slide open and the receptionist eyes me with hungry eyes.
Gosh woman I am not a piece of meat!

I have an idea....

"Hey..." I say with a low voice and watch her squirm under my stare.
I look back and see the boys eyeing me weird.
I move my head in the direction of the hallway.
They nod and get the hint.
I turn back to miss old lady perfume.

"What can I do for you?" She asks in a seductive voice.
I smirk.
I've got you now.

I take of my jacket slowly while flexing my arms.
Her eyes watch my arms as she literally drools.

"I need someone to look at my arm" I smile and flex even more.
She just continues to stare.
I notice the boys have officially snuck in.

"Oh..." She moans out.
Good Lord woman hold it together.

"Do you mind?" I smirk and lean closer to her.
Her eyes widen as she walks around the counter.

"What can I do..." She sighs out.
Oh lordy.

"Could you just feel it and tell me what you think?" I take her hand and place it on my arm.
She just begins to feel me up.
I flex and stop.
She blushes as she examines my arm entirely.

When I was positive that the guys were far enough down the hallway I decide to end our little..... Thing.

She smiles and let's me through the door without a problem.
The boys see me and sigh in relief.

"What are you guys still doing here!?!" I whisper yell and speedwalk​ to them.
They look at me like I'm stupid.

"How and the hell are we supposed to fucking know where she could possibly be at you fucktard!" Blake protests.
How did he use so many cuss words in one sentence?
If you want something done right do it yourself and don't bring abunch of idiots.

"Morons..." I groan and walk to the nearest reception desk.
Ask if there was a way for her to unlock this door for me.
She follows me and I shove her in the room.
I slam the door shut and slid the thing I grabbed off her desk through the door handle locking her inside.

The guys looked at me shocked.
I rolled my eyes and went back to her desk, jumped the counter, and began to search through the computer.
Her name wasn't in the system.

"What would Kain say for her name?" I ask looking to Liam.
He seems to be the one who knows Kain the most.

"Try Cleo..." He said looking around.
I searched the name and found someone.
She was married though.
She is married to a Mr. Joey....
That dude used my name so when she woke up she wouldn't freak out.
Oh he is a smart one.

I find the room number and take off in a sprint.
I hear the gang following behind me.
Ha the gang....
How funny.

I see her door and run inside.
Kain is standing in the room looking over Noel.
His head snaps to our breathing bodies.
His eyes lock onto mine.
Looking from him to Noel I see her out cold.

Kain moves towards me, but I side step.
He looks at me lividly.

"Ok Kain you really think I would let you think you could kick my ass again... Think again" I lean towards him as I whisper.
I like pissing of this big angry man.
I think is freaking funny as hell.

"Oh screw off..." He glowered at me.
I smirk at his word choice.
What a little kid thing to say.
I am not the only one humored by it.
Blake burst out in a loud laugh.
Hunching over and leaning on his knees.

I kind of like these people.
Wait what....
No I don't!

"Why are you here?" I look to Kain remembering what he did to Noel.
My body itches with the uncontrollable feeling of wanting to pull every organ from his body while he is still alive and have him stare at his organs as he slowly bleeds to death.

"I needed to make sure she was ok..." He says looking me strait in the eyes.
I find myself feeling sorry for him.
I have no clue.

He cares for her but just doesn't know how to go about it.
Instead of just telling her he keeps hurting her and it is slowly tearing him apart.

I can sympathize with that.

Noel isn't easy to show that you care.
He tries and fails and it hurts him.
I know it does.
He doesn't show it, but it is ripping him apart from the inside out

I will help this man only because of Noel.
She cares for him even though he has treated her so terribly.
She will always forgive those she loves.
She doesn't know she loves them, but I saw it in her eyes when she looks at them all.
She loves the gang like brothers.
She loves Kain...
That's the hard truth.

"Cool..." I sigh and walk past him and take a seat.
He watches me shocked.

"That's it?" He asks shocked.
All the other boys watch me waiting for me to pounce.

"What do you mean?" I ask even though I know.
He stands there dumbfounded.

"You aren't going to try and kick my ass for what I did?" He asks crossing his arms across his chest.
The dude is ripped.

"I won't do that Kain. I know where you were coming from when you did it" I say looking to Noel.

"You do?" He and Adrian say at the same time.
They are both equally shocked.
Monkey see monkey do...

"Yes, and I hate what you did. Don't think I like you Kain. All I know is she cares for you. That means that you are something in her eyes. She likes all of you more than you probably know..." I glance between all of them.
They all look to her with a sad smile.

"As much as I want her as far away from people like you guys. I can't enforce it because I have done things myself that I am not proud of. I have to make it up to her for what I did and this is how...." I look back to Noel.
Her heart rate slows showing me she isn't aware of what is happening right now.

"What did you do?" Kain asks trying to mask his anger.
He really does love her...

"I left her with that sick bastard without even saying goodbye..." I whisper remembering all of the calls I got.
The texts asking me what she did.
All of the times I cried myself to sleep after reading all the things she texted me that her father was doing to her.
I felt like the biggest dick in the world for the longest time.

When she stopped texting me I feared the worst.
I thought that maybe...
I thought she died.
And I still didn't go looking for her.

Kain may hurt her, but he hasn't done anything like I did.
I knew what she was going through and I left her.
I abandoned her.

"You what?" Kain says shocked.
He doesn't move towards me when he sees me already beating myself up.

"I abandoned her and even when I thought she died I still ignored her. Kain you have done some fucked up shit, but I will always top you. I can't hate you for what you did because I only have enough room to hate myself" I look directly at him.
He looks at me like he is seeing me for the first time.

"She still loves you though Joey. She absolutely hates my very existence...." He counters walking to a wall and leaning against it.

"Noel is difficult Kain. She hates people to cover up her hurt. She doesn't want anyone close enough to hurt her. Kain you are that close. The only other person beside you is me. She has known me for ages Kain. She has known you for how long?" I ask looking at him.
He is a dick, but he is someone that cares for her more than anyone else.
Well excluding me.

"Why are you so chill about this?" He sounds angry.
What the fuck dude?

"If I were you and I was as close to Noel as you are I would literally kill me slowly. Why are you just letting what I did go!?! I deserve her to hate me for what I have done! She deserves so much better. She has almost died so many times while I have been around! Did she ever almost die in you arms Joey! She has almost three times with me! I am the worst thing for her!" He yells everything he must have been holding in.

I suddenly respect this guy.
He knows what he has done wrong and he knows he deserves for her to hate him.

"I'm going it help you. Noel has never liked anyone like she likes you Kain.... I know her and I know that eventually she will forgive you. You just need to give her space. She will need to be away from you for awhile. She will realize how much she misses you and come back. I know her more than anyone else. I promise you she will forgive you...." I say and stand from my seat.
He looks at Noel like he is leaving her forever.
I won't let him do that.

"You should go though. If she sees you when she wakes up she will probably panic. When I have her calmed down Kain I promise I will bring her back" I smile and stick my hand out for him to shake.
He looks at my hands then back to my face.

"I want you to take her as far away from me as possible. I can't keep her near me when all I do is hurt her" he whispers stepping towards the door.

"I won't hurt her again Joey. I won't let myself hurt her. Take care of her for me alright?" He asks with a faint voice.
What is he doing?

"Kain..." I try and stop him.
He walks out the door and leaves everyone in the room.
Adrian looks to Noel then to me.

"The last time he hurt her I convinced him to stay. He wanted to leave her alone then. Kain lost everyone he had ever cared about. Losing one more person doesn't faze him. He won't let himself hurt her again Joey" he smiles a sad smile.
He walks to Noel and takes her hand.

"I'm sorry Noel. Everything we have done was for you. You may not see it but we care for you. You will always have a place in our home" he whispers and exits the room.
Liam, Luke and Blake are all that is left.

Liam steps towards he and stops.
He looks unsure of himself.

"We started off rough, but I never trusted a girl as much as I trusted you. Even after you smashed my face against a wall and held a knife to my throat...." He laughs as my eyes widen
Jesus Christ Noel...

"Even though all of that happened I still like you. You were there for Kain when he needed it. You are someone special Noel, please don't let anyone change you..." He whispers as he exits the room.
Everyone is saying there goodbyes.
This is absolutely retarded.
They all love her differently.
Why are they all letting this go?

"Noel..." Blake has tears in his eyes.
He must be the emotional one.

"You were someone who joked around with me even though you have been through hell and back. I may have caused a rough patch between you and Kain, but I knew you didn't blame me. You deserve everything you have ever wanted Noel..." He kisses her forehead and pats Luke on the shoulder before he exits the room.
Luke seems hesitant.
Him and Noel must not have been very close.

"Alright..." He sighs slapping his hands together.

"Noel we never really ever hung out, but I know all of those morons love you so I know you are amazing. You make Liam sad. Adrian smile and Blake laugh. You melted the ice that surrounded Kains heart and for that I am forever grateful. I may have never of had the honor to know you personally, but I know that you have forever changer this house for the better. I wish you the best in life and forever happiness. I hope you find all in life you are looking for..." He looks to me and smiles a goodbye smile.
I don't move.
All of them truly love her as family or more than family.

When I left her here I thought she would shut everyone and everything out.

When I got here I was shown differently.
She smiled and joked around with this group of boys.
She loved someone.
Everyone who just left is her family.
When she wakes up and realizes that they are gone...
I know she will break.
Family is forever with Noel.

The monitor stops beating as her heart flat lines.
Nurses rush in the room.
Doctors throw me out.
Everything is a blur.
What happened?
She was fine....

Every one of those boys loved her and now they are all gone.
I'm all she has.
And she is dieing.

What do I do?
I can't let them leave her like this.
Running as fast as I can down the hallways and through the lobby I find them all leaving together.
Every single one of them looking broken.

"Wait!?!" I scream in agony.
They all spin around as fast as they possibly could.

"Joey?" Kain asks confused.
My heart is pounding in panic and the fact that I ran that fast.
Wow I am out of shape...

"It's Noel...." I try and talk while I still can't breathe.
I think I am having a heart attack.

"What?" Kain grabs me and makes me stand tall.
He still towers over me.
Lord this guy is huge.

"She...." My voice cracks looking from all of them.
What do I say?

"Her heart stopped...." I whisper as it finally hits me.
Her heart stopped beating.
She literally fucking died.

"What...." Kain pushes past me and through the doors he runs.
I fall to my knees.

What am I doing...
She needs me to be strong.
Pull yourself together soldier!

"Go..." I whisper as they all run to her.
She needs them more than ever now.
What happened?

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